Songs, Hymns & Music for Epiphany 1C - Baptism of Christ (January 12 2025)

Isaiah 43:1-7
Do not fear, for God is with you
  • AoV2-070 / ATW 496 / MV090 / StJ Don't be afraid (John Bell) Excellent. I love this song of reassurance. "Don't be afraid, my love is stronger. My love is stronger than your fear". This song can also be used as a response to intercessions. Good for kids. Sound sample
  • URW157 Fear not for I have redeemed you (Jodi Page-Clark) A pretty straight-forward rendering of Isaiah 43, with a very simple chorus. Some lyrics and chords.
  • NCH604 / MV167 Hush hush somebody's calling my name (Traditional African-American) I really like this song. I'm not sure how it would work as a congregational song, though, since I've never been in a congregation that has sung it. I know some musicians who would love to sing it though - especially that deep "Hush" bit. Lyrics & sheet music samples.  
  • Scripture in Song 505 Fear not for I am with you (Phil Pringle) An old scripture in Song one. I still quite like this - great for big and little kids. It's essentially a paraphrase of the reading. I especially like it when everyone yells out "No way!" in between "We will not" and "be drowned"…. I'm such a dag. Good for kids Lyrics and chords.
  • TiS 417 / AoV2-133 / ATW 448 / VU387 / StJ / WoV683 / ELW397 / AA94 / HPP237 / GtG293 / PH323 / CP657 / W&R135 / Cha244 / URW203 / StB220 Loving Spirit, Loving Spirit (Shirley Murray) There are about a zillion tunes set for this. I prefer FELICITY (by Colin Gibson TiS 417), but also like RESTORATION and OMNI DIE. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • AoV1-114 / HPP376 / G(II)430 / GC608 / GC(II)596 / G(3)683 / W&R430 / Lau964 You shall cross the barren desert / Be not afraid (Robert Dufford) Beautiful words. Well known (at least, the chorus). Verses may be tricky. Lyrics.
  • Taizé / GtG243 / G(3)516 Be not afraid sing out for joy / Nebojte se (Jacques Berthier)  Happy joyful Taizé chant! Sheet music and sound samples. Good for kids.
  • Online Resource / MV161 I have called you by your name (Daniel Damon) Easy, natural tune and good words about having courage to follow where God leads. Lovely words of everyone's innate value in God's eyes, and a simple and lovely tune to sing; also quite good for commissioning or ordination services. Sheet music and lyrics. Lyric video.
  • Hillsong United When you pass through the waters / Isaiah 43 This is quite a nice chorus - fits the reading well. It's not easy to sing at first. Would be better sung by a choir, or teach the congregation one of the parts in the chorus. Quite anthemic. Video with sound sample. Lyrics and chords.
  • Online Resource / TiS 468 / NCH309 / PH436 We are your people Spirit of grace (Brian Wren) I really like the lyrics to this one. The tune is a bit funny and the hymn is quite long - needs something to stop people plodding through it; maybe split the singing into male/female or different sides of the congregation. Sheet music and lyrics. Sound sample.
Psalm 29
God's voice in the thunder. Quite a thunderous Psalm! Wind and flame, earthquakes and floods.
  • Online Resource / HiOS107 / GtG650 / ACS1100 O Beauty ever ancient (Shirley Erena Murray)  Lovely words about the ancient yet new beauty of God in creation, in sound and darkness, and in movement. It has a one line chorus of "In gratitude, in worship, my being sings to you!". Set to two different tunes. Both are good. I mildly prefer ANCIENT BEAUTY (in GtG). Lyrics.
  • TiS 465 / AHB 399 / ATA 115 / NCH279 / A&M271 / Iona (SBL) / CH116 / GA381 / Lau313 / StF004 Our God in heaven / Father in heaven / Loving Creator grant to your children (Elena Maquiso / Daniel Niles) I really like this hymn, especially the Philippino folk melody to which it's set. Newer versions of the hymn from the Christian Conference of Asia have altered the lyrics to "Our God in heaven / Creator God" in the first verse. Other versions, such as CH4 have "Loving Creator / Parent and God". Older version of lyrics
  • PfAS029A All on earth and all in heaven (Michael Mangan)  Great words sung to the familiar hymn tune EBENEZER "At God's voice the clouds assemble, thunder roars and torrents fall"… Lyrics (read the full Facebook post to find them.  New words to old tunes.
