Where were you when I did all this fantastic stuff? I’m just great. You’re just Job.
- Online Resource (BUC) Where were you? (Shawn Whelan) A beautiful new reflection on creation, awe and responsibility. Free sheet music and sound samples.
- CH172 / URW062 / StF116 Sing for God’s glory that colours the dawn of creation (Kathy Galloway) Beautiful poetic words of creation (first verse), release (2nd verse), justice (3rd verse) and saints (4th verse). Would be a good song to open worship. Sung to a very familiar hymn tune, LOBE DEN HERREN (TiS 111). Lyrics and sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- Recorded music Where were you? (Justin Roberts) from the collaboration "Why Not Sea Monsters" and their album Songs from the Hebrew Scriptures. This kids' song has lovely words and could be good for an offertory or reflective music (it's not just for kids really). Remember to project or supply copies of the lyrics when using recorded music in worship as it's often hard to hear all the words. If you have a copy of the album, chords are also available, so your own musicians could also present this song to the congregation. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- VU242 / LBW557 / ELW881 / GtG037 / PH554 / GC567 / GC(II)551 / G(3)635 / CP403 / W&R22 / Cha717 Let All Things Now Living (Katherine Davis) Lovely lyrics to the well known and quite jolly Welsh folk tune ASH GROVE. Not all sources are inclusive. Lyrics (older version). New words to old tunes.
- ATAR629 Where were you? (Gerry Holmes) This song would suit a soloist rather than a congregation. Perhaps the congregation could join in on the chorus, but I think it would be better for them to just listen. Sound sample.
- MV190 Laughter lit the stars of morning (Lydia Pedersen) Lovely lyrics and a simple waltz melody. More a baptismal hymn than for a standard Sunday, but if you have a baptism this week, or would just like to use the lyrics of the first verse as a reflection, this would be good. Mind you, there’s nothing wrong with singing about baptism when there isn’t one on that particular day. "Laughter lit the stars of morning singing at the dawn of earth, angel throngs rejoiced to witness so miraculous a birth". Lyrics (downloads a large PDF).
- Online Resource Where were you? (The Porter's Gate) This is not a congregational song, but may be good for reflection. Sound sample.
- Online Resource For the blast of creation (Colin Gibson) Excellent words of cosmic creation sung to the familiar tune ST DENIO. Lyrics and PDF. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource God who formed the mighty ocean (Timothy Dudley-Smith) I reckon these words are about perfect for Ocean Sunday, and can be sung to a range of standard hymn tunes - I like them best to ODE TO JOY. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 418 / AoV2-075 / Iona (EoA, Common Ground) / CH593 / GA372 / A&M259 / Cha255 / SP94 / URW165 / StF393 / Lau305 She sits like a bird brooding on the waters (John Bell) My favourite Holy Spirit song. Beautiful words and very easy to sing, provided it is not played too quickly The Iona recordings are generally very quick, but there are a lot of words to fit in, so keep it elegantly moderate in speed! Lyrics and sound sample.
- VU888 / LBW558 / ELW731 / HPSS458 / RS681 / CP358 / W&R642 / 82Hml-412 Earth and All Stars (Herbert Brokering) Fun words of cosmic praise. An easy hymn-like tune. I really like the "boiling test tubes" bit, although this verse is not in all hymnals. Not all versions are inclusive. Lyrics. Good for kids, especially if sung with some humour.
- VU248 / StJ / WoV799 / ELW861 / CP307 When long before time / The Singer and the song (Peter Davison) Easy tune. Nice imagery of God the Singer and Song Incarnate. Lyrics.
- CH242 Is this the way you made the world (Douglas Gay) Wow! This song has a great tune, and wonderful wondering words; it's a little tricky! Sound sample.
- TiS 186 / NCH567 Stars and planets flung in orbit (Herbert Stuempfle) Great lyrics, the first verse particularly appropriate this week. Sung to the familiar tune PRAISE MY SOUL. Sheet music & lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 187 / AoV2-130 / CH149 / StS122 / A&M539 / SP247 Let all creation dance (Brian Wren) I just love the imagery of this one, and it's a very joyous and familiar hymn tune too. Lyrics New words to old tunes.
- SP&P89 / Worldmaking.net Ground and Source of all that is (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) This song is very beautiful and easy to sing. Lyrics and sound sample.
- Online Resource You spoke your word; the heavens sprang to being (David Lee) Excellent modern words of God's presence in Creation (and more!). Sung to good old LONDONDERRY AIR. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Cha055 O God of Every Shining Constellation (Albert Bayly) A good older hymn for this theme. Older style lyrics.
