Songs, Hymns, Music for Proper 15B / Ordinary 20B / Pentecost +13 (August 18 2024)

1 Kings 2:10-12; 3:3-14
David dies, and Solomon becomes king. Solomon asks God for an understanding mind and discernment.
  • Online Resource Wisdom Wisdom Be attentive! (Lori True) A great bluesy song with a call and response refrain. Will need to be taught. Brief sound sample, sheet music sample, and purchasing options. This is a choral version which will need to be modified if you do not have a choir - you will need a song leader though - it's not a hymn! Thank you to the anonymous person who suggested this in a comment. Sound sample (full song).
  • ACS971 / MV010 / GtG174 / URW099 / VF060 Come and seek the ways of wisdom (Ruth Duck) This song is more about the personification of Wisdom, but would work very well as a gathering song in the context of this reading. The tune in ACS, MV and GtG is a joyful 6/8 tune, but not familiar, so if it seems difficult, you could sing the same words to PICARDY (TiS 497). VF has a more challenging tune, which may be a bit tricky for a congregation. Sheet music (to the 6/8 tune). New words to old tunes (if you want).
  • GA183 / Online Resource Come Holy Spirit, the spirit of Wisdom (Christopher Willcock) Good song. It's in 7/8 so you can't go wrong. The words are also excellent about God-with-us and the coming of the Spirit. This is also in New Song in an Ancient Land Vol 1 (in the Liturgy Library at BUC). Sound sample and purchasing options.
  • Online Resource / NCYC09 Understanding through you Lord (Heather Price) A prayer for peace seeking understanding of suffering, and that our leaders gain understanding. Nicely written tune, very catchy once you've got it. Would be great to use for the intercessions. Sound sample and sheet music.
  • TiS 611 / AHB 543 / NCH436 / UMH577 / VU686 / LBW415 / ELW705 / A&M648 / HPP456 / PH420 / GtG307 / CP577 / CP(E) 448 / W&R569 / Cha464 / 82Hml-594 / StF682 / MP192 God of Grace and God of Glory (Harry Fosdick) A song about being courageous and wise. There are many possible tunes and many sets of words to this hymn. NCH has the most inclusive words, but TiS and AHB are okay too. They don’t hold back in verse 3. Chorus: “Grant us wisdom, Grant us courage, for the facing of this hour”. I know best the tune AHB 543 (ii) RHUDDLAN. One version of the lyrics.
  • NCH510 Grant us wisdom to perceive you (Rae Whitney) A hymn with great words seeking wisdom in perception, faithfulness in prayer, diligence in action, courage in evangelism. Sung to an old German carol tune which is not too hard. Could also be sung to other tunes if you like. Lyric video. Lyrics and sheet music
  • Online Resource God of my breathing (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) Beautiful words about God within us sung to the familiar tune SLANE. "God of my breathing and God of my heart, Spirit embodied in all human parts, Would that this body, from head to the toes, Bring forth Your glory in all that I know". New words to old tunes Lyrics, sound sample and songbook. 
  • FFS32 / Online Resource God who sets us on a journey (Joy Dine) Good words about discernment. I think it would be easy to sing this to HYFRYDOL. Lyrics.New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource / Seeds of faith God, Give me wisdom (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) Not a congregational song, but if you have someone who could pull this off, it might be fun to play and sing as part of a children's address. Sample and lyrics  
  • Tune In Alive in me (Sheree Anderson). “Spirit of the Father, spirit of my brother, spirit of the living one alive in me. Spirit of the Mother, tenderhearted lover, wisdom to discover alive in me”… etc. A good upbeat song. Free downloadable songbook, lyrics and sound samples.
  • Online Resource / CH604 Holy wisdom lamp of learning (Ruth Duck) Great words seeking wisdom, judgement, and celebrating a searching faith. Sung to a good joyful and easy hymn tune (IN BABILONE). Could also be sung to BEACH SPRING. Sound sample (BEACH SPRING) and sheet music for purchase. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • Songs for a Hopeful Church Now Wisdom's feast continues (Elizabeth Smith) Excellent words about God as Wisdom, and all of the many ways she meets us and guides us in our faith. Sung to the familiar tune ELLACOMBE. I really like these words. New words to old tunes
Psalm 111
The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom;
It would be worth looking for an inclusive translation of this Psalm.   
