Songs, Hymns & Music for Pentecost C (5 June 2022)

Acts 2:1-21 
Here comes the Holy Spirit!
  • GWA126 Come O Holy Spirit / Vem Espírito Santo (Louis Marcello Illenseer, Brazil) A simple and joyful song calling on the Spirit to come and hear us, and to teach us to listen. This is great, and works in English and in Portuguese. Sound sample (Portuguese).
  • GWA130 / StF381 Holy Spirit breath of heaven (Geraldine Latty, England) A simple and beautiful song asking the spirit to breathe us to a quiet stillness, so that we can find our place with God. Sound sample (instrumental).
  • CH613 / WoV687 / ELW401 / GtG287 Gracious Spirit hear our pleading (Wilson Niwagila, Tanzania) Good simple song about the Spirit working in a community; probably too many verses (especially in GtG which has 5!). The refrain also works well on its own, and could be used as a prayer response; GtG has the refrain in Swahili: "Njoo Njoo Njoo Roho mwema". Sound sample  
  • StF045 Earth's creator everyday God (Bernadette Farrell) A responsive call and response chant that celebrates the everyday presence of God in all things. This would work well during an extended period of meditation in your service. Lyrics and sound sample.
  • BUC Song Project / Online Resource When the carpenter's son / Drive us out (Shawn Whelan) A spirited and lively song about being driven to new places by the Spirit. Free sheet music and lyrics.
  • VU381 Spirit of life come unto me (Carolyn McDade) A lovely simple song beckoning the Spirit. It's a little bit "me, me, me", but a good song of personal devotion.  Lyrics (and a story about the author)
  • Online Resource / ATAR643 / Walk as One Fire of prophet cool wisdom of sage / Spirit lead us (Paul Somerville) An excellent song about knowing God through sacred stories, and being part of God's sacred story. This would be an excellent song for the entry of scriptures at the start of the service if this is your practice. You could use it often during the Pentecost season, so it would be good to teach it now. It may be best sung first by a soloist. Sound sample. Book (PDF) available for purchase. You could use it often during the Pentecost season, so it would be good to teach it now.  
  • ATAR607 Spirit of dreaming (Alison Campbell Rate) Good open-ended words of hope for the coming of the Spirit, and a catching soothing melody, that gets a nice twist in the chorus. Lyrics snippet.
  • BUC Song Project Tower of Mercy (Dave Brown) A new-ish song from Dave. It would be great to have the musicians play this. "O sweep us into your great breath of life"
  • NCH267 / VU198 / PH127 / GtG280 / W&R329 Come O Spirit dwell among us (Janie Alford) A good hymn to the familiar tune EBENEZER. New words to old tunes Lyrics & sheet music.
  • NCH056 Breath of the living God / Soplo de Dios viviente (Osvaldo Catena) A joyful song in Spanish or English, set to a traditional Norwegian folk tune. The chorus is particularly great "Come now an dlive within us, come let your gifts enrich us, Breath of the living God, our Creator Spirit, Eternal Source". Sheet music sample and sound sample.
  • Online Resource Set us free for Freedom (Shirley Murray) Good challenging words, and two possible tunes, which are BOTH good, but quite different. The Klusmeier tune (1st in the download) is a good folk hymn tune, while the Gibson tune (2nd in the download) is more upbeat with a rousing chorus. Lyrics and free sheet music.
  • VU207 / LBW387 / PH124 / CP041 / 82Hml-299 Spirit of God Unleashed on Earth (John Arthur) Great words to a wide range of tunes. I like TRURO best. Lyrics (scroll down)  New words to old tunes.
  • Tune In / Online Resource Spirit of the Father, Spirit of our Mother / Alive in me (Sheree Anderson) Catchy boppy pop song about God's spirit within us and within the world. Music sample, sound sample and lyrics. Good for kids. Free downloadable songbook, lyrics and sound samples.
