God’s knowledge of us before birth; Being called – having confidence; God is asking a big thing.
God our refuge, place of trust when we cause others discomfort; a psalm for those who are greying.
It doesn’t matter what our “results” are, it matters whether we do it with/for love. One day we will understand it all, but for now we only get it a bit
No prophet listened to at home; Jesus gets a bit feisty here.
See suggestions for Jeremiah, above.
- TiS 679 / Online Resource God of Jeremiah grieving (Brian Wren) If you are going to focus on Jeremiah for the next few weeks, this would be a good hymn to learn. The traditional Scottish tune KELVIN GROVE is well known as the tune for "The Summons". Lyrics and free sheet music PDF.
- CH145 God made me as I am (Bernadette Farrell) A lovely little song. "God made me as I am, part of creation's plan. No-one else can ever be the part of God's plan that's me". Youtube and sign language. Good for kids.
- TiS 749 / AoV1-154 / AoVK-131 / ATE 305 / NCH360 / Iona (SBL, Freedom is coming) / CH800 / UMH497 / VU572 / WoV773 / ELW809 / GA493 / A&M481 / HPP340 / GtG746 / G(II)484 / GC677 / GC(II)674 / G(3)776 / W&R713 / Cha447 / SP234 / StF782 Send me Jesus / Thuma mina (South African) You all know this one, right? If you don't - it's great - simple, repetitive, and meaningful. Good for kids.Sheet music sample and lyrics. Youtube
- TiS 87 / VU862 / GtG028 / PH248 / PfAS139D You are before me, Lord, you are behind (Ian Pitt-Wilson) Excellent words, set either to the chant-like tune SURSUM CORDA or the Scottish tune HIGHLAND CATHEDRAL. The words are very beautiful. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / AoV2-031 / ATW 424 / CH97 / A&M747 / GtG029 / GC(II)509 / SP301 / StF728 / Lau779 O God, you search me and you know me (Bernadette Farrell). My favourite version of Psalm 139, which fits this reading too. The tune flows effortlessly and it has a nice little hook at the end of each verse. Sound sample and music for purchase. Lyrics.
- ATOK 412 / Iona (SBL, Common Ground) / CH250 / MV212 / A&M482 / GtG747 / SFFS 2184 / Lau855 / StF239 Sent by the Lord am I / Sent out in Jesus name / Enviado soy de Dios(Traditional Cuban) Great rhythm, good words and not too hard to sing (provided you sing it a little slowly the first time!) I prefer the MV translation "Sent out in Jesus' name". Good for kids. Lyrics.
- AoV2-070 / ATW 496 / MV090 / StJ Don't be afraid (John Bell) Excellent. I love this song of reassurance. "Don't be afraid, my love is stronger. My love is stronger than your fear". This song can be used as a response to intercessions. Good for kids. Sound sample.
- AoV1-021 / ATOK 402 / StS114 / G(II)488 / GC682 / GC(II)669 / G(3)761 / Lau858 God Has Chosen Me (Bernadette Farrell) Energetic, and great words of justice. Can be rocky or smooth, however you like it. Sometimes it seems a bit long. Good for kids. Sound sample and lyrics.
- Iona (M&G, T1AU) / MV099 / GC(II)673 / G(3)763 / Lau996 Stand O Stand Firm (Cameroon) I love having an excuse to sing this simple and powerful song. Very easy for your congregation. You can make up cantor parts too “Oh my sisters…. Oh my brothers… Oh my children….” or you can name countries you are praying for in your intercessions. Good for kids. Scottish sound sample. Lead sheet.
- TiS 674 / Iona (Common Ground, Heaven Shall Not Wait) / A&M562 / CH253 Inspired by love and anger (John Bell) Powerful lyrics, simple English folk tune. I love verse three “Don’t query our position! Don’t criticise our wealth! Don’t mention those exploited by politics and stealth!”. Lyrics (search for "inspired").
- TiS 417 / AoV2-133 / ATW 448 / VU387 / StJ / WoV683 / ELW397 / AA94 / HPP237 / GtG293 / PH323 / CP657 / W&R135 / Cha244 / URW203 / StB220 Loving Spirit, Loving Spirit (Shirley Murray) There are about a zillion tunes set for this. I prefer FELICITY (by Colin Gibson TiS 417), but also like RESTORATION and OMNI DIE. LyricsNew words to old tunes.
God our refuge, place of trust when we cause others discomfort; a psalm for those who are greying.
- Online Resource / Tune in The God that I Know (Sheree Anderson) A beautiful ballad with female and male images of a loving, embracing God. Free downloadable songbook and sound samples.