- TiS 119 / AHB 40 / NCH012 / UMH152 / VU231 / HPP39 / GtG032 / PH288 / W&R31 / Cha064 / 82Hml-398 / Lau684 / StF107 / MP293 I sing the almighty power of God / We sing the mighty power of God (Isaac Watts) I really like this old hymn, especially sung to ELLACOMBE, but it can also be sung to FOREST GREEN. VU, NCH and Chalice have inclusive language, but other hymnals (like TiS and AHB, do not). Older style lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
Praise God for the beauty of creation. See also the suggestions for the Job reading above.
- Online Resource Lord send out your spirit (Rawn Harbor) A bouncy gospel refrain. Could be used with a reader if you don't have a cantor. Sound and sheet music samples and purchasing options.
- MV130 / SP&P180 Rise up, O my soul (Linnea Good) A catchy little refrain! Lyrics. Good for kids.
- TiS 706 / Taizé / AoV2-142 / A&M600 / SFFS 2013 / GtG544 / PH224 / GC(II)576 / G(3)620 / CP360 / PfAS103C / SP194 / Src79 / URW377 / Lau813 Bless the Lord my soul (Jacques Berthier) A beautiful and very well known Taizé chant. Sound samples, sheet music.Good for kids.
- TiS 135 / AHB 70 / AoVK-110 / NCH31 / A&M533 / CH137 / UMH147 / VU291 / WoV767 / HPP35 / PH267 / GtG020 / CP415/6 / CP(E) 251 / W&R30 / Cha061 / Srce21 / StF100 / Lau685 / MP023 All things bright and beautiful (Cecil Frances Alexander) The TiS version has beautiful Australian imagery. If you are in Australia and your congregation only has the AHB or other versions of the music, it is worth making copies of the TiS lyrics; the congregation will know the tune. Verse 2 and 5 have masculine language for God. One version of the lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- GtG323 / URW171 Sound a mystic bamboo song / Dong dong ay si dong ilay (Bill Wallace) Great multicultural words, celebrating God in all people. Lyrics.
- TiS 163 / AHB 112 / NCH556 / UMH150 / LBW463 / ELW771 / GtG024 / PH268 / W&R644 / Cha651 / URW084 / 82Hml-580 God who stretched the spangled heavens (Catherine Cameron) Good words of creation of nature and cities and creative possibilities for the future. AHB has a Father and old language, but it works okay; TiS and other sources are better. There are many possible tunes. I like it best to HOLY MANNA as in the link. Lyrics and sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- PfAS104D Send Forth Your Spirit O Lord (Steven Warner) Energetic hymn of praise. You could use both the verses and chorus, or only the chorus, as a Psalm refrain. Youtube.
- PfAS104G Lord Send Out Your Spirit (Arlo Duba) A simple Psalm refrain.
- AoVK-123 / NCH3 / Iona (M&G) / UMH148 / VU308 / WoV794 / ELW837 / GtG021 / PH271 / G(II)338 / GC499 / G(3)911 / CP407 / W&R26 / Cha58 / URW232 / 82Hml-385 Many and Great O God are your works / Wakantanka Taku Nitawa (Joseph Renville) Good words. Simple tune. Sounds great accompanied by a good Native American-style drum beat, which is a great way to get people (especially kids) involved in music-making. Lyrics & sheet music.
- Online Resource / GC(II)473 / G(3)560 Spirit Wind breath of life (Scott Soper) A bit mushy, but it could be good. Verses would be best sung by a cantor or soloist. Lyrics, sound and sheet music sample (search for Spirit wind).
- AoVK-113 Thank you O Lord for this world of ours I like this kid's song. Really fun and interesting with two parts! Good for kids.
- VU826 Bless O my soul / Hallelujah (Stralsund Gesangbuch / Melchior Vulpius) A responsive Psalm, with two possible responses, both to familiar traditional tunes. Joyful! One is "Bless O my soul the Almighty who rules all creation". The other is simply "Hallelujah! (x3)"
Alternative Hebrew Scripture: Isaiah 53:4-12
The despised suffering one
- Online Resource O Christ your crucifixion is here among us now (Hannah Brown) Beautiful words that speak of the suffering Christ with the suffering of the earth, war-torn places, and our own suffering. Sung to PASSION CHORALE. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 356 / CH385 / Cha203 / StF273 Here hangs a man discarded (Brian Wren) Excellent words, particularly for this reading “Can such a clown of sorrows still bring a useful word where faith and love seem phantoms and every hope absurd?”. Also works very well with TiS 339 (Passion Chorale) if your congregation is scared of new tunes. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / Tune In A grain of wheat (Sheree Anderson) Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it won't form roots and grow. A boppy song with deeply meaningful lyrics. Sound samples, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
- TiS 345 / AHB 261 / AoV1-103 / NCH229 / UMH288 / VU144 / LBW81 / ELW353 / GA336 / A&M144 / HPP185 / GtG228 / PH102 / G(II)302 / GC416 / GC(II)438 / G(3)511 / CP192 / CP(E) 126 / W&R283 / Cha198 / 82Hml-172 / Lau225 / StF285 / MP745 Were you there when they crucified my Lord? (Traditional) A classic - well known, beautiful to sing and listen to. Lyrics and sheet music. And a youtube of Paul Robeson. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- Online Resource / Tune In See our God with the tear-streaked face / Our God who weeps (Kate Scull) Very simple folk tune and challenging and hopeful lyrics. Sound samples, lyrics and free downloadable songbook. Good for kids.