  • VU199 Creative Spirit come to us (Janet Wootton) Great words to an old tune. I like the "Kaleidoscope of sevenfold light" bit. Sung to VENI CREATOR SPIRITUS.  Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 418 / AoV2-075 / Iona (EoA, Common Ground) / CH593 / GA372 / A&M259 / Cha255 / SP94 / URW165 / StF393 / Lau305 She sits like a bird brooding on the waters (John Bell) My favourite Holy Spirit song. Beautiful words and very easy to sing, provided it is not played too quickly The Iona recordings are generally very quick, but there are a lot of words to fit in, so keep it elegantly moderate in speed! Lyrics and sound sample.  
  • Unusual Resource Veni lumen cordium (Margaret Rizza) A beautiful simple flowing chant. Veni lumen cordium, Veni Sancte Spiritus. This is in her book "Just Chants". BUC people, we have a copy of this in the Liturgy Library. Sound sample. Lyrics.
  • SP&P025 Breathe on me O breath of God (Austin) A lovely simple song which can be sung as "breathe on me" or "breathe on us" depending on whether you want a personal or communal song.
  • ACS943 / HiOS007 / GtG292 / GWA128 As the wind song through the trees (Shirley Murray, New Zealand / Lim Swee Hong, Singapore) This is really lovely and draws parallels between the the movement of the wind, the warming of the heart, and the rainbow after rain with the movement of the Spirit. Lyrics and sheet music sample. Sound sample (in Mandarin and English).
  • SP&P034 Come and fill all my life (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A gentle and very simple song. Would be good for a meditation. Lyrics.
  • G(3)549 Living Spirit Holy Fire (Ruth Duck) Lovely words, and a simple flowing tune. Lyrics and melody line. Sound sample.
  • GA183 Come Holy Spirit the spirit of Wisdom (Christopher Willcock) Good song. It's in 7/8 so you can't go wrong. The words are also excellent about God-with-us and the coming of the Spirit This is also in New Song in an Ancient Land Vol 1 (in the Liturgy Library at BUC). Clunky sound sample.
  • TiS 263 / CH607 The bright wind is blowing the bright wind of heaven (Cecily Taylor) Excellent words of the changes brought about by a "bright wind" that blows away the chaff of our hating, and fans the flames of love.  Joyful tune. Sound sample.
  • URW066 Holy Spirit wind of heaven (Steve Garnaas-Holmes) Terrific words sung to the familiar tune ODE TO JOY. "Holy Spirit, Wind of Heaven, Breath of Life, our warmth and light". Lyrics and lead sheet.New words to old tunes.
  • AoV1-043 Breathing now the life of God / Warm Our Hearts (Jane Marshall) Simple round. "Breathing now the life of God the Spirit in us singing, come light up our hearts with joy! Heal and clear our eyes to see! Warm our hearts with peace. Warm our hearts with peace.” Short songs like this are great for kids. When teaching a song that breaks into a round, it’s best to work with as little accompaniment as possible; no accompaniment is best. Good for kids.
  • NCH271 / UMH538 / VU196 / PH131 / CP249 / W&R333 / Cha236 Wind who makes all winds that blow (Thomas Troeger) Excellent words. Familiar tune (ABERYSTWYTH). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • NCH287 / FFS11 Come teach us Spirit of our God (Shirley Murray) Excellent words and a good tune. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • SP&P005 Holy one may your presence here (Christopher Grundy) A joyful and quite quick chorus seeking enlightenment from the presence of Christ. Youtube
  • NCH272 / VU195 / GtG289 / PH128 / W&R334 / Cha237  On Pentecost they gathered (Jane Parker Huber) A simple story-telling hymn. Tune is a simple traditional tune. Lyrics.
  • AoV1-095 / G(II)324 / GC459 Envia Tu Espíritu (Bob Hurd) My other  favourite holy spirit song. A catchy latin rhythm; verses are in English and the chorus is Spanish – not too hard for non-Spanish speakers, though. Sound sample.
  • AoV2-058 Pulsing Spirit rippling river (Dolores Dufner) Excellent words sung to the familiar tune BEACH SPRING. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • ACS980 / GA377 / Iona (CAYP) / SP96 / StF374 / MP818 Come Holy Spirit descend on us (John Bell) A simple short song with multiple verses with different cantored phrases for each verse - choose the ones most appropriate for your community this week. Sound sample
