Genesis 15:1-12, 17-18
God makes a covenant with the childless Abram and Sarai; God’s faithfulness
God is our strength in times of trouble; longing for God
Philippians 3:17-4:1 God makes a covenant with the childless Abram and Sarai; God’s faithfulness
- SiS414 / ATA 153 / GtG059 / Srce686 / PfAS105B The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases (Edith McNeill, USA) Can be a mushy favourite, and the language is not inclusive in older versions; PfAS uses “God’s mercy never comes to an end”. PfAS uses it as a sung response to a Psalm. Older style lyrics & chords. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- Iona (LFB) / G(II)503 / GC701 / RS818 / StF464 God It Was who said to Abraham (John Bell, Scotland) Easy tune. Good story words. Note that God is masculine; I think this has been addressed in more recent editions of Love From Below. Lyrics and sheet music. Sound sample (instrumental).
- GtG042 / PH251 Your Faithfulness O Lord Is Sure (Joy Patterson, USA) Very simple paraphrase of this Psalm, sung to the familiar traditional tune WINCHESTER NEW or MARYTON. This is a paraphrase of Psalm 145 that fits very well for this passage. Sheet music sample. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / GWA025 The God of Sarah praise (David Bjorlin, USA) A broadening of the traditional song "The God of Ab'ram Praise" to include Sarah and Hagar; you make like to add some of these verses to the traditional words. I find verse 2 to be a bit colonial. Set to the traditional melody LEONI. Sound sample, sheet music and lyrics sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource Awake with timbrel and with dance (Mary Louise Bringle, USA) A joyful celebration of many women of the Scriptures (including Sarah), sung to AZMON. Sheet music sample, lyrics, and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- NCYC09 Stories of faith calling us to explore / Stories of Hope (Rob Hanks / Phil Newton, Australia) Not easy, but the words are great. Best to get someone to sing it - perhaps during the offering?
- AoV1-137 / ATOK 403 / GA306 / G(II)286 God Of Abraham lead us (Bernadette Farrell, England) This one is great. Just don't try to sing all 17 verses! Choose what you like… I love this energetic call and response with the response "Lead us to your kingdom". You can sing with a cantor and response, or you could split your congregation in the middle doing half and half, or you could just have people singing all the way through. Lyrics (and a slow sound sample). Sound sample (listen to the whole thing and see how they build it up). Good for kids.
- Unknown source Nothing is impossible with God (Unknown) I found this ridiculously happy song, and I think you only need to change one word to make it one I would like. I think our kids would just really love this..... Anyone know where it's from? Youtube of some ridiculously happy and wholesome kids singing it. Good for kids.
- New Zealand Praise Saviour I heard your voice gently say (David Burt, New Zealand) A beautiful formal hymn to a peaceful tune; you could get the congregation to sing the chorus only while a small choir, or cantor sings the verses. Thanks to Margaret Garland for this suggestion. Sound sample (at about 12:22 and lyrics).
- MV138 My love colours outside the lines (Gordon Light, USA) This song is not entirely easy to sing and will need to be introduced, but can be a great song to use to talk about thinking differently about covenant, and taking brave steps! Great lyrics, and once known, it's very catchy!! Thanks to David Yoshida, who suggested this an opening way to rethink the settler colonial implications of boundary crossing; much needed when we read Genesis! Jazzy sound sample.
God is our strength in times of trouble; longing for God
- GWA063 Here as we meet, let there now be light (John Bell) This is a good call and response, which could be used multiple times in the service. The response is: "Let there now be light. In love and mercy, come Holy Spirit come". Very simple.
- ATE 212 Hush now for I am your God (Carol Littlemore) Lyrics (links to a PowerPoint presentation).
- Online Resource God is our light my heart will not fear (Richard Bruxvoort Colligan) A beautiful and simple affirmation of God as our light, love and home. Very simple and quite delightful. Thanks to Judy Rigby for this suggestion. Sound sample, lyrics and purchasing options.
- PfAS027E My God is my light (Julie Howard) A nice and very simple Psalm refrain.
- Online Resource Be the light / Be our light (Craig Mitchell / David MacGregor) I really like these words - the chorus is "Christ be our light Whom shall we fear? Deep in the night, Spirit, draw near". I think this would be quite straightforward for a congregation to pick up. Lyrics and sheet music.
- BUC Song Project Searching alone / Safe (Julia Potter & Elaine Loukes) This is a lovely simple and reassuring song. BUC only so far...
- Online Resource The Lord is my light (Rawn Harbor) Big gospel style refrain, which could be used on its own with spoken verses, or cantored (if you have a gospel singer!). Sound and sheet music samples, and purchasing options.
