Refugee and Migrant Sunday - June 16 or June 23 2024

Also, please look at the booklet from the Hymn Society that has many songs to welcome refugees and migrants. There are also (non-musical) resources at the Refugee Highway Partnership, Faithward, Aura for Refugees, and Pilgrim Uniting Church
Also, if you have spare musical instruments, and based in Australia, you might like to consider donating to Music for Refugees.
  • Online Resource Holy is the refugee (Hannah Brown / Mark Miller) Excellent words and joyful affirming chorus recognising the holiness in all, particularly people who are refugees, queer or people of colour.  Lyrics, sheet music preview and purchasing options.
  • Online Resource Build a longer table (David Bjorlin / French Carol) Excellent words about making space and making welcome for refugees; sung to the familiar tune NOEL NOUVELET. Or you could use a new tune! Sound sample, lyrics and sheet music preview and purchasing options. New words to old tunes. Here is the version with the new tune! Sound sample of the new tune.
  • Online Resource / Tune In See our God with the tear-streaked face / Our God who weeps (Kate Scull) Very simple folk tune and challenging and hopeful lyrics. Free downloadable songbook, lyrics and sound samples.
  • Online Resource O God of mercy at whose call (Bob Faser) Written for Australian congregations, these words are (sadly) still very timely today as our nation's leaders deny access to Australia to those who come by boat. Sung to the well know tune MELITA. Tune sheet music. Lyrics New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource: The children come (Carolyn Winfrey-Gillette) For those in the USA, this new song focussed on care for unaccompanied children entering the USA was particularly appropriate last year, and sadly, still very appropriate this year. LyricsNew words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource In these times (Marty Haugen) A beautiful new song that focuses clearly on the current refugee crisis and God's clear command that we should create a place of welcome. Sheet music for purchase
  • FFS60 Stranger standing at my door (Jillian Bray) Amazing words, but a tricky tune. Would be good if you have a good soloist in your congregation who would sing this and the congregation listen to the very meaningful words. Last verse is "I am fearful of your claim, yet I cannot turn away. Stranger with a foreign name, are you angel here to stay? You are messenger and guest, you the Christ I can't ignore, you my own compassion's test, stranger standing at my door; you the Christ I can't ignore." Lyrics and sheet music.
  • Online Resource A child a woman and a man (Brian Wren) Excellent words of welcoming the stranger among us. Lyrics & sheet music. There is also a more modern alternate tune by David MacGregor here. Sound sample.
  • Online Resource / Walk as One Love makes a way (Alison Campbell Rate) Excellent words about loving the stranger, with a bridge based on 1 Corinthians 13. Book (PDF) for purchase here.
  • MV 145 / CP418 / SP&P123 Draw the circle wide (Gordon Light) A great song about welcoming all people. Chorus is “Draw the circle wide, draw it wider still. Let this be our song, no-one stands alone, standing side by side, draw the circle wide”. Lyrics and sound sample.
  • FFS34 I am standing waiting (Shirley Murray) Good words of justice for children of poor nations to the well known French melody AU CLAIR DE LA LUNE. "I am standing waiting, waiting at your door, one of hunger's children from a billion poor" Lyrics. New words to old tunes .
  • CH198 / MV001 / HPP550 / A&M365 / GtG301 / GC753 / GC(II)741 / G(3)850 / SP176 / URW058/ Lau458 / StF409 Let Us Build a House / All are welcome (Marty Haugen) This song has wonderful lyrics of hope for what a Christian community can be like, and a chorus that joyfully says “All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place”. Sheet music sample. Sound sample
  • Online Resource / VU77 / PH035 / GtG153 / 82Hml-246 In Bethlehem a Newborn Boy (Rosamond Herklots) Great words acknowledging the danger Christ was born into, the danger that still exists today, and Christ's redemptive power over it. The phrase "but down the ages rings the cry of those who saw their children die" is so powerful, and reminds me of families in Syria, on refugee boats, and in hospitals. The tune is suitably solemn and simple; somewhat formal.  This is a song that may be sung more commonly at Christmas, but would also be appropriate for a Sunday such as this. Lyrics, choral sound and sheet music sample with downloadable sheet music for purchase.
  • FFS78 Who are these strangers? (Colin Gibson) Good words of questioning faith; quite sad and challenging. The tune is new, but it quite intuitive. "Who are these strangers? Why do they throng, crowding the place where we belong? Why do they haunt us with their pain, eyes that have seen so many slain? We do not know them, yet we kneel and bring them to this holy place, where bread is broken, wine is shared, suffering met by love and grace".
  • Here in this place Come and share this land (Helen Wiltshire) A terrific song to help us learn that sharing our country and freedom is a great thing to be able to do. I think this would be Good for kids sung to ORIENTIS PARTIBUS, but maybe there is a more appealing tune for kids out there? Free sheet music.
  • Online Resource / AoV2-102 / GA509 Who will speak if we don't (Marty Haugen) Excellent challenging words. Sheet music for purchase, sound sample and preview. Good for teenagers.
  • Online Resource / TiS 690 / CH259 / A&M557 / StS115 / SP237 / Srce54 / StF693 / MP806 Beauty for brokenness hope for despair (Graham Kendrick) Themes of healing from personal and universal suffering and an emotive chorus. “Refuge from cruel wars, havens from fear, cities for sanctuary, freedoms to share, peace to the killing-fields, scorched earth to green; Christ for the bitterness, his cross for the pain”. It's a bit schmaltzy. Lyrics, chords, sheet music for purchase.
  • Online Resource / Walk as One I am the way (Leigh Newton / David Froemming) A simple song, with powerful justice-focussed lyrics. Sound sample. Book (PDF) for purchase
  • Online Resource Travelling travelling over the world / Break the bread of belonging (Brian Wren) Excellent words about welcoming people who have travelled far. "we have each been a stranger". Sheet music and lyrics.
  • TiS 629 / AHB 558 / AoV2-136 / ATA 197 / CH544 / VU600 / Lau888 / StF256 When I needed a neighbor were you there (Sydney Carter) A classic folk church song. Well known and fits well with this theme. "And the creed and the colour and the name won't matter"... Lyrics. Good for kids. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • TiS 421 Where the Spirit is there's freedom (Per Harling) Fun and good. Can be sung with the congregation in two halves singing each part, which is not too hard once they have the hang of singing it in unison. Good for kids Lyrics.
  • Recorded music Our God of hope / Carry the Dream (John Coleman) A good song about God being with the hope of refugees, protesters, prophets. It would be even better if someone from your congregation sings it. Sound sample and purchasing options
  • Online Resource No longer strangers and aliens (Jack Davidson) This catchy song is based on Ephesians 2; it would be more appropriate for American congregations, since they actually call people aliens over there... Youtube
  • GtG154 Jesus entered Egypt (Adam Tice) Another song from the Christmas season that also serves as a reminder that we need to reach out to the refugee, migrant and stranger among us. Highly recommended. Tune sample. "Jesus entered Egypt fleeing Herod's hand, living as an alien in a foreign land. Far from home and country with his family, was there room and welcome for this refugee?". Lyrics (PDF).
  • Recorded music Huddled Masses (Shaina Taib) Probably more appropriate for congregations in the USA, but it's a great listen anyway. Youtube. Also this recording which is amazing

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