Songs and Hymns for ANZAC Day / Memorial Day / Remembrance Day
- GWA136 Hope for the world's despair
(Ally Barrett, England) A beautiful mournful song reflecting on healing needed after war, and the need for peace to grow. Sung to the tune LOVE UNKNOWN. Sound sample (a bit pompous, but it has a very moving animation). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- FFS05 Be their names remembered
(Shirley Murray) Simple chant, good for singing in response to a
list of names of those who have died (e.g. catastrophe, ANZAC day). "Be
their names remembered in the heart of God"
- VU526 Weep for the dead (Brian Wren) This song would be very appropriate for Peace Day, but also for Memorial Day / ANZAC day / Services of Remembrance. Sheet music and lyrics.
- Online Resource / GWA135 / HiOS061 Honour the dead
(Shirley Murray, New Zealand) This hymn has a tune that is familiar enough (by Colin Gibson)
for the congregation to join in as it is sung. There are 6 verses, so
perhaps invite them to join in as they get the hang of the tune. Lyrics. Sound sample (with a brass band!).
- Online Resource God who remembers (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) Based on Psalm 136, this simple chant could also
be good to use during the prayers of the people, or while people are
placing poppies somewhere, lighting candles, or reading the names of
those who have died. Lyrics and sound sample. Sheet music.
- StF131 By a monument of marble or a simple wooden cross (Marjorie Dobson) Memorial Day Thoughtful words that are appropirate for ANZAC day and other services of remembrance. I would use BLAENWERN for these words, though it is not the set tune. Lyrics.
- TiS 680 / VU527 / StF698 God as with silent hearts we bring to mind (Fred Kaan) Good words, with multiple tunes. The set tune in TiS (LAVENDON) is not easy, and the one in VU simple but a bit dull. It can also be sung to SURSUM CORDA (TiS 87) which is much more well known. Lyrics.
Congregation Songs that may be useful for a public memorial service where attendees may not be regular church attenders:
- TiS
10 / AHB 16 / AoV1-144 / NCH479 / Iona (Common Ground) / CH14/16 /
UMH136 / VU747/8 / StS099 / LBW451 / ELW778 / GA473 / HPP55 / GtG801 / PH170 /
CP519 / CP(E) 594 / W&R86 / Cha078 / Srce662 / Lau806 The Lord's my Shepherd I'll not want / God is my shepherd
(Scottish Psalter) I think this is more than a sentimental favourite
and will be meaningful for those remembering fathers, grandfathers,
uncles, aunts and mothers who died. Lyrics are quite masculine in most sources. Lyrics.
- TiS 650 / ATA 191 / CH694 / A&M604 / NCH539 / VU595 / ELW659 / AA08 /
SFFS 2222 / HPP442 / GtG727 / G(II)476 / GC683 / GC(II)661 / G(3)751 / CP500 / CP(E) 393 /
W&R391 / Cha490 / SP263 / URW117 / Lau924 Brother, sister, let me serve you / Won't you let me be your servant? (Richard Gillard) I think you all know this one. Lyrics. NCH has a nice turn on the lyrics with "Won't you let me be your servant?" as the first line.
- TiS
621 / UMH435 / VU677 / LBW416 / ELW748 / GtG756 / PH289 /
GC(II)717 / G(3)825 / CP593 / W&R626 / Cha680 / 82Hml-607 O God of Every Nation
(William Watkins Reid) Powerful words seeking God's redemption of the world. Can be
sung to LLANGLOFFAN or PASSION CHORALE, both very familiar hymn tunes. Lyrics and sheet music. Go look at the lyrics just to bring a smile to your face. So much hope!
music or music that could be played by your musicians (pretty much all
Australian anti-war folk songs) for reflection. With thanks to Shawn
Whelan who plays most of these every ANZAC Day.
- I was only 19 (John Schumann) Written about
the Vietnam War, and its after effects on those who returned, this
poignant song manages to be both anti-war and pro-veteran and is known
by many. Lyrics. Chords. Youtube.
- Mothers Daughters Wives (Judy Small) One of those rare songs that presents the women's perspective on war. Lyrics & chords. Youtube.
- And the band played Waltzing Matilda (Eric
Bogle) A massive tear-jerker that realistically protrays the experience
of the returned soldier. Particularly appropriate this year for the
100th anniversary of Gallipoli. Youtube. Lyrics & chords.
- The Green Fields of France (Eric
Bogle) Another mournful anti-war song that questions what it was like
for those who died in the first world war. Particularly appropriate this
year for the
100th anniversary of Gallipoli. Youtube. Lyrics & chords.
- In Memoriam (Vic MacDonald) A New Zealand song reflecting on the decimation of and remembrance in many country towns for generations. Lyrics and mp3s.
“Heaven and Earth are Filled” has worked well for several years at our remembrance service.
Why are you listing Nov. 11 as Memorial Day, we already have that in May. Nov. 11 is Veterans Day!
We call November 11 Remembrance Day here in Australia; sorry about the mix-up.
I vow to Thee my Country MHB 900 speaks of the call to serve for the sake of peace in the world. Thaxton is a beautiful tune.
Another excellent listening song from a bunch of Aussie singers - SPIRIT OF THE ANZACS.
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