Song suggestions for coming Sundays...

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Service Music

Songs and Hymns for Ash Wednesday (5 March 2025)

 General Ash Wednesday songs:
  • ATAR626 / VU113 To the desert Jesus came / Together through the valley (Linnea Good) A good contemporary hymn, with a quite classically beautiful tune, for the start of Lent. A song about going together through the wilderness of Lent to Easter. Sound samples and some lyrics.
  • ACS925 / Recorded Music Beautiful Things (Gungor) A sweet song. "You make beautiful things, you make beautiful things out of the dust".... Not so much a congregational song, although it's not difficult, unless everyone knows it well. It's not hard to play, so if you have good musicians, they may like to give it a go. It could also work to just sing the chorus as a chant.  Youtube with lyrics. Guitar instructions
  • ACS921 In all affliction / Return to God (Marilyn Haskel) This very simple call and response song could be used in many settings for Ash Wednesday, including evening services where the light is dim since it doesn't require anyone to read words, as they simply follow the song leader. You can also make up your own verses to fit your community. Sound sample (I would use a more simple, and slower instrument-free arrangement).  
  • Online Resource / Resounding Voices As evening hastens near (Marissa Hall) Not so much an Ash Wednesday song, but an evening song for Lent, which you may wish to teach your congregation either to sing together if you have evening services, or to sing at home, or at evening small groups. The tune is a simple Icelandic hymn tune. Free book download here.  
  • Online Resource We have come from the dust / All of our days (Lisa Waites) A hymn with chorus about the hopes of the period of Lent and commitment to learning together. The verses are pretty straightforward to sing, although the chorus will probably need to be taught. Sound sample, sheet music sample and purchasing options. Thanks to Riana Kok for this suggestion.
Songs for imposition of the ashes:
You may also like to use a Kyrie. Here's a list of them
  • Online Resource / Resounding Voices Dust remember you are splendor (Susan Palo Cherwien / Anne Krentz) A very new way of thinking about coming from dust and preparing for the season of Lent. The tune is particularly beautiful. For a congregational song, it will need to be taught, but you could ask your musicians to present it for the congregation, or if you have a choir, you could purchase the very beautiful choral version. You will need to be sure that this theme is picked up by the rest of the service, because it is quite a different way of thinking about the ashes. Free book download here (this has the congregational version). Choral version sound sample. Choral version purchasing options.
  • Online Resource / NCH186 / VU105 / G(II)280 / GC381 / GC(II)392 / G(3)468 / RS539 / URW172 Dust and ashes touch our face (Brian Wren, USA) The words to this hymn are very challenging. The tune is good. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • Online Resource / G(3)489 / GtG433 Sign us with ashes (Mary Louise Bringle / William Rowan) A good refrain with verses that the musicians could sing when ashes are signed. Sound sample, sheet music sample and purchasing options.
  • Online resource From Dust to Dust (Bruce Harding) A simple song which can be sung as a chant or a round. Includes Kyries. Sheet music.
  • Online resource With these ashes (Kathy Douglass) A lovely simple song that would work well to be sung during the imposition of ashes. Sound sample. PDF (thanks to Kathy for sharing this). 
  • Online resource We are children of the Earth (Richard Bruxvoort Colligan). This song is based on Psalm 90, and would be appropriate for the anointing with ashes, or other reflective moments in your service.  Sound sample, lyrics and an entire Ash Wednesday order of worship
  • Online resource Mark us with the sign of life and death (Richard Bruxvoort Colligan) A positive song emphasizing our part in the community of believers and as one with the earth. Sound sample, lyrics and purchasing options.
  • ACS919 Remember that you are dust (Mark Mummert). A very simple chant, which can be used as a round. Lyric video
  • Online Resource / ACS920 / GWA108 All things of dust to dust return (Thomas Troeger, USA) A hymn with solemn words, but ultimately hopeful. It could be sung before the imposition, but not during because there are lots of words. There are three possible tunes (both are in GWA). I find the Tallis tune a bit challenging for a congregation and would use the Carlton Young tune, or sing it to KINGSFOLD. Sound sample (Thomas Tallis tune). Sound sample (Carlton Young tune). Sound sample (Kingsfold). Lyrics, sheet music sample, and purchasing options (Carlton Young tune). New words to old tunes.
