Other occasions

Springtime Songs and Hymns
Summer songs
A couple of songs for Autumn / Fall
Winter songs

Service Music
Offering songs and doxologies
Intercessory Prayer responses

Special Occasions
Baptism songs and blessings
Farewell songs 
Confirmation songs
Welcoming new members
Ordinations / Commissionings
Funeral songs
Wedding and marriage songs
Songs for refugee and migrant awareness
Songs of lament (natural disasters / bushfires)
Songs of grief and lament (Overdose Awareness Day) 
Songs for LGBTQI welcome
Songs of Peace
Church Anniversary

Other festivals and significant dates
New Year's Day
Holy Name of Jesus (January 1st) 
Mother's Day / Mothering Sunday
National Holidays (Thanksgiving, Australia Day, Independence Day etc)
ANZAC Day / Memorial Day / Remembrance Day
National Sorry Day (May 24)
Visitation (May 31)
Refugee and Migrant Sunday (June 20)
Overdose Awareness Day (August 31)
International Day of Peace (September 21)
Social Justice Sunday (September 26)
Blessing of the Animals (St. Francis Day) (October 4)
Songs for All Saints' Day (November 1)
St Andrew's Day (November 30)
Blue Christmas / Longest Night
Feast of the Holy Innocents (December 28)

Season of Creation
Season of Creation 1B Earth (1 September 2024)
Season of Creation 2B Humanity (8 September 2024)
Season of Creation 3B Sky (15 September 2024)
Season of Creation 4B Mountain (22 September 2024)
Season of Creation 5B Blessing of the Animals  (4 October 2021, St. Francis Day)
Season of Creation 5A Blessing of the Animals (1 October 2022, St. Francis Day) 
Season of Creation 1C Ocean (4 September 2022)
Season of Creation 2C Fauna (11 September 2022)
Season of Creation 3C Storm (18 September 2022
Season of Creation 4C Cosmos (25 September 2022)
Season of Creation 5C Blessing of the Animals  (2 October 2022, St. Francis Day)