You might also like to sing some Alleluias in your service, particularly good for kids. Here is a list of some favourites.
  • PfAS111C The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Jay Weldon Wilkey) A simple Psalm refrain.
  • PH274 O God of Earth and Space (Jane Parker Huber) Terrific words to a well known Jewish hymn tune (LEONI). "Wherever freedom reigns, where sin is overthrown, Where justice fused with mercy rules, there you are known. Give us the courage clear, to make the earth a home, For all to live in harmony, in Christ’s shalom. Highly recommended. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • Emergent Psalter With my whole heart (Lacey Brown) A really nice refrain for this Psalm; cool rhythm... Accompaniment sheet music.
  • Online Resource / TiS 611 / AHB 543 / NCH436 / UMH577 / VU686 / LBW415 / ELW705 / A&M648 / HPP456 / PH420 / GtG307 / CP577 / CP(E) 448 / W&R569 / Cha464 / 82Hml-594 / StF682 / MP192 God of Grace and God of Glory (Harry Emerson Fosdick) A song about being courageous and wise. There are many possible tunes and many sets of words to this hymn. NCH has the most inclusive words, but TiS and AHB are okay too. They don’t hold back in verse 3. Chorus: “Grant us wisdom, Grant us courage, for the facing of this hour”. Don’t know about everyone else, but I know best the tune AHB 543 (ii). Lyrics, sheet music samples, and a purchasing option.  New words to old tunes.
  • ACS971 / MV010 / GtG174 / URW099 / VF060 Come and seek the ways of wisdom (Ruth Duck) This song is more about the personification of Wisdom, but would work very well as a gathering song in the context of this reading. The tune in ACS, MV and GtG is a joyful 6/8 tune, but not familiar, so if it seems difficult, you could sing the same words to PICARDY (TiS 497). VF has a more challenging tune, which may be a bit tricky for a congregation. Sheet music (to the 6/8 tune).
  • NCH Psalter (Psalm 111) Great, great, great are the works of God (Marty Haugen) An excellent refrain with an inclusive Psalm for reading / cantoring.
  • NCH510 Grant us wisdom to perceive you (Rae E Whitney) A hymn with great words seeking wisdom in perception, faithfulness in prayer, diligence in action, courage in evangelism. Sung to an old German carol tune which is not too hard. Could also be sung to other tunes if you like. Lyric videoLyrics and sheet music.
  • FFS32 God who sets us on a journey (Joy Dine) Good words about discernment. I think it would be easy to sing this to HYFRYDOL or BLAENWERN. Lyrics (in comments of a Youtube video). New words to old tunes.
  • CH604 Holy wisdom lamp of learning (Ruth Duck) Great words seeking wisdom, judgement, and celebrating a searching faith. Sung to a good joyful and easy hymn tune (IN BABILONE). Could also be sung to BEACH SPRING.  Sample music and lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 68 God established an eternal covenant (Jane Marshall) A good inclusive and simple refrain with non-inclusive cantor part / reading. Reading can easily be adapted to make it inclusive.
Alternative Hebrew Scripture: Proverbs 9:1-6
Wisdom has prepared the table
  • Online Resource Wisdom Wisdom Be attentive! (Lori True) A great bluesy song with a call and response refrain. Will need to be taught. Brief sound sample, sheet music sample, and purchasing options. This is a choral version which will need to be modified if you do not have a choir - you will need a song leader though - it's not a hymn! Sound sample (full song).
  • ACS971 / MV010 / GtG174 / URW099 / VF060 Come and seek the ways of wisdom (Ruth Duck) This song is more about the personification of Wisdom, but would work very well as a gathering song in the context of this reading. The tune in ACS, MV and GtG is a joyful 6/8 tune, but not familiar, so if it seems difficult, you could sing the same words to PICARDY (TiS 497). VF has a more challenging tune, which may be a bit tricky for a congregation. Sheet music (to the 6/8 tune). New words to old tunes (if you want).
  • Tune In / NCYC'09 / ATAR598 God has laid a feasting table / Invitation (Shawn Whelan). Feminine imagery of God gathering her guests to a feasting table. Fun Cuban rhythm. Free downloadable songbook, lyrics and sound samples.