Joel 2:1-2, 12-17
Gather everyone with a trumpet to seek forgiveness

  • GWA029 In ages past the mighty Lord by prophets spoke the word (Michael Mangan) This is a song with very many verses; choose at least verses 1 and 7 this week, and you can sing other verses when you want to sing about other prophets. Set to the common tune KINGSFOLD. Some lyrics (not the Joel verse!). New words to old tunes.
  •  Online Resource / BUC Song Project Why do we listen and fail to hear / Lament - for a people with a people with a dulled heart (Shawn Whelan) This lament, and its wailing ooooh would fit quite well with this passage. Lyrics & sheet music. Good for kids.
  • AA085 Let justice roll down like a river (Colin Gibson) Excellent song, and very easy to sing. Lyrics and sheet music. Good for kids.
  • AoV1-030 / GA213 / G(II)282 / GC386 / GC(II)405 / G(3)484 / Lau842 Come back to me / Hosea (Gregory Norbet) Quite beautiful song of return to God. Nice sung sound sample. Lead sheet.
  • ATOK 331 Turn to me with all your heart (John Ylvisaker, USA) I like this one; it is very simple, but profound. Sheet music sample (downloads PDF, turn towards the end of it).
  • StS033 / GA515 / G(II)516 / GC716 / GC(II)709 / G(3)810 Let Justice Roll Like a River (Marty Haugen) The song is a quite simple gospel song, particularly if you use a soloist for the verses if this is new to you. Lead sheet. Sound sample
  • GC(II)755 / G(3)864 O the weary world is trudging / The trumpet in the morning (Rory Cooney) Song of release of prisoners and the trumpet's blast. Sound sample. Lead sheet.
  • GA304 /  G(II)283 / GC389 / GC(II)410 / G(3)478 / Lau193 Return to God with all your heart (Marty Haugen)  "Return to God with all your heart, the source of grace and mercy" Verses may need a cantor. Lead sheet. Sound sample.
  • Taizé / A&M834 / G(3)959 / SP323 / Lau221 God is forgiveness / Bóg jest miłością (Taize community) "God is forgiveness, love and do not fear". A simple Taize chant which seems to suit this reading quite well. Sheet music, lyrics in many languages, sound samples.
  • Online Resource / Tune In / NCYC '07: Forgive us now (Dave Brown). “As we forgive may we be healed, as we reach out….” An excellent ballad seeking forgiveness in a sinful world. Free downloadable songbook.
Alternative Hebrew Scripture: Isaiah 58:1-12
The fast that God seeks is to release the oppressed, share with the hungry, bring the poor into your homes
  • CH763 / MV193 God bless to us our bread (Traditional Argentinian) A lovely simple grace for meals and for communion. More Voices has Spanish and French lyrics as well as English. "God bless to us our bread, and give bread to all those who are hungry, and hunger for justice to those who are fed. God bless to us our bread". This would be very appropriate if you are celebrating communion this week. Sound sample (Track 1).
  • VU109 /  82Hml-145 Now quit your care and anxious fear (Percy Dearmer) A lovely joyful tune for Lent. Good, realistic, although slightly old-fashioned words. "Arise, arise, arise and make a paradise!" This could be sung through the whole Lenten season. Lyrics.
  • TiS 657 / CH263 / VU700 / A&M559 / AA50 / CP(E) 447 / Cha656 / SP242 God of freedom God of justice (Shirley Murray) Powerful lyrics. Can be sung to either TREDEGAR (new, but not too hard) or PICARDY (very familiar). Lyrics and sheet music sample. New words to old tunes. There is also a nice tune from Douglas Simper in his book if you'd like something quite new, but still hymn-like.
