Songs, Hymns & Music for Lent 5C (6 April 2025)

Isaiah 43:16-21
God's going to do a new thing, and the animals will like it too.
  • Online Resource / Resounding Voices There are more waters rising (Saro Lynch-Thomason, USA) A simple, catchy protest song about waters rising, fires burning, and mountains falling, and our ability to struggle through it. Teaching video. Free book download here.
  • Online Resource God you call us to be prophets (Adam Tice, USA / Sally Ann Morris, USA) Excellent words calling us to leave the structures of power and privilege behind as we seek a new and better world. Great chorus! Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options
  • Online Resource / AoV2-007 / AoVNG110 See I Make All Things New (Monica O'Brien, Australia / Trish Watts, Australia) I really love this song. “New, as night turns to morning, the spirit is calling I’m with you, I make all things new”. Sound sample, purchasing options.
  • AoV2-085 / Iona (T1AU) / MV115 / A&M328 / SP129 Behold behold I Make All Things New (John Bell, Scotland) A nice hopeful upbeat short song. Highly recommended. Sound sample (scroll down) Good for kids.
  • Tune In / Online Resource Making things new (Sheree Anderson, Australia / Canada) A groovy one. Great for kids, and lots of fun. Sound sample, lyrics and free downloadable songbook. Good for kids.
  • ATA 200 / CH530 / VU639 / A&M757 / CP(E) 548 / URW109 / StF476 One more step along the world I go (Sydney Carter, England) A good fun kid's song which many of their parents will remember. "And it's from the old I travel to the new, keep me travelling along with you". Lyrics and sheet music. Good for kids.
  • TiS 671 / AoV2-121 Made in God's Likeness (Patricia Lewis, Australia / Alister Spence, Australia) Excellent Australian imagery. This is one of my very favourite songs. It is not difficult if you have a good musician at the helm. If it is new to your congregation, they will be able to join in on the verses by the time you get to the 3rd one. The change in tone with the verse really lifts this song. Lyrics and sound sample.
  • Cha054 The First Day of Creation is dawning in the soul (Thomas Troeger, USA) Excellent words, about the new creation of our souls. Tune is not immediately simple, but to sing these words it would be worth spending some time learning this tune. Perhaps ask your musicians to present this to your congregation if it's not familiar. Lyrics.
  • Online Resource Free us God from past mistakes (David Bjorlin, USA) A song seeking the renewal and freedom that comes from God's forgiveness. Set to the familiar tune ARFON. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • AoV1-114 / HPP376 / G(II)430 / GC608 / GC(II)596 / G(3)683 / W&R430 / Lau964 You shall cross the barren desert / Be not afraid (Bob Dufford, USA) Beautiful words. Well known (at least, the chorus). Verses may be tricky. Lyrics.
Psalm 126
Those who sow in tears shall reap with joy
  • TiS 647 / AoV2-012 / ATN 25 Comfort, comfort all my people (Robin Mann) Easy to sing, beautiful lyrics. Chorus is “Comfort, comfort all my people, with the comfort of my word. Speak ye tender to my people, all your sins are taken away”. Note that most sources only list 2 verses, but there are two additional (more challenging) verses you may wish to consider using; they were written for the Christmas Bowl in 1988. Thanks to Simon for alerting me to them. Sound sample and lyrics.
  • CH683 / VU420 / A&M491 / GC(II)469 / G(3)546 / GtG295 / CP598 / W&R553 / SP156 / URW132 / Lau426 / StF402 Go to the world Go into all the earth (Sylvia Dunstan) Great words of sending out. Can be sung to a couple of different tunes. SINE NOMINE is the easiest and best known. Sound sample. Sheet music sample. New words to old tunes
  • ATE 253 He turned my mourning into dancing This is not at all inclusive, but if you change the lyrics to make it addressed to God “You turned my morning into dancing”, it’s much much better. Youtube (by Sikal Kelep from PNG).
