Songs, Hymns, Music for Proper 18B / Ordinary 23B / Pentcost +16 (8 September 2024)

Looking for Season of Creation Resources? There are a few suggestions on this page if you are following the 2024 theme of "To hope and act with Creation" I have highlighted songs that are particularly appropriate within the Lectionary with a globe of the earth 🌏 (there's not many this week!). If you are using the Romans 8 reading, I have also put globes of the earth on my suggestions for that reading (scroll down on this entry from Proper 11A). If you are using the earlier version of Season of Creation, or if you're looking for additional Creation-themed songs click here for Earth Sunday (Season of Creation 1B)!  
Proverbs 22:1-2, 8-9, 22-23 
Sharing with and caring for the poor, "the rod of anger will fail".
  • 🌏 ATFG561 / Online Resource / Tune In Part of a fam'ly interconnected / Community(Dave Brown) A song about being welcomed and how to work together as part of a community. "Part of a family interconnected, this is community; Welcoming strangers, visiting neighbours, this gives us dignity". Very singable song about building community. Good for kids. Free downloadable song book, lyrics and sound samples.
  • Tune In / Online Resource Cover us with love (Elaine Loukes) This song may not be easy for congregations to sing, but it is great to listen to. “Be our vision Lord, in a world that’s filled with greed”...Free downloadable song book, lyrics and sound samples.  
  • FFS48 May the anger of Christ be mine (Colin Gibson) Excellent words and very singable tune. Free sheet music and lyrics.
  • TiS 686 / ATE 292 Lord Jesus we belong to you / Because we bear your name (Robin Mann) Lyrics.
  • TiS 674 / Iona (Common Ground, Heaven Shall Not Wait) / A&M562 / CH253 / SP245 Inspired by love and anger (John Bell) Powerful lyrics, simple English folk tune. I love verse three “Don’t query our position! Don’t criticise our wealth! Don’t mention those exploited by politics and stealth!”. Lyrics.
  • TiS 640 / AHB 561 / ATE 310 / NCH498 / UMH432 / VU593 / WoV765 / ELW708 / HPP446 / GtG203 / PH367 / G(II)296 / GC409 / GC(II)429 / G(3)505 / CP504 / W&R273 / Cha600 / URW116 / 82Hml-602 / Lau241 / StF249 Jesu Jesu fill us with your love / Kneels at the feet of his friends (Tom Colvin & people of Ghana) Lyrics. Good for kids.
  • CH659 / MV173 / StJ / A&M566 / G(3)824 / W&R389 / SP251 / StF712 Put peace into each other’s hands (Fred Kaan) Good words for communion; tune is quite simple and flows nicely. Slow sound sample, sheet music with lyrics. Good for kids.
  • God Gives Bok 3  Love in our hearts (Rod Boucher)  Happy little song. Good for kids.
  • Iona (Common Ground, HSNW) / CH362 / GtG773 / Srce213 / StF701 Heaven shall not wait (John Bell / Graham Maule) Challenging, uplifting words to a simple anglo-celtic tune. "Heaven shall not wait for the rich to share their fortunes...". Lyrics (scroll down).
  • Recorded Music The sharing song (Jack Johnson) A cute song from the soundtrack to Curious George. It could work well if you sing the first few lines as a chorus with the kids, or you could play the recorded version during the offering (!). Lyrics and video. Good for kids.
Psalm 125
Trust in God, God’s surrounding protection
  • Tune In / Online Resource Shepherd of the night (Elaine Loukes) "Have you ever felt the velvet night wrap you in her warmth". A lovely song with a theme of God’s protection. This is tricky for a congregation, so you might want to ask the musicians to play this. Free downloadable song book, lyrics and sound samples.
  • PfAS125C Those who place on God reliance (Michael Morgan) I quite like this. It's kind of formal, with solid words and uses a lovely intuitive Hebrew melody HATIKVAH. 
  • PfAS125A Shalom shalom the peace of God be here (Bernadette Farrell) Excellent simple refrain, that could be used on its own, or as a Psalm refrain either with a cantored or spoken reading. "Shalom, shalom, the peace of God be here. Shalom, shalom, God's justice be ever near"; you could repeat it again at the end of the service as a blessing if you like. Sound sample (with different verses). Good for kids.
  • CH083 / A&M292 / GtG400 / PfAS122B / URW321 / StF026 / Lau992 I Rejoiced when I heard them say (Bernadette Farrell) This version is actually a setting of Psalm 122, but it is the same chorus as the above - so if you have these books, you can use the chorus as a refrain only which will still fit with Psalm 125. URW suggests passing the peace during the refrain if desired. Sound sample
  • AoVK-99 May the hope of God surround us (Donald Schmidt) Simple blessing; could be good for the end of the service.