  •  CH659 / MV173 / StJ / A&M566 / G(3)824 / W&R389 / SP251 / StF712 Put peace into each other’s hands (Fred Kaan) Good words for communion; tune is quite simple and flows nicely. Slow sound sample, sheet music with lyrics. Good for kids.
  • CH488 / AA130 Teach us O loving heart of Christ (Shirley Murray) Good, powerful words seeking forgiveness for those things we have not done or said. The tune is new, but fairly simple. Lyrics.
  • GA304 /  G(II)283 / GC389 / GC(II)410 / G(3)478 / Lau193 Return to God with all your heart (Marty Haugen)  "Return to God with all your heart, the source of grace and mercy" Verses may need a cantor. Lead sheet. Sound sample
  • CH195 / StS053 / AA061 Here to the house of God we come (Shirley Murray) Good honest and challenging words and a simple, but unusual tune. Lyrics.
  • Online Resource Hear the message we now are proclaiming / El mensaje que hoy proclamamos (Eleazar Torregosa) This jubilant Colombian song of liberty and new life for the poor and suffering would fit well with God's care for the Israelites. Free sheet music. Lyric video (in Spanish).
  • Online Resource Fast from fear and feast on love / The fast that love has chosen (Amanda Udis-Kessler) Positive words about choosing what we fast from, and what we feast on. It's quite wordy, so I would suggest using it in segments during the service, possibly a bit slower than the recording (though I do like the funky bass). I'd encourage you to get your musicians to sing it as an offering for the congregation, since sometimes the words are tricky to fit in. Lyrics. Free sheet music.
Psalm 51:1-17
A Prayer for forgiveness and a new heart
You might like to sing a Kyrie.
  • Online Resource Broken (Elaine Loukes) A gentle song for tired pilgrims. Free sheet music, recording and lyrics.
  • Iona (SBL) / MV068 / G(II)405 / GC581 / GtG578 / PfAS009A Kyrie Guarany / On the poor, on the poor / Oré poriajú verekó (Pablo Sosa / Guarani people) A simple Kyrie from Paraguay; This is our current favourite at Brunswick. The English translation varies depending on the source (we don't sing On the Poor). Sound sample in Guarani. Sound sample in Greek (Hey, that's my family singing!)  Good for kids.
  • Online Resource Open my heart (Ana Hernandez) A beautiful 3 part chant, which also works as a single part chant. Sheet music. Youtube of the song being taught and sung in 3 parts.  
  • Online Resource / Tune In / NCYC '07 Forgive us now (Dave Brown) An excellent ballad. "Forgive us now, O mother love for all the idols we have built, For all the time we’ve worshiped there in company of dark despair. Forgive us mother of all hope”. Free downloadable songbook and sound samples
  • Iona (Sent By the Lord) / MV066 Senzenina? / What have we done? (South African) This beautiful chant from South Africa asks the question that we often ask when things go wrong beyond belief. It's important to know what the song means when singing it. If you have some part-singers in your congregation, this would be particular good. It's good to let people ask this question. It is also on the soundtrack for "The Power of One" so you could also play the recorded music if appropriate. Sound sample. Free sheet music. Maybe this could work as a Psalm response?
  • MV015 / GA186 Holy Sacred Spirit (Monica Brown) Gentle chant, which would work well at the start of the service. Can be used without the cantor part. "Holy Sacred Spirit, breathe your breath on us". Youtube (VERY SLOW) Good to help kids settle.  
  • STB043 Lord we did not live up to your teachings / Amra tomar adesh rupe (Bart Shaha) A Bengali Kyrie. The translation is good, and quite challenging. This will need to be taught; it could be sung in Bengali, because (like a Kyrie) it's repetitive. Sample sheet music.
  • AoV1-158 / GA438 Create a new heart Holy Lord / A new heart for a new world (Monica O'Brien / Trish Watts) Very simple melody, excellent words "Create a new heart Holy Lord, beckon our lives through your word, open our eyes to your call, United as one for your world". Lyrics and slightly odd sound sample.
  • TiS 712 / AoV2-021 / ATE 269 / The tide has turned songbook Create in me / us a clean heart O God (Digby Hannah) A big favourite in our congregation, and a big favourite of mine. Lyrics & sound sample.
