Songs, Hymns & Music for Epiphany 1B / Baptism of Christ (January 7, 2024)

A song you might want to include this week:
  • Online Resource When the song of the angels is stilled (Howard Thurman / Elizabeth Alexander) A good choral arrangement, or you could read the poem. Sheet music. Youtube. Thanks to Rev Geary for bringing this to my attention! 
All four readings this week have some similar themes, particularly the role of the Holy Spirit. The scripture-based divisions of each of these songs is somewhat arbitrary, so please look at all readings, even if you are only focusing on one or two.

Genesis 1:1-5
The creation of day and night. “Let there be light”
  • GWA063 Let there now be light (John Bell, Scotland) This is a very useful short invocation, and this might be a good Sunday to introduce it for the entire season of Epiphany. It has a short call, like "Here, as we meet", followed by "Let there now be light, In love and mercy come, Holy Spirit, come. Very simple. 
  • GWA088 Bright morning maker (Marjorie Dobson, England) This song about God's presence in the morning, daytime, evening, and night talk of God's presence among us throughout our days. The tune is not easy. Lyrics.  
  • TiS 447 / AHB 61 / CH112 / VU313 / LBW400 / ELW673 / A&M810 / CP560 / CP(E) 267 / 82Hml-371 / Lau887 / StF106 / MP699 God whose almighty word / Lord your almighty word chaos and darkness heard / Thou, whose almighty word (John Marriott) A good hymny hymn, very familiar, with the memorable “Let there be light” line at the end of each verse. TiS lyrics are fairly inclusive, but VU is better. Oldy-but-a-goody. Lyrics.
  • VU282 Long before the night was born (Carolyn McDade) This is a beautiful creation song; wonderful imagery of feminine God loving the world into being. The tune is not familiar, and a little tricky, so best to get your musicians to start the song, and ask the congregation to join in as they become comfortable. Sound sample
  • TiS 156 / AHB 91 / AoV1-135 / ATA 123 / CH212 / UMH145 / VU409 / ELW556 / GA537 / A&M545 / HPP267 / GtG664 / PH469 / G(II)546 / GC756 / GC(II)748 / G(3)855 / CP003 / W&R35 / Cha053 / URW186 / 82Hml-008 / Lau671 / StF136 Morning has broken (Eleanor Farjeon) This song makes me smile every time. Here's Yusuf Islam (when he was Cat Stevens) in 1976 (love those green boots).
  • Online Resource / TiS 418 / AoV2-075 / Iona (EoA, Common Ground) / CH593 / GA372 / A&M259 / Cha255 / SP94 / URW165 / Lau305 She sits like a bird brooding on the waters / Enemy of Apathy (John Bell) Beautiful words and very easy to sing, provided it is not played too quickly The Iona recordings are generally very quick, but there are a lot of words to fit in, so keep it elegantly moderate in speed! Lyrics, and a reflection on them. Sample sheet music, sound sample, and purchasing options.
  • AA126 / STB222 / StF396 Spirit who broods (Shirley Murray) Good repetitive words, to a soothing Taiwanese tune (in STB) or a lilting waltz (in StF). Lyrics
  • SSSL31 (Songs from the Still Strange Land) From the beginning / Let the light shine (Neil Quintrell / Doug Simper) Good song, tricky accompaniment, but once you get it it's okay. Will need to be taught to most congregations, or could be presented by the musicians at some point in the service.
  • ATW 469 Wind is moving on the waters (Gerry Holmes) Nice earthy round. Very simple. Good for kids
  • CH144 I love the sun (Gwen Smith) Very simple kid's song, that somehow avoids being tacky despite being really really simple. Little kids would especially like this. LyricsGood for kids.
  • Online Resource / CP408 / Cha247 Wind upon the waters (Marty Haugen) I really love the words to this song. “Wind upon the waters, voice upon the deep, rouse your sons and daughters, wake us from our sleep, breathing life into all flesh, breathing love into all hearts, living wind upon the waters of my soul.” Note to our liturgists, I have a copy of this at home if you would like to use it. Sound sample, sheet music sample, and purchase options.
  • NCH467 / CH117 / VU320 / WoV769 / ELW735 / SFFS 2050 / HPP242 / GtG007 / Cha083 Mothering God you gave me birth (Jean Janzen) Lovely words to the well known tune MARYTON. Feminine trinitarian imagery. I like the tune MOTHER JULIAN (CH4 117(I)) best. LyricsNew words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource / NCH033 / UMH151 / VU251 / ELW738 / PH290 God created heaven and earth (Taiwanese) Excellent words of creation, sung to a Pi-po melody. It will need to be taught, but it is not too hard. Sheet music (two parts) for purchase. Sound sample.
