Songs for Season of Creation 3A - Outback / Wilderness Sunday (September 17 2023)

Joel 1:8-10, 17-20
Lamentation; fire has destroyed the wilderness
  • FFS02 As the sun beats down (Bill Bennett) Good words. Simple tune. A lamentation in times of drought. Maybe drought is like fire destroying the land too. I just thought this might be appropriate in some places.
  • GWA029 In ages past the mighty Lord by prophets spoke the word (Michael Mangan) This is a song with very many verses; choose at least verses 1 and 7 this week, and you can sing other verses when you want to sing about other prophets. Set to the common tune KINGSFOLD. Some lyrics (not the Joel verse!). New words to old tunes.
Psalm 18:6-19
The Psalmist calls on God who answered (in a very dramatic way) with deliverance
  • MV017 / FFS024 / Srce2-145 God in the darkness (Elizabeth Smith) Great words which would work well at the beginning of a service of worship. Set to a fairly simple hymn-like tune by Colin Gibson. Verse 1: "God in the darkness, God beyond our knowing, patient creator, seed in secret growing, rock of the living, water ever flowing, come and renew us.
  • SiS635 / StJ / SFFS2002 / GtG621 / W&R653 / MP306 I Will Call upon the Lord (Michael O'Shields) Fun. Don't take it too seriously; break into a round if you feel like it. I always imagine crazy 80s hair metal drums and guitars for the chorus. There is a second verse in some sources which really isn't needed (or good). Lyrics and chords. I may have listened (accidentally, of course... ahem) to Petra in the 80s.
  • PfAS018B How I love you Lord my God (Ada Roeper-Boulogne) Good paraphrase of the Psalm, set to the familiar hymn tune (ABERSYTWYTH) New words to old tunes.
  • AHB 341 A lamp for our feet has been given (Granton Douglas Hay) I reckon this one is pretty good.
  • Online Resource / Resounding Voices / VT044 We long to know her the maker of heaven (Jacque Jones) Rich feminine imagery of God as creator, wisdom and bringer of justice. Sung to a tune that may be familiar (STAR OF THE EAST). Free book download here. New words to old tunes.
Romans 8:18-27
The spirit intercedes for us.
  • FFS11 Come teach us Spirit of our God (Shirley Murray) Excellent words and a good tune.
  • Music by Heart 19 The groaning of the spirit (Benjamin Law) A round with an ostinato (a higher part) and an optional drum part. Would need to be taught during worship, or shortly before. 
  • Tune In / Online Resource Spirit of the Father / Alive in me (Sheree Anderson) Catchy song about God’s spirit living in us. "Take hold of the hope that I give, trust in me, reach out for the love you can live, eternally”. Free downloadable songbook, lyrics and sound samples. Good for kids.<
  • Tune In / Online Resource Father of earth, Mother of sea (Dave Brown) A latinesque song about the Spirit being with those who are victims, prisoners and the sick, as well as present in our prayers. Note particularly the phrase “Spirit who prays with us while war goes on… pray with us Lord”. Free downloadable songbook, lyrics and sound samples.
  • ACS903 / AoV1-061 / ATOK 355 / GtG359 / SFFS 2194 / G(II)521 / GC723 / GC(II)707 / G(3)814 / ZSS110 / SgTJ1035 / StF697 Freedom is coming (South African) Excellent and lots of fun, especially if you have a keen African-style drummer in your congregation. It's really worth teaching the parts to your congregation before the service. It can get a bit confusing for the congregation otherwise. A range of sound samples (Youtube). History of the song. Sheet music samples. Good for kids.
  • TiS 417 / AoV2-133 / ATW 448 / VU387 / StJ / WoV683 / ELW397 / AA94 / HPP237 / GtG293 / PH323 / CP657 / W&R135 / Cha244 / URW203 / StB220 / VF051 Loving Spirit, Loving Spirit (Shirley Murray). There are about a zillion tunes set for this. I prefer FELICITY (by Colin Gibson TiS 417), but also like RESTORATION and OMNI DIE. Lyrics are here.New words to old tunes (if that's what you choose).
