General Trinitarian hymns (reading-based selections follow)
Hymn tunes:
Proverbs 8:1-4, 22-31Hymn tunes:
- Online Resource / Songs for a Hopeful Church Sing the praise of God our maker (Elizabeth Smith) Excellent words with rich images of the Trinity, beyond all human speech. Sung to the familiar tune MICHAEL (All my hope on God is founded). I really like these words. Lyrics (downloads an order of service). New words to old tunes.
- ATAR605 God of creation gentle life-giver (Craig Mitchell) Simple and lovely Trinitarian words to the tune BUNESSAN. I particularly like the phrase "stand with your people, whisper among us" when talking about Christ. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- VU322 O God whose first creative word (Judith Fetter) Good Trinitarian words with lovely imagery. Sung to a simple old hymn tune MELITA. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource God of creation Lord of all beauty (Thom Schuman) A different set of words also set to BUNESSAN. I like this one too. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- NCH278 / Cha062 / URW198 Creator God creating still (Jane Parker Huber) Excellent hymn of hope for the future sung to a well known tune (ST ANNE). Lyrics and a critique. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 179 / NCH273 / VU312 / GA379 / StJ / URW073 Praise with Joy the World's Creator (John Bell & Graham Maule) One of my favourite hymns - strongly Trinitarian lyrics and excellent imagery. I particularly love the “One God in community” phrase. Some versions change "Son" to "Christ" to make it more inclusive. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- NCH467 / CH117 / VU320 / WoV769 / ELW735 / SFFS 2050 / HPP242 / GtG007 / Cha083 / VF072 Mothering God you gave me birth (Jean Janzen) Lovely words to the well known tune MARYTON. Feminine trinitarian imagery. I like the tune MOTHER JULIAN (CH4 117(I)) best. Lyrics.
- NCH355 / UMH648 / VU514 / GtG303 / PH523 / W&R149 / Cha450 God the Spirit guide and guardian (Carl Daw) Excellent, inclusive Trinitarian lyrics of God's guidance and blessing on leaders in the church community. Set to a variety of well known hymn tunes including HYFRYDOL (my favourite!), JEFFERSON, BLAENWERN and BETHANY. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes./li>
- ACS948 / NCH274 / CH118 / SFFS 2046 / GTG003 / CP390 / Cha014 Womb of Life and source of being (Ruth Duck) Feminine trinitarian imagery. An easier tune, listed in some hymnals is IN BABILONE. New words to old tunes. Others have LADUE CHAPEL which is a little less intuitive. Lyrics and sheet music.
- G(II)331 / GC472 / GC(II)488 / G(3)563 How Wonderful the Three-in-One (Brian Wren) Stunning words sung to an old American Shape Note melody. New words to old tunes. Lyrics and sheet music.
- HiOS033 Glorious are you (Joy Cowley) Beautiful words about the Trinity; wonderful images. The tune is new, and will need to be taught, but is light and joyful. "You are the symphony of the stars and planets, you are the music of the atoms within us". Also works as a prayer. Lyrics.
- StF008 God with us: Creator Father (Alan Gaunt) More good words for Trinity Sunday, to the familiar tune ODE TO JOY. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource Holy Mother Queen Creator (Adam Michael Wood) A completely feminine song about the Trinity. I like this a lot. Sung to HOLY MANNA. Lyrics.
- ACS1015 / GWA132 As a mother comforts her child (Brian Wentzel, USA) This is a lovely short song with multiple feminine images of God, ending with the phrase "The Trinity of love will be with you". Sound sample.
- Online Resource / BUC Song Project When the carpenter's on / Drive us out (Shawn Whelan) A spirited and lively song about being driven to new places by the Spirit. Free sheet music and sound sample.
- TiS 182 / AoV2-010 / NCH11 / CH134 / VU268 / GtG760 / SFFS 2047 / HPP13 / CP395 / VF106 Bring many names beautiful and good (Brian Wren) This is a beautiful song, but it's very long (especially if sung too slowly). Try singing one verse unison, then one women, one men, then all together again, to keep people interested in what they are singing. Lyrics and sheet music samples.
- AoV2-084 Father and Mother Creator And Poet (Sandra Sears) Trinitarian song with a Creation focus. Sound sample and lyrics.
- VU324 / AA078 / URW426 Jesus come to our hearts like falling rain (William Worley) A simple devotional song, with images of God in nature. Lyrics.