  • Shout for Joy (Psalm Project) When we share God's dream (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) Nice words, especially if you read Desmond Tutu's book to the kids this week. Sound sample & purchasing options. Good for kids
  • SFFS 2182 / CP583 / GtG074 / PfAS126E When God Restored Our Common Life (Ruth Duck)  Good words, based on Ps 126 to a familiar fairly upbeat shape note tune (RESIGNATION). Lyrics (scroll down) New words to old tunes.
  • Iona (Common Ground) / CH257 Singing we gladly worship the Lord together (Traditional Guatemalan) This song has a simple and energetic chorus with a great rhythm, and sings of us "sowing seeds of peace and love" in a troubled world. Lyrics. Good for kids.
  • TiS 177 / VU614 / Cha212 In suffering love the thread of life (Rob Johns) A more sombre choice, but comforting. Can be sung to a range of familiar tunes like LAND OF REST. Sheet music sample (in a large PDF - on page 3). New words to old tunes.
  • PfAS126B Those who sow in tears and sorrow (Ladies of the Grail) A simple Psalm refrain. Nice chords.
  • Shout for Joy (Psalm Project) Rivers in the desert (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A nice way to present this Psalm to the congregation; this would work well during the offering.  Youtube.
  • CH541 Lord I pray if today (Jean Keegstra-DeBoer) Very simple words, quite child-like, but memorable. Lyrics.
  • PfAS126A / URW325 When God first brought us back from exile (Carl P Daw) Good words based on the Psalm, and it's sung to WAYFARING STRANGER, which is a very cool tune. Lyrics New words to old tunes.
  • Online resource Those who sow in tears (Bruce Harding) A simple, joyful round. Sound sample and free sheet music. Good for kids.
  • NCH461 Let us hope when hope seems hopeless (David Beebe) A lilting tune and good words of hope in the face of difficulty. A song of a maturing faith. Sound sample (long introduction).
  • VU023 / CP104 Joy shall come even to the wilderness (Israeli traditional) A traditional Israeli song. Excellent words and the tune is cool. Lyrics.
  • G(II)110 / GC124 / GC(II)69 / URW326 God Has Done Great Things for Us (Marty Haugen) Lovely words “God has done great things for us. Filled us with laughter and music”. I really like this. Both the cantor part and the refrain are inclusive. Would work well also with the Psalm being read between the refrains. Sheet music and sound sample.
  • VU850 We praise the one who gave the growth, with voices full and strong (Southern Harmony) A joyful Psalm refrain. It would be good for a Harvest Thanksgiving too. 
  • Online Resource Hidden Hallelujah (Christopher Grundy) This is not a congregational song. It is a powerful song about the hope of joy to come for those who are facing extreme difficulty (sex trafficking, racial bias in the criminal justice system, transgender acceptance). Lyrics, video and link to purchasing options.  
  • Online Resource Sowing in the morning sowing seeds of kindness / Bringing in the Sheaves (Knowles Shaw, USA / George Minor, USA) This old school camp meeting song is sweet and still suitable to sing, particularly the first two verses. The last verse is a bit dated, though. So is the tune! You could have fun with it! Thanks to Lynn for this suggestion. Sheet music. Sound sample.
Philippians 3:4b-14
Righteousness through faith, and striving ahead
  • Tune In / Online Resource A grain of wheat (Sheree Anderson) Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it won't form roots and grow. A boppy song with deeply meaningful lyrics. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • BUC Song Project Always amazed (Dave Brown) A hopeful song of seeking faith, and being inspired by stories like Paul's. This is new to BUC, so perhaps ask the musicians to present it? 
  • TiS 687 God gives us a future (Elizabeth Smith) Great words to a very easy hymn tune. Careful not to let it get the tune get too pompous; the words are not! "God gives us a future, daring us to go into dreams and dangers on a path unknown. We will face tomorrow in the Spirit's power, we will let God change us for new life starts now!". Lyric video.
