1 Kings 19:1-4, (5-7), 8-15a
Elijah flees the threat of death; food provided by an angel; God in the silence (not the wind, earthquake or fire) sends Elijah back, renewed, to his work.
Longing for God like a deer longs for water
Despite the evil in the world, God will not destroy it
God’s constant care. Everyone will worship God.
No more Jew nor Greek.... all children of God through faith
Jesus casts the Legion of demons into the pigs;
This is great in the Brick Bible, but a bit freaky for little kids.
Elijah flees the threat of death; food provided by an angel; God in the silence (not the wind, earthquake or fire) sends Elijah back, renewed, to his work.
- ATW 435 / NCYC'99 Like the woman of old / Wellsprings (Don Stewart) A favourite song in our congregation about going to the "Wellsprings of
life"and finding Jesus there. Picks up themes of tiredness, broken
hearts and weariness, but makes the point that it's worth the effort. Lyrics (opens a PDF - search in it). Sound sample (scroll down after clicking).
- MV084 In you there is a refuge
(Keri Wehlander / Linnea Good) A simple quiet song. "In you there is a silence, in
you our minds are clear. When all we hear is discord may your quiet draw
us near". Lyric video.
- URW416 Listen to the song of the wind
(Thomas Turner) This is quite lovely, and you could choose whichever
verses are most appropriate for any service. Good for kids. Lyrics.
- VU278 / URW221 In the quiet curve of evening (Julie Howard) Beautiful words. Simple tune. Particularly lovely for the Southern Hemisphere congregations who are at Winter Solstice. Lyrics.
- ELW466 / FFS38 / SFFS 2255 / GtG533 In the singing in the silence (Shirley Murray) Lovely words, simple tune in FFS; there are quite a few tunes to this. Lyrics and single-use only downloadable PDF.
- Taizé / GtG814 / CP563 / PfAS062D In God alone my soul can find rest and peace / Mon ame se repose (Jacques Berthier) A beautiful healing chant from Taize. Words and music and sound samples for learning the parts Good for kids.
- CH716 / VU374 / FFS10 / SFFS 2128 / W&R477 / Cha575 Come and find the quiet centre (Shirley Murray) A good song for the beginning of worship. I would prefer to sing this to one of the more traditional melodies offered (Tune 1 in FFS) or BEACH SPRING (TiS 493). Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- CH609 / A&M615 / CP(E) 403 Come living God when least expected (Alan Gaunt) Good words to a nice tune (SUNSET) of God coming when we are uninspired or God seems hidden. "Come now, as once you came to Moses within the bush alive with flame, or to Elijah on the mountain, by silence pressing home your claim". Lyrics.
- W&R655 / URW202 Come Away from Rush and Hurry (Marva Dawn) Excellent words of resting in a sacred space to the familiar tune BEACH SPRING (TiS 493). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- AoV2-006 / The tide has turned Deeper River / There's a river running deep within the silence of our souls (Digby Hannah). An excellent song of restoration for tired desert-like souls. Lyrics and sound sample.
- Online Resource I listened for the word of God (Pat Mayberry) A song with a lovely chorus "Gather me"; easy to sing. Sheet music.
- MV118 Me alone (Jamaican traditional) A very simple repetitive call-and-response song. Could work well as a reflective song. Lyrics.
- Online Resource / Protest of Praise When our lives are ruled by fear (David
Bjorlin) Strong words challenging us to move forward in faith; some of
the words face quite specific challenges for congregations; sung to the
familiar tune ABERYSTWYTH. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- ACS947 / CH133 / UMH113 / GtG011 / GC(II)563 / G(3)667 / Cha012 Source and sovereign rock and cloud (Thomas Troeger) Excellent words of many names for God / I AM. Can be sung to BIRINUS, but I would sing it to the more familiar ABERYSTWYTH. Sheet music and lyrics. New words to old tunes
- Recorded music In the stillness (Trish Watts) This beautiful chant would fit well with the Psalm; from her album "Invokation". "In the stillness, there is a sweet gentle voice, calming the storm in the night". Available here (scroll down)
- Beneath the noise Beneath the noise (Paul Sanders / Nick Randall) A lovely simple song to open worship. I'm not sure if this book is still available.
- Online resource Winter Snow (Chris Tomlin / Audrey Assad) This is a lovely song, more for a soloist than congregation. "But you came like a winter snow quiet and soft and slow Falling from the sky in the night to the earth below"; particularly good for Southern Hemisphere congregations. Sound sample. Lyrics and chords.