  • Online Resource Let There Be Light (Bruce Harding) A simple chant "God said let there be light, and there was light, and there was light". This can also be used as a round, and would work well with kids as you tell the creation story. Very easy. Sheet music. Good for kids.
  • Online Resource / NCH058 / CH618 / AA125 Spirit of love you move within creation (Shirley Murray) Good words with a theme of the Spirit working a loom. A range of tunes for this, both familiar and new. I like the Colin Gibson tune (WEAVER), but it can also be sung to PERFECT LOVE. Lyrics and sheet musicNew words to old tunes.
  • TiS 392 At the dawning of salvation (Jock Curle) Good hymn words of Easter theology and Christ’s presence at Creation to a fun standard American folk tune (NETTLETON). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 668 / AoVK-34 / ATFG587 / NCH569 / CH243 / VU307 / R254 / ELW739 / AA143 / A&M553 / GtG713 / G(3)805 / W&R38 / Cha693 / URW189 Touch the earth lightly (Shirley Murray) Sings of the redemption of creation and our complicity in its destruction. Sources vary in their set tunes. TiS has a good tune (TENDERNESS) with a nice minor key change to the relative minor for the second verse. Can also be sung to BUNESSAN, if you need a familiar tune. Youtube video with all lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource / TiS 135 / AHB 70 / AoVK-110 / NCH31 / A&M533 / CH137 / UMH147 / VU291 / WoV767 / HPP35 / PH267 / GtG020 / CP415/6 / CP(E) 251 / W&R30 / Cha061 / Srce21 / StF100 / Lau685 / MP023 All things bright and beautiful (Cecil Frances Alexander) The TiS version has beautiful Australian imagery. If you are in Australia and your congregation only has the AHB or other versions of the music, it is worth making copies of the TiS lyrics; the congregation will know the tune. Verse 2 and 5 have masculine language for God. Lyrics and sheet musicOldy-but-a-goody.
  • TiS 671 / AoV2-121 Made in God's Likeness (Patricia Lewis / Alister Spence) "Called to create a new world for the Lord". Excellent images of rainforest birds praising God. This is one of my very favourite songs. It is not difficult if you have a good musician at the helm. If it is new to your congregation, they will be able to join in on the verses by the time you get to the 3rd one. The change in tone with the verse really lifts this song. Lyrics (search for "Made in").
  • ACS948 / NCH274 / CH118 / SFFS 2046 / GTG003 / CP390 / Cha014 Womb of Life and source of being (Ruth Duck) Feminine trinitarian imagery. An easier tune, listed in some hymnals is IN BABILONE. Others have LADUE CHAPEL which is a little less intuitive. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 187 / AoV2-130 / CH149 / StS122 / A&M539 / SP247 Let all creation dance (Brian Wren) I just love the imagery of this one, and it's a very joyous and familiar hymn tune too. Lyrics
  • NCH589 / VU679 Let there be light O God of hosts! (Frances Wheeler Davis) Hopeful words seeking an end to war and unity and understanding between nations. Lyrics. History.
  • TiS 179 / NCH273 / VU312 / GA379 / StJ / URW073 Praise with Joy the World's Creator (John Bell / Graham Maule) One of my favourite hymns - strongly Trinitarian lyrics and excellent imagery. Lyrics (scroll down or search). New words to old tunes.
  • Online resource Creator of this great land we adore you / Doxology (Ross Langmead) A strong favourite in our congregation. Sheet music and sound sample.
  • Online Resource / Walk as One Spirit brooding in the silence (Sharonne Price / Leigh Newton) Excellent words about the Spirit in creation, at Christ's baptism, and in our lives today. A simple tune to sing also. Book (PDF) available for purchase here.
  • Protest and Praise / Online Resource Praise the Source who sang creation (David Bjorlin) The "singing Trinity" brings forth the cosmos. Excellent lyrics to the well known tune NETTLETON. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. Sound sample. New words to old tunes.  
  • Online Resource People of the earth come tremble (Hannah Brown) Excellent words about the complex glory of creation, the damage we have done, our responsibility to care for it, and the joy we find in its beauty. Can be sung to the known tune PLEADING SAVIOUR or to a new tune by Benjamin Brody. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 242 / AHB 183 / AoV1-018 / ATN 27 / CH404 / UMH261 / VU352 / A&M667 / HPP163 / GtG157 / PH302 / G(II)481 / GC708 / GC(II)689 / G(3)796 / CP(E) 468 / W&R118 / Lau765 / StF247 I danced in the morning / Lord of the Dance (Sydney Carter). Lyrics. You all know this one, right? Good for kids Oldy-but-a-goody.  