  • ACS940 Come Holy Spirit (Iona Community) An even more simple call and response chant - does not require words to be provided. Good for a meditative service, or for an extended period of reflection. This would be good to sing multiple times. Sound sample.
  • Online Resource O Holy Spirit power of the weak (David Bjorlin / Lim Swee Hong) A beautiful, meditative four part song. It would be great to teach the parts to your congregation, and would work well whether you sing only one verse, or all four verses. If four parts is too challenging, you could also get your congregation to sing only the melody line in two parts in canon (i.e. a round, but ending at the same time); or in unison would also work, but would be less fun. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing optionsNew words to old tunes.
  • GA377 Come Holy Spirit Maranatha (John Bell) A simple call and response chant; doesn't need paper / slides as the cantor line is repeated exactly by the community. Could also be sung as a round. Information
  • Online Resource Beautiful Spirit O comforter come (Adam Tice) Excellent words seeking the Spirit to move us to action (and to "loosen our bodies"). Set to the familiar tune SLANE. Sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 711 / ATOK 334 / Iona (M&G) / WoV681 / VU383 / SFFS 2124 / GtG283 / G(II)330 / StF038 Come O Holy Spirit / Wa Wa Wa Emimimo (Nigeria) This song is just fun. And very easy. Try to sing it in its original language (Yoruba), it sounds a bit inane in English and it’s not hard!! Encourage your congregation to dance a simple side-to-side step to this; they will enjoy it even more. If we can’t go a little crazy on Pentecost, what hope is there for us, really? A good song to help us remember that our faith is global, and to think of the church and all people in Africa. Youtube of John Bell teaching it Good for kids.
  • A&M233 / CP(E) 365 A mighty wind invades the world (Stanbrook Abbey) Pentecost Excellent strong imagery of the Spirit moving through the world. Largely inclusive, but for a Trinitarian verse at the end. Lyrics
  • ACS944 / G(3)553 O Spirit All-Embracing (Delores Dufner) Good words of the spirit, sung to the pompous tune THAXTED. It could probably be sung to something else.
  • Protest and Praise / Online Resource Holy Spirit Come / The whisper of a distant wind (David Bjorlin / Sally Ann Morris) This is really beautiful. The refrain could be used on its own as a meditation, or include the verses, sung slowly either by the congregation or by a soloist. "Within a field of dry bones where nothing grows but death, the whisper of a distant wind inspires the lifeless breath". See what I mean? Songbook for purchase
  • CH589 / A&M240 Come Holy Spirit / Breath of Heaven (John Bell) A lovely simple repetitive song. Includes verses like "Come, Word of Mercy" and "Come to disturb us". Very slow sound sample.
  • SP&P091 O Great Spirit earth sun sky and sea (Adele Getty) A beautiful and simple meditative chant on the Spirit. This can be sung gently, or more energetically like a Native American chant, as here.
  • ELW400 God of tempest God of whirlwind (Hermann Steumpfle) Really excellent words sung to the familiar tune CWM RHONDDA (Guide me O thou great Jehovah).Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • NCH058 / CH618 / AA125 Spirit of love you move within creation (Shirley Murray) Good words with a theme of the Spirit working a loom. A range of tunes for this, both familiar and new. I like the Colin Gibson tune (WEAVER), but it can also be sung to PERFECT LOVE. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • VU167 Christ is risen from the dead (Unknown) Great simple round to the tune of KING OF KINGS with three sets of words for each of Easter, Pentecost and Reign of Christ. Obviously you'd want to use the Pentecost words this week. New words to old tunes.
  • FFS58 Spirit of peace (John Murray) Great words. Good simple chant, which may also be used as a round if you sing it to tune (ii). 
  • Walk as one Breath into us the spirit of peace (Rosie O'Reilly) A simple chant. Book available to purchase here.   