- CH487 Come let us seek our God’s protection (Tom Colvin & the people of Ghana) A lovely call and response; would work well after a prayer of confession. Sheet music & lyrics.
- MV217 Hey ney yana (Brooke Medicine Eagle) This Native American song could be great, sung accompanied with just a drum "I walk in beauty, yes I do, yes I do". Sounds nice on flute too, I think. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- TiS 16 / AoV2-073 / GA028 / Sing Allelulia 28 Do not be afraid I am with you (Christopher Willcock) Excellent cantor and refrain. Refrain would work well with a reader also. GA has a nice descant line. Lyrics and sound sample.
- NCH Psalter 27 Do not forsake me O God of my salvation (Lee Dengler) A very simple, and pretty cool Psalm refrain.
- Online Resource / Walk as one God will not forget you (Robin Mann) A simple melody with comforting and heartfelt lyrics. Songbook (PDF) for purchase.
- URW252 Find us, searching God, wherever we hide (Larry Peacock) A beautiful prayer based on the Psalm. No music. Maybe you could write some.
- Protest and Praise / Online Resource In our deepest grief / We wait for you (David Bjorlin / Randall Sensmeier) A beautiful song of waiting, even in sorrow and fear; not so easy to sing - I would use a soloist. Songbook for purchase. Sound sample (I prefer it to be a little more tentative than this).
- TiS 611 / AHB 543 / NCH436 / UMH577 / VU686 / LBW415 / ELW705 / A&M648 / HPP456 / PH420 / GtG307 / CP577 / CP(E) 448 / W&R569 / Cha464 / 82Hml-594 / StF682 / MP192 God of Grace and God of Glory (Harry Fosdick) A song about being courageous and wise. There are many possible tunes and many sets of words to this hymn. NCH has the most inclusive words, but TiS and AHB are okay too. They don’t hold back in verse 3. Chorus: “Grant us wisdom, Grant us courage, for the facing of this hour”. Don’t know about everyone else, but I know best the tune AHB 543 (ii). One version of the lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- CH573 / UMH523 / GtG789 / StB059 Jesus Savior Lord lo to thee I fly / Saranam Saranam (Daniel Niles) I think this would be an excellent song to sing, not only because the words are good and because the tune is simple and beautiful, but because we need to keep praying for the people of Sri Lanka. Sheet music.
- G(II)406 / GC482 I Need You to Listen (Marty Haugen / Francis Patrick Sullivan) A simple and very beautiful Psalm and response. The words to this are very lovely. Lead sheet. Sound sample.
- MV175 May we but wait (Will Petricko) Beautiful and simple two line song: "May we but wait upon Love's word, knowing our prayer is heard". Would be good as a response to the Intercessions.
- AoV1-139 O God Nothing Can Take Us from your love (Christopher Walker) Good refrain. Good verses. Cantor and congregational response. Sound sample.
- Open unto me light for my darkness (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan). Good for a more contemplative service. Sound sample and lyrics.
- Taizé / TiS 747 / ATE 214 / Iona (M&G) / GtG842 / PfAS027A / URW393 The Lord is my light, my light and salvation (Communauté de Taizé) A simple and very popular Taizé chant. Note that this is really easy on recorder if you have a kid in your congregation who is learning it. Good for kids. Youtube.
- Taizé / CH276 / VU22 / GtG090 / ELW262 / GA283 / A&M053 / G(II)256 / GC332 / GC(II)340 / G(3)406 / CP094 / W&R166 / PfAS037B / SP28 / URW396 / Lau088 Wait for the Lord (Jacques Berthier) Wait for the Lord whose day is near, wait for the lord, keep watch, take heart. A lovely simple Taize chant. Sheet music, translations and sound samples.
- AoVNG71 / Taize / G(3)682 I am Sure I Shall See (Communauté de Taizé) One of the more upbeat Taize chants. Sheet music, translations and sound samples.
- Iona (M&G, T1AU) / MV099 / GC(II)673 / G(3)763 / Lau996 Stand O Stand Firm (Cameroon) I love having an excuse to sing this simple and powerful song. Very easy for your congregation. You can make up cantor parts too “Oh my sisters…. Oh my brothers… Oh my children….” or you can name countries you are praying for in your intercessions. Good for kids. Scottish sound sample. Lead sheet.
- Psalm Project (Sharing the Road) / SP&P140 All of My Life (Richard Bruxvoort Colligan) Lovely chant-like verses and chorus. I think this would be good to do. Available here.
