2 Kings 2:1-2, 6-14
Elijah taken up by a chariot, Elisha’s devotion and inheritance of the Spirit of God
Psalm 77:1-2, 11-20Elijah taken up by a chariot, Elisha’s devotion and inheritance of the Spirit of God
- TiS 409 / AHB 322 / CH595 / UMH543 / VU202 / StJ / SLW43 / W&R328 / Cha250 / StF391 / MP488 O Breath of life come sweeping through us (Elizabeth Porter Head) This is a really good older style hymn with inclusive lyrics. Lyrics and sheet music. Not all verses are in all hymnals.
- AoV2-061 / ATE 249 As a dream receive your hist'ry (Andrew Tanner) A big favourite. There are actions too! The chorus is particularly excellent “We will rise up on wings like eagles, run and not be tired, show us your dreams and visions, warm our hearts with tongues of fire, tongues of fire”. I think this would work well with this reading if you think about the inheritance that we also receive from our forerunners in the faith. Good for kids. Lyrics.
- Online Resource / BUC Song Project In Spirit we rise (Sheree Anderson) It would be great to sing this song about God's spirit working in and through us. Sorry, this isn't available yet online or in a songbook. Sheet music, lyrics and recording.
- TiS 398 / AHB 310 / AoV1-118 / NCH289 / CH489 / UMH475 / VU367 / GA375 / A&M238 / LBW508 / ELW804 / GtG282 / PH313 / GC465 / GC(II)471 / G(3)556 / RS617 / CP645 / CP(E) 175 / W&R330 / Cha582 / Srce100 / Lau303 / StF372 / MP089 Come down O Love divine (William Williams) Old fashioned, but still inclusive and very well known. Words and sheet music. Hymnals vary a lot in the lyrics with respect to thees and thys and words like "vesture". Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 711 / ATOK 334 / Iona (M&G) / WoV681 / VU383 / SFFS 2124 / GtG283 / G(II)330 / StF038 Come O Holy Spirit / Wa Wa Wa Emimimo (Nigeria) This song is just fun. And very easy. Try to sing it in its original language (Yoruba), it sounds a bit inane in English and it’s not hard!! Encourage your congregation to dance a simple side-to-side step to this; they will enjoy it even more. If we can’t go a little crazy on Pentecost, what hope is there for us, really? A good song to help us remember that our faith is global, and to think of the church and all people in Africa. Youtube sound sample Good for kids.
- Unusual Source Blow through me Breath of God (Miriam Therese Winter) This chant is very beautiful. It takes a few listens for the congregation to pick it up, or you could ask the musicians to play it as a prayer for the congregation. "Like a pipe, like a flute, like a reed making melody". It can be found in "Songlines, Hymns, Songs, Rounds and Refrains for Prayer and Praise, Crossroad, New York, 1996" or "Womantalk Woman Prayer" (1987). We have not sung this for some years so it will need to be retaught at BUC.
- TiS 422 / CH594 / A&M242 / CP(E) 179 Come Holy Spirit come inflame our souls with love (Michael Forster) Excellent words to a well known hymn tune. "Spirit of truth, arise; inspire the prophet’s voice" It is not fully inclusive; Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 419 / NCH270 / CH592 / A&M252 / UMH544 / VU205 / WoV685 / ELW403 / HPP222 / GtG285 / PH314 / CP635 / CP(E) 185 / W&R327 / SP92 / 82Hml-513 / StF389Like the murmur of the dove's song (Carl P Daw) Excellent words and a simple tune about Christian unity. Each verse ends with "Come holy spirit, come". Lyrics and sheet music.
- Online Resource / ATAR643 / Walk as One Fire of prophet cool wisdom of sage / Spirit lead us (Paul Somerville) An excellent song about knowing God through sacred stories, and being part of God's sacred story. This would be an excellent song for the entry of scriptures at the start of the service if this is your practice. It may be best sung first by a soloist. You could use it repeatedly during the Pentecost season. Sound sample. Book (PDF) available for purchase.
- NCH271 / UMH538 / VU196 / PH131 / CP249 / W&R333 / Cha236 Wind who makes all winds that blow (Thomas Troeger) Excellent words. Familiar tune (ABERYSTWYTH). Lyric video. New words to old tunes.