  • ATW 475 / NCYC'01 / SP&P008 Come to the banquet there’s a place for you (Fay White) An excellent song. "Though you maybe have no money, though you maybe feel unworthy, in your strength and in your weakness you are welcome, come." Lyrics
  • ATOK 393 Real food real drink (Robin Mann) A good song for the musicians to sing for the congregation, and have them join in the chorus. Lyrics.
  • Online Resource Wisdom Wisdom (Lori True) Thanks to the Anonymous person who added this to the comments! This is a choral arrangement, but it can readily be used by a congregation, since it is quite repetitive. Apparently, the tune has been used by Love Makes a Way for one of their songs too, so some congregations in Australia will already know it. Sheet music for purchase, sound sample, and sheet music sample
  • Online Resource / MV198 When we gather at the/your table (Walter Farquharson) Lovely words of welcome to the table. Suitable if you are celebrating communion. The congregation will pick up the tune by the time you reach the 5th verse, but make sure you play it through first. Lyric video. Sample sheet music and purchase options.
  • VU892 / CP392 / Cha258 Who comes from God as word and breath, Holy Wisdom (Patrick Michaels) Solid words about the place of wisdom in the Godhead. "Who lifts her voice for all to hear? Joyful Wisdom.Who shapes a thought and makes it clear? Truthful Wisdom: Teacher, drawing out our best, magnifies what we invest, names our truth, directs our quest. Wisest one, radiant one, welcome, holy Wisdom!". Lyrics. 
Psalm for the Proverbs reading: Psalm 34:9-14
The taste and see part of this Psalm!
    • Online Resource Taste and See the Lord is Good (Rob Leveridge) Pretty good lyrics that lead to communion. Very catchy! Youtube celebrating community. Sound sample, purchasing options
    • Online Resource / VU460 / R181 / ELW461 / SFFS 2126 / GtG509 / G(II)589 / GC820 / GC(II)817 / RS 845 / Cha419 / Lau477 / LUYH534 All who hunger gather gladly (Sylvia Dunstan) The words are great; I would sing it to the tune HOLY MANNA. There is a contemporary tune (by Bob Moore) is also very nice, but may need to be introduced to your congregation. “All who hunger gather gladly, holy manna is our bread. Come from wilderness and wand’ring, here, in truth, we will be fed. You that yearn for days of fullness, all around us is our food. Taste and see the grace eternal, Taste and see that God is good”. Sound sample, sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
    • G(II)602 / GC835 / G(3)917 O Taste and See (Marty Haugen) Inclusive cantor line. Groovy and simple gospel style refrain. Sound sample.
    • AoV1-067 Taste And See (Bob Hurd) Great chilled out jazzy tune for this passage. Cantor plus refrain. Sound samples and sheet music previews.  
    • GA203 Taste and see God's love for us (Deidre Browne / Kevin Lenehan) This could be really good and is simple enough to use during distribution of communion. It's unusual, and has particular verses for various times in the church year. It has an ostinato refrain (very very simple) and cantored choruses. The words are particularly lovely for the verses. "come to me, come to me and drink deeply, freely, taste and see my love". Inclusive too. Sound sample (instrumental only)
    • VU761 / SFFS 2267 / GC(II)827 Taste and See (James Moore) Simple chant. Some versions have verses. Sheet music and lyrics.  
    • TiS 22 / AHB 597 Taste and see the goodness of the Lord (Christopher Willcock) A nice simple response for this Psalm. Could be used with a cantor, or more simply, someone speaking the Psalm with the congregation joining with the response between each stanza. Formal sound sample and sheet music samples.
    • AoV1-083 / GA036 / GtG763 / G(II)46 / GC48 / GC(II)33 / G(3)047 / PfAS082B / URW257 / Lau892 The Lord Hears the Cry of the Poor (James Foley) The chorus for this makes a very good refrain for this Psalm, as set in PfAS. Sound sample and lyrics (including verses).
    • Iona (LFB) / Lau930 Listen Lord (John Bell / Graham Maule) Beautiful chant-like chorus, can be used on its own or as a response, or used with the verses. Good to use for the intercessions. “Listen Lord, Listen Lord, not to our words but to our prayers. You alone, you alone, understand and care.” Sound sample (including verses).