- CH389 Behold the holy Lamb of God! (Malawi hymn) This will take some practice, I think. A song with a Cantor and response; you will need a small group to lead the congregation in the response.
- Online Resource / Tune In In the shape of a cross (Dave Brown) A cry to God for help and a call for God to enter our world. Sound samples, lyrics and free downloadable songbook. Good for kids.
God our shelter and refuge
- Online Resource / GWA011 Be with me Lord when I am in trouble (Val Parker) This has a beautiful refrain which is very straightforward to sing, and requires a cantor for the verses (although they could be read). It is really beautiful. The piano accompaniment is very challenging. Sound sample, sheet music sample, and purchasing options.
- TiS 48 / AoV1-153 / ATOK 411 / VU808 / WoV779 / ELW787 / GA452 / HPP385 / GtG043 / G(II)433 / GC611 / GC(II)593 / G(3)691 / CP531 / W&R438 / PfAS091E / Cha077 / Lau952 You who dwell in the shelter of the Lord / On Eagle's Wings (Michael Joncas) This is a big favourite all over the place. It has masculine imagery for God. This doesn't have to be sung slowly and meditatively - it also works very well as a more upbeat song. If it is not familiar to you, a cantor can be used for the verses. It is not inclusive. Lyrics.
- VF092 / Online Resource Be still and know that I am God (Ana Hernández) A beautiful arrangement of these lovely words. I would gradually teach the congregation the main part (even just the soprano line) and, once they have learned it, get them to sing it as a chant, while the musicians sing the other parts. Even better, learn all the parts of the main chant as a congregation and add the cantor parts. Sound sample. Sheet music for purchase.
- CH487 Come let us seek our God’s protection (Tom Colvin & the people of Ghana) A lovely call and response; would work well after a prayer of confession. Lyrics & sheet music.
- MV096 And when you call for me (Linnea Good) This simple chant "And when you call for me I have already answered... I am already there" might work nicely during the prayers of intercession. Tune is not immediately easy, so teach your congregation first. Good for kids.
- AoV2-054 / Iona (T1AU, LFB) / MV077 / GtG414 / SFFS 2057 / G(II)438 / GC618 / RS 736 / SP&P111 / PfAS046D / URW409 / Lau909 / StF019 Be still and know that I am God (John Bell / Graham Maule) For kids, I think it may be better to focus on the positive for this reading, and this simple chant is beautiful. Works as a round or in unison. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- GWA078 / MV214 May God's sheltering wings (Judith Snowdon) A nice simple blessing and benediction, which may be sung about a feminine or a masculine God. Lyrics. Video with actions from BUC.
- ATN 9 / NCH743 / CH755 / W&R450 / Srce68 / StF018 / MP048 Be Still and Know (Anon) This is the old classic. Sources vary in the verses they have and the level of inclusiveness in the lyrics. Lyrics & chords.
- ATOK 311 / CH754 / GA401 Be still and know that I am God and there is none beside me (John Bell) A good alternative to the above song. I like the 2nd verse especially "I am the one who calls you my friends, and there is none beside me". CH doesn't have the 2nd verse. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- PfAS091C Those who dwell in the shelter of God / El que habita al abrigo de Dios (Robert Savage) A nice South American sounding tune, and good lyrics with a soothing chorus.
- Online Resource When our faith has lost its feeling (David Bjorlin) Deep words about how hard it is to hear the still small voice. Sung to the familiar tune COLUMCILLE. Lyrics and sheet music sample and purchasing options. Sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- W&R633 Healer of My Soul keep me at even' (John Michael Talbot) A quiet meditative song. It might be best sung as a reflection if unfamiliar to your congregation. Video and lyrics.