- TiS 26 / AoV2-097 / Iona (LFB) / GA450 Just as a lost and thirsty deer (John Bell / Graham Maule) A quite simple paraphrase, set to a hymnlike tune. Lyrics and sound sample.
- SFFS 2202 / URW059 Come away with me to a quiet place (Mary Nelson Keithahn) A lovely simple song of sanctuary and quietness. Youtube.
- Online Resource / Tune In Save us in the time of trial (Shawn Whelan) A song with a reflective almost-Taize-like chorus. We have sung this a couple of different ways, it's quite flexible. Lyrics, sound sample and free songbook.
- Unknown Source I am waiting here
(Grant Paulson) I have a scan of this from a member of our congregation. It's really lovely. When I can find a way to share it, I will. If you know of a source, let me know.
- Online Resource / Tune In You in all our worries / All will finish well (Dave Brown) “In this world where injustice reigns, you are in the midst of pain”. Excellent words of reassurance in a difficult world. Lyrics, sound sample and free songbook.
- TiS 415 / CH588 / WoV682 / 82Hml-506 Praise the Spirit in creation (Michael Hewlett) Amazing words of the Spirit moving, creating, inspiring. Tune is unfamiliar, but good. Note that TiS has masculine and militaristic language; seek out the newer lyrics in Church Hymnary. Lyrics (older version than in CH)
- NCH286 / ATE 218 / VU375 / WoV684 / ELW396 / HPP239 / GtG291 / PH319 / W&R326 / Cha249 Spirit spirit of gentleness (Jim Manley) Lovely, gentle song. Very easy to sing, but can get slow and ponderous if you're not careful. Lyrics
Longing for God like a deer longs for water
TiS 703 / ATE 206 / CH550 / VU766 / A&M592 / SFFS 2025
/ GtG626 / HPP351 / W&R471 / PfAS042D / SP259 / Srce41 / URW267
/ Lau965 / StF544 / MP037 As the deer pants for the water
(Martin Nystrom) Simple, well-known and fits with the Psalm on which it is
based. TiS has only the first verse, which is just fine on its own. Lyric video.
- URW166 Come God and hear my cry (Ruth Duck) Lovely words seeking restoration for tired faithful souls. Sung to the familiar tune TRENTHAM. Lyric sample (also purchasing options to a contemporary tune). New words to old tunes.
- TiS 026 / AoV2-097 / Iona (LFB) / GA450 Just as a lost and thirsty deer (John Bell) Excellent and simple tune and words. Sound sample and lyrics.
- MV027 Creator God you gave us life
(Judith Snowdon) A lovely song, with a stirring chorus. I think it would be
quite straightforward to sing: "Through hands that paint majestic skies,
and voices chanting melody, with words that reach beyond the page, we
comprehend your mystery. Sheet music (loads a pdf). Sound sample (Youtube).
- AoV1-120 / CH033 / GA038 / A&M325 / SP127 / URW268 / Lau214 As the deer longs / pants for running streams (Bob Hurd) This is a lovely simple refrain that could be used with prayers of adoration, or with a read or cantored version of the Psalm. I like the version in URW and SP best. Sound sample.
- MV071 / GC(II)339 / G(3)417 When the wind of winter blows (Ruth Duck) A song of confession and lament, and expectation. Good for congregations in Winter... Lyric video.
- Music by Heart 09 O Send your light forth (Robinson McClellan) The rhythm is quite tricky and needs to be taught, but once you have it, it's a lot of fun, and sounds pretty cool with both parts going. It's listed as difficult, but I'm not sure that it is.
- Online Resource / Resounding Voices Our hears proclaim a living God (Hannah Brown) Excellent words of our creative, powerful and feminine God. Set to the familiar tune ELLACOMBE. New words to old tunes. Free book download here.
- Cha740b As the deer longs for the waterbrook (Don Saliers) Responsive psalm with sung refrain.
- MV116 / StF514 The thirsty deer longs for the streams (George Mulrain) A calypso version of the Psalm! Organ sound sample.
- PfAS042C O Lord as a deer / Chuyo Sasumi
(I-to Loh) A sad and beautiful call and response from Korea. Will need to be
taught. Suitable for a lament. Can be sung in English or Korean (but
only if you have access to a person who can teach you how to pronounce
the words). Sheet music sound sample.
- Worldmaking.net Your People Lament (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A quiet lament with verses. " Your people lament for our witness of suffering, Our anger and sorrow in light of Your holiness". Sound sample, lyrics etc.
- AHB 596 I shall go to the house of God (Gregory Murray) A Gelineau tone Psalm. The ANTIPHON II is the one by Murray, which could be used with a read or chanted Psalm.