    • Taizé / TiS 741 / AoV1-017 / ATE 282 / LBW368 / ELW407 / GA431 / SFFS 2200 / GtG471 / G(II)410 / GC586 / GC(II)566 / G(3)666 / W&R484 / Srce519 / URW390 / Lau929 / PfAS013A / PfAS102A / MP908 O Lord hear my prayer (Jacques Berthier) A simple and very well known Taizé chant. Works well during intercessions. You could read the Psalm between repeats of this chant, or just use as a chant as is. Sheet music samples. Good for kids.
    Here's the rest of the Psalm:
    • AoVK-24 / Iona (T1AU) / CH756 Bless the Lord / My sisters (Kenyan) Simple and fun Kenyan call and response. "Bless the Lord there is no other God" Kids would really enjoy this, and with some African drumming, it would really be excellent. Good for kids. Lyrics, sheet music.
    • TiS 706 / Taizé / AoV2-142 / A&M600 / SFFS 2013 / GtG544 / PH224 / GC(II)576 / G(3)620 / CP360 / PfAS103C / SP194 / Src79 / URW377 / Lau813  Bless the Lord my soul (Jacques Berthier) A beautiful and very well known Taizé chant. Sound samples, sheet music. Good for kids.
    • Iona / CH788 / MV104 / GtG659 Know that God is Good / Mungu ni mwema (Traditional Congo) This traditional African refrain is just lots of fun and very simple to sing. Good for kids and adults! Sheet music sample. Sound sample. Sound sample in Kenyan languages.
    • G(II)44 / GC46 I Will Bless the Lord (Normand Gouin) A nice contemporary cantored Psalm with inclusive lyrics. Sound sample. Sheet music
    • TiS 73 / Taizé / CH77 / GA418 / GtG635 / G(II)364 / GC526 / GC(II)528 / G(3)623 / CP313 / Srce614 /  URW384 / Lau698 / LUYH591 / StF778 Laudate Dominum / Sing Praise And Bless The Lord (Jacques Berthier) One of the more jolly Taizé chants. I prefer it in Latin, but for kids, this one is quite good fun in English. Good for kids. Sound sample and parts for learning.
    • Taizé / TiS 739 / AoV2-041 / ATOK 404 / VU290 / GA269 / SFFS 2054 / GtG820 / G(II)451 / GC639 / GC(II)626 / G(3)733 / CP568 / W&R421 / URW388 / Lau947 / LUYH444/ VF088 Nothing Can Trouble / Nada te turbe (Theresa of Avila / Taizé) Excellent and quite well known Taizé chant. Spanish lyrics are not too hard for non-Spanish speakers. Sheet music, sound samples, lyrics and translations. Good for kids.
      Ephesians 5:15-20
      Live as wise, not unwise people… sing psalms and hymns… give thanks at all times. 
      See suggestions above and...
      • A&M504 / GC(II)644 / W&R577 / G(3)743 / SP167 / StF689 / Lau836 Summoned by the God who made us / Sing a New Church (Delores Dufner) Excellent words of Christian unity and justice to the well-known tune NETTLETON (TiS 392). Would be a good final hymn. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
      • UMH438 / VU416 / A&M476 / CP467 / CP(E) 430 / W&R718 / StF550 / Lau861 / MP159 Forth in thy name O Lord I go (Charles Wesley) Timeless words about committing all our works to God. I like this hymn best played lightly and joyfully with a simple drum beat as a kind of minstrel tune, rather than a hymn. The old fashioned words seem to make a lot more sense to me that way. Some hymnals (including TiS) have sensitively modernised the words. Lyrics and sheet musicOldy-but-a-goody.
      • TiS 569 / AHB 478 / NCH18/19 / CH167 / UMH127 / VU651 / LBW343 / ELW618 / StF465 / A&M652 / HPP432 / GtG065 / PH281 / CP565 / CP(E) 455 / W&R501 / Cha622 / 82Hml690 / StF465 / Lau960 / LUYH043 / MP201 Guide me O thou great Jehovah / Redeemer (William Williams) A rousing hymn of God’s presence and strength and making it to the other side. "Bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore." Sheet music and lyrics Oldy-but-a-goody.
