Songs, Hymns, Music for Proper 12B / Ordinary 17B / Pentecost +10 (July 28 2024)

2 Samuel 11:1-15  
David lays with Bathsheba, she gets pregnant, David plots Uriah's death.
Note that this theme continues next week, so this might be a good opportunity to introduce a new song, and sing it again next week.
You might like to sing a Kyrie 
  • Online Resource / Tune In / NCYC'07 Forgive us now (Dave Brown) An excellent ballad.  "Forgive us now, O mother love for all the idols we have built, For all the time we’ve worshiped there in company of dark despair. Forgive us mother of all hope”. Free downloadable songbook, sound samples & lyrics.
  • FFS20 Forgive forgive us Holy God (Shirley Murray) Very easy tune for a congregation to sing (and there are 5 verses to learn it in!). The words focus on our desensitisation to violence and our greed, so a nice fit for this week's reading. The final verse has a focus on communion, but still makes sense if you are not celebrating the eucharist this week. Lyrics and free sheet music.
  • Online Resource / Brunswick Uniting Music Why do we listen and fail to hear / Lament - for a people with a people with a dulled heart (Shawn Whelan) This lament, and its wailing ooooh would fit quite well with this passage. Free sheet music and sound samplesGood for kids 
  • AoVNG55 / Taizé / G(3)959 / SP323 / Lau221 God is forgiveness / Bóg jest miłością (Jacques Berthier) "God is forgiveness, love and do not fear". A simple Taize chant which seems to suit this reading quite well. Sheet music, lyrics in many languages, sound samples.
  • TiS 693 / AoV1-031 / GA212 Come as you are that's how I want you (Deidre Browne) This song is beautiful, gentle, simple, and very well known. Lyrics. Slow and mushy Youtube sample. A good song to start the service.
  • FFS19 For the hurt that I create (John Murray) Beautiful tunes (there are two) and words. Tune (ii) is most simple, so use that if you will sing it as a congregation, but tune (i) is also worth using if you have some good musicians who can sing it for your congregation. If using tune (ii) you may like to suggest to your congregation that they simply join in on the "forgive me, Lord, forgive" line, but make sure you teach it to them first, because the third one is different to the other three. "For the hurt that I create.... for the evil I condone... for works of peace I do not do... for hope and help that I refuse... forgive me Lord, forgive"
  • Book The Secret Chord(Geraldine Brooks) This isn't a song, but it is a very good piece of writing about King David, and this event looms large in the story. If you have not read it, you might enjoy it. 
Psalm 14
Doesn't anyone around here believe in what is true?
  • Emergent Psalter Fools say in their heart "There is no God" (Isaac Everett) An excellent, modern refrain which is very singable, and can be sung with a second refrain over the top from Psalm 53. Sheet music (refrain only).
  • MV31 Pure love (Linnea Good) A simple two-part chant that picks up the Psalmist’s idea of the purity of God’s law “Pure love, pure truth, pure justice, God”. Would be great if you can teach it to some of the congregation before worship starts. Sound sample. Good for kids.
  • PfAS014B Prone to wander (Robert Robinson) A simple refrain based on an old hymn, sung to the first two lines of the familiar tune BEACH SPRING. I would sing this quite slowly and reflectively. Lyrics are simply "Prone to wander, Lord, I feel it, prone to leave the God I love". Tune sample and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • VU735 Dear God who loves all humankind (Charles Hastings Parry) Simple familiar refrain. It's the first line of the old hymn "Dear Lord and Father of Mankind" with a responsive Psalm setting. This would be a nice way to do the Psalm this week. Sample sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • GC(II)660 / G(3)750 Deliver Us O Lord of Truth (Hermann Steumpfle) Very challenging words to a good well known American folk tune (LAND OF REST - TiS 324). "Deliver us, O Lord of Truth, from speech unbacked by deed, from lives that by their faithlessness deny our spoken creed" (don't worry, it gets more positive in the later verses). Lyrics and sheet music sample. Sound sample. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 469 This is the truth we hold (Basil Bridge) This is a new one for me. It has very positive words about Christ as our truth through the ages. The tune is also new, but is not difficult, especially if you play it through once before starting to sing this. "This is the truth we hold, source of the joy we share, hope that can make us bold, trusting the name we bear: that "Christ has died" and "Christ is risen, in Christ shall all be made alive". Lyrics (downloads an order of service).