  • TiS 398 / AHB 310 / AoV1-118 / NCH289 / CH489 / UMH475 / VU367 / GA375 / A&M238 / LBW508 / ELW804 / GtG282 / PH313 / GC465 / GC(II)471 / G(3)556 / RS617 / CP645 / CP(E) 175 / W&R330 / Cha582 / Srce100 / Lau303 / StF372 / MP089 Come down O Love divine (William Williams) Old fashioned, but still inclusive and very well known. Words and tune. Hymnals vary a lot in the lyrics with respect to thees and thys and words like "vesture". Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • AoV2-061 / ATE 249 As a dream receive your hist'ry (Andrew Tanner) A big favourite. There are actions too! The chorus is particularly excellent “We will rise up on wings like eagles, run and not be tired, show us your dreams and visions, warm our hearts with tongues of fire, tongues of fire”. Good for kids. Lyrics.
  • CH584 Like fireworks in the night (Ian Fraser) Good words for Pentecost, sung to an older hymn tune ST JOHN. New words to old tunes. Sound samples
  • Online Resource Breathe your holy breath (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A beautiful pop song that weaves in images of Creation, Ash Wednesday and Pentecost. The chorus is very catchy. Video. Sound sample & lyrics
  • TiS 421 Where the Spirit is there's freedom (Per Harling) Fun and good. Lyrics.
  • AoV2-164 / GA475 / G(II)327 / GC467 / GC(II)477 / G(3)557 / StF413 Send down the fire of your justice (Marty Haugen) This is very energetic. Lyrics and lead sheet. Sound sample.
  • GtG288 / NCH283 / SiS303 / CS117 / CH619 / CH620 / UMH393 / VU376 / HPP226 / HPSS322 / CP647 / W&R492 / Cha259 / Srce621 / StF395 / MP613 Spirit of the living God fall afresh on me (Daniel Iverson) Can get totally mushy. CH620 has alternative lyrics by Michael Baughen which are inclusive and communal! Certainly worth singing these: "Spirit of the living God, move among us all". Lyrics, sheet music and sound sample.
Alternate to the Acts reading Genesis 11:1-9 
  • VU295 The earth and all who breathe (Ruth Duck) Good words about creation and the tower of Babel, and the need for us to step up and care for the earth. Set to a standard tune (ICH HALTE TREULICH STILL). Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes   .
Psalm 104:24-34, 35b 
God as Creator, Sending the Spirit to renew the face of the earth. 
Many of the songs listed above will also fit.
  • TiS 135 / AHB 70 / AoVK-110 / NCH31 / A&M533 / CH137 / UMH147 / VU291 / WoV767 / HPP35 / PH267 / GtG020 / CP415/6 / CP(E) 251 / W&R30 / Cha061 / Srce21 / StF100 / Lau685 / MP023 All things bright and beautiful (Cecil Frances Alexander) The TiS version has beautiful Australian imagery. If you are in Australia and your congregation only has the AHB or other versions of the music, it is worth making copies of the TiS lyrics; the congregation will know the tune. Verse 2 and 5 have masculine language for God. Some of the lyrics (not the Australian ones).Oldy-but-a-goody  
  • STB114 Come holy spirit (I-to Loh) A lovely 3 part chant. The congregation can sing one part, while a soprano and tenor cantor (or groups) sing the other two parts, or you could split an adventurous congregation into 3 parts. Will need to be taught.
  • TiS 175 / GtB Did you ever see a kookaburra laugh (Marion Lemin) A fun kid's song. "Where do all the good things come from?" Sound sample. Good for kids.
  • GtG323 / URW171 Sound a mystic bamboo song / Dong dong ay si dong ilay (Bill Wallace) Great multicultural words, celebrating God in all people. Sheet music.
  • TiS 163 / AHB 112 / NCH556 / UMH150 / LBW463 / ELW771 / GtG024  / PH268 / W&R644 / Cha651 / URW084 / 82Hml-580 God who stretched the spangled heavens (Catherine Cameron) Good words of creation of nature and cities and creative possibilities for the future. AHB has a Father and old language, but it works okay; TiS and other sources are better. There are many possible tunes. I like it best to HOLY MANNA as in the link. Lyrics and sound sample