- FFS47 Maker of mystery dreamer of what will be (Marnie Barrell) Feminine trinitarian imagery. Tune is not hard, but can also be sung to the more familiar DOWN AMPNEY. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- PH135 / G(II)333 / GC476 / W&R139 God Is One Unique and Holy (Brian Wren) Good words focussed on God's unity although many-faceted. Inclusive and great imagery. The tune is quite simple. Lyrics, sheet music sample and tune sample.
- ACS946 / MV043 / GtG009 / GC(II)484 / G(3)564 The play of the godhead (Mary Louise Bringle) Lovely words and a very simple, intuitive tune. "The play of the Godhead, the Trinity's dance, embraces the earth in a sacred romance". Lyrics, sheet music sample and fairly plain and slow tune sample.
- G(3)561 Holy and blessed Three (Paul Melley) This is a pretty cool new setting to the old words by John Marriott. Sound sample. Lead sheet.
- StF007 God who made the stars of heaven (Ruth Duck) Good words, the tune is a little tricky, but quite lovely. Sound sample.
- ATW 459 I don't believe in a God up in the sky / God Version 1.0 (Robin Mann) An excellent rock song about how we think about God, or not! Lyrics and mp3. Good for kids.
- URW126 Give thanks to the Source (Ruth Duck) Excellent words to a lovely lilting tune. Lyrics.
- CH114 / AA110 O threefold God of tender unity (William Wallace) Excellent inclusive Trinitarian words to a simple Celtic air. Lyrics.
- CP(E) 463 Holy Trinity of Love (Alan Gaunt) Good solid words.
- Recorded Music Sweetest Mystery (Malcolm Gordon) A lovely song about being part of a Trinity Community. Listening and purchasing options here.
- SP&P121 We are all one (Tom Rasely) This simple song has a Trinitarian message of unity. One in God. One in Christ. Come Holy Spirit. Quite simple to sing. Sound sample (youtube).
- Iona (Common Ground) / URW447 / StF648 God to enfold you (John Bell) A simple blessing. Best if you can have all the parts covered. Youtube.
- AoVK-30 / ATW 419 / Iona (Common Ground, CAYP) / CH757 / MV002 / WoV717 / ELW819 / GtG388 / A&M361 / SFFS 2274 / HPP551 / GC(II)744 / G(3)849 / PfAS066B / SP&P022 / SP179 / StF022 Come all you people (Uyai mose) Joyful and pretty easy really for the congregation. If you have WoV or SP&P, they each have a nice Trinitarian version of this. Come and praise the "Most high" / "Saviour" / "Spirit". Awesome sound sample (much more energetic than what's in the hymnals!). Sound sample. Good for kids.
- STB286 O most holy o most holy (Sri Lankan, paraphrased by Shirley Murray) This is a traditional Sinhalese (Sri Lankan) worship song. If you want to sing all the verses (one for each member of the Trinity, plus one for all three!), I would suggest singing just in English, unless you have Sri Lankans in your congregation. Alternatively, you could choose a single verse to sing in Sinhala. Sound sample in Sinhala and Tamil.
- MV056 / STB001 O Come let us praise / Lajahle htaora Hp'ya (Saw Gideon Tun Shwe) A good song from Burma / Myanmar. Quite beautiful - will need to be taught to Western ears. Now is a good time to be singing something from Myanmar. Sheet music.
- CH613 / WoV687 / ELW401 / GtG287 Gracious Spirit hear our pleading (Niwagila) Good simple song about the Spirit. From Tanzania. You can also use the chorus on its own as a refrain. Sound sample (with actions!).
Wisdom, there from Creation
- Online Resource / Tune In / ATAR598 / NCYC 2009 God has laid a feasting table / Invitation (Shawn Whelan). Feminine imagery of God gathering her guests to a feasting table. Fun Cuban rhythm. Free downloadable songbook and sound samples.
- NCH057 / VU379 / WoV688 / LBW459 / ELW399 / SFFS 2121 / CP(E) 188 / Cha251 / URW079 / VF055 O Holy Spirit root of life (Jean Janzen, based on Hildegard) Good words of "Holy Spirit","Eternal Vigour" and "Holy Wisdom". I like the phrase "encompass us with wings unfurled". Simple known tune (PUER NOBIS). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 418 / AoV2-075 / Iona (EoA, Common Ground) / CH593 / GA372 / A&M259 / Cha255 / SP94 / URW165 / StF393 / Lau305 She sits like a bird brooding on the waters / Enemy of Apathy (John Bell) My favourite Holy Spirit song. Beautiful words and very easy to sing, provided it is not played too quickly The Iona recordings are generally very quick, but there are a lot of words to fit in, so keep it elegantly moderate in speed! Sound sample. Lyrics.