Alternate Hebrew Scripture: 2 Kings 4:42-44 
The man from Baal-Shalishah feeds many with little food. 
  • VU460 / R181 / ELW461 / SFFS 2126 / GtG509 / G(II)589 / GC820 / GC(II)817 / RS 845 / Cha419 / Lau477 / LUYH534 / VF087  All who hunger gather gladly (Sylvia Dunstan) The words are great; I would sing it to the tune HOLY MANNA. There is a contemporary tune (by Bob Moore) is also very nice, but may need to be introduced to your congregation. “All who hunger gather gladly, holy manna is our bread. Come from wilderness and wand’ring, here, in truth, we will be fed. You that yearn for days of fullness, all around us is our food. Taste and see the grace eternal, Taste and see that God is good”. Lyrics (downloads a PDF)New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource / Tune In / NCYC'09 / ATAR598 God has laid a feasting table / Invitation (Shawn Whelan). Feminine imagery of God gathering her guests to a feasting table. Fun Cuban rhythm. Free downloadable songbook, sound samples & lyrics.
  • ATW 475 Come to the banquet there’s a place for you (Fay White) An excellent song by Melbourne singer and songwriter. Lyrics. Good for kids.
  • AoV2-020 / ATAR665 / Lau632 / LUYH808 Come to the feast of Heaven and Earth / Table of Plenty (Dan Schutte) “God will provide for all that you need, here at the table of plenty”. I love this song. It’s very straightforward (apart from the tricky turn-around!) and has excellent words. Sound sample.
Psalm for the 2 Kings reading: Psalm 145:10-18  
God is excellent 
  • TiS 100 / AHB 3 / NCH017 / CH147 / UMH62 / VU217 / LBW527 / ELW835 / A&M532 / GA395 / HPP261 / GtG020 / PH455 / GtG015 / GC534 / GC(II)523 / G(3)611 / CP(E) / 250 / W&R23 / Cha022 / 82Hml-400 / Lau694 / StF099 / LUYH551 / MP007 All creatures of our God and King (Francis of Assisi) A good classic sing! Hymnals vary a LOT in their translations and verses included. Using only Alleluia Alleluia or "Sing your praises" as some hymnals do, eliminates the "Oh praise him" which makes it annoyingly male exclusive. NCH has "To you, O God, all creatures sing" and eliminates all kingly language. ELW has "All creatures worship God most high". Lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • NCH017 To you O God all creatures sing (Francis of Assisi, adapted Miriam Therese Winter). This is a lovely new adaptation of the traditional words, sung to the same tune LASST UNS ERFREUEN. Lyrics and a beautiful choral version. Sheet music of the choral version. New words to old tunes
  • MV048 I can feel you near me God / Jump for joy (Pat Mayberry) Good song for smaller kids about God being with us. I reckon you could get the kids to Jump in the chorus. Maybe it's a bit too happy clappy for some? Good for kids. Lyrics
  • Iona / CH788 / MV104 / GtG659 Know that God is Good / Mungu ni mwema (Traditional Congo) This traditional African refrain is just lots of fun and very simple to sing. Good for kids and adults! Sheet music sample. Sound sample. Sound sample in Kenyan languages.
  • TiS 132 / AHB 65 / NCH277 / CH651 / UMH64 / VU315 / LBW165 / ELW413 / A&M276 / HPP243 / GtG001 / PH138 / G(II)332 / GC475 / GC(II)483 / CP001 / CP(E) 202 / W&R136 / Cha004 / Srce243 / 82Hml-362 / Lau468 / StF011 / MP237 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty (Francis Reginald Heber) Old other-worldly language, but a surprisingly inclusive (in most hymnals) classic, and a great rousing hymn tune. Different resources have slightly altered lyrics. A surprisingly non-inclusive sample can be found here. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • MV176 Three things I promise (Brian Wren / Dan Damon) Beautiful words of seeking to live faithfully from Brian Wren. The set tune is unfamiliar, but very beautiful, and if not familiar to your congregation would make a good reflective piece (for the congregation to sing in later weeks). You could also sing it to one of the suggested alternate tunes PROSPECT and WAREHAM if you like.  Sound sample (to the newer tune). New words to old tunes.
