Gospel Acclamations / Response to Readings

If you use a short song before or after reading the Scriptures, here are some ideas:

  • ACS974 / Iona (We walk his way) / CH780 / GtG455 Listen to the word which God has spoken (Unknown Canadian) A nice simple chant or round. Could be used well to help people focus and be ready for the readings. Good to get a congregation to know over a number of weeks. Lyrics and sheet music sample. Pretty rough youtube recording.
  • GWA055 For the word of God in scripture (Iona Abbey / St James Leith Music Group) A really nice acclamation which can be sung as a round. 
  • GWA056 Listen in the silence listen in the noise (Linnea Good) A gentle call to listen, not just about the scriptures, but could work well for that purpose. Sound sample
  • GWA063 Let there now be light (John Bell) I would use the 2nd verse only if using this as a Gospel Acclamation "Open your word, let there now be light". Very simple.

 Of course, you could also sing an Alleluia or a Gloria. Links lead to pages for both of those. 

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