  • Online Resource Peace, Salaam, Shalom (Pat Humphries) The Psalmist also prays for the peace of Israel, and so should we. This is a beautiful and simple chant with two optional obligato lines. The congregation could easily sing the basic round as a meditative focus, or as a round for kids. Good for kids. Sound samples and videos. Sheet music for purchase.
  • NCH Psalter 125 Do good, O God, to those who are good (VΓ©rne de la PeΓ±a) A simple cantored psalm for this psalm.
Alternative Hebrew Scripture: Isaiah 35:4-7a 
The desert blooms, the weak are strong, the blind can see etc.
  • 🌏 Tune In / Online Resource Making things new (Sheree Anderson). A groovy one. Great for kids, and lots of fun. Sound sample, lyrics and free songbook. Good for kids.
  • 🌏 VU023 / CP104 Joy shall come even to the wilderness (Israeli traditional) A traditional Israeli song. Excellent words and the tune is cool. Lyrics.
  • TiS 663 / NCH108 / CH241 / VU680 / GtG077 / PH337 / W&R532 Isaiah the prophet has written (Joy Patterson) Excellent words of Isaiah's vision for the future; I prefer to sing this to the tune JUDAS AND MARY (this is not the set tune in TiS). Lyrics (note: a different tune).
  • 🌏 AoV2-007 / AoVNG110 See I Make All Things New (Monica O'Brien / Trish Watts) I really love this song. “New, as night turns to morning, the spirit is calling I’m with you, I make all things new”. Lyrics and sound sample.
  • Online resource Behold I make all things new (Bruce Harding) A nice short song with a folky feel. Sound sample. Sheet music.
  • 🌏 AoV2-085 / Iona (T1AU) / MV115 / A&M328 / SP129 Behold behold I Make All Things New (John Bell) A nice hopeful upbeat short song. Highly recommended. Sound sample (scroll down) Good for kids.
  • G(II)249 / GC319 / GC(II)325 Close as tomorrow the sun shall appear / Walk in the Reign (Rory Cooney). I really like this one. “Close as tomorrow the sun shall appear. Freedom is coming and healing is near. And I shall be with you in laughter and pain to stand in the wind and walk in the reign”. Nice little lyrics twist there! The 4th verse mentions specific locations (Soweto, Gdansk, Tiannemen Square, The Bronx), which you could retain or change, as you feel appropriate. This sound sample gives it a bit of a gospel feel. Sheet music and lyrics.
  • MV144 / SP&P073 Like a healing stream (Bruce Harding) Gentle folksy ballad with a lot of water imagery - healing stream, gentle rain, river strong and mighty sea. Would need to be introduced, but would catch on pretty quickly, I think. Sheet music.
  • TiS 210 / AHB 141 / NCH42 / CH352 / UMH57 / VU326 / LBW42 / ELW295 / A&M742 / HPP74 / GtG610 / PH466 / CP306 / CP(E) 534 / W&R96 / Cha005 / Srce506 / 82Hml-493 / StF364 / MP496 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Charles Wesley) A classic. I particularly love NATIVITY for these words, and it's such a fun tune. Be careful with the words "ye dumb". Voices United has "Hear him you deaf, you voiceless ones, your tongues again employ" which is more respectful. We totally rocked this at church camp last year! Lyrics, sheet music.Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • ATA 205 What you hear in the dark (Dan Schutte) An older contemporary song. The 4th verse fits particularly well with this reading. I'm sure this doesn't have to sound as 1970s-folk-mass as this recording... Sound sample and lyrics.
  • SP&P020 We are waiting for you (Christopher Grundy) A gentle song of waiting. Would be good for the musicians to sing for the congregation during a meditative part of the service, or to commence the service. Lyric video.
Psalm for the Isaiah reading: Psalm 146 
God is great and cares for the widow, and brings justice etc.
  • Cha766 Blessed are the poor and needy for God's justice surely is theirs Simple, very familiar sung response, and responsive reading.
  • TiS 90 / AHB 44 / UMH60 / VU867 / GtG806 / PH253 / A&M673 / CP346 / CP(E) 473 / W&R79 / Cha20 / 82Hml-429 / StF079 / MP320 I'll praise my Maker while I've breath (Isaac Watts) A great classic hymn. Most sources are not inclusive; Voices United is! Lyrics and sheet music.  Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • URW357 Praise to the One who sets prisoners free (Elise Eslinger) A great tune, and the response can be sung in three parts, or as a round. Can be sung with one or two cantors / readers or without the cantors. The refrain alone as a round could be good for kids.
  • 🌏 Online Resource Hear the message we now are proclaiming / El mensaje que hoy proclamamos (Eleazar Torregosa) This jubilant Colombian song of liberty and new life for the poor and suffering would fit well with this reading. Good for kids. Free sheet music. Sound sample.