      • TiS 471 / CP(E) 479 In praise of God meet duty and delight (Erik Routley) I really like the sentiment behind the words but they may be too formal for my congregation. There are a number of possible tunes, SURSUM CORDA is probably the simplest. I especially love verse 3 "The desert is refreshed by songs of praise, relaxed the frown of pride, the stress of grief". Sheet music and lyrics. New words to old tunes.
      • Online Resource / TiS 670 / SiS569 / AoVK-138 / ATE 258 / CH692 / Srce385 / MP376 Jesus put this song into our hearts (Graham Kendrick) A fun Yiddish tune that gets even more fun if you get faster and faster as you go. Try teaching your congregation a simple side to side “dance” step. If you teach them and make it clear that it’s okay, you’ll be surprised how many people will join in. Lyrics, sound sample, purchasing options. Good for kids.
      •  NCH401 / GtG308 / W&R388 O god in whom all life begins (Carl Daw) Excellent words of living as a community of faith. Sung to a simple English melody. Lyrics and sheet music.
      • Online Resource / VU870 /  CP419 /  W&R25  / URW069 Let all creation bless the Lord (Carl Daw) A very majestic hymn (the to tune MIT FREUDEN ZART). A good opening hymn.  Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
      John 6:51-58 
      I am the LIVING bread. Bread becomes flesh.
      Lots of overlaps with last weeks' suggestions here, so consolidate a new song from last week if you like. This theme will continue AGAIN next week, so you could pick something to sing again next week!
      • Online Resource  In Spirit we rise (Sheree Anderson) It would be great to sing this song about God's spirit working in and through us. "In Spirit we rise, rise, rise, to be bread for the world". Free sheet music and recording
      • Taizé / TiS 714 / AoV1-125 /ATE 270 / CH661 / UMH628 / VU466 / WoV709 / ELW472 / GtG527 / GA205 / A&M442 / G(II)588 / GC838 / GC(II)806 / G(3)941 / RS928 / CP063 / W&R697 / Cha414 / SP229 / URW379 / Lau633 / StF583 Eat this bread drink this cup (Robert J. Batastini / Communauté de Taizé) Excellent, particularly if you have a capable cantor. Some resources say "Come to him and never be hungry", but others have "come to me / trust in me". Sheet music
      • WoV701 / ELW487 / URW119 What Feast of Love (Delores Dufner) Very poetic devotional language about Christ as the bread, light and wine. Sung to GREENSLEEVES. Maybe better as a solo initially so people can just listen to the beauty of the words. Perhaps sung during distribution of communion, or a song to sing while thinking about the prepared table? LyricsNew words to old tunes.
      • ATW 474 You're like the sun that warms me / Bread of angels (Robin Mann) This is a nice ballad, a favourite of many in our congregation. It may not be easy for a congregation without some introduction because the structure is a little tricky. Lyrics.
      • ATAR658 Jesus, you are the bread we long for (Bernadette Farrell) Excellent communion song, with 5 verses about God being bread and wine for those who starve and thirst; themes of healing, restoration and justice. Very straightforward flowing melody. We sang this not long ago, and it is really beautiful. It would be good to sing it again. Lyrics (in an order of service)
      • TiS474 / AoV1-012 / ATAR595 / CH623 / SFFS 2236 / HPP553 / A&M363 / GtG401 / G(II)539 / GC839 / GC(II)743 / G(3)848  / CP465 / W&R649 / Cha284 / SP175 / URW054 / Lau475 Here in this place new light is streaming / Gather us in (Marty Haugen). Excellent words, very well known. “Nourish us well and teach us to fashion lives that are holy and hearts that are true”. Lyrics, sound samples, sheet music.