- ACS980 / GA377 / SP96 / StF374 / MP818 Come Holy Spirit descend on us (John Bell) A simple call and response chant. Lyric video (very slow).
- CH589 / A&M240 Come Holy Spirit / Breath of Heaven (John Bell) A lovely simple repetitive song. Includes verses like "Come , Word of Mercy" and "Come to disturb us"…. Very slow sound sample.
- URW066 Holy Spirit wind of heaven (Stephen Garnaas-Holmes) Terrific words sung to the familiar tune ODE TO JOY. "Holy Spirit, Wind of Heaven, Breath of Life, our warmth and light". Lyric video. New words to old tunes.
- GA183 Come Holy Spirit the spirit of Wisdom (Christopher Willcock) Good song. It's in 7/8 so you can't go wrong. The words are also excellent about God-with-us and the coming of the Spirit This is also in New Song in an Ancient Land Vol 1 (in the Liturgy Library at BUC). Clunky sound sample.
- Taizé / MV075 / StS079 / SFFS 2118 / GtG284 / GC(II)479 / G(3)547 / GtG281 / SP99 / URW395 Holy Spirit Come to Us / Veni sancte spiritus tui amoris (Jacques Berthier) Gobsmackingly beautiful if you have a cantor, but it works well if you don't, too. Sheet music, translations, sound samples.
God hears us in our trouble, even though God has the power over the seas and the wind
- VU791 God bend your ear and hear my prayer (Jeffrey Honore) A lovely simple and intuitive chant with an inclusive, responsive reading of this Psalm. Highly recommended. Sound sample.
- Online Resource Our Song in the Night (BiFrost Arts) Not a congregational song. You could use the recording, or get your musicians to play this quiet lovely song. Sound sample, lyrics, purchasing options.
- Iona (LFB) / Lau930 Listen Lord (John Bell) Beautiful chant-like chorus, can be used on its own or as a response, or used with the verses. Good to use for the intercessions. Sound sample.
- PfAS077B In complete desperation / I refused to be comforted easily (John Bell) Amazing lyrics (not entirely inclusive) which would speak well to many contemporary congregations. A simple tune. Highly recommended. Sheet music sample (incomplete).
- Taizé / TiS 739 / AoV2-041 / ATOK 404 / VU290 / GA269 / SFFS 2054 / GtG820 / G(II)451 / GC639 / GC(II)626 / G(3)733 / CP568 / W&R421 / URW388 / Lau947 Nothing Can Trouble / Nada te turbe (Jacques Berthier) Excellent and quite well known Taizé chant. Spanish lyrics are not too hard for non-Spanish speakers. Sheet music, sound samples, lyrics and translations. Good for kids.
- Taizé / TiS 741 / AoV1-017 / ATE 282 / LBW368 / ELW407 / GA431 / SFFS 2200 / GtG471 / G(II)410 / GC586 / GC(II)566 / G(3)666 / W&R484 / Srce519 / URW390 / Lau929 / PfAS013A / PfAS102A / MP908 O Lord hear my prayer (Jacques Berthier) A simple and very well known Taizé chant. Works well during intercessions. You could read the Psalm between repeats of this chant, or just use as a chant as is. Sheet music samples. Good for kids.
- CH570 / UMH512 / W&R495 / Cha629 / ZSS164 When the storms of life are raging (stand by me) (Charles Tindley) A good gospel song. Hymnals have a range of translations. Great for kids. Sound sample and lyrics.
- PfAS077D By your strength you have redeemed your people (Walter Pelz) A nice simple Psalm refrain.
Elisha follows Elijah (after killing a yoke of oxen)
- ATOK 413 / Iona (HSNW) / CH533 / VU567 / StS039 / A&M510 / ELW798 / GA502 / SFFS 2130 / HPP317 / GtG726 / G(II)510 / GC700 / GC(II)687 / G(3)790 / CP430 / CP(E) 622 / W&R350< / URW060 / Lau877 / StF673 Will you come and follow me / The Summons (Iona) A classic. Don't sing it too slowly or it really drags and takes forever! Lyric video.
- ATOK 348 / Iona (HSNW) / G(II)496 / GC692 / GC(II)697 / StF462 Come with me / Sing hey for the carpenter (Iona) Excellent. I love this one. Very joyous, and a big favourite in our congregation. Lyrics. Good for kids.