- Online Resource / MV062 / SP&P076 There is room for all / Chacun a sa place (Bruce Harding) A simple one-verse song; will need to be taught, but it won't take long to teach it. More communal than many other versions of this Psalm. Sound sample and free sheet music.
- PfAS091D Be with me Lord when I am in trouble (Val Parker) A nice refrain, which would resonate well with kids, for a cantored, or spoken, reading of the Psalm. Jazzy sound sample. Good for kids.
- PfAS091D How safe it is, this hiding place (Martin Leckebusch) A simple refrain for a cantored, or read, version of the Psalm. Very very easy.
Suffering son and high priest.
- NCH162 / LBW417 / ELW718 In a lowly manger born (Ko Yuki) Translations vary in different sources. I like the NCH translation (by Vern Rossman) best, as it speaks of Christ as a worker and "God the Human One". Written by a Japanese hymnwriter. There are also a couple of tunes that work for this and the NCH one is quite singable. Lyrics.
- Online Resource / Tune In: He left his home, fam'ly, friends / A grain of wheat (Sheree Anderson) Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it won't form roots and grow. A boppy song with deeply meaningful lyrics. Free downloadable songbook & sound samples. Good for kids & teenagers.
- ACS948 / NCH274 / CH118 / SFFS 2046 / GTG003 / CP390 / Cha014 Womb of Life and source of being (Ruth Duck) Feminine Trinitarian imagery. An easier tune, listed in some hymnals is IN BABILONE. Others have LADUE CHAPEL which is a little less intuitive. Lyrics.New words to old tunes.
- TiS 477 / Iona (LFB, Common Ground) / CH510 / StJ / GA529 / A&M450 / CP059 / SP218 / URW056 / StF028 Jesus calls us here to meet him as through word and song and prayer (John Bell / Graham Maule) Good words and a rollicking or gentle Celtic tune (depending on how you play it!). Don't get too gentle though, or it is very hard to sing. Notice that there should not need to be a breath after EVERY line! Lyrics (downloads PDF) 4th verse (not in TiS, but in Iona sources) leads to communion. “Jesus calls us to confess him Word of life and Lord of all, sharer of our flesh and frailness saving all who fail or fall”.
- TiS 721 / Iona (LFB) / URW431 / StF344 / Lau124 He became poor that we may be rich (John Bell) A simple chant. Timing is a little bit tricky, so you will need to take a little time to teach it initially. This has gorgeous parts if you have some singers. Sound sample.
- Iona (M&G) / ATAR609 / CH359 / MV033 / GtG137 / ZSS54 / StJ / ELW253 / GA293 / SFFS 2085 / G(II)276 / GC370 / GC(II)364 / G(3)429 / CP368 / W&R402 He came down that we may have love/ Jesus came bringing us hope (Traditional Cameroon) A lovely simple song - you can make up words and have a lot of fun with this if you also use some drums. Scottish sound sample. Good for kids.
- Online Resource / Tune In: O Spirit God / In the shape of a cross (Dave Brown) Puts our forgiveness in a global context. A cry to God for help and a call for God to enter our world. Free downloadable songbook & sound samples..
- Online Resource / TiS 529 / AHB 598 By your priestly power O risen Lord (James McAuley) Formal and beautiful words. The responsive chant could also be used on its own: “By your priestly power O risen Lord, All we lost and needed is restored. God in our communion be adored”. Sound sample, sheet music sample, and purchasing options.
- Worldmaking.net O Christ, Lamb of God (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A more modern Agnus Dei, with Christ sharing our weakness.Lyrics and sound sample. See last week's entry for more Agnus Dei suggestions.
- TiS 259 / Iona (Love From Below) Among us and before us Lord you stand (John Bell). Good words. The set tune (GATEHOUSE) will need to be taught. It can also be sung to SURSUM CORDA. Lyrics (downloads a pdf). New words to old tunes (if sung to SURSUM CORDA).
- TIS 624 / W&R453 / StF492 Christ be my leader by night as by day (John Bell) Excellent words of following Christ in times of struggle to a traditional Scottish melody. Lyrics New words to old tunes.
- TiS 542 / STB082 Far beyond our mind's grasp (Francisco Feliciano) These beautiful devotional words are sung to a traditional Filipino tune. The tune is not easy, but is very haunting once you get to know it. If it is new to your congregation, it would be good to ask a soloist to sing it. STB has it in Pilipino as well as English.
James and John arguing. Jesus came to serve. If you want to be great, you must also serve and drink from the same cup as Christ.