  • TiS 382 / AoV2-131 / ATN 15 / NCH238 / CH417 / UMH311 / VU186 / LBW280 / ELW379 / GA364 / A&M212 / HPP210 / GtG247 / G(II)318 / GC444 / GC(II)456 / G(3)534 / CP237 / CP(E) 153 / W&R311 / Cha230 / 82Hml-204 / Lau278 / StF306 Now the green blade rises (John MacLeod Campbell Crum) I love these words and this simple French folk tune. I particularly like this played to guitar, but TiS has an excellent piano arrangement too. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes
  • TiS 547 / AHB 455 / AoV1-009 / NCH451 / CH465 / A&M595 / UMH451 / VU642 / WoV776 / ELW793 / HPP353 / GtG450 / PH339 / CP505 / CP(E) 386 / W&R502 / Cha595 / Srce70 / URW180 / 82Hml-488 / Lau970 / StF545 / MP051  Be thou my vision O Lord of my heart (8th century Irish, translated by Eleanor Hull) Most recent hymnals are fairly inclusive for this. Note that the High King phrase has been changed in some hymnals because it is masculine, but it makes it a bit clunky when you get to "O Ruler of all", and High Kings were clan leaders, so maybe we could do better. I'm still thinking about this. All that stuff about Loaghaire is more about the name of the tune BTW...  Lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody..
  • AoV2-033 / VU647 Travel on travel on (Sydney Carter) I think this old folk song would work well to pick up the theme of "pressing on". Lyrics and chords here.
  • TiS 599 / AHB 520 / NCH448 / CH502 / UMH399 / VU506 / LBW406 / ELW685 / A&M787 / HPP349 / GtG697 / PH391 / CP435 / CP(E) 581 / W&R466 / Cha609 / Srce633 / 82Hml-707 / Lau874 / StF566 / MP624 Take my life and let it be (Frances Havergal) An oldy but a goody. Lyrics and story.  Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • MV125 When a grain of wheat / Hitotsubu no (Toyohiko Kagawa) This is a lovely chant. It will need to be taught as it's a Japanese melody and the timing is unfamiliar to Western ears, but once known it should be quite straightforward to sing. Choral video, in Japanese.
  • TiS 666 / AoV2-113 / AoVK-126 / ATOK 409 / NCH526 / Iona (Common Ground, Freedom is Coming) / CH516 / VU646/647 / WoV650 / ELW866 / A&M483 / SFFS 2235 / HPP153 / GtG853 / G(II)357 / GC513 / GC(II)516 / G(3)594 / Cha442 / SP235 / Srce737 / StF483 / MP954 We are marching in the light of God / Siyahamba / Caminando (South African) A very popular chorus, with possible alternate verses, depending on your source. Sometimes people get anxious about the word "marching", but remember that this song comes from apartheid-era South Africa, where people were protesting so that they could vote in their own country. And the marching is toi-toing, much less militaristic than what you may imagine. Inspiring choral video. Good for kids.  
  • NCH497 / SFFS 2208 / GtG741 / PH354 / G(II)508 / GC707 / GC(II)684 G(3)780 / CP513 / ZSS141 Guide my feet while I run this race (African-American Civil rights song) Would work well as a meditative prayer for guidance or as an uplifting call to action at the end of the service.You could also make up your own lyrics. Lyrics. Good for kids.
  • O Author of Faith yet at work in our hearts (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) New words to an old tune “O Jesus our Christ, lead the way for our faith to give perseverance for running the race. You’ve gone on ahead for to stake out a claim. We trust in the journey and look for your footsteps. O Jesus our Christ, lead the way for our faith!”. Lyrics and sound sample.
  • TiS 412 / AHB 324 / ATE 251 / G(II)328 / GC468 / CP651 / W&R130 God sends us the Spirit to befriend and help us / Spirit Friend (Tom Colvin and the people of Malawi) I like this song, but the lack of inclusive language for God sometimes drives me a bit crazy. In Tom Colvin's book "Come Let us walk this road together" he uses more inclusive language than many hymnals that include this song. That is, he writes “God sends us the Spirit” instead of “God sends us His Spirit” and "Spirit of our Maker" rather than “Spirit of our Father”. Good for kids. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • Online Resource Christ is for losers (Adam Tice / John Bell) A thoughtful song, although kind of strange, it might be appropriate depending on your sermon. Sung to the familiar tune DREAM ANGUS. Sheet music sample, lyrics, and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS571 / AHB 480 / CH529 / UMH438 / VU416 / A&M476 / CP467 / CP(E) 430 / W&R718 / StF550 / Lau861 / MP159 Forth in your / thy name O Lord I go (Charles Wesley) Timeless words about committing all our works to God. I like this hymn best played lightly and joyfully with a simple drum beat as a kind of minstrel tune, rather than a hymn. The old fashioned words seem to make a lot more sense to me that way. Some hymnals (including TiS) have sensitively modernised the words. Lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
John 12:1-8
Mary anoints Jesus' feet with oil
  • Online Resource As evening fragrance fills the air (Mary Louise Bringle) Beautiful words reflecting on the women who bore witness to Jesus' anointing and death. Particularly apt for an evening service. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options.
  • NCH210 / VU129 Said Judas to Mary (Sydney Carter) Great words to a simple folk tune. Lyrics.
  • NCH206 A woman came who did not count (Richard Leach) Tune is tricky and will need to be taught, but it's quite beautiful and haunting when you know it. Or you could ask your musicians to present it during the offering. Terribly out of focus video, but the sound is good, and the lyrics are listed.
  • TiS 696 / VU590 / CP463 / GtG201 / W&R585 A prophet-woman broke a jar (Brian Wren) A song celebrating women in Biblical story and in our lives. The tune is good, and will need to be played through to your congregation before singing it, but just once should be OK. Lyrics and sheet music. I also quite like the setting of these words to a lovely folk-like tune by Douglas Simper, available in his book Singing the Journey.
  • Taizé / TiS 739 / NCH772 / AoV2-041 / ATOK 404 / VU290 / GA269 / SFFS 2054 / GtG820 / G(II)451 / GC639 / GC(II)626 / G(3)733 / CP568 / W&R421 / URW388 / Lau947 Nothing Can Trouble / Nada te turbe (Jacques Berthier) Excellent and quite well known Taizé chant. Spanish lyrics are not too hard for non-Spanish speakers. Sheet music, sound samples, lyrics and translations. Good for kids.
  • TiS 748 / GtB There once was a man as mean as could be (Digby Hannah) Good song for kids and great for this passage. Lyrics (powerpoint) Good for kids.
  • ATFG547 At the table in his honour / Fill our hearts (Robin Mann) Yeah. I think this would be good. "Make our passion always new". Lyrics.
  • Iona From a high secret shelf / I will give what I have (Iona) Beautiful words based on this passage; tune is not easy, so it may be best sung by a soloist. Lyrics. Sound sample
  • Online Resource Nothing is wasted (David Bjorlin) A simple gospel-style chorus, which fits well with the idea that even difficult times, death, and suffering are not a waste. Sheet music sample and purchasing options. Sound sample. This could be sung much more slowly if you are after something more meditative
  • And now, the video for "Everything's Alright" from Jesus Christ Superstar. I just love this movie. 
What will you be singing? Please join the conversation by adding a comment below! 


Maggie said...

A Prophet Woman Broke a Jar VU 590. Story telling by Brian Wren. I prefer the music written for it by Ron Klusmeier


"Said Judas to Mary" by Sydney Carter VU 129 Great words and interesting music.

Anonymous said...

She poured the perfume lavishly by Delores Dufner - I like the words but I'm not thrilled with the tune I have with it "Sancta Civitas"

Linda said...

Hi Natalie, Forth in Thy name TiS 571 I am sure you have had this one before, just Together in Song got missed out this time. and sorry, it is of course Forth in Your name.

Lynn said...

An "oldie" capturing the gospel and psalm (with both text and tune public domain): "Bringing in the Sheaves". I found it at
Thank you so much for sharing your work and resources!

Lynn said...

An "oldie" that links in the gospel and psalm (with both text and tune public domain): "Bringing in the Sheaves". For an online resource I found it at

Thank you for sharing your resources!