- VU753 / AA117 / A&M773 / SP306 Safe in the hands of God / Safe in your hands O God (Michael Perry) Good paraphrase of the Psalm. Tune will need to be played through at least once before the congregation join in. Lyrics.
- VU754 God is my light and saving health (Jeremiah Clarke) Quite straightforward psalm response (just part of the very long original song) and responsive psalm. Older version of whole song.
- ATFG563 / NCYC'03 / The Red Book How long must we cry out? (Robin Mann) This is a big Brunswick favourite, great for young people in particular. "Teach me to do what is right, walk in the darkness, trust in the light and may love be the path I walk upon". Good for teenagers. Lyrics. Lyric video.
- TiS 547 / AHB 455 / AoV1-009 / NCH451 / CH465 / A&M595 / UMH451 / VU642 / WoV776 / ELW793 / HPP353 / GtG450 / PH339 / CP505 / CP(E) 386 / W&R502 / Cha595 / Srce70 / URW180 / 82Hml-488 / Lau970 / StF545 / MP051 Be thou my vision O Lord of my heart (8th century Irish) Most recent hymnals are fairly inclusive for this. Note that the High King phrase has been changed in some hymnals because it is masculine, but the hymn is based on an ancient story of St. Patrick refusing to follow the High King Logaire, and choosing instead the "High King of Heaven". Lyrics and tune.
- New Zealand Praise Saviour I heard your voice gently say (David Burt) Lovely words. I do not have a copy, so I cannot comment on the tune. Thanks to Margaret Garland for suggesting this. Lyrics are below in the comments, or here (scroll down).
- Online Resource In the shadow of your wings I will sing your praises O Lord (Roc O'Connor) This is really beautiful and the congregation could be taught the chant. Unfortunately, it's only available in hard copy, but you may enjoy the sound sample anyway.
- GWA003 The Lord is my light / When the powers of evil overtake me (John Bell) This is a simple chorus, but the verse is best sung by a cantor (or read). The chorus would also work well on its own. Sound sample (very quick!).
I think this says that greed is not good, and we should have our mind on higher things
- Iona (M&G, T1AU) / MV099 / GC(II)673 / G(3)763 / Lau996 Stand O Stand Firm (Cameroon) I love having an excuse to sing this simple and powerful song. Very easy for your congregation. You can make up cantor parts too “Oh my sisters…. Oh my brothers… Oh my children….” or you can name countries you are praying for in your intercessions. Good for kids. Scottish sound sample. Lead sheet.
- TiS 547 / AHB 455 / AoV1-009 / NCH451 / CH465 / A&M595 / UMH451 / VU642 / WoV776 / ELW793 / HPP353 / GtG450 / PH339 / CP505 / CP(E) 386 / W&R502 / Cha595 / Srce70 / URW180 / 82Hml-488 / Lau970 / StF545 / MP051 Be thou my vision O Lord of my heart (8th century Irish) Most recent hymnals are fairly inclusive for this. Note that the High King phrase has been changed in some hymnals because it is masculine, but the hymn is based on an ancient story of St. Patrick refusing to follow the High King Logaire, and choosing instead the "High King of Heaven". Lyrics and tune. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 571 / AHB 480 / CH529 / UMH438 / VU416 / A&M476 / CP467 / CP(E) 430 / W&R718 / StF550 / Lau861 / MP159 Forth in thy name O Lord I go (Charles Wesley) Timeless words about committing all our works to God. I like this hymn best played lightly and joyfully with a simple drum beat as a kind of minstrel tune, rather than a hymn. The old fashioned words seem to make a lot more sense to me that way. Some hymnals (including TiS) have sensitively modernised the words. Lyrics and sheet music... Oldy-but-a-goody.
- NCH497 / SFFS 2208 / GtG741 / PH354 / G(II)508 / GC707 / GC(II)684 G(3)780 / CP513 / ZSS141 Guide my feet while I run this race (African American) An excellent civil rights song. Would work well as a meditative prayer for guidance or as an uplifting call to action at the end of the service.You could also make up your own lyrics. Lyrics. Good for kids.
- ATA 200 / CH530 / VU639 / A&M757 / CP(E) 548 / URW109 / StF476 One more step along the world I go (Sydney Carter) A good fun kid's song from Sydney Carter which many of their parents will remember. "And it's from the old I travel to the new, keep me travelling along with you". Lyrics and sheet music. Good for kids.