  • GA040 Create in Me a Clean Heart O God (Monica O'Brien) Nice refrain and simple cantor part for this Psalm.
  • GtG423 / W&R378 / PfAS051H Create in Me a Clean Heart O God (John Carter) A very simple, and repetitive version of the Psalm. Lyrics and sheet music sample
  • GC(II)409 / G(3)477 Lord Jesus Christ son of the living God (Carol Browning) A simple chant based on "The Jesus Prayer" with a beautiful (and optional) cantor which is really worth using. Nice chords! Nice sound sample and sheet music sample Sound sample  Lead sheet.  
  • Cha743 Create in me a clean heart O God (Carl Mueller) Very simple refrain based on a choral work, with a responsive reading. Here's a recording of the choral work.
  • PfAS051I Lord Have Mercy (Kathleen Hart Brumm) A simple call and response Kyrie. Instrumental sheet music. Good for kids if you sing it with some energy.
  • GtG431 / SFFS 2134 Forgive Us Lord / Perdon Senor (Jorge Lockward / Raquel Mora Martínez) Call and response prayer of confession. Recording.
  • NCH784 Create in Me a clean heart (Emma Lou Diemer) Easy to sing. Nice words. 
  • Online Resource Create in Me a pure Heart O God (Bruce Harding) A nice round, with an optional descant part.  Good for kids. Free sheet music .
  • Iona (Love and Anger) / StS067 / PfAS051G / STB120 Have mercy on us Lord / Khudaya rahem kar (Pakistan) A nice alternative. It would be nice to get your congregation to sing something from South Asia. PfAS uses only the first line as a Psalm refrain, which may be the simplest approach for Anglo congregations to dip their toes into South Asian melodies. Lyrics also in Urdhu, but works well in English too. Youtube.
  • O Tender God, Have Mercy (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A gentle, modern version of the Kyrie. Sound sample, lyrics and theology.
  • NCH589 / VU679 Let there be light O God of hosts! (Frances Wheeler Davis) Hopeful words seeking an end to war and unity and understanding between nations. Verse two "Open our lips!" Lyrics. History.  
  • ATOK 399 Holding out your hand (Gerry Holmes) I like this one. Good for kids.
  • Psalm Project - Sharing the Road Wash Me Clean (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A nice, gentle reworking of the Psalm. Might be good to ask a musician to sing this one. Available here.
  • TiS 729 / Iona (HSNW) Jesus Christ, Son of God have mercy upon us (John Bell) A very very simple call and response chant.
  • ATOK 354 / ELW801 / SFFS 2152 / GtG695 / SP&P128 / W&R373 / PfAS051A / ZSS178 / Srce95 / MP069 Change my heart O God / Cambiame Senor (Eddie Espinosa) A mushy old favourite. Sound sample
  • Online Resource Create in Me (Tom Keesecker) A lovely choral piece. Listen to the full sound sample, it just gets better and better. Sound sample, PDF sample, and purchasing options.
  • Online Resource Make a new heart (Richard Bruxvoort Colligan) A simple chorus just right for joining in on, and good choruses that could be sung by a cantor or a leader. Sound sample, lyrics and purchasing options
  • Recorded Music Have mercy on me (Nick Cave) Spoken word with backing music. Profound. You might find this useful. Lyrics. Recording.
2 Corinthians 5:20b-6:10
Be reconciled. Despite afflictions, Paul has much; having nothing, but possessing everything.
  • TiS 607 / AoV2-126 / ATN 95 / CH528 / VU684 / StJ / A&M725 / SFFS 2171 / HPP406 / GtG753 / G(II)524 / GC726 / GC(II)721 / G(3)828 / CP(E)519/ W&R587 / Srce 462 / Lau898 / StF707 / MP456 Make me a channel of your peace (Sebastian Temple). Lovely. Nice if you can just start a capella...  Youtube video of Sinead O'Connor singing it and lyrics and chords.