  • TiS 706 / Taize / AoV2-142 / A&M600 / SFFS 2013 / GtG544 / PH224 / GC(II)576 / G(3)620 / CP360 / PfAS103C / SP194 / Src79 / URW377 / Lau813  Bless the Lord my soul (Robert Batastini / Taize Community) A beautiful and very well known Taize chant. Sound samples, sheet music.Good for kids..
  • MV015 / GA186 Holy Sacred Spirit (Monica Brown) Gentle chant. Can be used without the cantor part. "Holy Sacred Spirit, breathe your breath on us". Lyrics and a slightly odd sound sample
  • UMH438 / VU416 / A&M476 / CP467 / CP(E) 430 / W&R718 / StF550 / Lau861 / MP159 Forth in thy name O Lord I go (Charles Wesley) Timeless words about committing all our works to God. I like this hymn best played lightly and joyfully with a simple drum beat as a kind of minstrel tune, rather than a hymn. The old fashioned words seem to make a lot more sense to me that way. Some hymnals (including TiS) have sensitively modernised the words. Older lyricsOldy-but-a-goody. 
  • TiS 188 Where wide sky rolls down and touches red sand (Elizabeth Smith) Great Australian imagery sung to a familiar hymn tune. Lyrics (scroll down to page 5). Organ sound sample (with lyrics - youtube)
  • Online Resource (BUC) Where were you? (Shawn Whelan) A beautiful new reflection on creation, awe and responsibility. Free sheet music and sound samples
  • TiS 152 / NCH4 / UMH89 / VU232 / LBW551 / ELW836 / HPP22 / GtG611 / PH464 / GC529 / GC(II)520 / G(3)614 / CP425 / W&R59 / Cha002 / URW065 / 82Hml-376 Joyful joyful we adore thee (Henry Van Dyke) Note that this hymn is not always very inclusive. I prefer more modern translations (e.g. TiS, VU, NCH, GC(II) ). Lyrics and sheet music.
  • TiS 187 / AoV2-130 / CH149 / StS122 / A&M539 / SP247 Let all creation dance (Brian Wren) I just love the imagery of this one, and it's a very joyous and familiar hymn tune too. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • G(II)90 / GC101 / GC(II)60 / G(3)076 Lord Send Out Your Spirit (Paul Lisicky) Could be fun to use just the refrain as a round. I would sing it much quicker than the sample. Sheet music sample. Sound sample.
  • AoVK-123 / NCH3 / Iona (M&G) / UMH148 / VU308 / WoV794 / ELW837 / GtG021 / PH271 / G(II)338 / GC499 / G(3)911 / CP407 / W&R26 / Cha58 / URW232 / 82Hml-385 Many and Great O God are your works / Wakantanka Taku Nitawa (Joseph Renville) Good words. Simple tune. Sounds great accompanied by a good Native American-style drum beat, which is a great way to get people involved in music-making. Lyrics here. Good for kids, if you get the drums out.
  • TiS 65 Send forth your spirit O Lord and renew the face of the earth (Gregory Murray) Cantored Psalm. Refrain is simple and inclusive. Verses do not use inclusive language for God. Youtube.
  • TiS 166 / AHB 102 / GA398 / StB035 Sing a new song sing a new song (James McAuley) Excellent inclusive words. The last verse annoys me a bit, but the rest is excellent. Lyrics.
  • AoVK-113 Thank you O Lord for this world of ours (Barr) A good kids song in two parts.
  • AoV2-051 / G(II)325 / GC463 / GC(II)481 / G(3)555 Spirit Blowing through Creation (Marty Haugen) Excellent. Don't rush or it's hard to get all the words out. Lyrics and sound samples
  • NCH056 Breath of the living God / Soplo de Dios viviente (Osvaldo Catena) A joyful song in Spanish or English, set to a traditional Norwegian folk tune. The chorus is particularly great "Come now and live within us, come let your gifts enrich us, Breath of the living God, our Creator Spirit, Eternal Source". Sound sample and lyrics.
  • VU826 Bless O my soul / Hallelujah (Stralsund Gesangbuch / Melchior Vulpius) A responsive Psalm, with two possible responses, both to familiar traditional tunes. Joyful! One is "Bless O my soul the Almighty who rules all creation". The other is simply "Hallelujah! (x3)".
Romans 8:14-17 
Being led by the Spirit and God’s adopted children. See also the songs suggested for the Acts reading.
  • Tune In / Online Resource Father of Earth, Mother of Sea (Dave Brown) A latin-rhythmed song about the Spirit being with those who are victims, prisoners and the sick, as well as present in our prayers. Free downloadable song book, sheet music, lyrics, sound samples.
