For some years, I've been meaning to make a page specifically focussed on Care or the Earth, or for Earth Day. Even though I've listed songs for Season of Creation, which focuses on these issues, it's helpful to have them all in one place. Our Worship Committee at Brunswick Uniting has also received a request from our Church Council to develop a "Climate Crisis Liturgy", so this is also a clearinghouse of sorts for web pages that already have these resources.
Liturgies and Prayers
- SFFS 2059 I Am Your Mother. Do not neglect me! (Shirley Erena Murray) Great words about the earth as our mother and the need to care for her. Lyrics and sheet music.
- Online Resource Can Weeping for our Planet be Enough
(Adam Tice / Sally Ann Morris) Powerful words calling us to action,
rather than just lamenting the destruction around us. Contemporary tune
which will need to be taught. Sheet music, lyrics sample, and purchasing options.
- VU297 All praise to you O God of all creation
(Omer Westendorf) Good words of God's role in creation and our role to
care for it. Sung to the familiar tune FINLANDIA. Lyrics.
New words to old tunes.
- URW155 Earth and all who breathe
(Ruth Duck) Excellent words about care for creation, our role as stewards of
the earth, and the struggle against destructive progress. Sung to the
familiar tune ICH HALTE TREULICH STILL. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- STB257 Green the wild fields
(I-to Loh) This Taiwanese song reflects on the way we devastate
creation and seeks repentance and better behaviour. The English
translation could be better, but I quite like it.
- TiS
668 / AoVK-34 / ATFG587 / NCH569 / CH243 / VU307 / R254 / ELW739 /
AA143 / A&M553 / GtG713 / G(3)805 / W&R38 / Cha693 /
URW189 / StF729 Touch the earth lightly (Shirley Murray) Sings of the redemption of creation and our complicity in its
destruction. Sources vary in their set tunes. TiS has a good tune
(TENDERNESS) with a nice minor key change to the relative minor for the
second verse. Can also be sung to BUNESSAN, if you need a familiar tune. Youtube video with all lyrics.New words to old tunes (if you want).
- MV135 Called by earth and sky (Pat Mayberry) Gentle song about being called to care for the earth. Sheet music.
- TiS 679 / Online God of Jeremiah grieving
(Brian Wren) If you are going to focus on Jeremiah for the next few weeks,
this would be a good hymn to learn. The traditional Scottish
tune KELVIN GROVE is well known as the tune for "The Summons". Lyrics and free sheet music PDF. New words to old tunes.
- CH240 / W&R37 / StF727 / Lau687 / MP832 God in such love for us lent us this planet
(Fred Pratt Green) Really excellent lyrics of caring for creation and a
reminder that the Earth is God's. Not all versions are inclusive (CH
is). Lyrics and sheet music.
- VU305 Into the unshaped silence
(S Curtis Tufts) Lovely words of a new day, a day of rest, and care for the
earth. You could choose just one verse and sing it as a round. Lyrics.
- Cha658 / URW081 Restless Weaver
(Cricket Harrison) Excellent words of our desire to help build God's new earth -
caring for creation and desiring justice for all. Sung to the familiar
tune HOLY MANNA. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / GWA024 Your labour is not in vain (Wendell
Kimbrough / Paul Zach / Isaac Wardell) A soothing song about how the
work is worth it in the end. Not so much a congregational song,
but would work well for a time of reflection, with the congregation
joining in on the chorus "I am with you, for I have called you by name,
your labour is not in vain". Sound sample and chords for guitar. Sheet music and a different sound sample.
- AHB 106 / CH238 / A&M543 / CP(E) 257 Lord bring the day to pass
(Ian Fraser) Excellent words. Care for the earth. New heavens and earth.
Can be sung to one of my favourite hymn tunes (LOVE UNKNOWN), but other
are also listed. Sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- NCH559 / PH266 / W&R36 Thank You God for Water Soil and Air (Brian Wren) Good words asking God to help us renew the face of the earth by caring for creation. A prayer of confession. Lyrics & sheet music.
- TiS 651 Take, take off your shoes (Jim Manley) A
fun slightly silly song for kids; this song is focussed on caring for the earth and
creation. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- Online Resource For all beings without speech (Julie Perrin) Beautiful words, set to a quite meditative melody by Shawn Whelan, about our need to care for all of creation. Sound sample, and free sheet music.