  • NCH495 / HPP443 / GtG761 / PH343 / W&R581 / Cha453 Called as partners in Christ's service (Jane Parker Huber) A good song of commitment - particularly good if you are commissioning people to new roles this week, and good for any other service too. Sung to a standard tune. Lyrics.
  • CH527 / A&M717 / SP290 / 82Hml-593 Lord make us servants of your peace (James Quinn) A nice alternative to "make me a channel of your peace". This is sung to the very familiar tune "O Waly Waly". It is also sung in the plural (us and we rather than Me and I), which is nice too. Lyrics can be found here
  • ATOK 390 Put on love every day, never hide your love away (Mary Lu Walker) A fun song for kids; probably hard to fit into a solemn Ash Wednesday service, though! Lyric video. Good for kids.
  • Online Resource / TiS 414 / CH616 / NCH294 / UMH192 / VU582 / HPP134 / PH433 / GC550 / CP(E) 198 / Cha257 / StF398 There's a Spirit in the Air (Brian Wren) A good song of getting the business of following Christ done. Speaking out, caring for others, being changed. Good, joyful tune too. Lyrics and sheet music.  
  • WoV659 O Sun of Justice / Jesu Dulcis Memoria (Plainsong) I really like these words. They can also be sung to TALLIS CANON if you get nervous about Plainsong.New words to old tunes.
Matthew 6:1-6, 16-21
Don't show off about fasting etc.
  • TiS 686 / ATE 292 Lord Jesus we belong to you / Because we bear your name (Robin Mann, Australia). A straightforward song with a refrain of "because we bear your name". Lyrics and sound sample.
  • Taizé / TiS 739 / AoV2-041 / ATOK 404 / VU290 / GA269 / SFFS 2054 / GtG820 / G(II)451 / GC639 / GC(II)626 / G(3)733 / CP568 / W&R421 / URW388 / Lau947 / LUYH444/ VF088 Nothing Can Trouble / Nada te turbe (Theresa of Avila, Italy / Taizé, France) Excellent and quite well known Taizé chant. Spanish lyrics are not too hard for non-Spanish speakers. Sheet music, sound samples, lyrics and translations. Good for kids.

Songs, Hymns and Music for Epiphany 6C (16 February 2025)

Jeremiah 17:5-10  
Trusting in God brings strength and refreshment; God knows our hearts.

  • NCH313 Like a tree beside the waters (James Martin) Good congregational words of richness From the waters. Tune is a little bit tricky, so will need to be introduced. It can also be sung to the more familiar HYFRYDOL which would be new words to old tunes. Sheet music (scroll to page 3).
  • Online resource Like a tree by the flowing water (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) Lovely simple words of connectedness, and a simple chorus. Good for kids. Lyrics, sound sample and purchasing options.
  • StS116 I saw a tree by the riverside / The Tree Song (Ken Medema) A great kid’s song about roots growing down to the water, and leaves growing up to the sunshine, and bearing fruit, and all that great stuff. Good for kids. Lyrics and chords.
  • Linnea Good Strong as living Trees (Lynn Bauman / Linnea Good, Canada) A lovely haunting chant. Good for kids and adults alike. Lyrics.
  • AoV2-006 / The tide has turned Deeper River / There's a river running deep within the silence of our souls (Digby Hannah). An excellent song of restoration for tired desert-like souls. Lyrics and sound sample.
  • NCH478 / VU577 / SFFS 2145 / HPP394 / PH368 / GGives1 / Cha530 / MP353 I've got peace like a river (African-American) I really like this old song! Here's a video with actions (you could probably make up your own too). Lyrics and chords. Good for kids.
  • AoV2-070 / ATW 496 / MV090 / StJ Don't be afraid (John Bell) Excellent. I love this song of reassurance. Don't be worried that the water will run out - keep those roots deep. "Don't be afraid, my love is stronger. My love is stronger than your fear". This song can be used as a response to intercessions. Good for kids. Sound sample.
Psalm 1 
They who trust in the Lord shall be like a tree planted by the water with roots in the stream and will fruit even in drought.