  • URW154 Holy holy holy you are whole and holy (Per Harling) Very simple tune. Would be a nice Sanctus to use during communion this week if you like, even if you just used the chorus.
  • AoV2-003 / ATOK 313 / CH543 / StJ / GA404 / A&M042 / ELW715 / GtG314 / GC(II)512 / G(3)590 / SP13 / URW114 / Lau883 / StF706 Longing for light we wait in darkness / Christ, be our light (Bernadette Farrell) One of my favourites, especially if someone can sing or play the descant line in the later verses. Sound sample and lyrics. Good for kids. 
  • TiS 421 Where the Spirit is there's freedom (Per Harling) Fun and good; excellent fun for the pianist! Lyrics.  Good for kids.
  • NCH057 / VU379 / WoV688 / LBW459 / ELW399 / SFFS 2121 / CP(E) 188 / Cha251 / URW079 / VF055 O Holy Spirit root of life (Jean Janzen) Good words from Hildegard of Bingen of "Holy Spirit","Eternal Vigour" and "Holy Wisdom". I like the phrase "encompass us with wings unfurled". Simple known tune (PUER NOBIS). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • NCH520 / LBW441 / ELW402 / AA033 / CP557 / W&R475 / 82Hml-698 Eternal Spirit of the living Christ (Frank von Christierson) There are many tunes to these very honest and realistic words. For a more modern alternative, Gibson's tune in AA (ARGYLE STREET) is quite good. Lyrics.
  • ATW 463 / Iona (T1AU) / ELW721 / SFFS 2219 / A&M835 / GtG750 / GC(II)451 / G(3)528 / W&R296 / URW436 Goodness is stronger than evil (Desmond Tutu) Words from Archbishop Desmond Tutu. "Victory is ours, victory is ours, through him who loves us". Some congregations change the last line to "Compassion is ours, compassion is ours...". It depends on the context in which you sing it, I suppose. Sound sample. Good for kids.
  • VU619 / WoV738 / ELW612 / SFFS 2213 / GtG795 / G(II)642 / GC882 / GC(II)854 / G(3)960 / RS 958 / CP612 / W&R630 / Cha506 / URW161 / Lau427 Healer of Our Every Ill (Marty Haugen) Good straightforward words of healing and simple tune. "Give us strength to love each other, every sister, every brother". Can get overly mushy.Lyrics and sheet music sample. Sound sample.
  • TiS 419 / NCH270 / CH592 / A&M252 / UMH544 / VU205 / WoV685 / ELW403 / HPP222 / GtG285 / PH314 / CP635 / CP(E) 185 / W&R327 / SP92 / 82Hml-513 / StF389Like the murmur of the dove's song (Carl Daw) Excellent words and a simple tune about Christian unity. Each verse ends with "Come holy spirit, come". Lyrics and sheet music.
  • / SP&P081 / CP086 More Than We Can Ask (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A great chant for use during intercessions. Very simple and genuine. Sample and lyrics here.
  • Worldmaking.netO Tender God have mercy (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A nice chant which would be great for the prayer of confession. Lyrics and very breathy sound sample.
  • AoV1-139O God Nothing Can Take Us from your love (Christopher Walker) Good refrain. Good verses. Cantor and congregational response.
  • TiS 380 / AHB 303 / NCH253 / CH419 / UMH308 / VU173 / LBW145 / ELW376 / A&M218 / HPP203 / GtG238 / PH122 / CP210 / CP(E)160 / W&R310 / Cha218 / Srce694 / Lau287 / StF313 / MP689 Thine be the glory risen conquering Son (Edmond Budry) One of the few older hymns that doesn't require updating, and beautiful harmonies... A great classic hymn! Lyrics and tune. Oldy-but-a-goody.
Matthew 3:13 – 4:2 or Mark 1:9-13
Christ is baptised and driven into the wilderness.  I have listed here the songs about being driven into the wilderness. Baptism of Christ songs from this year, are listed here.  
  • Online Resource / Tune In / ATAR663 Save us in the time of trial (Shawn Whelan) A song with a reflective chant-like chorus. We have sung this a cuople of different ways, it's quite flexible. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • Here in this place We know ourselves beloved (Helen Wiltshire) These words emphasize that we are loved by God even when called into the wilderness; I think this would be a pretty good fit for BUC this Lent. Free sheet music here
