Songs for Adult and Infant Baptisms, confirmations and blessings

Blessing the water
  • Online Resource Meroo / Water seeping up outta the ground (Nelson Varcoe) The Dharug / Tharwal word "Meroo" means water. This strikes me as a song that might be good to sing to bless the water before a baptism. Simple chorus and good words about the importance of water, and a chorus about the rising of the Holy Spirit, carrying our prayers up to the sky. Book available here (BUC people, I have this book!).
For anyone being baptised
  • Online Resource / GWA077 This gift of heaven our grace and healing / O living water (Owen Alstott / Bernadette Farrell) Excellent words with multiple images of water, including Jesus' baptism, Cana's wedding and a chorus that simply says "O living water, O living water". A good song to lead into a baptism. Sound sample, sheet music samples, and purchasing options.
  • Online Resource Made in God's image / We are God's Children (David Busch) Excellent words to the familiar tune BUNESSAN. The words are so welcoming of all, and would be easy for visitors to the congregation to sing. It also has a verse that makes it useful for commissionings and Ordinations too. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource Come and be washed in the waters of love (Maren Haynes Marchesini) A lovely, lilting, positive song of baptism. Free sheet music (please contact the author if using).
  • Online Resource / GWA079 / G(3)791 Were I the perfect child of God (John Bell) Honest words for baptism or confirmation, set to a traditional Scottish folk tune (O gin I were a Baron's heir). New words to old tunes. Sound sample, sheet music sample, and beautifully instrumented two-voice version for purchase. Simpler sheet music sample and version for purchase.
  • StJ / URW187 Water has held us (R Deane Postlethwaite) Good words based on the use of water in baptism, and images of water in creation, parting of the sea, washing and baptism, sung to the familiar tune BUNESSAN (Morning has broken). Highly recommended. New words to old tunes. Sheet music and lyrics (downloads an order of service).
  • AoV1-158 Create a new heart Holy Lord / A new heart for a new world (Monica O'Brien / Trish Watts) Very simple melody, Good words. Also appropriate for confirmation. Lyrics and sound sample
  • AoV1-074 Come To The Water (Frank Andersen) I love the words to this, suitable for infant, child or adult baptism. Lyrics and sound sample.
  • Online Resource Follow Jesus to the Jordan (David Bjorlin, USA) Excellent new words calling us to follow Jesus to the Jordan, to the wilderness, and wherever God leads us to go. Sung to the familiar tune BEACH SPRING. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes
  • ACS957 / NCH322 / StJ / GtG480 / Cha367 / ZSS190 Take me to the water (African-American) A simple song, with many layers of meaning. Sound sample (Nina Simone - verses are different to what might be in your hymnal!). 
  • AoV1-034 Create in me O Lord a heart that is pure / I'll Sing Your Song (Erica Marshall) Good honest song. Simple to sing. Lyrics and sound sample
  • TiS 493 / UMH605 / VU442 / WoV697 / ELW445 / GtG490 / CP035 / Cha365 / ZSS191 Wash O God our sons and daughters / Wash us God your sons and daughters (Ruth Duck) A good hymn for the congregation to sing before or after a baptism. Sung to the familiar tune BEACH SPRING. New words to old tunes. Lyrics.
  • AoV1-005 Deep within my heart I feel / Galilee Song (Frank Andersen) This one is quite nice. Chorus has this jubilant "So I leave my boats behind!" part. Lyrics & sound sample
  • MV190 Laughter lit the stars of morning (Lydia Pedersen) Lovely lyrics and a simple waltz melody. Has lyrics for both infant and adult baptism or renewal of baptismal vows. Lyric video.
  • ATW 432 Girl or boy big or small (Gerri Holmes) This would be good for a kids' song anytime we have a baptism. It will help them understand what’s going on. Good for kids.
  • URW106 Here at Jordan's river (Ruth Duck) Sung to NOEL NOUVELET, this challenging song is just perfect for our congregation. I really love this. Great for Baptism of Christ or any baptism. Lyrics (scroll down).
  • Online Resource From the waters I will rise (Adam Tice) Beautiful words of rising up from baptism to be born anew, set to the familiar tune TAKE THIS MOMENT. New words to old tunes. Lyrics, sheet music sample, purchasing options
  • AoV2-085 / MV115 Behold, behold, I Make All Things New, beginning with you and starting from today (John Bell) A lovely energetic chant. Would be great if your congregation gets to know the parts. Lyrics and a video of how to teach it.