  • Online Resource You grow like the moss draping soft sodden logs (Hannah Brown) Gentle words about God as growing moss, moving mountain and ebbing ocean, and a call to slow down and trust. Sung to an old shape note tune which will not be familiar but is very simple. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • Online resource Blessed are those who trust in God / By the stream (Christopher Grundy) Oh my... this is just gorgeous! Best sung by a soloist for the verses. The recording is so beautiful - it's easy to pull my heartstrings with a cello and a mandolin... Youtube. Purchasing options.
  • NCH Psalter001 My delight is in the law of God (Judy Hunnicutt) A very simple refrain and chanted Psalm.
  • Online resource Blessed be (David MacGregor, Australia) A simple, reflective song. Sound sample. Lyrics. Sheet music.
  • Linnea Good Strong as living Trees (Linnea Good) A lovely haunting chant. Good for kids and adults alike.
  • StS116 I saw a tree by the riverside / The Tree Song (Ken Medema) A great kid’s song about roots growing down to the water, and leaves growing up to the sunshine, and bearing fruit, and all that great stuff. Good for kids. Lyrics and chords.
  • Online resource Like a tree by the flowing water (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) Part of a series of songs based on Psalm 1, I think the chorus of this is probably my favourite. In Australia, you might want to use only the chorus because the word "rooted" means something quite different over here. Sound samples, lyrics and purchasing options. Good for kids.
  • NCH313 Like a tree beside the waters (James Martin) Good congregational words of richness from the waters. Tune is a little bit tricky, so will need to be introduced. It can also be sung to the more familiar HYFRYDOL. Sheet music (go to page 3 of PDF). New words to old tunes.
  • CP462 The hidden stream that feeds (Thomas Troeger) Good for the end of the service "We leave this watered place to work on rocky ground, Yet even there the streams of grace sustain our daily round. Lord, through our lives may others hear your living waters drawing near." Lyrics (scroll through document).
  • TiS 607 / AoV2-126 / ATN 95 / CH528 / VU684 / StJ / A&M725 / SFFS 2171 / HPP406 / GtG753 / G(II)524 / GC726 / GC(II)721 / G(3)828 / CP(E)519/ W&R587 / Srce 462 / Lau898 / StF707 / MP456 Make me a channel of your peace (Sebastian Temple). Lovely. Nice if you can just start a capella... Youtube video of Sinead O'Connor singing it and lyrics.
  • URW223 Happy are they who delight (Hal Hopson) A responsively read Psalm with an African-American spiritual refrain "Like a tree that's planted by the water, we shall not be moved". I like it. New words to old tunes.
  • NCH438 / UMH377 / LBW346 / ELW785 / HPP390 / GtG840 / W&R428 / Cha561 / Srce784 / MP757 When peace like a river / It is well with my soul (Horatio Spafford) An older American hymn. Hymnals vary in how old fashioned the lyrics are, and only some include the chorus. Lyrics and tune.A nice recording by Audrey Assad.
  • AoV2-006 / The tide has turned Deeper River / There's a river running deep within the silence of our souls (Digby Hannah) An excellent song of restoration for tired desert-like souls. Lyrics and sound sample.
  • PfAS001B Happy are they who trust (Robert Thompson) A simple psalm response that can also be used as a round. Good for kids.
  • PfAS001E How blest the people / Feliz la gente (Juan Espinosa) This will take a little while to learn, but the chorus is very simple, so perhaps use a cantor to sing the verses. Sound sample (in Spanish).
  • TiS 1 / PfAS001C Happy are they who walk in God's wise way (Erik Routley) Excellent tune from Thailand. Words are a reasonable paraphrase and slightly old fashioned but quite fine. Sound sample.
  • PfAS001F / URW224 Happy is the one (John Bell) Quite straightforward and good hymnlike paraphrase of the Psalm. Youtube
  • Public Domain Well I'm on my way to heaven / I shall not be moved / We shall not be moved  Standard old folk song. You may also like this Johnny Cash version. History. Lyrics & chords. Thanks to Mark Kleiner for this suggestion!