- ATOK 320 / NCH351 / VU645 / StJ / WoV770 / ELW732 /SFFS 2051 / GtG488 / HPP516 / W&R680 / Cha075 I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry (John Ylvisaker) A song of God’s presence in all stages of life. Very simple tune to sing. This always makes me think of Center Church on-the-Green in New Haven, CT, where I first came across it. Lyrics, and a sound sample of John Ylvisaker singing it.
- BUC Song Project The Promise / Do not worry I am with you (Elaine Loukes) A gentle song of God holding us "you're not alone"... (BUC only so far)
- CP517 / W&R503 O God your constant care and love (Glen Lanier) Quite good words about God's presence with us through our lives. Sung to a standard hymn tune (WAREHAM or WINCHESTER NEW). Lyrics.
- Online Resource In You O Lord (Kathy Douglass) A gentle Psalm refrain or devotional chant. Sound sample.
- ATAR669 Be my strength (Robin Mann) Words about familiar comforting things, and about becoming older and more frail. Excellent. Lyrics.
- TiS 613 / AHB 546 / ATOK 405 / CH166 / LBW469 / ELW765 / A&M713 / SFFS2197 / HPP265 / GtG683 / GC578 / GC(II)560 / G(3)663 / CP506 / CP(E) 507 / W&R469 / URW179 / 82Hml-482 / Lau969 / StF526 / MP882 Lord of all hopefulness Lord of all joy (Jan Struther) Excellent straightforward Irish tune (SLANE), and beautiful words. Would be a good choice for the final song. Lyrics & sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- CH570 / UMH512 / W&R495 / ZSS164 When the storms of life are raging (stand by me) (Charles Tindley) A good gospel song. Hymnals have a range of translations. Great for kids. Sound sample and lyrics.
- MV092 / SP&P099 Like a Rock (Keri Wehlander / Linnea Good) A lovely simple song (with actions!). Lyrics. Great for kids
- VU789 / Cha738 A mighty fortress is our God (Response) (Martin Luther) Responsive psalm with sung refrain of the first line of "A mighty fortress". If you don't have these books, I'm sure you could use your imagination to work out something similar. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- PfAS071B / GtG813 God my help and hiding place (Ruth Duck) A sad and beautiful song based on this Psalm. Imagine you are someone old singing this and it may give you some empathy for what they may be thinking. It's set to a lovely Japanese tune. Lyrics.
- TiS 506 / AHB 430 / A&M424 / CP064 / CP(E) 281 / StF572 Author of life divine (Charles Wesley) Good inclusive words and a simple traditional tune; mystery of communion and seeing God's face. There is also a more modern tune from Carlton Young available from GIA music. Lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- SP&P057 From the sacred waters of my birth / Pour out your spirit (Christopher Grundy) A lovely simple chorus; particularly good if you have a baptism. Sound sample.
- PfAS071A In you O Lord I put my trust (Clarence Walhout) Good inclusive lyrics to this hymn version of this Psalm, set to the well known tune WAREHAM. New words to old tunes
- G(3)150 My God my god come quickly to help me (Paul French) A very simple Psalm refrain
- PfAS071C Since my mother's womb (Michael Guimont) A nice simple Psalm refrain.
- Emergent Psalter Don't cast me off in my old age (Isaac Everett) A simple, and quite powerful Psalm refrain; can be layered as a round. Sheet music (refrain only).
It doesn’t matter what our “results” are, it matters whether we do it with/for love. One day we will understand it all, but for now we only get it a bit
- Online Resource / GWA039 Love is patient love is kind / Love goes on (Bernadette Farrell) Beautiful words, and a soothing simple tune. It has 6 verses, so you may wish to alternate high and low voices, so that part of the congregation can rest and listen. Sound sample, sheet music samples, and purchasing options.
- Online Resource We will rejoice in love (David Bjorlin) A beautiful song about walking and working together in love as God's people. Sound sample. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options.
- BUC Song Project Love is the Power / Do you believe that God is good?(Sheree Anderson) Anthemic! (BUC only so far)
- Online Resource Among all of this challenge and change / These three things remain (Malcolm Gordon) A very simple short song about keeping faith, hope and love alive as a church together. Could be good to learn and use repeatedly during a season. Sheet music download.
- BUC Song Project We are Love / All things are made in love (Sheree Anderson) This one's anthemic too, and breaks into 3 overlapping parts. (BUC only so far)
- VU604 / PH531 / G(II)441 / GC623 / GC(II)612 / G(3)709 / CP494 / W&R400 / SP135 / Lau919 Not for tongues of heaven's angels / May Love Be Ours (Timothy Dudley-Smith) Simple words based directly on the reading, and a nice lilting melody with a simple chorus which will probably be quite catchy. Sound sample. Lead sheet.