- PfAS043C / ATFG585 Send out your light Lord, Send your truth (Iona) Very simple Psalm refrain for Psalm 43.
- TiS 027 / PfAS043A Send out your light and your truth let them lead me
(Charles Gounod) A more plain psalm response. Lyrics.
- VU768 Why restless why cast down my soul? / I will go to the altar of God (Wilson) I really like the first refrain, and the translation of the Psalm.
Despite the evil in the world, God will not destroy it
- SgTJ1029 / MV094 Love knocks and waits (Daniel Damon) Lovely words of assurance and a simple lilting melody. Lyrics.
- Online Resource / Tune in The God that I Know (Sheree Anderson) A beautiful ballad with female and male images of a loving, embracing God. Lyrics, sound sample and free songbook.
- NCH583 / GtG044 / StJ Like a mother who has borne us (Daniel Bechtel)
This has very appropriate lyrics on God as mother and father, and God's
presence when we follow by caring for neighbour. The tune is gentle,
soothing and simple. Sound sample. Lyrics (scroll to the end of the sermon). Lyrics (downloads a pdf, go to page 3).
- TiS 417 / AoV2-133 / ATW 448 / VU387 / StJ / WoV683 / ELW397 / AA94 / HPP237 / GtG293 / PH323 / CP657 / W&R135 / Cha244 / URW203 / StB220 Loving Spirit, Loving Spirit (Shirley Murray). There are about a zillion tunes set for this. I prefer FELICITY (by Colin Gibson TiS 417), but also like RESTORATION and OMNI DIE. Lyrics New words to old tunes
God’s constant care. Everyone will worship God.
settings of Psalm 22 focus on the first part of the Psalm (My God, my
God, why have you abandoned me). Here are some that pick up the latter
part of the Psalm.
- NCH007 / VU822 All people that on earth do dwell (Adapt: Thomas Troeger) Almost every hymnal has quite masculine words for this classic hymn. I thoroughly recommend you look at this new adaptation. It is joyous and very lovely. "All people that on earth do dwell, sing out your faith with cheerful voice; Delight in God whose praise you tell, whose presence calls you to rejoice". Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / Tune In The God that I know (Sheree Anderson) A ballad drawing on God’s strength and comfort; not easy if unfamiliar. Free downloadable songbook, sound samples.
- PfAS022C What wondrous love is this (Stith Mead) Refrain only, to be sung with a 2 reader version of the Psalm. Here's the whole song, but this only uses the first 2 lines. Oldy but a goody.
- Online Resource / Tune In Like the sun upon my skin / God’s Mercy (Sheree Anderson) A beautiful ballad about identifying God's mercy in the beauty of creation. Free downloadable songbook, sound samples and lyrics.
- AoV1-073 / G(II)467 / GC657 I Will Not Die before I've lived to see that land (Tom Conry) I really quite like this one. The verses may be best sung by a small group, but a congregation who likes singing will do fine with it. Some funny he / shes about God in there (in AoV), which kind of work. Chorus is “For your right hand has delivered us from death. You have regarded our tears, you who are goodness and grace”. Lyrics. Clunky sound sample.
- Online Resource / Tune In Shepherd of the night (Elaine Loukes) "Have you ever felt the velvet night wrap you in her warmth". A lovely song with a theme of God’s protection. This is tricky for a congregation, so you might want to ask the musicians to play this. Free downloadable songbook, sound samples and lyrics.
- TiS 727 / SiS361 / ATE 208 / CH121 / AA70 / PfAS022F In the presence of your people (Brent Chambers) A good Yiddish tune - lots of fun for kids and adults. Good to get fast and dance around on this one. Good for kids. Or you could try:VU745 In the presence of your people Refrain only for singing with a reading of this Psalm. Lyrics (with two extra verses!).
- Online Resource O Love, you never turned away (Richard Bruxvoort Colligan) A simple two-part song which is a joyful take on the happy part of this Psalm. Easy to sing. Teaching video and links to resources. Good for kids.
- Online resource All the Ends of the Earth Shall Turn to you, O God (Bruce Harding) A very simple one-liner from Bruce Harding, suitable for using with a reading of the Psalm, or intercessions. Free sheet music.
VU618 / CP558 God when I stand
(Herbert O'Driscoll) Good words; the tune will probably need to be taught, or
at least played through before the congregation sings it. The 4th verse
focuses on Thomas, but don't omit it, or you won't have the happy
ending. Lyrics.