  • MV 157 I am a child of God, I am a glimpse of God’s new creation (Bruce Harding) This is a really lovely song, and very easy to learn. Probably just the first verse is good for a baptism. Sound sample.
  • MV135 Called by earth and sky (Pat Mayberry) Gentle song about the blessings of water, air, soil and fire. While it doesn't explicitly mention baptism, it is really beautiful and would work well. Sound sample.
  • Recorded music: Forever Young (Bob Dylan) This is a really beautiful blessing. Lyrics and a video of Joan Baez.
  • MV117 By the well a thirsty woman (Elizabeth Stilborn) This is not specifically a baptism song, but it has lovely water imagery, and would work well on a baptism day. The tune will probably need to be taught. Sound sample (video).
  • ATOK 316 From the air and from the light (Robin Mann) Excellent lyrics! Lyrics
  • Online Resource You belong (Richard Bruxvoort Colligan) Feel like having a hoe-down at the baptism? This would be good for baptism of adults or older children. Fun! Lyrics, sound sample, purchasing options.  
  • ACS978 / GtG399 / GWA042 God welcomes all (John Bell / South African Traditional) A simple song of welcome set to a tune from South Africa. Sound sample
For children and infants
  • AoV2-144 We Welcome This Child (Peter Kearney) "We welcome you, child, to our beautiful world, we give you the earth and the sea and the sky. We give you the sun and the moon and the stars. We welcome you, child, to the heart of our world." Lyrics and sound sample.
  • Tune in II Child of God (Elaine Loukes) Elaine's new song is really good and would fit very well with our congregation. While it is still new, may be best to have the congregation sing only the first part, which is the most simple. 
  • AoV2-116 / CH633 / UMH611 / VU444 / AA11 Child Of Blessing Child Of Promise (Ronald Cole-Turner) Excellent words to a familiar hymn tune. Lyrics.
  • Here in this place / Online Resource Infant born of human love (Helen Wiltshire) Simple baptism song for an infant. Suggested tune is CAPETOWN. Lyrics (scroll down).
  • ATAR590 A child is born (Leigh Newton) Uplifting new words for a baptism, sung to the tune JERUSALEM. I am not a fan of the tune; the words would fit well to other standard hymn tunes as well if you would like to use them. New words to old tunes.
  • GWA076 Love and welcome to you (Gayle Taylor) This would be a good choice for a child's baptism, as it is quite simple and child-like. Sound sample
  • ATAR603 Warmly he embraced them / More than a sign (Robin Mann) A good song of welcoming children; particularly appropriate for a day when there is a baptism. 
  • AoV2-125 / ATA 132 Lift this child to the sun (Anna's song) (Norm Habel / Robin Mann) I'm not wild about this, but everyone else likes it. Lyrics.
  • VU443 God we pray at this beginning (Christopher Redmond) Lovely balanced words to a familiar tune (ABBOT'S LEIGH). New words to old tunes.
  • SFFS 2233 This, this is where children belong (James Ritchie) A simple song about the inclusion of children in the church. It would be great to sing this at a baptism. Lyrics.
  • Cha362 Filled with the Joy and Gladness of life's wonder (Daniel Merrick) Excellent words for baptism of an infant; quite formal. Sung to the very familiar tune O PERFECT LOVE. New words to old tunes.
Adult baptism
  • Iona / Online Resource / GWA079 Were I the perfect child of God (John Bell) This lovely song to a simple Scottish folk tune talks about taking up the call of Christ in the midst of doubts and fears. "Then sprinkle water on my brow, as in this place I make my vow to own and love my Saviour now and give myself to Jesus". New words to old tunes. Sound sample, sheet music sample, and beautifully instrumented two-voice version for purchase. Simpler sheet music sample and version for purchase.
  • Cha368 I Come to Be Baptized Today (Susan Adams) Good words and very familiar tune. Would be good if you have a group of people being baptised together. O WALY WALY. New words to old tunes.
  • ACS916 / GtG164 / CP045 Down Galilee's slow roadways (Sylvia Dunstan) Good words for adult baptism, or for any Sunday that reflects on Christ's baptism. Lyrics.
  • Walk as one May the peace of the Lord be with you (Alison Campbell Rate) A lovely blessing seeking continuing growth in faith. Good for a confirmation. Book available to purchase here. Sound samples, and pack with accompaniment, sheet music, powerpoint.