  • StJ / G(II)346 / GC506 / GC(II)508 / G(3)586 You Are All We Have (Francis Patrick O'Brien) A nice refrain and good cantor parts. Somewhat formal. Sound sample, sheet music sample and a different sound sample.
  • TiS 152 / NCH4 / UMH89 / VU232 / LBW551 / ELW836 / HPP22 / GtG611 / PH464 / GC529 / GC(II)520 / G(3)614 / CP425 / W&R59 / Cha002 / URW065 / 82Hml-376 Joyful joyful we adore thee (Henry Van Dyke) Note that this hymn is not always very inclusive. I prefer more modern translations (e.g. TiS, VU, NCH, GC(II) ). Older version lyrics and sheet music sample. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • VU267 / W&R20 / A&M711 / SP288 / Lau897 / MP419 Like a mighty river flowing (Michael Perry) Lovely words of the presence of God in nature. Lyrics
  • Taizé / MV009 O Come and let us sing to God our hope (Taize) "God's mercy is forever". Joyful gathering chant. Sound samples, sheet music.
  • CH101 You are kind and full of compassion (The Grail, Inclusive Language Version) This is not a hymn, but a beautiful paraphrase of this Psalm that could be read as a poem or alternate translation reading. 
  • GWA021 I will praise your greatness O God (Iona Abbey Worship Book) A responsively read version of the Psalm. Good simple language. No tune!
Ephesians 3:14-21 
Prayer for strength and the knowledge and indwelling of Christ and God's fullness 
  • Online Resource God of My Breathing (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan). Excellent words to a well-known hymn tune (SLANE).  "God of my breathing and God of my heart, Spirit embodied in all human parts, Would that this body, from head to the toes, Bring forth Your glory in all that I know". Sample and lyrics.New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource At the height of success / The Fall is a grace (David Bjorlin / Benjamin Brody) Challenging words about how falling and failing are part of spiritual growth. Not so much a congregational song, but would work well for a time of reflection. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. Sound sample.
  • TiS 548 / VU629 / A&M014 / PH340 / CP(E) 415 / W&R418 / SP3 / 82Hml-465 Eternal light shine in my heart (Christopher Idle) I really love this beautiful inclusive and ancient prayer. It is not familiar, but would be beautiful sung by a soloist until your congregation grows to know it. Lyrics.
  • Taizé / MV075 / StS079 / SFFS 2118 / GtG284 / GC(II)479 / G(3)547 / SP99 / URW395 Holy Spirit Come to Us / Veni sancte spiritus tui amoris (Jacques Berthier) Best if you have a cantor, but works well if you don't, too. Sheet music, translations, sound samples.
  • TiS 542 / STB082 Kay Laking Hiwaga / Far beyond our mind's grasp (Francisco Feliciano) These beautiful devotional words are sung to a traditional Filipino tune. The tune is not easy, but is very haunting once you get to know it. If it is new to your congregation, it would be good to ask a soloist to sing it. STB has it in Pilipino as well as English. Sound sample (it's not how I would play it, but it's quite helpful). 
  • MV119 God our protector (Steve Bell) Simple chant "God our protector, keep us in mind, always give strength to your people. For if we could be with you one day in time it is better than a thousand without you" Could be used on its own, with or without an instrumental bridge. Lovely sound sample.
  • Online Resource / CP086 / SP&P More Than We Can Ask (Richard Bruxvoort Colligan) A great chant for use during intercessions. Very simple and genuine. Good for kids. Sound sample and lyrics.
  • Online Resource When we strive and we strain (David Bjorlin / Lim Swee Hong) Beautiful words. The tune is beautiful, but I would suggest inviting the congregation to join in just during the chorus, at least the first time you sing it. You could also use the chorus on its own during other parts of the service. Sound sample. Sheet music available here.
John 6:1-21
Suddenly we've switched to John for the feeding of the 5000 and Jesus walks on water. 
  • ATW 475 Come to the banquet there’s a place for you (Fay White) An excellent song by Melbourne singer and songwriter. Lyrics. Good for kids.
  • AoV2-020 / ATAR665 / Lau632 / LUYH808 Come to the feast of Heaven and Earth / Table of Plenty (Dan Schutte) “God will provide for all that you need, here at the table of plenty”. I love this song. It’s very straightforward (apart from the tricky turn-around!) and has excellent words. Sound sample.