  • CH338 / VU115 / StS036 / SFFS 2105 / STF237 / LUYH115 Jesus tempted in the desert (Herman Stuempfle) Excellent story-telling hymn, sung to the familiar tune EBENEZER. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • MV118 Me alone (Jamaican traditional) A very simple repetitive call-and-response song. Could work well as a reflective song. This is from the Caribbean Conference of Churches. Could work as a prayer response too.
  • ACS922 / MV065 / GtG783 / STF240 When we are tested and wrestle alone (Ruth Duck) Excellent words paralleling our struggles with those of Christ in the wilderness. The set tune WHEN WE ARE TESTED is not difficult, but it can also be sung to SLANE (TiS 547) if you need a familiar tune. First verse is "When we are tested and wrestle alone, famished for bread when the world offers stone, nourish us God, by your word and your way, food that sustains us by night and by day". New words to old tunes.
  • ATW 498 / Iona (T1AU) / MV 196 / SP&P182 / URW438 We will take what you offer (John Bell) An excellent simple short song that works well either as an upbeat chorus or as a reflective chant. "We will take what you offer. We will live by your word. We will love one another. And be fed by you Lord". Sound sample. 
  • ATAR626 / VU113 To the desert Jesus came / Together through the valley (Linnea Good) A good contemporary hymn, with a quite classically beautiful tune, for the start of Lent. A song about going together through the wilderness of Lent to Easter.
  • SP&P097 The spirit led Jesus to the wilderness (Scheffler) A good catchy verse and chorus song for kids. The story of Jesus going into the wilderness. You might need to have a conversation about what it means to be tempted by the devil with the kids before singing this. We don't often talk about "The Devil". Good for kids.
  • Online Resource Follow Jesus to the Jordan (David Bjorlin, USA) Excellent new words calling us to follow Jesus to the Jordan, to the wilderness, and wherever God leads us to go. Sung to the familiar tune BEACH SPRING. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • Taizé / GtG814 / CP563 / PfAS062DIn God alone my soul can find rest and peace / Mon ame se repose (Jacques Berthier) A beautiful healing chant from Taize. Words and music and sound samples for learning the partsGood for kids.
  • Online resource Out in the Wilderness (Jay Beech) A groovy song that I think kids will like; I like the first and 3rd verses, and not so much of the rest. Good for kids. Sound sample. Sheet music for purchase. 
  • Online Resource / Tune In:You in all our worries / All will finish well (Dave Brown) “In this world where injustice reigns, you are in the midst of pain”. Excellent words of reassurance in a difficult world. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • Online resource Jesus in the Desert (Daniel Damon) A simple hymn-like song. Lyrics & sheet music.
  • Cha455 You Have Called Me (David Edwards) A simple song, about being called from silence or the wilderness to serve. "Here I am, send me, here I am"
  • Online ResourceOpen unto me light for my darkness (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) Good for a more contemplative service. Sample
  • Online Resource O Christ, Lamb of God (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A more modern Agnus Dei, with Christ sharing our weakness. Lyrics and sound sample.
  • SP&P065 As the grain was scattered on the hills (Arthur Clyde) A beautiful and simple melody with words from the Didache. This would be very beautiful before or during the distribution of communion, particularly when the congregation has been on a difficult journey. "On hillsides you feed us, through deserts you lead us, now at this table all are one in Christ. We have new life" 
What ideas do you have? Please share them in a comment below.


Anonymous said...

Dear Natalie, thanks for all the wonderful work you do. A great help. *TiS 684 / ... Loving Spirit, Loving Spirit (Murray). LIST Creation 3 should be TiS 417. regards Lynne

Lectionary Singer (Natalie Sims) said...

Thanks Lynne, all fixed now!