  • NCH Psalter 29 The voice of God is full of majesty (Bob Hurd). A very simple and beautiful refrain with a paraphrase of the Psalm that is inclusive without losing any of the majesty of this Psalm. Can be used with a reader or cantor. Highly recommended.
  • Online Resource This is the moment here is the place (Hannah Brown / Benjamin Brody) A good song of welcome which talks about the mystery of worship; sung to a lovely new tune in 6/8. There are enough verses for the congregation to pick it up the first time. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options
  • GtG010 Sing glory to the name of God (David Gambrell)  Good solid words, and joyful Alleluias (LASST UNS ERFREUEN!). A paraphrase of Psalm 29. Lyrics, sound and sheet music sampleNew words to old tunes.
  • AoVK-123 / NCH3 / Iona (M&G) / UMH148 / VU308 / WoV794 / ELW837 / GtG021 / PH271 / G(II)338 / GC499 / G(3)911 / CP407 / W&R26 / Cha58 / URW232 / 82Hml-385 Many and Great O God are your works / Wakantanka Taku Nitawa (Philip Frazier) Good words. Simple tune. Sounds great accompanied by a good Native American-style drum beat, which is a great way to get people (especially kids) involved in music-making. Lyrics.
  • TiS 447 / AHB 61 / CH112 / VU313 / LBW400 / ELW673 / A&M810 / CP560 / CP(E) 267 / 82Hml-371 / Lau887 / StF106 / MP699 God whose almighty word / Lord your almighty word chaos and darkness heard / Thou, whose almighty word (John Marriott) A good hymny hymn, very familiar, with the memorable “Let there be light” line at the end of each verse. TiS lyrics are fairly inclusive, but VU is better. Oldy-but-a-goody. Lyrics.
  • TiS 392 At the dawning of salvation (Jock Curle) Good hymn words of Easter theology and Christ’s presence at Creation to a fun standard American folk tune (NETTLETON). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 753 / ATFG558 / StS034 / R185 / ELW525 / SP&P082 You are holy you are whole (Per Harling) A fun and joyous latin-rhythmed song; can also be sung with two parts at the same time. Lyrics. Good for kids.
  • NCH462 / UMH109 / VU265 / WoV757 / ELW684 / PH134 / GC580 / RS711 / CP410 / W&R32 / Cha335 / URW067 / 82Hml-384 Creating God Your Fingers Trace (Jeffery Rowthorn) A good Trinitarian hymn about Creating, Sustaining and Redeeming God. There are many possible tunes. I like the Presence tune better. Lyrics and a sound sample.
  • AoV2-089 / Taizé / MV086 / SFFS 2156 Give peace to every heart / Da Pacem Cordium (Jacques Berthier) A good, simple Taize chant. Sound samples, sheet music (not cantor lines though).
  • Recorded music / Online Resource I will praise you Lord for you have rescued me (Don Stewart) If I had the sheet music to this, I would get a cantor to sing the verses, and the congregation could join in the refrain. Not sure if it's published anywhere, but I love the bagpipe intro (and I'm trying to guess who played it). Recording (scroll down).
  • PfAS029D Your voice O Lord is a voice of splendour (Martin Tel) A very simple Psalm refrain.
  • TiS 569 / AHB 478 / NCH18/19 / CH167 / UMH127 / VU651 / LBW343 / ELW618 / StF465 / A&M652 / HPP432 / GtG065 / PH281 / CP565 / CP(E) 455 / W&R501 / Cha622 / 82Hml690 / StF465 / Lau960 / MP201 Guide me O thou great Jehovah / Redeemer (William Williams) A rousing hymn of God’s presence and strength and making it to the other side. "Bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore." Sound sample, lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
Acts 8:14-17
Peter and the coming of the Holy Spirit to the church in Samaria
  • Tune In / Online Resource Alive in me (Sheree Anderson). “Spirit of the Father, spirit of my brother, spirit of the living one alive in me. Spirit of the Mother, tenderhearted lover, wisdom to discover alive in me”… etc. A good upbeat song. Lyrics, sample and free downloadable songbook.