- TiS 640 / AHB 561 / ATE 310 / NCH498 / UMH432 / VU593 / WoV765 / ELW708 / HPP446 / GtG203 / PH367 / G(II)296 / GC409 / GC(II)429 / G(3)505 / CP504 / W&R273 / Cha600 / URW116 / 82Hml-602 / Lau241 / StF249 Jesu Jesu fill us with your love / Kneels at the feet of his friends (Tom Colvin & people of Ghana) Lyrics. Good for kids.
- ATW 443 She was in bed with a fever / Like an angel (Robin Mann) Nice to sing. Not too hard. Lyrics, and an excellent introduction to the theme of this story and song.
- W&R584 / Cha454 Come Celebrate the Call of God (Brian Wren) Good words to a lilting intuitive tune. This song is written to recognise a commissioning or the gift of a particular person's call, but it can also be sung with "our" instead of "her" to make it a song for a whole congregation (see also Ken's comments below). Sheet music and lyrics.
- NCH70 / UMH660 / VU389 / WoV719 / ELW526 / A&M445 / HPP486 / GtG409 / PH461 / GC741 / GC(II)737 / G(3)843 / CP(E) 301 / W&R1 / Cha280 / STB049 / StF025 God is here as we your people (Fred Pratt Green). Great lyrics, but not inclusive in all sources and set to a range of tunes. I like it sung to the familiar tune ABBOT'S LEIGH. Lyrics, sound sample and sheet music sample. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / TiS 665 / AoV2-008 / Iona (Common Ground) / CH360 / A&M563 / VU117 / StJ / SP246 / Lau889 / StF251 Jesus Christ is waiting (John Bell) A good and well known hymn. Sound sample, sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / Tune In Community (Dave Brown) A great and easy to sing song about being neighbourly and living for and with others. "A glass of water shared with the thirsty, this is community". Sound samples, lyrics and free downloadable songbook. Good for kids.
- TiS 686 / ATE 292 Lord Jesus we belong to you / Because we bear your name (Robin Mann) Lyrics.
- Online Resource / TiS 414 / CH616 / NCH294 / UMH192 / VU582 / HPP134 / PH433 / GC550 / CP(E) 198 / Cha257 / StF398 There's a Spirit in the Air (Brian Wren) A good song of getting the business of following Christ done. Speaking out, caring for others, being changed. Good, joyful tune too. Lyrics and sheet music.
- TiS 256 / AoV2-077 / ATE 261 / CH374 / A&M489 / CP(E) 432 / SP153 / Srce160 / Lau749 / StF272 / MP162 From heaven you came helpless babe / Servant King (Graham Kendrick) Schmaltzy and I'm not a big fan, but I know this is very meaningful for a lot of people - and it fits this reading well. Lyrics and chords.
- Traditional / StJ / GC(II)567 As I went down in the river to pray (African American Spiritual) The encouragement to go down, following the way of Christ, picks up the theme of Jesus heading towards the cross in this story. The song is also a favourite in our congregation. Here's the clip from O Brother Where art thou, which made it so popular.
Written in Queechee, Vermont (USA) while watching birds fly amongst the fall colours, updated (sigh) during another COVID19 lockdown in Melbourne, and then just updated on an ordinary day in Melbourne.
CP 407 Many and Great, O God, are Your Works is an adaptation of a Dakota hymn - other hymnals have other variations. It works with the Job reading or the psalm.
probably 'brusing' copyright, but I found a few more opportunities than 'her' to 'us' Come Celebrate the Call of God Brian Wren
Come, celebrate the call of God that wakens and renews,
and chooses us, for our own good, as bearers of good news.
The Spirit's blessing each ordains to show what God has done,
yet brings to focus and contains the many in the one.
As chosen ones today we rise, now fit and ready stand.
Our calling now we recognize with prayer and loving hands.
As servant leaders, truthful friends, we gladly all receive,
to stir and comfort, shake and mend, be glad with us, and grieve.
Great Spirit, give us word and breath in Christ to live and speak,
and shield against the powers of death the outcast and the weak,
Our flag of faith -- above defeats, in heaven's breeze unfurled,
as all our deepest gladness meets the hunger of the world.
Hey Natalie
Where are the chords for Where Were You?
Nevermind my previous Question
Capo 2
D Em G A
Em A D Bm
Em A
I would also recommend from Mark: First Line: "Are ye able," said the Master
Title: Are Ye Able; Author: Earl Marlatt (1926) Meter: with refrain
Tune: BEACON HILL (Mason) [dont everyone talk at once now]
You could easily sub 'our Jesus' for 'the Master'
ELW (Evangelical Lutheran Worship hymnal #659 Will You Let Me Be Your Servant for the reading from Mark 10:35-45.
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