  • Online Resource Give me a name that's fresh and free (Hannah Brown) Excellent words that are suitable for any renewal, but particularly appropriate for an adult baptism (or a name change). Sung to the familiar tune WOODWORTH or any other tune that you use to sing "Just as I am without one plea". Lyrics, sheet music preview and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
Song for after baptism
  • Cha373 Be In Our Midst O Christ (Colbert Cartwright) Good for the end of a baptism of some adults, or confirmation, particularly of young adults; it's the same tune as "This is a day of new beginnings" so will be familiar to some congregations. Lyrics (on page 4 of the PDF).
Presentation of Baptismal Candle: 
  • Online Resource / AoV1-053 / AoVK-82 Receive The Light of Christ (Jane Marshall) Simple round "Receive the light of Christ, May (it) shine within our hears, May the Christ Light fill us with joy and peace". This could be really wonderful for the congregation to sing when the candles are being presented at the end of the baptism. Sound sample, sheet music sample and purchasing options.
  • TiS 780 May light come into your eyes (Mandy Treagus) A simple benediction or blessing for someone leaving, or being baptised.
  • TaizĂ© / GWA105 / MV164 Christe lux mundi / Christ you are light for those who follow you (Taize) A slower, and very simple Taize chant. I like it best in Latin, but the English words also work. Sound samples, sheet music.
Aaronic blessings (or substitutes):
Also see multipurpose blessings below....
  • AoV1-177 / GA441 May God Bless and keep you (Christopher Walker) Simple and inclusive Aaronic blessing that has words everyone can understand. This is a big favourite in our congregation. I strongly suggest having a look at this one as an alternative to the standard Aaronic blessing. Sound sample.
  • TiS 776(ii) / AHB 572 The Lord bless you and keep you (various tunes, traditional words) The Australian hymn books have two settings for the Aaronic blessing. I prefer tune (ii) rather than the chant version. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • Iona (Love From Below) The Lord bless you and keep you (Iona community) This is a very nice, but very tricky setting of the standard Aaronic blessing words. It’s more something you would ask your choir to sing, if you have one!
  • CH796 The Lord bless you and keep you (Lowell Mason) Standard words to a tune by Lowell Mason. Sound sample of tune.
  • CH785 May god bless you (Aaronic blessing adapt) A nice alternative, and quite simple tune
  • MV218 / GtG549 / STB315 May the love of the Lord / Wei yuan shen di ai (Maria Ling Po Choo) Lovely alternative words to a simple Chinese melody. It will need to be taught, but is not too hard. Sound sample
  • Online Resource May God Bless you protect you (David MacGregor, Australia) A good, simple, inclusive Aaronic blessing. Flowing. Sound sample (instrumental). Sheet music.
  • Iona (SBL) / CH787 / PH596 / G(II)413 / GC589 / CP661 / URW445 May the Lord Mighty God (Jim Beinke) Many of these sources are quite masculine, but URW is very good. Sung to a traditional Chinese melody (Wen-Ti). Lyrics and lead sheet. Sound sample.
  •  NCYC07 The Lord bless you and keep you / Blessing (Jeremy Burtenshaw) A nice new tune for the standard words of the Aaronic blessing. Worth a look. Will need to be taught to your congregation, but I can see this being a keeper for more contemporary congregations!
  • AoV2-089 / Taize / MV086 / SFFS 2156 Give peace to every heart / Da Pacem Cordium (Jacques Berthier) A good, simple Taize chant. Sound samples, sheet music (not cantor lines though). 
  • STB080 May the Lord gracious God bless and keep you forever / Yuan quan-neng zhu  shang-di (I-to Loh) This is quite lovely, and when sung in two parts would be really special. You would need to teach it, or to have your musicians sing it often until the congregation get to know it; if the person being baptised is from a Mandarin-speaking family, that would be particularly nice.
  • Online Resource May God be merciful and bless you / Your smile be on us O God (David MacGregor) Based on Psalm 67, this is pretty close to an Aaronic Blessing and could work very well for baptisms. Sheet music, sound sample and lyrics.
  • GWA085 May the Lord bless you (Yvonne Lyon, Scotland) A lovely and simple benediction. It is masculine for God, which is a little surprising, but could be changed, I think. Sound sample.
Multipurpose Blessings (Baptisms, Farewells, Confirmations, Commissionings):
  • ATW 494 For you deep stillness (Julie Perrin) This homegrown favourite is just excellent. Lyrics and sound sample
  • BUC Resource May the feet of many walk beside you (Kirk Robson) A beautiful, flowing blessing; much loved by our congregation, both for its beauty and for the person who wrote it. 
  • GWA078 / MV214 May God's sheltering wings (Judith Snowdon) A nice simple blessing and benediction, which may be sung about a feminine or a masculine God. Lyrics. Video with actions from BUC.   