  • TiS 421 Where the Spirit is there's freedom (Per Harling) Fun and good; excellent fun for the pianist! Good for kids. Can be sung with the congregation in two halves singing each part, which is not too hard once they have the hang of singing it in unison. Lyrics.
  • TiS 417 / AoV2-133 / ATW 448 / VU387 / StJ / WoV683 / ELW397 / AA94 / HPP237 / GtG293 / PH323 / CP657 / W&R135 / Cha244 / URW203 / StB220 Loving Spirit, Loving Spirit (Shirley Murray) There are about a zillion tunes set for this. I prefer FELICITY (by Colin Gibson TiS 417), but also like RESTORATION and OMNI DIE. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 412 / AHB 324 / ATE 251 / G(II)328 / GC468 / CP651 / W&R130 God sends us the Spirit to befriend and help us / Spirit Friend (Tom Colvin & people of Malawi) I like this song from Malawi, but the lack of inclusive language for God in some versions drives me a bit crazy. In Tom Colvin's book "Come Let us walk this road together" he uses more inclusive language. That is, he writes “God sends us the Spirit” instead of “God sends us His Spirit” and "Spirit of our Maker" rather than “Spirit of our Father”. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • Unusual Source Blow through me Breath of God (Miriam Therese Winter) This chant is very beautiful. It takes a few listens for the congregation to pick it up, or you could ask the musicians to play it as a prayer for the congregation. "Like a pipe, like a flute, like a reed making melody". This can be found in "Songlines, Hymns, Songs, Rounds and Refrains for Prayer and Praise,Crossroad, New York, 1996" or "Womantalk Woman Prayer" (1987). Sound sample.
  • TiS 710 / CH758 / Iona (Enemy of Apathy) / VU204 Come Holy Spirit gracious heavenly dove (John Bell) A beautiful and simple chant. Lyrics and sheet music sample.
  • Online Resource / AoV1-043 Breathing now the life of God / Warm Our Hearts (Erica Marshall) Simple round. "Breathing now the life of God the Spirit in us singing, come light up our hearts with joy! Heal and clear our eyes to see! Warm our hearts with peace. Warm our hearts with peace.” Short songs like this are great for kids. When teaching a song that breaks into a round, it’s best to work with as little accompaniment as possible; no accompaniment is best. Sound sample and purchasing options. Good for kids.
  • TiS 422 / CH594 / A&M242 / CP(E) 179 Come Holy Spirit come inflame our souls with love (Michael Forster) Excellent words to a well known hymn tune (DIADEMATA). "Spirit of truth, arise; inspire the prophet’s voice" It is not fully inclusive. Sound sample. New words to old tunes.
Luke 3:15-17, 21-22
John baptises with water, but the one who clears the threshing floor and who baptises with the Spirit is to come. Baptism of Christ
  • Online Resource You are my beloved / My Beloved (David MacGregor, Australia) This short song is an affirmation of God's love for anyone being baptised and picks up on the phrase of "this is my beloved". Not immediately easy to sing, so sing it through multiple times until it soaks in. Lyrics. Sheet music. Lyric video
  • URW106 Here at Jordan's river (Ruth Duck, USA) Sung to NOEL NOUVELET, this song is just perfect for our congregation. I really love this. Great for Baptism of Christ or any baptism. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource / GWA077 This gift of heaven our grace and healing / O living water (Owen Alstott, USA / Bernadette Farrell, England) Excellent words with multiple images of water, including Jesus' baptism, Cana's wedding and a chorus that simply says "O living water, O living water". You could repeat this next week, when we have the reading of the wedding at Cana. Sound sample, sheet music samples, and purchasing options.
  • TiS 270 / AHB 199 / NCH115 / CH334 / VU20 / LBW548 / ELW842 / A&M046 / GtG096 / PH010 / G(II)260 / GC321 / 322 / GC(II)344 / G(3)418 / CP103 / CP(E) 34 / W&R156 / 82Hml-076 / Lau094 / StF182 / MP538 On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (Charles Coffin, France) If you would like inclusive lyrics, have a look at the New Century Hymnal’s translation. If you’d like a groovy tune, check out AHB 199(ii) / GC322 – ST JOHN BAPTIST by Gary Lewis Miles and Betty Pulkingham. This is an excellent, fun tune. You can even combine the words of NCH115 with AHB199(ii) for the best of both worlds. But WINCHESTER NEW is also very good, and easy to sing if you don’t have a congregation full of people who grew up in the 60s and 70s. Lyrics and sheet music samples.Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • Online resource Down by the Jordan (Carolyn Winfrey Gillette, USA) Good words based on this reading, set to the well known hymn tune LOBE DEN HERREN or could be sung to AURELIA (Thanks, Ben!). Lyrics New words to old tunes.