  • Tune In / Online Resource Making things new (Sheree Anderson) A simple pop/rock song. “Take hold of the hope that I give, trust in me, reach out for the love you can live, eternally”. Good for kids.Free downloadable song book, sheet music, lyrics, sound samples.
  • BUC Song Project / Online Resource When the carpenter's son / Drive us out (Shawn Whelan) A spirited and lively song about being driven to new places by the Spirit. Free sheet music, sound sample, and lyrics.      
  • GWA126 Come O Holy Spirit / Vem Espírito Santo (Louis Marcello Illenseer, Brazil) A simple and joyful song calling on the Spirit to come and hear us, and to teach us to listen. This is great, and works in English and in Portuguese. Sound sample (Portuguese).
  • CH613 / WoV687 / ELW401 / GtG287 Gracious Spirit hear our pleading (Wilson Niwagila) Good simple song from Tanzania about the Spirit working in a community; probably too many verses (especially in GtG which has 5!)? The refrain also works well on its own, and could be used as a prayer response; GtG has the refrain in Swahili: "Njoo Njoo Njoo Roho mwema". Sound sample  
  • TiS 417 / AoV2-133 / ATW 448 / VU387 / StJ / WoV683 / ELW397 / AA94 / HPP237 / GtG293 / PH323 / CP657 / W&R135 / Cha244 / URW203 / StB220 / VF051 / LUYH793 Loving Spirit, Loving Spirit (Shirley Murray). There are about a zillion tunes set for this. I prefer FELICITY (by Colin Gibson TiS 417), but also like RESTORATION and OMNI DIE. Lyrics are here. New words to old tunes (if that's what you choose) 
  • Taizé / TiS 747 / ATE 214 / Iona (M&G) / GtG842 / PfAS027A / URW393 The Lord is my light, my light and salvation (Jacques Berthier) A simple and very popular Taize chant. Note that this is really easy on recorder if you have a kid in your congregation who is learning it. Good for kids. Youtube. 
  • NCH057 / VU379 / WoV688 / LBW459 / ELW399 / SFFS 2121 / CP(E) 188 / Cha251 / URW079 / VF055 O Holy Spirit root of life (Jean Janzen) Good words from Hildegard of Bingen of "Holy Spirit","Eternal Vigour" and "Holy Wisdom". I like the phrase "encompass us with wings unfurled". Simple known tune (PUER NOBIS). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 465 / AHB 399 / ATA 115 / NCH279 / A&M271 / Iona (SBL) / CH116 / GA381 / Lau313 Our God in heaven / Father in heaven / Loving Creator grant to your children (Elena Maquiso / Daniel Niles) I really like this hymn, especially the Philippino folk melody to which it's set. Newer versions of the hymn from the Christian Conference of Asia have altered the lyrics to "Our God in heaven / Creator God" in the first verse. Other versions, such as CH4 have "Loving Creator / Parent and God". Lyrics (older version)
  • TiS474 / AoV1-012 / ATE 295 / CH623 / SFFS 2236 / HPP553 / A&M363 / GtG401 / G(II)539 / GC839 / GC(II)743 / G(3)848  / CP465 / W&R649 / Cha284 / SP175 / URW054 / Lau475 / LUYH529 Here in this place new light is streaming / Gather us in (Marty Haugen). Excellent words, very well known. “Nourish us well and teach us to fashion lives that are holy and hearts that are true”. Lyrics and lead sheet.  
  • TiS 410 / AHB 323 / LBW523 / ELW582 / NCH59 / CP655 / 82Hml-511 Holy Spirit, ever dwelling (Timothy Rees) I like these words, but prefer to sing it to NETTLETON (TiS 392). Lyrics and sheet music.  New words to old tunes.
  • TIS 415 Praise the Spirit in creation (Michael Hewlett) Amazing words. Tune is unfamiliar, but good. Lyrics.
  • MV157 I am a child of God (Bruce Harding) A simple song with powerful words. Very easy to learn. I would just sing the first verse this week, as a round. It's important to remember that God speaks through children. Sound sample and sheet music. Good for kids.
  • TiS 178 / G(II)335 / GC478 / GC(II)487 Praise the God who changes places (Brian Wren) I like the joy of the tune written by William Rowan (BOE) for this song. Newer versions have "Friends, be strong!" instead of "Friends, stand strong" to make it more inclusive. Lyrics.
John 14:8-17, (25-27)
The promise of the Spirit; Peace I leave with you.
  • ATW 494 For you deep stillness (Julie Perrin / Robin Mann) This homegrown favourite is just excellent. Lyrics and mp3 sample. Might be nice to sing this at the end of the service.