  • Online resource “Where is bread?” the great crowd murmured (Carolyn Winfrey Gillette). These words to ABBOTS LEIGH (a good familiar tune) focus on the issue of hunger then and now. Strong social justice vision. "Where is bread?" the call is rising; Millions cry who must be fed. God, your answer seems surprising: "You, my Church, you give them bread." Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • SP&P065 As the grain was scattered on the hills (Arthur Clyde from the Didache) A beautiful and simple melody . This would be very beautiful before or during the distribution of communion, particularly when the congregation has been on a difficult journey. "On hillsides you feed us, through deserts you lead us, now at this table all are one in Christ. We have new life". Lyrics.
  • Online Resource / Tune In Hail the fisherfolk (Dave Brown) A bluesy litany of the saints, including the fishermen of yesterday and the fisherfolk of today. This song celebrates the many people who have followed God’s call through the ages. Free downloadable songbook, sound samples & lyrics.
  • Online Resource / Tune In / NCYC09 / ATAR598 God has laid a feasting table / Invitation (Shawn Whelan) Feminine imagery of God gathering her guests to a feasting table. Fun Cuban rhythm. Free downloadable songbook, sound samples & lyrics
  • Unknown Resource How long will we sing? / Until all are fed (Bryan Field McFarland and Tommy Brown) Excellent words focussed on the need to feed the hungry all over the world. Very singable, and a catchy chorus. Sound sample and lyrics. Lead sheet.
  • TiS 537 / ATE 297 / NCH347 / CH673 / VU468 / StS123 / WoV754 / ELW674 / HPP536 / GtG526 / PH514 / W&R698 / Cha422 / ZSS206 / URW096 Let us talents and tongues employ (Fred Kaan) Great for kids, excellent Jamaican rhythm which you can have a lot of fun with. It's also very adaptable and works well with any instruments. “Loaves abound!”. Lyrics and slightly tacky midi sample hereOldy-but-a-goody.
  • TiS 538 / AoV2-093 Feed us now Bread of life (Robin Mann) One of my favourite communion songs. Simple to sing, and beautiful simple theology. “Piece of bread, cup of wine, Lord this food is good”. Lyrics Good for kids.
  • UMH434 / VU702 / StJ / R249 / ELW725 / GtG762 / PH407 / W&R624 / Cha662 Cuando el Pobre / When a poor one / When the Poor Ones. (Miguel Manzano / Jose Antonio Olivar) The words to this are just wonderful liberation theology. Lyrics.
  • TiS 511 / AHB 433 / AoV2-098 / NCH330 / UMH618 / VU480 / LBW212 / ELW471 / HPP524 / GtG525 / PH513 / GC832 / GC(II)832 / W&R699 / Cha425 / 82Hml-325 / StF592 / LUYH837 / MP414 Let us break bread together on our knees / with the Lord (Traditional / US Folk) A good one for people to join in on without needing to look at lyric sheets or projections if you are celebrating communion this week. There are lots of versions, and lots of versions of the lyrics, of this. Sound sample. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • Recorded music Five loaves and two fishes (Corinne May) I've listened to a few samples of this song, and it might work well played to your congregation, although it gets a bit schmaltzy for my taste. She has a beautiful voice! Lyrics are here, and you can listen to the whole song at YouTube and/or download the song from iTunes.
 What will you be singing? I'd love to hear your ideas! Please share in a comment below.


Brigid said...

"Until All Are Fed" can be found at
The connection didn't work, but I found an email to write for permission -
Thank you for a great resource!

Brigid said...

"Until All Are Fed" - I made contact via Facebook. I quote....

Global Praise administers the copyright for "until all are fed." Please contact Global Praise at ‪‬ for all permission requests for the song. PLEASE NOTE: all requests will need to be in writing before approval will be given.

Brigid said...

And now I find "Until All Are Fed" is listed under !!

connie said...

I was thinking of a song by Linnea good called hands Left and Right-yes I know church is tomorrow, I was on holiday!

Anonymous said...

Melody sheet music for "Until All Are Fed". Chords are pretty easy to figure out, but you can also 'google' it - the song is listed in standard chord websites.

Tessa S said...

More Than We Can Ask by Richard Bruxvoort Colligan is not the same as CP 86. The Common Praise one is by Gordon Light, tune called WINEPRESS. See here...