  • PH071 Lord When You Came to Jordan (Brian Wren) I like the questioning words which ask what it might have been like. Would sing it to Llangllofan or ELLACOMBE (TiS 361) “Lord, bring us to our Jordan Of newly opened eyes, Through love, immersed in living, As You were once baptized. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • NCH168 / VU084 O radiant Christ incarnate word (Ruth Duck, USA) Good words; a little formal. WAREHAM is the easier tune. Lyric video. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 710 / CH758 / Iona (Enemy of Apathy) / VU204 Come Holy Spirit gracious heavenly dove (John Bell, Scotland) A beautiful and simple chant. Lyrics and sheet music sample.
  • ACS916 / GtG164 / CP045 Down Galilee's slow roadways (Sylvia Dunstan, USA) Good words for adult baptism, or for any Sunday that reflects on Christ's baptism. Lyrics.
  • TiS 419 / NCH270 / CH592 / A&M252 / UMH544 / VU205 / WoV685 / ELW403 / HPP222 / GtG285 / PH314 / CP635 / CP(E) 185 / W&R327 / SP92 / 82Hml-513 / StF389 Like the murmur of the dove's song (Carl P Daw, USA) Excellent words and a simple tune about Christian unity. Each verse ends with "Come holy spirit, come". Sheet music sample
  • Online Resource / Walk as One Spirit brooding in the silence (Sharonne Price, Australia / Leigh Newton, Australia) Excellent words about the Spirit in creation, at Christ's baptism, and in our lives today. A simple tune to sing also. Book (PDF) available for purchase here.  
  • Online Resource Follow Jesus to the Jordan (David Bjorlin, USA) Excellent new words calling us to follow Jesus to the Jordan, to the wilderness, and wherever God leads us to go. Sung to the familiar tune BEACH SPRING. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource / Cha177 What was your vow and vision? (Brian Wren, USA) Excellent words calling us to imagine what it was like to be at the baptism of Christ. The tune is old, but may not be familiar. Thank you to Jean Webb for this suggestion. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • NCH285 / CH591 / SFFS 2123 / URW164 O Holy Dove of God descending / Spirit now live in me (Bryan Leech) Lovely simple tune, and beautiful words. Lyrics, sheet music and sound sample.
  • VU384 / SFFS 2052 / HPP229 / PH320 The Lone Wild Bird in lofty flight (Marty Haugen, USA) Familiar tune (PROSPECT) and excellent words. First 3 verses and tune sample.New words to old tunes.
  • StS008 / SFFS 2089 / GtG163 / PH409 / StF189 Wild and Lone the Prophet's Voice (Carl Daw) Excellent, challenging words. I prefer this sung to ABERYSTWYTH which is well known and easily accessible. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • Recorded music Jesus looked down on the Jordan / Sea of God (John Coleman) This song is simple enough for the congregation to learn, or you could play the recording. Source and lyrics.
  • CH335 Out of the flowing river (Leith Fisher) Beautiful simple words of the Baptism of Christ with a call to go out and make the love revealed in Christ known through the world. A simple tune, but it will need to be taught. Sound sample.
  • ATOK 344 You who puzzle on the Saviour's deeds / New Road (John Beavis) A good song for older kids. Especially for Australian older kids. Lyrics (maybe more verses than you need!). Good for older kids.
  • CH336 / A&M97 / SP26 Christ is our light! the bright and morning star (Leith Fisher) Good words to the tune HIGHLAND CATHEDRAL. Majestic. Lyric videoNew words to old tunes  .
What will you be singing? Join the conversation and share your thoughts in a comment below.

1 comment:

Jean Webb said...

We have frequently sung "What Was Your Vow and Vision." (Chalice 177) Still trying to decide whether to use this as the closing hymn for tomorrow!