- ACS971 / MV010 / GtG174 / URW099 / VF060 Come and seek the ways of wisdom (Ruth Duck) This song is more about the personification of Wisdom, but would work very well as a gathering song in the context of this reading. The tune in ACS, MV and GtG is a joyful 6/8 tune, but not familiar, so if it seems difficult, you could sing the same words to PICARDY (TiS 497). VF has a more challenging tune, which may be a bit tricky for a congregation. Lyrics.
- MV 145 / CP418 / SP&P123 Draw the circle wide (Gordon Light) A great song about welcoming all people. Chorus is “Draw the circle wide, draw it wider still. Let this be our song, no-one stands alone, standing side by side, draw the circle wide”. Lyric video.
- CH604 Holy wisdom lamp of learning (Ruth Duck) Great words seeking wisdom, judgement, and celebrating a searching faith. Sung to a good joyful and easy hymn tune (IN BABILONE). Could also be sung to BEACH SPRING. Sheet music and lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / GA183 Come Holy Spirit, the spirit of Wisdom / Gifts of the Spirit (Christopher Willcock) Good song. It's in 7/8 so you can't go wrong. The words are also excellent about God-with-us and the coming of the Spirit. This is also in New Song in an Ancient Land Vol 1 (in the Liturgy Library at BUC). Sound sample and purchasing options.
- HiOS156 Wisdom be our guide (Shirley Murray) Inspiring lyrics of peace and being grounded and inspired by Wisdom. The tune is quite simple, and the chorus will be easy to follow. Lyrics.
- VU892 / CP392 / Cha258 Who comes from God as word and breath, Holy Wisdom (Patrick Michaels) Solid words about the place of wisdom in the Godhead. "Who lifts her voice for all to hear? Joyful Wisdom.Who shapes a thought and makes it clear? Truthful Wisdom: Teacher, drawing out our best, magnifies what we invest, names our truth, directs our quest. Wisest one, radiant one, welcome, holy Wisdom!". Lyrics and sheet music.
- Songs for a Hopeful Church Now Wisdom's feast continues (Elizabeth Smith) Excellent words about God as Wisdom, and all of the many ways she meets us and guides us in our faith. Sung to the familiar tune ELLACOMBE. I really like these words. New words to old tunes.
- URW206 In her house there is a table / Wisdom's Table (Douglas Gay) Sung to BEACH SPRING, this song has great words of being welcomed by Wisdom at her table through times of trouble. New words to old tunes.
- MV063 / StJ / GC(II)500 / G(3)583 Long before my journey’s start / Wisdom my road (Steven Warner) Song for Wisdom. Pretty straightforward. Sheet music and sound sample preview.
How majestic!
- Emergent Psalter O God our sovereign (Isaac Everett) A lovely simple Psalm response and read Psalm over an instrumental backing. Sheet music (refrain only - click on "Downloads" tab)
- AoVK-50 / ATW 430 / NCYC'99 Come let us praise our God / A voice is heard (Trisha Watts) Excellent and energetic. Lyrics and synthesizer sound sample. Good for kids.
- Online ResourceHow Great is your name! (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A fun Psalm refrain for kids with a cantor part. Good for kids. Sound sample and sheet music.
- TiS 163 / AHB 112 / NCH556 / UMH150 / LBW463 / ELW771 / GtG024 / PH268 / W&R644 / Cha651 / URW084 / 82Hml-580 God who stretched the spangled heavens (Catherine Cameron) Good words of creation of nature and cities and creative possibilities for the future. AHB has a Father and old language, but it works okay; TiS and other sources are better. There are many possible tunes. I like it best to HOLY MANNA as in the link. Lyrics and sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- PfAS008E O Lord Our Lord how majestic is your name (Alfred Fedak) Psalm response. Sound sample (includes plainchant cantor part).
- Online Resource As rivers flow from a distant spring (David Bjorlin / William Beckstrand) Beautiful words using imagery of creation to inspire us to lives based in God's love that care for others, including the earth. Sound sample. Book available to purchase and download here.
- CH005 / PfAS008D / URW231 / StF112 O Lord our Lord throughout the earth (John Bell) A lovely hymnlike version of the Psalm, set to a traditional Scottish tune. I like the questioning nature of this hymn. Sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- ATW 462 When I consider God's design (Hand in hand) (Norm Habel / Robin Mann) Good words of all creation celebrating together. Tune is good, too, but will need to be introduced, perhaps by asking your musicians to sing the first verse and inviting the congregation to join in. The verse about "Black and white" could probably be updated a bit to reflect a greater diversity of cultures. Lyrics.