  • Protest and Praise / Online Resource Holy Spirit Come / The whisper of a distant wind (David Bjorlin / Sally Ann Morris) This is really beautiful. The refrain could be used on its own as a meditation, or include the verses, sung slowly either by the congregation or by a soloist. Songbook for purchase.
  • Online Resource For all things worth praising (David Bjorlin, USA) Lovely poetic words celebrating all the vast and all the small elements of creation. Sung to the familiar tune THE ASH GROVE. Don't take it too fast, or the poetry will be lost! Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource As breath swept over formless sea (Adam Tice) Beautiful Trinitarian words of creation to the familiar tune CONDITOR ALME SIDERUM. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource / A&M220 / SP81 Word that formed creation (Marty Haugen) Really lovely words of creation to the familiar tune NOEL NOUVELET. Sheet music sample, and available to purchase. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource / LBW281 / URW190 God who made the earth and heaven (Reginald Heber / Frederick Hosmer) Better for an evening service. Nice words for evening and the hope of the day to come and the work that is to be done. To the familiar tune AR HYD Y NOS. Lyrics, sheet music and sound samplesNew and old words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource There's nothing I can see / Darkness (John Grummitt) This is not a congregational song, but it might be good to play this recording. It has a focus on needing light to shine in the darkness of depression or other issues of mental health. Recording. Thanks to John for sharing this song with me, and all of us. 
Psalm 29
God's voice in the thunder. Quite a thunderous Psalm! Wind and flame, earthquakes and floods.
  • HiOS107 / GtG650 O Beauty ever ancient (Shirley Erena Murray)  Lovely words about the ancient yet new beauty of God in creation, in sound and darkness, and in movement. It has a one line chorus of "In gratitude, in worship, my being sings to you!". Set to two different tunes. Both are good. I mildly prefer ANCIENT BEAUTY (in GtG). Lyrics.
  • TiS 465 / AHB 399 / ATA 115 / NCH279 / A&M271 / Iona (SBL) / CH116 / GA381 / Lau313 / StF004 Our God in heaven / Father in heaven / Loving Creator grant to your children (Elena Maquiso / Daniel Niles) I really like this hymn, especially the Philippino folk melody to which it's set. Newer versions of the hymn from the Christian Conference of Asia have altered the lyrics to "Our God in heaven / Creator God" in the first verse. Other versions, such as CH4 have "Loving Creator / Parent and God". Older version of lyrics
  • PfAS029A All on earth and all in heaven (Michael Mangan)  Great words sung to the familiar hymn tune EBENEZER "At God's voice the clouds assemble, thunder roars and torrents fall"… Lyrics (downloads PDF)  New words to old tunes.
  • NCH Psalter 29 The voice of God is full of majesty (Bob Hurd). A very simple and beautiful refrain with a paraphrase of the Psalm that is inclusive without losing any of the majesty of this Psalm. Can be used with a reader or cantor. Highly recommended.
  • Online Resource This is the moment here is the place (Hannah Brown / Benjamin Brody) A good song of welcome which talks about the mystery of worship; sung to a lovely new tune in 6/8. There are enough verses for the congregation to pick it up the first time. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options
  • GtG010 Sing glory to the name of God (David Gambrell)  Good solid words, and joyful Alleluias (LASST UNS ERFREUEN!). A paraphrase of Psalm 29. Lyrics, sound and sheet music sampleNew words to old tunes.
  • AoVK-123 / NCH3 / Iona (M&G) / UMH148 / VU308 / WoV794 / ELW837 / GtG021 / PH271 / G(II)338 / GC499 / G(3)911 / CP407 / W&R26 / Cha58 / URW232 / 82Hml-385 Many and Great O God are your works / Wakantanka Taku Nitawa (Philip Frazier) Good words. Simple tune. Sounds great accompanied by a good Native American-style drum beat, which is a great way to get people (especially kids) involved in music-making. Lyrics.
  • TiS 447 / AHB 61 / CH112 / VU313 / LBW400 / ELW673 / A&M810 / CP560 / CP(E) 267 / 82Hml-371 / Lau887 / StF106 / MP699 God whose almighty word / Lord your almighty word chaos and darkness heard / Thou, whose almighty word (John Marriott) A good hymny hymn, very familiar, with the memorable “Let there be light” line at the end of each verse. TiS lyrics are fairly inclusive, but VU is better. Oldy-but-a-goody. Lyrics.