Refuge in God who shows us life
- MV123 Day after day night after night (Lynn Bauman / Linnea Good) A lovely simple chant or Psalm refrain. Good for kids.
- TiS 547 / AHB 455 / AoV1-009 / NCH451 / CH465 / A&M595 / UMH451 / VU642 / WoV776 / ELW793 / HPP353 / GtG450 / PH339 / CP505 / CP(E) 386 / W&R502 / Cha595 / Srce70 / URW180 / 82Hml-488 / Lau970 / StF545 / MP051 Be thou my vision O Lord of my heart (8th century Irish, translated Eleanor Hull) Most recent hymnals are fairly inclusive for this. Note that the High King phrase has been changed in some hymnals because it is masculine, but the hymn is based on an ancient story of St. Patrick refusing to follow the High King Logaire, and choosing instead the "High King of Heaven". Lyrics and tune. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- UMH438 / VU416 / A&M476 / CP467 / CP(E) 430 / W&R718 / StF550 / Lau861 / MP159 Forth in thy name O Lord I go (Charles Wesley) Timeless words about committing all our works to God. I like this hymn best played lightly and joyfully with a simple drum beat as a kind of minstrel tune, rather than a hymn. The old fashioned words seem to make a lot more sense to me that way. Some hymnals (including TiS) have sensitively modernised the words. Older lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 613 / AHB 546 / ATOK 405 / CH166 / LBW469 / ELW765 / A&M713 / SFFS2197 / HPP265 / GtG683 / GC578 / GC(II)560 / G(3)663 / CP506 / CP(E) 507 / W&R469 / URW179 / 82Hml-482 / Lau969 / StF526 / MP882 Lord of all hopefulness Lord of all joy (Jan Struther) Most sources have it set to the excellent straightforward Irish tune (SLANE), and beautiful words. Would be a good choice for the final song. Others (like GtG) use COURTNEY, which I find a bit lame, but it's easy too. Lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- PfAS016D My heart is glad and my spirit rejoices (William Beckstrand) I really like the words and tune to this Psalm refrain. It will need to be sung through a couple of times before reading the Psalm.
- CH656 / VU477 / PH507 / CP060 / A&M448 / GtG515 / CP(E) 305 / W&R706 / Cha420 / SP217 / URW120 I come with joy a child of God (Brian Wren) A good and jubilant communion hymn. Lyrics & sheet music.
- AoVK-12 God is our shelter truly a friend indeed (Chris O'Hara) Groovy little round / more like a call and response really. Lyrics (pdf). Good for kids.
- StJ / G(II)22 / GC23 / GC(II)18 / G(3)029 / Lau40b Keep Me Safe O God (John Foley) Simple cantor and response "Keep me safe O God. You are my hope, you are my hope, O God". Lyrics and sample sheet music. Sound sample.
- G(II)23 / GC24 / GC(II)19 / G(3)030 / URW235 You Will Show Me the Path of Life (Marty Haugen) Simple cantor and response "You will show me the path of life, you my hope and my shelter, in your presence is endless joy and your sight is my hope forever". Lyrics and sample sheet music. Sound sample.
- VU737 / VU738 / PfAS016D / PfAS016C Protect me God: I trust in you (Michael Saward / Christian Strover) Simple psalm refrain that could be used with a sung or spoken verse. Lyrics.
Freedom and persistence. Works of the Flesh vs. Fruits of the Spirit. Triumph of the Spirit; being good neighbours.
- Iona (M&G, T1AU) / MV099 / GC(II)673 / G(3)763 / Lau996 Stand O Stand Firm (Cameroon) I love having an excuse to sing this simple and powerful song; didn't Elijah have to be pretty brave? Very easy for your congregation. You can make up cantor parts too “Oh my sisters…. Oh my brothers… Oh my children….” or you can name countries you are praying for in your intercessions. Good for kids. Scottish sound sample. Lead sheet.
- ACS903 / AoV1-061 / ATOK 355 / GtG359 / SFFS 2194 / G(II)521 / GC723 / GC(II)707 / G(3)814 / ZSS110 / SgTJ1035 Freedom is coming (South African) Excellent and lots of fun, especially if you have a keen African-style drummer in your congregation. It's really worth teaching the parts to your congregation before the service. It can get a bit confusing for the congregation otherwise. A range of sound samples (Youtube). History of the song. Sheet music samples. Good for kids.