  • AA126 / STB222 / StF396 Spirit who broods (Shirley Murray) Good repetitive words, to a soothing Taiwanese tune (in STB) or a lilting waltz (in StF). Lyrics and sheet music samples.
  • TiS 536 / AHB 453 / VU130 / GtG202 / PH094 / CP(E) 130 / W&R275 / Cha385 / Lau248 / StF569 An upper room did our Lord prepare (Fred Pratt Green) I really love this song; it's so easy and lovely. Sheet music and lyrics.New words to old tunes    
  • TiS 687 God gives us a future (Elizabeth Smith) Great words to a very easy hymn tune. Careful not to let it get the tune get too pompous; the words are not! "God gives us a future, daring us to go into dreams and dangers on a path unknown. We will face tomorrow in the Spirit's power, we will let God change us for new life starts now!". Lyric video. Notice how the hymn has been split into two parts to include the blessing and words of mission.New words to old tunes.
  • SP&P025 Breathe on me O breath of God (Austin) A lovely simple song which can be sung as "breathe on me" or "breathe on us" depending on whether you want a personal or communal song.
  • GA183 Come Holy Spirit the spirit of Wisdom (Christopher Willcock) Good song. It's in 7/8 so you can't go wrong. The words are also excellent about God-with-us and the coming of the Spirit This is also in New Song in an Ancient Land Vol 1 (in the Liturgy Library at BUC). Lyrics.
  • CH344 / FFS01 / W&R635 And Jesus said (Shirley Murray) Great words. Tune is a bit tricky. Lyrics.
  • URW066 Holy Spirit wind of heaven (Steve Garnaas-Holmes) Terrific words sung to the familiar tune ODE TO JOY or to HOLY MANNA. "Holy Spirit, Wind of Heaven, Breath of Life, our warmth and light". Video with lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 412 / AHB 324 / ATE 251 / G(II)328 / GC468 / CP651 / W&R130 God sends us the Spirit to befriend and help us / Spirit Friend (Tom Colvin and people of Malawi) I like this song from Malawi, but the lack of inclusive language for God sometimes drives me a bit crazy. In Tom Colvin's book "Come Let us walk this road together" he uses more inclusive language than many hymnals. That is, he writes “God sends us the Spirit” instead of “God sends us His Spirit” and "Spirit of our Maker" rather than “Spirit of our Father”. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • Online Resource / Walk as One If you love me / Mercy Road (Leigh Newton) A hopeful song about how to love each other and the planet in the way that Christ calls us. Sound sample and free sheet music.
  • AoV2-085 / Iona (T1AU) / MV115 / A&M328 / SP129 Behold behold I Make All Things New (John Bell) A nice hopeful upbeat short song. Highly recommended. Sound sample (scroll down) Good for kids.
  • Online Resource / NCH249 Peace I leave with you my friends (Ray Repp) Slow, simple and excellent words. A congregation will pick this up the first time through, I think. Sound sample and purchasing options.
  • FFS07 Bring peace to us (John Murray) A simple chant with two possible tunes. Both are good. The first is a round. "Bring peace to us, bring peace through us, O God bring peace"
What ideas do you have? Join the conversation and add a comment below...


Unknown said...

I like TiS 411 "Filled with the Spirit's power" (Peacey) to go out on - keep up the tempo on Woodlands

Unknown said...

We've had great success with Spirit Of God.

Espíritu de Dios llena mi vida, llena mi alma, llena mi ser
Lléname, lléname, con tu presencia lléname, lléname con tu poder,
Lléname, lléname con tu amor

Spirit of God Fill my life , Fill my soul , Fill all of me

Here I am Lord, Fill me with your presence
Fill me with your power
Fill me with your love

Leigh said...

Holy Spirit, living breath of God - Townend/Getty - beautiful.

Chris Pitcher said...

The good old Spirit of the Living God, a chorus reproduced in many 20th century hymnals...

Unknown said...

"Send Down the Fire of Your Justice" by Marty Haugen

Cogs said...

Tis 421 Where the spirit is there is freedom, where the spirit is there is love ...