Winter & Winter Solstice Songs (updated for 2024)

Songs for Longest night (Winter Solstice) regardless of whether it is Christmas or not
  • Online Resource / GWA097 The daylight dims as the sun sinks low (Mary Louise Bringle / Sally Ann Morris) Excellent words of waiting and watching, with each verse ending with the line "this is our longest night". The tune is quite simple, and changes for the third verse. Sound and sheet music samples and purchasing options.
  • Recorded music Longest Night (Peter Mayer) This is a lovely and very appropriate song, which you might like to play. Lyrics and source. Sound sample.
  • HiOS139 Through winter cold (Shirley Murray) Lilting Celtic tune and lyrics of hope in the depths of Winter. Sheet music and lyrics.
  • NCH434 / VU530 / HPP275 / PH292 / CP427 All beautiful the march of days (Frances Wile) Snow and cold. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • Online Resource Behold the night (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) This is a simple chant "Behold the night, there are gifts here in the dark, soon the sun returns". Youtube.  
  • Taizé / A&M847 / GtG294 / G(II)456 / GC644 / PfAS088A / SP330 Within Our Darkest Night (Jacques Berthier) A lovely chant of continuing hope in the face of despair. Lyrics and sound samples. Good for kids.
  • VU278 / URW221 In the quiet curve of evening (Juliana Howards) Beautiful words about God's presence in the spaces of our lives. Simple tune. Lyrics.
  • MV071 / GC(II)339 / G(3)417 / Online Resource When the wind of Winter blows (Ruth Duck) This is very beautiful, and can be used either as a choral work (online version) or as a congregational song (hymnals). Best if you can teach the two-part refrain to the congregation; you could also use a soloist for the verses. Sheet music and sound samples.  
  • ACS1096 / Cha333 / GtG230 / G(II)550 / GC760 / GWA096 / VU284 Joyful Is the Dark (Brian Wren) I really like these words which summarise the entire story arc of faith. Hymnals vary widely in the tunes they have set these lyrics to. GtG uses a really difficult key but the tune is nice. GWA uses GEARY, which I quite like, but will need to be taught. Lyrics and various sheet music samples.  
  • VU181 Midnight sharpness starfields fading (Neil Lemke / David Kai) Quite nice gentle Winter evening song. Lyrics, and link to video.
  • NCH434 / VU530 / HPP275 / PH292 / CP427 All beautiful the march of days (Frances Wile) Winter snow and ice. Sung to the familiar tune FOREST GREEN. Lyrics and sample sheet music. New words to old tunes  
  • Online Resource / NCH432 / CH234 Tis winter now; the fallen snow (Samuel Longfellow) Simple words based on Psalm 74, sung to O WALY WALY. The words are beautiful, though not completely inclusive in CH234. Lyrics and sample sheet music. New words to old tunes 
  • Taizé / A&M847 / GtG294 / G(II)456 / GC644 / PfAS088A / SP330 Within Our Darkest Night (Jacques Berthier) A lovely chant of continuing hope in the face of despair. Lyrics and sound samples. Good for kids.

Songs for winter Christmas

  • NCH128 / CH305 / UMH221 / VU055 / ELW294 / HPP115 / PH036 / GtG144 / CP122 / CP(E) 55 / W&R196 / Srce2-275 / 82Hml-112 / Lau144 / StF204 / MP337 In the bleak midwinter (Christina Rossetti) Beautiful. Very Northern-hemispherific though. Oldy-but-a-goody. Lyrics.
  • TiS 321 / AHB 245 Coldly the night winds winging (Morris Martin) I think this is one of the most beautiful carols in existence. Oldy-but-a-goody. Lyrics (and a very slow recording).
  • URW418 God comes to us (Dirk Damonte) Very lovely simple song. Could be used as a chant, or at various points during the service. Sound sample.
  • NCH151 / Iona (SBL) / UMH244 / VU071 / LBW072 / ELW284 / HPP119 / PH061 / GtG142 / G(II)272 / GC361 / CP146 / W&R213 / Cha166 / 82Hml-114 / Lau132 'Twas in the moon of wintertime / Huron Carol (Jean de Brebeuf) I love this one, and it does a good job of adapting the Christmas story to a Native American context. Lyrics and history.
  • Online resource A babe was born a little one / Winter's child (Daniel Damon) A gentle storytelling song with the repeated line "in the dark'ning time of the year. Very simple to sing. Lyric video. Sheet music (click on the PDF image, the page lists lyrics to a different song!).
  • VU049 / CP129 No crowded eastern street (Frieda Major) This song is a good Christmas hymn for those who live in the plains or prairies in the Northern Hemisphere. Lovely words, and a simple tune. Youtube version of a tune that is not in either book - includes lyrics.
  • A&M185 / GC(II)362 / G(3)434 / SP69 Dark is the night / Sing Alleluia (Patrick O'Brien) Excellent and simple Christmas song which reflects the magnificat and the happiness of Jesus’ parents. I especially like the last verse “Hope for the poor, release for the captive, Love for the outcast, light for weary eyes; Word that brings life, embracing humanity, Jesus, companion be born into our lives”. It would be particularly good for a Christmas eve service. The chorus would also work very nicely on its own. Lyrics and sheet music sample. Mushy sound sample. Available for purchase online.
  • VU078 Sing till sundown hum your joy (Eileen Spinelli) A song for snowy places. This is a quite delightful song of hope "Now we're dancing through the snow"! Lyrics. Lyric video (piano only).
  • Online resource Enchanted by candles (Adam Tice / Sally Ann Morris) This song is unashamedly sentimental, while still being powerfully meaningful. Beautiful tune. It almost makes me wish I lived in the Northern Hemisphere so I could sing it at Christmas Time. Sound and sheet music sample and purchasing options.
  • G(II)274 / GC365 / GC(II)360 / G(3)432 Silent in the Chill of Midnight (Francis Patrick O'Brien) Quite nice Christmas lullaby. Northern Hemisphere specific. Lyrics.
Songs for all seasons:
  • Unknown Source We'll weave a love / Song of Community (Carolyn McDade) A song of all seasons. It's a little bit tricky to learn, but once learned, you will not forget it "We'll weave a love that greens sure as spring, then deepens in summer to the fall autumn brings". Sheet music (downloads a pdf)
  • Online Resource Flow'ring in the summer / Faithful Seasons (Helen Wiltshire) Australian imagery for all the seasons, and how it's worth celebrating them! This book is no longer available online, but if you have a copy, now is the time to get it out.
  • STB026 Seasons Come Seasons Go / Ella kaladollu (Kannada Bhajan) I think this song from India would not be too hard to learn, but it will need to be taught because the melody (THANDHEYU) will not be familiar. The words are really quite lovely, including the English translation.
  • VU632 / StS100 / WoV695 / ELW447 / SFFS 2076 / StF617 / LUYH794 O blessed Spring where word and sign (Susan Palo Cherwien) Imagery of Christ the vine and the changes that the seasons bring, this song speaks of all four seasons. Hymnals vary in the tune selected. I like it best to O WALY WALY.  Lyrics.

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