  • Online resource Blessed poor and shattered spirits / Heaven shall be yours (Michael Mangan, Australia) A folksy song; not so easy for a congregation to sing the verses, but might be good to listen to, and invite the congregation to join in the joyous chorus. Sound sample. Hard copy book available to purchase here.
1 Corinthians 15:12-20 
Resurrection from the dead.
  • TiS 380 / AHB 303 / NCH253 / CH419 / UMH308 / VU173 / LBW145 / ELW376 / A&M218 / HPP203 / GtG238 / PH122 / CP210 / CP(E)160 / W&R310 / Cha218 / Srce694 / Lau287 Thine be the glory risen conquering Son (Edmond Budry) One of the few older hymns that doesn't require updating, and beautiful harmonies... A great classic hymn! Lyrics and tune.Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • Online Resource / Tune In Spirit of the Father / Alive in me (Sheree Anderson) Catchy song about God’s spirit living in us. "Take hold of the hope that I give, trust in me, reach out for the love you can live, eternally”. Free downloadable song book and sound samples.  Good for kids.
  • Iona (Love From Below) / CH434 / CP232 Jesus is risen from the grave (John Bell / Graham Maule) Good, simple rhythm and tune. You can even make up some verses if you like. Sound sample. Good for kids.
  • Music by heart 43 Dying you destroyed our death (Marilyn Haskel, USA) A very simple round of Christ's death and resurrection. 
  • Online Resource / TiS 690 / CH259 / A&M557 / StS115 / SP237 / Srce54 / StF693 / MP806 Beauty for brokenness hope for despair / God of the Poor (Graham Kendrick, England) Themes of healing from personal and universal suffering and an emotive chorus. “Refuge from cruel wars, havens from fear, cities for sanctuary, freedoms to share, peace to the killing-fields, scorched earth to green; Christ for the bitterness, his cross for the pain”. It's a bit schmaltzy, but that never hurt anyone. Lyrics, sound sample, sheet music, purchasing options.
  • TiS 367 / AHB 287 / NCH242 / CH412 / UMH306 / VU159 / LBW135 / ELW366 / A&M217 / GtG236 / PH119 / GC446 / GC(II)459 / G(3)525 / CP212 / CP(E)159 / W&R290 / Cha221 / 82Hml-208 / Lau275 The strife is o'er the battle done (Francis Pott) There are two possible tunes for this hymn. I prefer to sing it to the tune by James Minchin (THE STRIFE IS O’ER), which is found in the Australian Hymn Book, rather than the more traditional minstrellish VULPIUS. The newer tune is pretty groovy (I loved it as a kid!), and has lots and lots of alleluias. The words also vary a lot between hymnals. So, the best would be a combination of the TiS words and the AHB tune 287 (ii). Yeah, this was my other church rock favourite of 1979. Lyrics and samples of the traditional VULPIUS tune. Here's a (slowish) sample of James Minchin's tune. New words to old tunes.
  • NCH581 /  HPP310 / G(II)523 / GC(II)718 / G(3)827 Lead us from death to life / World Peace Prayer (Satish Kumar / Marty Haugen) A different take on Christ's power over the forces of death. Quite simple to sing.  This Anthem for peace has a really simple and stirring chorus, which would be excellent on its own, and for kids. Verses could be sung by a soloist or the whole congregation if you want to use them. For Lent, I would just use the chorus. Quite simple to sing. Sheet music sample. Slow keyboard sample.  Good for kids.

Luke 6:17-26

The other Beatitudes; those ones that include the woes!

  • Online Resource Holy is the refugee (Hannah Brown / Mark Miller) Excellent words and joyful affirming chorus recognising the holiness in all, particularly people who are refugees, queer or people of colour. Lyrics, sheet music preview and purchasing options.
  • HiOS074 If you shut your eyes (Colin Gibson) Powerful words to a lovely tune (SONG OF THE POOR) calling us to wake up and stand with the poor.