- TiS 613 / AHB 546 / ATOK 405 / CH166 / LBW469 / ELW765 / A&M713 / SFFS2197 / HPP265 / GtG683 / GC578 / GC(II)560 / G(3)663 / CP506 / CP(E) 507 / W&R469 / URW179 / 82Hml-482 / Lau969 / StF526 / MP882 Lord of all hopefulness Lord of all joy (Jan Struther) Most sources have it set to the excellent straightforward Irish tune (SLANE), and beautiful words. Others (like GtG) use COURTNEY, which I find a bit lame, but it's easy too. Would be a good choice for the final song. Lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- CH611 Holy Spirit fill our hearts (Unknown) A lovely simple song. Good to teach to kids in Sunday School perhaps. Good for kids.
- GtB God is love and love is giving (Ross Langmead) A simple kids' song about God's love. A round. We have sung this a bit. It would be good to repeat it. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- AA123 / VU361 Small things count (Shirley Murray) Good simple morality song for kids. Easy to sing. Sheet music and lyrics. Good for kids.
- Online Resource Holy Spirit grow in us / Fruitful be (David MacGregor) This song has such an anthemic chorus. I would be tempted to use only the chorus and really rock out! Good for kids.
- TiS 640 / AHB 561 / ATE 310 / NCH498 / UMH432 / VU593 / WoV765 / ELW708 / HPP446 / GtG203 / PH367 / G(II)296 / GC409 / GC(II)429 / G(3)505 / CP504 / W&R273 / Cha600 / URW116 / 82Hml-602 / Lau241 / StF249 Jesu Jesu fill us with your love / Kneels at the feet of his friends (Colvin & people of Ghana) Lyrics. Good for kids.
- NCH401 / GtG308 / W&R388 O god in whom all life begins (Carl P Daw) Excellent words of living as a community of faith. Sung to a simple English melody. Sheet music and lyrics.
- Online Resource O Holy Spirit power of the weak (David Bjorlin / Lim Swee Hong) A beautiful, meditative four part song. It would be great to teach the parts to your congregation, and would work well whether you sing only one verse, or all four verses. If four parts is too challenging, you could also get your congregation to sing only the melody line in two parts in canon (i.e. a round, but ending at the same time); or in unison would also work, but would be less fun. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 407 / AHB 320 / NCH292 / CH596 / UMH420 / VU382 / StJ / LBW488 / A&M236 / GA432 / HPP227 / GtG286 / PH316 / GC800 / GC(II)800 / CP649 / CP(E) 174 / W&R461 / Cha254 / Srce81 / URW167 / 82Hml-508 / Lau302 Breathe on me Breath of God (Edwin Hatch) An older style hymn. Good words seeking the spirits gifts of new life, purity and unity with Christ. If you sing this version, it can be sung to a lovely simple, and quite intuitive Celtic tune (ST COLUMBA). If you sing this version, it can also be sung to HAMPTON, TRENTHAM, or DURHAM. That was a little bit complicated, but hopefully you can work it out. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- Fresh Sounds 53 But the fruit of the spirit is love, joy and peace (Unknown) This is a simple chorus I still remember from Holiday Club at the Lutheran church in the next town when I was in Primary School. It's probably from Scripture in Song, but I don't know. I'd love to know if anyone knows where I can track it down - not that you'd need the sheet music, really. There's been a few suggestions, but they're not it!
- NCH286 / ATE 218 / VU375 / WoV684 / ELW396 / HPP239 / GtG291 / PH319 / W&R326 / Cha249 Spirit spirit of gentleness(Jim Manley) Lovely, gentle song. Very easy to sing, but can get slow and ponderous if you're not careful. Lyrics.
- ATA 184 Spring follows winter (love is the law) (Robin Mann) Lovely words to a familiar traditional English (?) melody. Mostly inclusive. Lyrics.
- GGives2 The spirit produces love (Tolquhurst) A nice short boppy kids song directly quoting this passage. Good for kids.
- ATA 202 / GGives1 We're gonna move when the Spirit says move (Rod Boucher) Fun song. There's a lot of kid's songs for this passage (note that none of them list the "Works of the Flesh"). Good for kids
It's not easy to follow Christ; you can't put it off.