- AoV2-063 / G(II)627 / GC873 Love is patient love is kind / In Love We Choose to Live (Jeanne Cotter) Nice. Simple chorus. Gentle words based directly on this passage. Sound sample. Lead sheet.
- NCH496 Ekolu Mea Nui (Three greatest things) (Robert Nawahine) Hawai'ian song. Will need to be taught, cannot be sung from the English translation. Perhaps your choir could learn it? Lovely Islander harmonies (thanks Clay!). Lyrics.
- MV017 / FFS24 / Srce2-145 God in the darkness (Elizabeth Smith) Great words which would work well at the beginning of a service of worship. Set to a fairly simple hymn-like tune by Colin Gibson. Verse 1: "God in the darkness, God beyond our knowing, patient creator, seed in secret growing, rock of the living, water ever flowing, come and renew us. Lyrics.
- Recorded Music Love is the Law (Paul Kelly) A good and modern adaptation of this passage (Thanks Rachel!). Youtube. Lyrics.
- TiS 693 / AoV1-031 / GA212 Come as you are that's how I want you (Deidre Browne) This song is beautiful, gentle, simple, and very well known. Lyrics and sound sample. A good song to start the service. Good for kids.
- Recorded Music Hymn to Love (Shane Howard) Another good adaptation of this passage. This is a little more gentle. "Without love, I'm really just wasting my time"... Sound sample and download.
- Online Resource / AoVK-28 / ATOK 376 Faith hope and love (Tricia Watts) This is so easy, and so cool. If you have some groovy musicians, this can even be a very funky rock song. Very easy, and great for kids and non-readers. Sheet music and sound sample. Good for kids.
- UMH408 / GtG693 / VU372 / HPP292 / PH335 / W&R397 / Cha526 / URW141 Though I may speak with bravest fire / The Gift of Love (Hal Hopson) A simple paraphrase of 1 Co 13, set to O WALY WALY. Easy for any congregation to pick up, I think. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes
- AoV2-086 If I speak in words of wisdom / Love Is The Greatest Gift Of All (Erica Marshall) Good. One of the few songs based on this passage which is not exclusively a wedding song. Lyrics & sound sample.
- Online Resource / AoV2-054 / Iona (T1AU, LFB) / MV077 / GtG414 / SFFS 2057 / G(II)438 / GC618 / RS 736 / SP&P111 / PfAS046D / URW409 / Lau909 / StF019 Be still and know that I am God (John Bell / Graham Maule) For kids, I think it may be better to focus on the positive for this reading, and this simple chant is beautiful. Works as a round or in unison. Sound and sheet music sample and purchasing options. Good for kids.
- ATN 9 / NCH743 / CH755 / W&R450 / Srce68 / StF018 / MP048 Be Still and Know (Unknown) This is the old classic. Sources vary in the verses they have and the level of inclusiveness in the lyrics. Lyrics and chords.
- TiS474 / AoV1-012 / ATAR595 / CH623 / SFFS 2236 / HPP553 / A&M363 / GtG401 / G(II)539 / GC839 / GC(II)743 / G(3)848 / CP465 / W&R649 / Cha284 / SP175 / URW054 / Lau475 Here in this place new light is streaming / Gather us in (Marty Haugen). Excellent words, very well known. “Nourish us well and teach us to fashion lives that are holy and hearts that are true”. Lyrics, sheet music and sound samples.
- AA036 Every day I will offer you (Shirley Murray) “Every day in your spirit, I’ll find the love and energy. Sheet music and lyrics. Sound sample (keyboard only).
- TiS 548 / VU629 / A&M014 / PH340 / CP(E) 415 / SP3 / W&R418 Eternal light shine in my heart (Alcuin / paraphrased by Christopher Idle) I really love this beautiful inclusive and ancient prayer. It is not familiar, but would be beautiful sung by a soloist until your congregation grows to know it. It can also be sung to GONFALON ROYAL. Lyrics. New words to old tunes
- FFS73 When I was a child (Shirley Murray) Tricky, but good words. Sheet music and lyrics.
- TiS 242 / AHB 183 / AoV1-018 / ATN 27 / CH404 / UMH261 / VU352 / A&M667 / HPP163 / GtG157 / PH302 / G(II)481 / GC708 / GC(II)689 / G(3)796 / CP(E) 468 / W&R118 / Lau765 / StF247 I danced in the morning / Lord of the Dance (Sydney Carter). Lyrics and some hard facts! You all know this one, right? Good for kidsOldy-but-a-goody.