      • TiS 569 / AHB 478 / NCH18/19 / CH167 / UMH127 / VU651 / LBW343 / ELW618 / StF465 / A&M652 / HPP432 / GtG065 / PH281 / CP565 / CP(E) 455 / W&R501 / Cha622 / 82Hml690 / StF465 / Lau960 / LUYH043 / MP201 Guide me O thou great Jehovah / Redeemer (William Williams) A rousing hymn of God’s presence and strength and making it to the other side. "Bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore." Sheet music and lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
      • TiS 535 / SiS544 / AoV1-049 / ATA 167 / SLW63 / WoV702 / ELW485 / GA204 / GtG522 / G(II)597 / GC828 / GC(II)822 / G(3)945 / W&R703 / 82Hml-335 / Lau629 / LUYH842 / MP261 I Am The Bread Of Life, you who come to me shall not hunger (Suzanne Toolan) More recent versions are more inclusive, but be aware that God is mentioned (only once) as Father. "And I will raise you up..." Check the version you have. Sample. Thank you Shaun for suggesting this.
      • FFS03 As we walk along beside you (Michael Perry) Excellent words or recognising Christ in the word, the bread, the resurrection. A simple tune. Lyrics.
      • Online Resource / ATW 473 / Lau625 Bread for the world a world of hunger (Bernadette Farrell) Very nice words. Tune a bit schmaltzy, but the words save it. A bit gutsy really. Good for a soloist during distribution of communion, or as a reflective song. Sound sample, Sheet music sample, Purchasing options.
      • Online Resource / AoVNG15 Bread of Life (Michael John Poirier) A nice gentle song. Would be good for distribution of communion. This was sung by the musicians on Maundy Thursday some years ago, and it would be good to sing it again. Sound sample and purchasing options.
      • TiS 538 / AoV2-093 Feed us now Bread of life (Robin Mann) One of my favourite communion songs. Simple to sing, and beautiful simple theology. “Piece of bread, cup of wine, Lord this food is good”. Lyrics. Good for kids.
      • MV194 Bread of life feed my soul (Stephen Spencer) A simple communion prayer for healing and guidance. Lyric video.
      • TiS 239 / AHB 185 / ATE 236 / NCH048 / StF252 / Lau746 / MP384 Jesus the Christ said "I am the bread" / Jesus the Lord said "I am the bread" (Anonymous - Urdu melody) This song set to a traditional Urdu melody is quite well nkown; translations vary a lot. I really like the translation in NCH. Lyrics
      • Online Resource / ELW474 / GtG497 / G(II)590 / GC821 / G(3)943 / Lau622 Bread of Life From Heaven / Pan de Vida Eterna (Suzanne Briehl) Refrain to tune of Santo Santo. The refrain could be used on its own. Verse lyrics are quite formal, and maybe a bit clunky? "Bread of life From heaven, your blood and body given, we eat this bread and drink this cup until you come again". Sound sample, sheet music sample and purchase options
      • MV197 Bread of life broken and shared (David-Roger Gagnon) Quite nice verses and catchy chorus, which refers to this, and other famous bread-like readings. For communion. Lyrics (scroll down)
      • Online Resource / VU460 / R181 / ELW461 / SFFS 2126 / GtG509 / G(II)589 / GC820 / GC(II)817 / RS 845 / Cha419 / Lau477 / LUYH534 All who hunger gather gladly (Sylvia Dunstan) The words are great; I would sing it to the tune HOLY MANNA. There is a contemporary tune (by Bob Moore) is also very nice, but may need to be introduced to your congregation. “All who hunger gather gladly, holy manna is our bread. Come from wilderness and wand’ring, here, in truth, we will be fed. You that yearn for days of fullness, all around us is our food. Taste and see the grace eternal, Taste and see that God is good”. Sound sample, sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
      • ATW 498 / Iona (T1AU) / MV 196 / SP&P182 / URW438 We will take what you offer (John Bell) An excellent simple short song that works well either as an upbeat chorus or as a reflective chant. "We will take what you offer, we will live by your word. We will love one another and be fed by you Lord". Good for kids. Sound sample.
      • MV192 / ACS970 We come now to your table Lord you are the living bread (Traditional Caribbean) Very simple communion chorus from Jamaica. This would be best with harmonies and lots of percussion, or I think it would be just a bit dull. Could be very energetic and celebratory! Sound sampleGood for kids.
      What ideas do you have? If you have some suggestions for any of the above readings, please join the conversation and post them in the comments below. I'd love to know what you're singing (or would like to sing...) 

      1 comment:

      Unknown said...

      Wisdom, Wisdom by Lori True. Great little refrain and you can make it really bluesy and fun :)