No more Jew nor Greek.... all children of God through faith
- AoV1-129 / CH665 / UMH620 / VU467 / ELW701 / HPP525 / A&M461 / GtG530 / G(II)599 / GC830 / GC(II)813 / CP073 / W&R689 / Cha393 / Lau832 One bread, one body (John Foley) A classic. Don't play it too slow or it takes forever!! Particularly appropriate if you are celebrating communion. Oldy-but-a-goody. Sound sample (a bit too slow for my liking!). Just a tip, if you have to breathe before the end of the line, it's too slow. And remember that congregations don't have the same breath control as choristers!
- AoVNG1 / CH685 / FFS17 / GtG769 / G(3)812 / W&R617 For everyone born / A place at the table (Shirley Murray) Words of welcome and change to everyone regardless of sex, age, sexuality. There are three possible tunes. The Lori True tune is the most common. I like the Colin Gibson tune in FFS. This song is good for a service when communion is celebrated, but it makes sense without communion, too. DO NOT SING ALL THE VERSES if you're looking at the Hope Publishing version. Choose the ones that work for your community. I recommend not using verse 4, which talks about both the abuser and the abused being welcome at the table, and places the onus on the abused for forgiveness; it is a verse that Shirley Murray decided later she would have liked to remove. There is also an optional verse: "For gay and for straight...." Lyrics & sheet music. There is also a throughtful rewrite which is less binary about gender and more inclusive of disability here.
- AoVK-148 / ATOK 388 There is one body (Trish Watts / Monica O'Brien) A good energetic song of unity. Lyrics and sound sample. Good for kids.
- TiS 657 / CH263 / VU700 / A&M559 / AA50 / CP(E) 447 / Cha656 / SP242 God of freedom God of justice (Shirley Murray) Powerful lyrics. Can be sung to either TREDEGAR (new, but not too hard) or PICARDY (very familiar) or RHUDDLAN. Lyrics and sheet music sample. New words to old tunes. There is also a nice tune from Douglas Simper in his book if you'd like something quite new, but still hymn-like.
- MV141 We are all one people (Joseph Naytowhow) This Native American song really gets stuck in my head. I think it's really good. Might take some work to get your congregation going with it, though. Youtube (long intro).
- Online Resource / Resounding Voices I have put on Christ (Marilyn Haskel) A short and very lovely setting of the "Asperges", which could fit well. It's nice to sing. Free book download here.
- CH656 / VU477 / PH507 / CP060 / A&M448 / GtG515 / CP(E) 305 / W&R706 / Cha420 / SP217 / URW120 I come with joy a child of God (Brian Wren) A good and jubilant communion hymn. Lyrics and sheet music.
- TiS 670 / SiS569 / AoVK-138 / ATE 258 / CH692 / Srce385 / MP376 Jesus put this song into our hearts (Graham Kendrick) A fun Yiddish tune that gets even more fun if you get faster and faster as you go. Good for kids. Lyrics.
- CH348 / StS001 / LBW196 / ELW843 / A&M762 / G(3)625 / CP397 / W&R93 / SP304 / URW090 Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness (Rusty Edwards) Good words of Christ's ministry to all. Can be sung to the familiar tune NETTLETON, or the less familiar and very lovely tune JOEL. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- GC(II)482 / G(3)548 We Are One (Timothy Wright) A simple chorus. Quite nice. It's a bit like Kum ba yah, somehow. Would be great for an ecumenical service. Sound sample (oh, it's too slow, but very characteristic of that 1980s gospel way). You could do something that fits your congregation better.
- AoV1-130 / SFFS 2223 / HPP495 / GtG300 / G(II)533 / GC735 / GC(II)728 / G(3)835 / W&R595 / Cha494 We are one in the Spirit / They’ll know we are Christians by our love (Peter Scholtes) A classic 60's song of unity and being an example to others. It's still pretty groovy, I reckon. Older version are really masculine. We often syncopate it a bit at Brunswick. Lyrics and pretty silly sound sample. Good for kids.
- Online Resource / AoVK-21 Weave one heart (Marty Haugen) Excellent song, with call and response verses "many colours woven into one". Sound sample, sheet music and purchasing options.
Jesus casts the Legion of demons into the pigs;
This is great in the Brick Bible, but a bit freaky for little kids.
- TiS 728 Jesucristo reina reina ya! A fun Puerto Rican song. It's particularly fun if someone is brave enough to yell out a "call" at the start of each verse. Crazy sound sample. Good for kids.