- Online Resource / Walk as One Love makes a way (Alison Campbell Rate) Excellent words about loving the stranger, with a bridge based on this passage. Book (PDF) for purchase here.
- Taizé / CH801 / MV170 / StJ / GtG205 / WoV665 / ELW642 / SFFS 2179 / GC408 / GC(II)430 / G(3)500 / CP553 / W&R399 / Cha523 / URW394 / StF783 / Lau244b Live in charity / Ubi Caritas (Jacques Berthier) Usually sung in Latin, but can also be sung just as beautifully as "Live in charity and steadfast love, live in charity; God will dwell with you." Sheet music and sound samples for practice. Good for kids.
- Online Resource If we should speak in languages exotic (Bob Faser) A new set of lyrics with the chorus "Love never ends. It lasts beyond all language. Love never ends. It lasts beyond all skill. With faith and hope abiding through the ages, yet of these three, love is the greatest still." Sung to the tune LONDONDERRY AIR. Lyrics. New words to old tunes
- CP495 Should I rehearse with human voice (John Bell) Excellent lyrics based on this reading. Can be sung either to the set tune (which is a lilting Scottish tune), or as reader Trisha Daniells suggests since the sung range of the tune is quite broad, to GREENSLEEVES. Lyrics and sheet music sample.
- Online Resource Let our vocation be love (David Bjorlin / Randall Sensmeier) Excellent words encouraging us to work for love; sung to a lovely new tune that is quite intuitive and would not be difficult. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- NCH087 / UMH679 / VU413 / LBW271 / GtG666 / PH474 / CP(E) 7 / W&R144 / PfAS1030 / URW211 / 82Hml-005 O splendour of God's glory bright / The father's light (Ambrose of Milan) Some books use SOLEMNIS HAEC FESTIVAS for this but I prefer a more plainchant tune like PUER NOBIS NASCITUR. I quite like this, and it's mostly inclusive, but it depends on the version you have. Sheet music, sound sample and lyrics.Oldy-but-a-goody.
No prophet listened to at home; Jesus gets a bit feisty here.
See suggestions for Jeremiah, above.
- ATOK 348 / Iona (HSNW) / G(II)496 / GC692 / GC(II)697 / StF462 Come with me / Sing hey for the carpenter (Iona) Excellent. I love this one. Very joyous, and a big favourite in our congregation. Lyrics. Good for kids.
- Online Resource / GtG162 O carpenter why leave the bench?
(Richard Leach) Good words questioning why someone would leave a practical
vocation to follow God's call. Good question, eh? Tune is an old
American tune, not familiar but very singable. Good on you William
Billings for writing so many good tunes. Purchasing option of a very inexpensive book PDF containing this song (no samples though).
- NCH306 / UMH589 / VU601 / LBW433 / ELW729 / GtG320 / PH421 / GC(II)665 / G(3)765 / CP584 / W&R623 / Cha475 / StF415 / Lau896 The church of Christ in every age (Fred Pratt Green) These lyrics are well-rounded and would be great to sing. A couple of possible tunes including WALY WALY and CHURCH TRIUMPHANT, WAREHAM. New words to old tunes. Lyrics.
"*UMH408 / GtG693 / VU372 / HPP292 / PH335 / CP457 / W&R397 / Cha526 / URW141 Though I may speak with bravest fire / The Gift of Love (Hopson) A simple paraphrase of 1 Co 13, set to O WALY WALY. Easy for any congregation to pick up, I think. Lyrics and tune sample. New words to old tune" It says it is in Common Praise (CP) as #457 but that is incorrect. I cannot find this one in the CP anywhere. Probably many have already found this....sorry! I have been using your website blog for many years and I do intend to send a donation for your upgrade!! Thank you.....
The Church of Christ, in Every Age, ELW 729
Great God, Your Love Has Called Us, ELW 358
The Church of Christ, in Every Age, ELW 729
Great God, Your Love Has Called Us, ELW 358
For the Corinthians reading, I like John Bell's 'Should I Rehearse With Human Voice " in Common Praise (Canada)#495, and elsewhere. The tune range is huge so for morning services, I substitute Greensleeves
Thanks for your comments. I have included the new ideas in the 2019 entry. Please note that there are two books called "Common Praise". CP is the Canadian one, and CP(E) is the English one!
From your page for Feb 3/19
"From the sacred waters of my birth (Christopher Grundy) A lovely simple chorus; particularly good if you have a baptism. Lyrics (downloads a PDF). "
This does not take you to the page, it simply says something like "that site is unknown"
Just thought I would let you know.....Heather
Hi Natalie
For either the Corinthian Reading or the Gospel Reading TiS 164: The great Love of God, by Daniel Thambyrajah Niles
Ron Townsend
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