- VU730 / URW229 God our God your glorious name (William Sherwin) Inclusive paraphrase of the Psalm with a joyous chorus. Lyrics (old version).
- AoVK-113 Thank you O Lord for this world of ours (Barr) A good kids song in two parts. Good for kids.
- AoV1-003 / HPP258 / GA394 / G(II)342 / GC497 / GC(II)495 / G(3)576 / Lau693 / StF803 / MP648 The heavens are telling the glory of God / Canticle of the Sun (Marty Haugen) Energetic waltz of cosmic praise with great lyrics "Come dance in the forest, come play in the field, and sing, sing to the glory of the Lord". Sound sample. Lyrics and sheet music sample.
- VU732 O God our God how glorious is your name (Michel Guimont) Inclusive responsive paraphrase of the Psalm with a simple refrain.
- TiS 90 / AHB 44 / UMH60 / VU867 / GtG806 / PH253 / A&M673 / CP346 / CP(E) 473 / W&R79 / Cha20 / PfAS146A / 82Hml-429 / StF079 / MP320 I'll praise my Maker while I've breath (Isaac Watts) A great classic hymn. Most sources are not inclusive; Voices United and Chalice hymnal are! Lyrics and sheet music samples. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- NCH Psalter008 How majestic is your name in all the earth (Lee Dengler) A very simple refrain and chanted Psalm.
- Online Resource The Heavens Tell of Your Creative Glory / Los Cielos Cuentan la Gloria de Diosome (Horacio Vivares transl. David Bjorlin) An excellent folk song. Best for Spanish-speaking congregations, but works in English too. Sound sample. Songbook for purchase.
Therefore being justified by faith we have peace with God through Christ who sent the Spirit.
- Scripture in Song 29 Therefore being justified by faith A relaxed swingy song which is a direct paraphrase of the passage. You can really jazz this up, especially if you play it in 3/4; then it sounds kind of like the Housemartins. Lyrics and sound sample (in 4/4).
- Online Resource / AoVK-28 / ATOK 376 Faith hope and love, this is what we long for (Trish Watts) A groovy, easy, fun song. Sound sample, purchasing options. Good for kids.
- TiS 129 / AHB 56 / AoV1-029 / ATA 131 / NCH547 / CH555 / UMH378 / VU266 / LBW448 / ELW779 / A&M587 / GA437 / HPP334 / GtG649 / PH280 / G(II)434 / GC612 / GC(II)586 / G(3)645 / CP352 / CP(E) 375 / W&R422 / Cha546 / ZSS202 / Srce25 / Lau846 Amazing grace how sweet the sound (John Newton) I once was lost... I think you all know this one. Nice youtube of some Sacred Harp singing, and a story. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 398 / AHB 310 / AoV1-118 / NCH289 / CH489 / UMH475 / VU367 / GA375 / A&M238 / LBW508 / ELW804 / GtG282 / PH313 / GC465 / GC(II)471 / G(3)556 / RS617 / CP645 / CP(E) 175 / W&R330 / Cha582 / Srce100 / Lau303 Come down O Love divine (Bianco da Siena translated Richard Littledale) Old fashioned, but still inclusive and very well known. Lyrics and sheet music. Hymnals vary a lot in the lyrics with respect to thees and thys and words like "vesture". Here's a folksy cover for your listening pleasure (Danke Yotin!). Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 710 / CH758 / Iona (Enemy of Apathy) / VU204 Come Holy Spirit gracious heavenly dove (John Bell) A beautiful and simple chant. Lyrics and sheet music.
The Spirit of truth will guide you into all truth
- TiS 419 / NCH270 / CH592 / A&M252 / UMH544 / VU205 / WoV685 / ELW403 / HPP222 / GtG285 / PH314 / CP635 / CP(E) 185 / W&R327 / SP92 / 82Hml-513 / StF389 Like the murmur of the dove's song (Carl P Daw) Excellent words and a simple tune about Christian unity. Each verse ends with "Come holy spirit, come". Lyrics and sheet music.
- Tune In / Online Resource Cover us with love (Elaine Loukes) This song may not be easy for congregations to sing, but it is great to listen to. “Be our vision Lord, in a world that’s filled with greed”... Free downloadable songbook, sound samples, and lyrics.
- BUC Song Project Spirit God You come (Elaine Loukes) A simple slow song, with lovely imagery of the Spirit coming, we can be confident about it. It would work nicely during a time of reflection.