Christ laments a city who has turned her back on her people; he long to comfort them and predicts that he will go, to return as the one who comes in the name of the Lord
- Online Resource Our hearts proclaim a living God (Hannah Brown) Wide-ranging feminine imagery of our extraordinary God, who is full of surprises, fierce, protesting, and compassionate. Sung to the familiar tune ELLACOMBE. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- Tune In / Online Resource Our God who weeps (Kate Scull) Very simple folk-like tune and challenging and hopeful lyrics. Reference recording, lyrics and songbook.
- Online Resource Blessed is the One (Bruce Harding) A good song, which will need to be taught at first, or might be nice to sing to the congregation by the musicians. Sound sample, sheet music available.
- VU270 Dear Mother God your wings are warm (Janet Wootton) Good images of God as mother, and a call for us to also embrace the needy; the tune is not known and will need to be taught. Could also be sung to PERFECT LOVE or to LONDONDERRY AIR (thanks Jennie Gordon for this suggestion) Sheet music and lyrics. Note that only the sheet music sample has the third verse at this link. New words to old tunes
- ELW341 / SFFS 2187 / G(II)549 / GC759 / GC(II)752 / G(3)857 / W&R627 / Cha471 / Lau675 Now it is evening / At evening (Fred Pratt Green) A song of justice and caring for others who are lonely, hungry in the city. The set tune is really good and simple, but it can also be sung to BUNESSAN. Mostly makes sense for evening services only, but maybe it could work in the morning…? Lead sheet. Sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- GWA078 / MV214 May God's sheltering wings (Judith Snowdon) A nice simple blessing and benediction, which may be sung about a feminine or a masculine God. Lyrics. Video with actions from BUC.
- Online Resource / MV091 Cradle me in your arms (Bruce Harding) A simple assuring chant in times of suffering. Sound sample and sheet music.
- FFS09 Christ of the sad face (Shirley Murray) Christ weeps for the city, the earth. A longing for peace. Lyrics and an alternative tune.
- Taizé / GtG814 / CP563 / PfAS062D In God alone my soul can find rest and peace / Mon ame se repose (Jacques Berthier) A beautiful healing chant from Taize. Words and music and sound samples for learning the parts Good for kids.
- VU584 Through the heart of every city (Sylvia Dunstan) Challenging words about caring for all God's people, particularly in the city. Tune is a quite straight forward hymn tune. Lyrics (downloads a PDF).
- MV126 Are you a shepherd? (Ruth Duck) Good and joyous. Lots of images of God: shepherd, teacher, mother, father. A catchy chorus. Lyric video. Good for kids.
- Tune In / Online Resource The God that I know (Sheree Anderson) A ballad drawing on God’s strength and comfort; not easy if unfamiliar. Lyrics, sample and songbook.
- Walk as one Hear our sorrow Mothering God (Rosie O'Reilly) A simple chant. Book available to purchase here.
Transfiguration story
See suggestions listed for Transfiguration Sunday Year C.
Got any ideas of your own for any of these readings? Please add them in the comments below!
Quite a number of good hymns and songs Natalie. Thank you very much indeed. I often look at your site. A great help for preparation of services. God bless you.
Hi Natalie
For Psalm 27 there is a hymn called 'Saviour I heard your voice gently say' and it is in New Zealand Praise - a NZ hymnbook.
Words are beautiful - contemplative tune. Can be heard here:
Words and Music: David Burt, NZP, B11
Saviour, I heard your voice gently say:
Seek you my face, come walk child with me;
Lord Jesus Christ, your face will I seek,
my heart replies in worship to you.
Hear, O my God, when I call with my voice,
have mercy upon me and answer my cry.
In your sweet presence my heart will rejoice
to your tender call my heart will reply.
Hide not your face far from me, O God,
and turn not your servant in anger away.
My constant help have you been till today
so do not forsake me or leave me, O God.
In your great mercy, teach me your way
and out of your paths let me never depart.
Wait on our God, be of courage, I say,
and God's loving-kindness will strengthen your heart.
Margaret Garland Dunedin NZ
Dear Mother God your wings are warm (Janet Wootton) - great words and could also be quite powerful sung to LONDONDERRY AIR. Thanks again for your great resource Natalie, blessings, Jennie
If anybody wants the music for Saviour I heard, I can probably dig up a copy - let me know...
I've been trying to buy the music for God of Abraham Litany, by Bernadette Farrell with no luck. I keep getting an error message. Anyone else have any luck?
Dear Hymnody Project, my hand is up in the air, if you can find that copy!
Hymnody Project, my hand is up in the air, if you can find that music!
My Heart will not fear – Richard Bruxvoort Colligan (Psalm 27)
My Love Colours Outside the Lines is a wonderful way to rethink the settler colonial implications of boundary crossing in Genesis 15
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