  • TiS 392 At the dawning of salvation (Jock Curle) Good hymn words of Easter theology and Christ’s presence at Creation to a fun standard American folk tune (NETTLETON). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 753 / ATFG558 / StS034 / R185 / ELW525 / SP&P082 You are holy you are whole (Per Harling) A fun and joyous latin-rhythmed song; can also be sung with two parts at the same time. Lyrics. Good for kids.
  • NCH462 / UMH109 / VU265 / WoV757 / ELW684 / PH134 / GC580 / RS711 / CP410 / W&R32 / Cha335 / URW067 / 82Hml-384 Creating God Your Fingers Trace (Jeffery Rowthorn) A good Trinitarian hymn about Creating, Sustaining and Redeeming God. There are many possible tunes. I like the Presence tune better. Lyrics and a sound sample.
  • AoV2-089 / Taizé / MV086 / SFFS 2156 Give peace to every heart / Da Pacem Cordium (Jacques Berthier) A good, simple Taize chant. Sound samples, sheet music (not cantor lines though).
  • Recorded music / Online Resource I will praise you Lord for you have rescued me (Don Stewart) If I had the sheet music to this, I would get a cantor to sing the verses, and the congregation could join in the refrain. Not sure if it's published anywhere, but I love the bagpipe intro (and I'm trying to guess who played it). Recording (scroll down).
  • PfAS029D Your voice O Lord is a voice of splendour (Martin Tel) A very simple Psalm refrain.
  • TiS 569 / AHB 478 / NCH18/19 / CH167 / UMH127 / VU651 / LBW343 / ELW618 / StF465 / A&M652 / HPP432 / GtG065 / PH281 / CP565 / CP(E) 455 / W&R501 / Cha622 / 82Hml690 / StF465 / Lau960 / MP201 Guide me O thou great Jehovah / Redeemer (William Williams) A rousing hymn of God’s presence and strength and making it to the other side. "Bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore." Sound sample, lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
Acts 19:1-7
Paul baptises and the Holy Spirit comes.
  • ATAR607 Spirit of dreaming (Alison Campbell Rate) This is great. Good open-ended words of hope for the coming of the spirit, and a catching soothing melody, that gets a nice twist in the chorus.
  • Online Resource / TiS 710 / CH758 / Iona (Enemy of Apathy) Come Holy Spirit gracious heavenly dove (John Bell and Graham Maule) A beautiful and simple chant. Video showing how to teach it. Sheet music sample and purchasing options.
  • Unusual Source: Blow through me Breath of God (Miriam Therese Winter) This chant is very beautiful. It takes a few listens for the congregation to pick it up, or you could ask the musicians to play it as a prayer for the congregation. "Like a pipe, like a flute, like a reed making melody". This can be found in "Songlines, Hymns, Songs, Rounds and Refrains for Prayer and Praise,Crossroad, New York, 1996" or "Womantalk Woman Prayer" (1987)
  • MV150 Spirit God be our breath (Bruce Harding) A lovely gentle song, with a nice descant part. Comforting, but will need to be taught as it's a bit syncopated. Youtube video.
  • Online Resource / AoV1-043 Breathing now the life of God / Warm Our Hearts (Jane Marshall) A round, which is catchy, but will need to be taught, as it's not that simple. "Breathing now the life of God the Spirit in us singing, come light up our hearts with joy! Heal and clear our eyes to see! Warm our hearts with peace. Warm our hearts with peace.” When teaching a song that breaks into a round, it’s best to work with as little accompaniment as possible; no accompaniment is best. Sound sample, sheet music samples and purchasing options.
  • SP&P025 Breathe on me O breath of God (Austin) A lovely simple song which can be sung as "breathe on me" or "breathe on us" depending on whether you want a personal or communal song.
  • SP&P034 Come and fill all my life (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A gentle and very simple song. Would be good for a meditation. 
  • Online Resource / URW066 Holy Spirit wind of heaven (Steve Garnaas-Holmes) Terrific words sung to the familiar tune ODE TO JOY. "Holy Spirit, Wind of Heaven, Breath of Life, our warmth and light". Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 711 / ATOK 334 / Iona (M&G) / WoV681 / VU383 / SFFS 2124 / GtG283 / G(II)330 Come O Holy Spirit / Wa Wa Wa Emimimo (Nigeria) This song is just fun. And very easy. Please try to sing it in its original language (Yoruba), it sounds a bit inane in English and it’s not hard!! Encourage your congregation to dance a simple side-to-side step to this; they will enjoy it even more. If we can’t go a little crazy on Pentecost, what hope is there for us, really? A good song to help us remember that our faith is global, and to think of the church and all people in Africa. Video Good for kids. 
Mark 1:4-11
The Baptism of Christ
Most of the above songs would be quite suitable