- MV140 As long as we follow / Na nzela na lola (Joseph Kabemba) A great song from the Democratic Republic of Congo; can add extra verses if you like. Catchy! Sound sample (youtube). Sheet music.
- CH195 / StS053 / AA061 Here to the house of God we come (Shirley Murray) Good honest words and a simple, but unusual tune. Lyrics and sheet music.
- TIS 624 / W&R453 / StF492 Christ be my leader by night as by day (Timothy Dudley-Smith) Excellent words of following Christ in times of struggle to a traditional Scottish melody. Lyrics New words to old tunes.
- TiS 687 God gives us a future (Elizabeth Smith) Great words to a very easy hymn tune. Careful not to let it get the tune get too pompous; the words are not! "God gives us a future, daring us to go into dreams and dangers on a path unknown. We will face tomorrow in the Spirit's power, we will let God change us for new life starts now!". Lyric video.
- ATOK 413 / Iona (HSNW) / CH533 / VU567 / StS039 / A&M510 / ELW798 / GA502 / SFFS 2130 / HPP317 / GtG726 / G(II)510 / GC700 / GC(II)687 / G(3)790 / CP430 / CP(E) 622 / W&R350 / URW060 / Lau877 / StF673 Will you come and follow me / The Summons (Iona) A classic. Don't sing it too slowly or it really drags and takes forever! Lyric video.
- TiS 686 / ATE 292 Lord Jesus we belong to you / Because we bear your name (Robin Mann) Lyrics.
- TiS 561 / AHB 467 / NCH494 / CH535 / LBW498 / A&M823 / CP(E) 621 / 82Hml-684 / Lau862 / MP224 Who would true valor see / valour see (John Bunyan) A lovely old hymn, with old-world imagery. I think it still works OK. TiS and NCH have inclusive language throughout. CH and CP(E) do not have inclusive language, even for humanity. I really like the tune MONK'S GATE. Particularly nice with light instrumentation. A violin / flute and a bodhran may be all you need for this. Lyrics.Oldy-but-a-goody.
- AoV2-070 / ATW 496 / MV090 / StJ Don't be afraid (John Bell) Excellent. I love this song of reassurance. "Don't be afraid, my love is stronger. My love is stronger than your fear". This song can be used as a response to intercessions. Good for kids. Youtube sound sample.
- Iona (T1AU) / MV110 / StS037 First born of Mary provocative preacher (John Bell) A short, energetic song about the nature of Christ's life on earth; the phrase "Itinerant preacher" resonates well with this passage. Best if you can teach a few parts, but it's also OK without the parts. It's fun. Sound sample.
- ATAR643 Fire of prophet cool wisdom of sage / Spirit lead us (Paul Somerville) An excellent song about knowing God through sacred stories, and being part of God's sacred story. This would be an excellent song for the entry of scriptures at the start of the service if this is your practice. It may be best sung first by a soloist. You could use it repeatedly during the Pentecost season - particularly appropriate this week if you are also having the reading of Elijah. Sound sample.
A really old one, Breathe on Me, Breath of God. NCH 292, Cha254, LBW488 - Mostly inclusive, even in old hymnals.
For Kings:,Christ Has no Body Now But Yours, MV 171and Gather 3rd edition.
The tune for "Lord of All Hopefulness" in GtG (#683) is not SLANE. It's COURTNEY, which is also very pretty, but definitely not what I was expecting to hear when I opened to that page!
Here is the info that is posted on hymnary.org
Hope this helps
Another possibility based on Galatians 5:22 is "Of All the Spirit's Gifts to Me", by John B. Dykes (Cha270 and a dozen other hymnals). This 1979 hymn focuses on love, joy, and peace. Here's a link to the info in Hymnary.org, which provides sheet music to the tune Meyer (88.84)
Carolyn Winfree Gillette is a wonderful wordsmith and writes lyrics to familiar tunes. For this particular service I am going to use The Fruit of the Spirit, sung to Ash Grove, and For Freedom Christ Has Set us Free, sung to Forest Green. You can find her selections at Carolynshymns.com. No charge, but she is open to contributions, which my church does.
Pat Farra
For the Gospel reading-Singing the Faith 674. Would I have answered when you called. Challenging words and great tune.
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