- TiS 692 Sometimes a healing word is comfort (Patrick Michaels) A good song about healing. The verses take a little getting used to and the chorus is very joyous and simple. Perhaps get your congregation to join in as they become confident - there are 5 verses to learn on. Lyrics (scroll down).
- CH613 / WoV687 / ELW401 / GtG287 Gracious Spirit hear our pleading (Wilson Niwagila) Good simple song about the Spirit. From Tanzania. You can also use the chorus on its own as a refrain. Sound sample.
- CH608 Spirit of truth and grace (Iain Cunningham) Great words. They are not completely inclusive in their language for God, but the image of God as Father is a necessary part of this beautiful hymn, sung to a simple folk tune (Down Ampney). Sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- NCH286 / ATE 218 / VU375 / WoV684 / ELW396 / HPP239 / GtG291 / PH319 / W&R326 / Cha249 Spirit spirit of gentleness (James Manley) Lovely, gentle song. Very easy to sing, but can get slow and ponderous if you're not careful. Lyrics
- TiS 430 / AHB 337 / Cha324 / StF164 Your words to me are life and health (G Currie Martin) I really like this old hymn. It’s a bit old fashioned, but it still works, I think. Lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 412 / AHB 324 / ATE 251 / G(II)328 / GC468 / CP651 / W&R130 God sends us the Spirit to befriend and help us / Spirit Friend (Tom Colvin and people of Malawi) I like this song from Malawi, but the lack of inclusive language for God sometimes drives me a bit crazy. In Tom Colvin's book "Come Let us walk this road together" he uses more inclusive language than many hymnals. That is, he writes “God sends us the Spirit” instead of “God sends us His Spirit” and "Spirit of our Maker" rather than “Spirit of our Father”. Good for kids. Lyrics and sheet music.
- TiS 422 / CH594 / A&M242 / CP(E) 179 Come Holy Spirit come inflame our souls with love (Michael Forster) Excellent words to a well known hymn tune. "Spirit of truth, arise; inspire the prophet’s voice" It is not fully inclusive. Lyrics.
- Online Resource O Holy Spirit power of the weak (David Bjorlin / Lim Swee Hong) A beautiful, meditative four part song. It would be great to teach the parts to your congregation, and would work well whether you sing only one verse, or all four verses. If four parts is too challenging, you could also get your congregation to sing only the melody line in two parts in canon (i.e. a round, but ending at the same time); or in unison would also work, but would be less fun. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- NCH63 / CH626 / UMH465 / VU368 / StS105 / LBW257 / ELW398 / HPP233 / CP(E) 184 / Cha241 Holy spirit truth divine (Samuel Longfellow) Good words seeking the presence of the Spirit in our lives. Hymn tune, very simple. Lyrics and sample sheet music.
- TiS 711 / ATOK 334 / Iona (M&G) / WoV681 / VU383 / SFFS 2124 / GtG283 / G(II)330 / StF038 Come O Holy Spirit / Wa Wa Wa Emimimo (Nigeria) This song is just fun. And very easy. Try to sing it in its original language (Yoruba), it sounds a bit inane in English and it’s not hard!! Encourage your congregation to dance a simple side-to-side step to this; they will enjoy it even more. If we can’t go a little crazy on Pentecost, what hope is there for us, really? A good song to help us remember that our faith is global, and to think of the church and all people in Africa. Lyrics. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- Online Resource Spirit of Truth (Per Harling) A good and groovy song. Free sheet music and sound sample.
Let me know what else you would sing... new resources? Something I've missed? I'd love to hear about it! Add a comment below.
Updated in Tel Aviv 2022.
Where do I find New Words to Old Tunes?
Sport for the confusion Pat - it's not a song book, it's jay a note to make it easier for people to find songs that use well known tunes - something that readers asked for in the survey last year.
Two of my favourites to do for Trinity Sunday are:
Gord Johnson's Praise the Father - tune is very reminiscent of Scarborough Fair
and Steve Bell's Lorica - based on St. Patrick's Breastplate
both of these are on Steve Bell's Devotion CD - which I found as an enhanced CD with lead sheets
I am unable to find sheet music for Gord Johnson's Praise the Father. Do you have a source?
A suggestion as an alternative to women sing a verse, and men sing a verse, is to identify those who sing best in the higher ranges, and those who sing best in lower ranges. There may be those who are non-binary, trans, or whose comfortable range differs from what may be expected.
A couple of hymn numbers to update:
Amazing Grace - is StF440
Come down, O Love divine - is StF372
Holy, Holy, Holy! Lord God Almighty should be on this list for Trinity Sunday.
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