  • Online Resource / GWA077 This gift of heaven our grace and healing / O living water (Owen Alstott / Bernadette Farrell) Excellent words with multiple images of water, including Jesus' baptism, Cana's wedding and a chorus that simply says "O living water, O living water". Sound sample, sheet music samples, and purchasing options.  
  • URW106 Here at Jordan's river (Ruth Duck) Sung to NOEL NOUVELET, this song is just perfect for our congregation. I really love this. Great for Baptism of Christ or any baptism. Lyrics (scroll down)New words to old tunes
  • TiS 270 / AHB 199 / NCH115 / CH334 / VU20 / LBW548 / ELW842 / A&M046 / GtG096 / PH010 / G(II)260 / GC321 / 322 / GC(II)344 / G(3)418 / CP103 / CP(E) 34 / W&R156 / 82Hml-076 / Lau094 / StF182 / MP538 On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (Charles Coffin) If you would like inclusive lyrics, have a look at the New Century Hymnal’s version. If you’d like a groovy tune, check out AHB 199(ii) / GC322 – ST JOHN BAPTIST by Gary Lewis Miles and Betty Pulkingham. This is an excellent, fun tune. You can even combine the words of NCH115 with AHB199(ii) for the best of both worlds. But WINCHESTER NEW is also very good, and easy to sing if you don’t have a congregation full of people who grew up in the 60s and 70s. Lyrics and sheet music (Winchester New).Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • Online resource Down by the Jordan (Carolyn Winfrey Gillette) Good words based on this reading, set to the well known hymn tune LOBE DEN HERREN or could be sung to AURELIA (Thanks, Ben!). Lyrics New words to old tunes.
  • PH071 Lord When You Came to Jordan (Brian Wren) I like the questioning words which ask what it might have been like. Would sing it to Llangllofan or ELLACOMBE (TiS 361) “Lord, bring us to our Jordan Of newly opened eyes, Through love, immersed in living, As You were once baptized. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource / TiS 710 / CH758 / Iona (Enemy of Apathy) / VU204 Come Holy Spirit gracious heavenly dove (Iona Community) A beautiful and simple chant. Video showing how to teach it. Sheet music sample and purchasing options.
  • NCH168 / VU084 O radiant Christ incarnate word (Ruth Duck) Good words; a little formal. WAREHAM is the easier tune. Sheet music samples. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 419 / NCH270 / CH592 / A&M252 / UMH544 / VU205 / WoV685 / ELW403 / HPP222 / GtG285 / PH314 / CP635 / CP(E) 185 / W&R327 / SP92 / 82Hml-513 / StF389 Like the murmur of the dove's song (Carl P Daw) Excellent words and a simple tune about Christian unity. Each verse ends with "Come holy spirit, come". Lyrics and sheet music.   
  • ACS916 / GtG164 / CP045 Down Galilee's slow roadways (Sylvia Dunstan) Good words for adult baptism, or for any Sunday that reflects on Christ's baptism. Lyrics.NCH285 / CH591 / SFFS 2123 / URW164 O Holy Dove of God descending / Spirit now live in me (Jeffery Leech) Lovely simple tune, and beautiful words. Lyrics.
  • Online Resource / Walk as One Spirit brooding in the silence (Sharonne Price / Leigh Newton) Excellent words about the Spirit in creation, at Christ's baptism, and in our lives today. A simple tune to sing also. Book (PDF) available for purchase here