- CH348 / StS001 / LBW196 / ELW843 / A&M762 / G(3)625 / CP397 / W&R93 / SP304 / URW090 Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness (Rusty Edwards) Good words of Christ's ministry to all. Can be sung to the familiar tune NETTLETON, or the less familiar and very lovely tune JOEL. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource Cast out O Christ cast far away (Mary Louise Bringle) Powerful words, set to the older tune MCKEE. Lyrics and sheet music for purchase. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 690 / CH259 / A&M557 / StS115 / SP237 / Srce54 / StF693 / MP806 Beauty for brokenness hope for despair (Graham Kendrick) Themes of healing from personal and universal suffering and an emotive chorus. “Refuge from cruel wars, havens from fear, cities for sanctuary, freedoms to share, peace to the killing-fields, scorched earth to green; Christ for the bitterness, his cross for the pain”. It's a bit schmaltzy. Lyrics.
- TiS 638 / NCH175 / CH717 / A&M518 / GtG793 / PH380 / UMH265 / LBW380 / ELW675 / PH380 / CP291 / CP(E) 346 / W&R638 / Cha503 / Lau430 / StF653 O Christ the healer we have come (Fred Pratt Green) Beautiful words and simple to sing. Good for intercessions. I like the tune INVERCARRY> best, but it can also be sung to TALLIS' CANON if your congregation needs a more familiar tune. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 737 / Iona (Common Ground, HSNW, T1AU) / A&M516 / SP142 / URW427 / Lau437 Lord Jesus Christ lover of all
(John Bell) A beautiful and simple chant. Note that some versions (T1AU at
least) has a beautiful 4 part harmony arrangement with excellent moving
parts in the lower registers. Would work well during intercessions. Sound sample.
- NCH502 / VU608 Dear God who loves all humankind / Dear God embracing humankind (Hubert Parry) I really like these two new versions of "Dear Lord and Father of mankind". Lyrics.
- TiS 692 Sometimes a healing world is comfort
(Patrick Michaels) A good song about healing. The verses take a little getting
used to and the chorus is very joyous and simple. Perhaps get your
congregation to join in as they become confident - there are 5 verses to
learn on. Lyrics (scroll down).
- Iona (Love From Below / common ground) / CH718 / VU613 / A&M522 / GtG797 / G(II)401 / GC575 / GC(II)558 / G(3)657 / CP292 / CP(E) 348 / W&R628 / SP140 / URW146 / Lau433 / StF655 We Cannot Measure How You Heal (John Bell) Really very excellent words to a very familiar celtic air. Easy to sing; be careful not to get too fast; it's tempting but the words need a slower tune. Sheet music sample. Sound sample.
- Iona (Heaven Shall Not Wait) When our Lord walked the earth / Gifts of the Spirit (John Bell) Familiar and easy tune, excellent words. Chorus is “Power to speak and heal, grace to know what’s real, wisdom, insight and faith, grace and understanding" Sound samples. New words to old tunes.
updated in Doha, Qatar, during a really long flight delay...
We are using #3072 in "Worship & Song"
"Cast Out O Christ"
nice lyrics. Relates well to the Luke passage.
I like your website very much, and are blessed with your ideas.
Bette Thompson, Pastor
Broadway Christian Parish UMC
South Bend, Indiana
I suppose the difficulty of singing "Cast out O Christ" to the tune of "House of the rising sun" may be a generational thing. I remember singing a few hymns back in the 70's to that tune with much enthusiasm e.g. Amazing Grace. The reverse should work here: a simple tune should suit this in "House" is considered inappropriate (as it was in my church back in the day).
We're using the 1 Kings passage this week, and I'm doing "Still, Still, Still" for the prelude. A little out there, maybe, but I love musical surprises!
We sang "Cast Out O Christ" to the "Rising Sun" tune last year. I really struggled with it and searched out why the hymnal editors put the two together. I also studied the lyrics to "House of the Rising Sun". They don't celebrate a life of gambling and drink, but warn against it. When you put that meaning next to the lyrics of "Cast Out", it is a powerful song. I made sure I gave an introduction to the congregation that spoke of my trepidation as well as how I felt the songs tie together. It was well received, I only heard one complaint (but isn't that the norm? :-D ) MB Courtright, Music Director, First Church in Pembroke, MA
Not much from the New Century Hymnal this week. Alas! Guess I need to start digging on my own...or get a new hymnal... !!
I found a great new setting of Psalm 22 (the later verses) by Francesca LaRosa: https://francescalarosa.com/products/psalm-22-guitar-vocal-i?_pos=1&_sid=2040081d1&_ss=r
Just for fun, 'Amazing Grace' works with the theme from Gilligan's Isle, too
Hi Natalie,
We may sing MV 145 "Draw the Circle Wide" to go with the Galatians reading.
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