  • Online Resource / VU460 / R181 / ELW461 / SFFS 2126 / GtG509 / G(II)589 / GC820 / GC(II)817 / RS 845 / Cha419 / Lau477 / LUYH534 All who hunger gather gladly (Sylvia Dunstan, Canada) The words are great; I would sing it to the tune HOLY MANNA. There is a contemporary tune (by Bob Moore) is also very nice, but may need to be introduced to your congregation. “All who hunger gather gladly, holy manna is our bread. Come from wilderness and wand’ring, here, in truth, we will be fed. You that yearn for days of fullness, all around us is our food. Taste and see the grace eternal, Taste and see that God is good”. Thanks to David Goss for this suggestion. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 638 / NCH175 / CH717 / A&M518 / GtG793 / PH380 / UMH265 / LBW360 / ELW675 / PH380 / CP291 / CP(E) 346 / W&R638 / Cha503 / Lau430 / StF653 O Christ the healer we have come (Fred Pratt Green) Beautiful words and simple to sing. Good for intercessions. I like the tune INVERCARRY best. Lyrics and sheet music samples.
  • StS041 / GC(II)515 / G(3)592 / Lau817 Blessed are they who are poor in spirit / We are the light of the world (Jean Greif) Yep. Okay! Would be best with a cantor, or small choir and the congregation can respond with the chorus. You could even do this instead of the reading. Sheet music and lyrics. Sound sample.
  • Iona (L&A) / ATW 436 / MV112 Amen amen it shall be so! (John Bell) A beautiful chant. Works well with a cantor or small choir leading the verses and the congregation joining in on the “Amen, amen it shall be so, amen, it shall be so”. Sound sample (look for the green button). This is based on the Matthew version, but would also work here.
  • W&R640 From Miles Around the sick ones came (Jane Marshall) Good song calling us back to our purpose to stand with the suffering. Lyrics are quite formal and poetic. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • Online Resource Blessed are you the poor ones (Adam Tice / Benjamin Brody) This is one of VERY FEW songs that mention the "woe to you" part of the reading. Set to a powerful and very singable new tune. I recommend having the musicians sing it first, and encourage the congregation to join in as they pick it up (or just listen to it as a reflective piece). Sheet music sample, lyrics, sound sample, and purchasing options
  • Online Resource Blessed are the poor (Adam Tice / Kate Williams) A lovely song. Not so much a congregational song, but you may find a good way to use it in your congregation. The chorus is very moving, and if you will be focusing on the salt and light readings any time in the next few weeks, it would be a good time to introduce a new song.  Sheet music sample, lyrics, sound sample, and purchasing options.  
  • Online Resource If Jesus is come (Adam Tice / Sally Ann Morris) A powerful song with a driving melody, about how the world must be changed by us if we really believe that Jesus has come. Sound and sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options.
  • TiS 697 All the sleepy should have a place to sleep (Rusty Edwards) Great chorus "Make love happen by God's grace and by God's power. Let God move you on this day and in this hour. New creations will then blossom like a flower for together we can be the hands of God". Lyrics (go to page 4).
  • STB260 Hope for the children in our midst (Douglas Clark) Lovely hopeful words for peace and justice for the world's children. Sung to a simple Taiwanese-style tune.
  • Taize How blessed are you who are poor the kingdom of God is yours (Taize) A lovely simple chant. Sheet music sample.
  • Iona (I will not sing alone / HSNW) Blessed are the ones I call the poor / Hey my love (John Bell / Graham Maule) A lovely lilting tune (LADY MAISY). This gentle song would be good for a reflection. Sound sample.
  • TiS 288 / Iona Not the powerful not the privileged (John Bell) I think it is close enough to Christmas that this song can still be sung in February? Lyrics (downloads a Powerpoint file).
  • Cha185 Blessed are the poor in spirit (Anon) A simple response to the Beatitudes which can be read responsively with this refrain. 
  • Online Resource / Tune In Kingdom Come (Matthew Lees) A song about how things are not what we expect in God’s kingdom. Lots of words and good images including "there's no blacklist or admission fee" Sound sample and lyrics and free downloadable songbook.   
What ideas do you have? Please share them in a comment below, especially if they are songs about the woes!