  • Walk as one May the peace of the Lord be with you (David Busch) A blessing seeking Christ's accompaniment even in difficult times. God to guide you, Christ beside you, peace be with you. Lyrics (downloads PDF). Book available to purchase here.
  • URW444 Go in peace walk in love (Trilby Jordan)  A lovely blessing song that can be sung as a round. 
  • FFS49 May the God of new beginnings (John Murray) Lovely blessing for a new start, to a simple tune. 
  • AoVNG129 / Iona (Common Ground, T1AU) / CH798 / StJ / ELW646 / A&M845 / G(3)820 / ChaP189 / URW446 / StF774 / Lau901 The peace of the earth be with you (Guatemalan traditional / translation: Christine Carson) I really like the energy and the words of this one. Easy to sing. Some versions have "The peace of the Lord be with you" instead. Which is not the same. Lyrics and sound samples.
  • VU454 May God who creates you (Louise Skibsted) A lovely blessing for a baptism, or a farewell. Lyrics (downloads an order of service)
  • Iona (Common Ground) / URW447 / StF648 God to enfold you (John Bell) A simple blessing. Best if you can have all the parts covered. Sound sample.
  • Iona (T1AU) /  URW448 God's eye be within me (John Bell) Based on a traditional Irish blessing, and St. Patrick's Breastplate, and sung to a familiar Irish tune COLUMCILLE. Sound sample
  • Walk as one May the peace of the Lord be with you (Alison Campbell Rate) A lovely blessing seeking continuing growth in faith. Good for a confirmation. Book available to purchase here

Songs most appropriate for confirmations

  • Iona / Online Resource / GWA079 Were I the perfect child of God (John Bell) This lovely song to a simple Scottish folk tune talks about taking up the call of Christ in the midst of doubts and fears. "Let all stand witness to my vow to own and love my Saviour now and through the Spirit, God allow my life to be like Jesus". New words to old tunes. Sound sample, sheet music sample, and beautifully instrumented two-voice version for purchase. Simpler sheet music sample and version for purchase.
  • NCH350 Now in the days of youth (Mathams) Sung to the familiar tune DIADEMATA, this song has great words for young people, including those being confirmed, asking for knowledge to use their lives wisely and to love truthfully. 
  • FFS65 / SFFS 2185 This thread I weave / For one great peace (Shirley Erena Murray) Lovely simple song about how all our actions can be part of a prayer for peace.  Good for kids.
  • ATOK 320 / NCH351 / VU645 / StJ / WoV770 / ELW732 / SFFS 2051 / HPP516 / W&R680 / Cha075 I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry. A song of God’s presence in all stages of life. Very simple tune to sing. Lyrics, and a nice (slow) sound sample.
  • NCH354 God, when I came into this life (Kaan) Excellent words of commitment to a well known shape note tune (LAND OF REST).
  • ATOK 348 / Iona (HSNW) / G(II)496 / GC692 / GC(II)697 Come with me / Sing hey for the carpenter (Iona) Excellent. I love this one. Very joyous, and a big favourite in our congregation. Lyrics. I think its strange that some have changed it to "sing yes for the carpenter".
  • ATOK 413 / Iona (HSNW) / CH533 / VU567 / StS039 / R276 / ELW798 / GA502 / SFFS 2130 / HPP317 / G(II)510 / GC700 / GC(II)687 / CP430 / CP(E) 622 / W&R350 / URW060 Will you come and follow me / The Summons (Iona / KELVINGROVE) A classic. Don't sing it too slowly or it really drags and takes forever! Lyrics and tune sample.
  • ATOK 412 / Iona (SBL, Common Ground) / CH250 / MV212 / SFFS 2184 Sent by the Lord am I / Sent out in Jesus name / Enviado soy de Dios (Traditional Cuban) / Great rhythm, good words and not too hard to sing (provided you sing it a little slowly the first time!) I prefer the MV translation "Sent out in Jesus' name". Lyrics.
  • Cha373 Be In Our Midst O Christ (Cartwright) Good for the end of a baptism of some adults, or confirmation, particularly of young adults; it's the same tune as "This is a day of new beginnings" so will be familiar to some congregations.
  • G(3)897 You Have Been Enlightened (Cuddy) Slightly mushy blessing for a confirmation class who have worked carefully towards confirmation / rite of Christian initiation. Sound sample. Melody line and lyrics.
Do you have some favourite baptism songs? Please add a comment below to share with others!
Updated in 2022 in Kolymbari, Chania, Greece.  

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