  • VU384 / SFFS 2052 / HPP229 / PH320 The Lone Wild Bird in lofty flight (Marty Haugen) Familiar tune and excellent words. First 3 verses and tune sample.
  • StS008 / SFFS 2089 / GtG163 / PH409 / StF189 Wild and Lone the Prophet's Voice (Carl P Daw) Excellent, challenging words. I prefer this sung to ABERYSTWYTH which is well known and easily accessible. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • Recorded music Jesus looked down on the Jordan / Sea of God (John Coleman) This song is simple enough for the congregation to learn, or you could play the recording. Source and lyrics
  • CH335 Out of the flowing river (Leith Fisher) Beautiful simple words of the Baptism of Christ with a call to go out and make the love revealed in Christ known through the world. A simple tune, but it will need to be taught. Sound sample.
  • CH336 / A&M97 / SP26 Christ is our light! the bright and morning star (Leith Fisher) Good words to the tune HIGHLAND CATHEDRAL. Majestic. Instrumental video with lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource / UMH252 / WoV647 / LBW647 / ELW305 / PH072 / CP(E) 93 / W&R241 When Jesus Came to Jordan (Fred Pratt Green) Good words to a simple English folk tune. A bit formal. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • Recorded music Jesus looked down on the Jordan / Sea of God (John Coleman) This song is simple enough for the congregation to learn, or you could play the recording. Source and lyrics
  • TiS 253 / AoV2-119 / AoVK-103 / GA419 O Lord Jesus Marrkapmirr (Garrawarra family of Milingimbi) This simple song is easy to sing and talks of the timelessness of God’s love. “O Lord Jesus Marrkapmirr, all the power belongs to you”. Lyrics. Sound sample.
  • TiS 250 / VU099 / ELW304 / PH070 / CP(E) 92 / 82Hml-121 Christ when for us you were baptized (Bland Tucker) A couple of different tunes are possible for these words, that are a story telling song, ending] with the words "Baptize us with your Spirit now, your cross on us be signed, that likewise in God's service we may perfect freedom find". Not all versions are inclusive. VU and PH are. Lyrics.
What will you be singing? I'd love to hear of songs I haven't thought of. Please add a comment below!


Brigid said...

Two quick corrections on Psalm 29 referrals: "All on Earth and All in Heaven" is by Michael MORGAN - and the NCH Psalter 29 is by David Hurd, not Bob Hurd - very different style!

Thank you for all your work - it's an invaluable resource!
Brigid Coult - Vancouver BC

Unknown said...

Our closing hymn is GTG 488, I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry.

arukiyomi said...

I wrote a song focussing on mental health for that Genesis reading for our church so thought I'd share it. Thanks for maintaining this site. It's a great resource!

Lectionary Singer (Natalie Sims) said...

Hi John (aruykiyomi) - thank you very much for sharing your song. I have added it to the list and hope others are able to find it!

Anonymous said...

We're singing "what King would wade" CP 164 - I love this hymn. It was a little difficult for the congregation the first time, but then I just used the refrain, which can really stand alone I think, the next time, and then the whole thing after that. We know and love it now.