  • Psalm Project (2010) Hallelujah Hallelujah The god of Jacob (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A nice way to present this Psalm to the congregation; this would work during the offering for our congregation, or have the congregation (including the kids) sing the Hallelujah bits as a Psalm refrain. Note to BUC: I have this! Sound sample and lyrics.
  • G(3)093 I will praise the Lord all my days (Michael Joncas) A lovely Psalm refrain, very straightforward. The verses could be sung or read. Sound sample.
  • TiS 702 / NCH768 / SFFS 2014 / GC257 / GC(II)263 / G(3)331 / PfAS146B / Lau539 Alleluia 7 (Jacques Berthier) A very straightforward Alleluia that builds with energy. PfAS uses this as a refrain to a cantored (or read) version of Psalm 146. Sheet music and sound samples
  • WoV609 / GtG034 / SP&P055 / W&R735 / PfAS146B Hallelujah / Heleluyan (Muscogee / Charles Webb) Native American Hallelujah. I like it. It's simple and straightforward. It can also be used as a round (come in on each bar), and with a strong drum beat on 1 and 3. PfAS146 uses it as a refrain to Psalm 146. Sound recording
  • PfAS146B Hallelujah / Puji Tuhan (Christian Tamaela) A simple Bahasa Indonesian Alleluia set as a Psalm refrain for Psalm 146. It will need to be taught.
James 2:1-10, (11-13), 14-17 
Faith without works is dead. Do not favour the rich.
  • TiS 674 / Iona (Common Ground, Heaven Shall Not Wait) / A&M562 / CH253 Inspired by love and anger (John Bell) Powerful lyrics, simple English folk tune. I love verse three “Don’t query our position! Don’t criticise our wealth! Don’t mention those exploited by politics and stealth!”. Lyrics.
  • TiS 657 / CH263 / VU700 / A&M559 / AA50 / CP(E) 447 / Cha656 / SP242 God of freedom God of justice (Shirley Murray) Powerful lyrics. Can be sung to either TREDEGAR (new, but not too hard) or PICARDY (very familiar) or RHUDDLAN. Lyrics and sheet music (click on the PDF symbol).  New words to old tunes.
  • 🌏 ATAR680 May our lives and our prayers be one (Paul Somerville) Excellent words about the nature of prayer, and how it changes our lives. An excellent song to sing before prayers of the people. You could also use the chorus on its own. Sound sample.
  • Online Resource / AoVK-28 / ATOK 376 Faith hope and love (Trish Watts) This is so easy, and so cool. If you have some groovy musicians, this can even be a very funky rock song. Very easy, and great for kids and non-readers. Sound sample and purchasing options. Good for kids.
  • TiS 640 / AHB 561 / ATE 310 / NCH498 / UMH432 / VU593 / WoV765 / ELW708 / HPP446 / GtG203 / PH367 / G(II)296 / GC409 / GC(II)429 / G(3)505 / CP504 / W&R273 / Cha600 / URW116 / 82Hml-602 / Lau241 / StF249 Jesu Jesu fill us with your love / Kneels at the feet of his friends (Tom Colvin & people of Ghana) Lyrics. Good for kids
  • ATOK 412 / Iona (SBL, Common Ground) / CH250 / MV212 / A&M482 / GtG747 / SFFS 2184 / Lau855 / StF239 Sent by the Lord am I / Sent out in Jesus name / Enviado soy de Dios (Traditional Cuban) Great rhythm, good words and not too hard to sing (provided you sing it a little slowly the first time!) I prefer the MV translation "Sent out in Jesus' name". Good for kids. Lyrics.
  • Online Resource / TiS 414 / CH616 / NCH294 / UMH192 / VU582 / HPP134 / PH433 / GC550 / CP(E) 198 / Cha257 / StF398 There's a Spirit in the Air (Brian Wren, USA) A good song of getting the business of following Christ done. Speaking out, caring for others, being changed. Good, joyful tune too. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • God Gives 2 Faith is like a muscle use it and it will grow (Jane Dyson) This is a great song for kids, especially if you get them to flex their imaginary muscles. Good for kids.
  • God Gives 2 Don't just think about faith / Do it, do it, do it, do it (Rod Boucher) Groovy kid's song about taking action. Lots of repetition so great for little kids and non-readers. Good for kids.
  • Online resource I delight to do your will (Dean Spalding) This lovely simple chant is by Dean Spalding at Drouin Anglican. It's designed for repetitive singing, and builds beautifully with a number of (optional) parts. I'm not sure whether this is still accessible anywhere, but if you have a copy, now is the time to dig it out.
  • On the road / Online Resource Mystery of servant love (Ross Langmead) Excellent song, with much feeling about Christ's suffering, death, and servanthood, and our desire to live with the same depth of love for others. Lyrics.
  • 🌏 Online Resource / TiS 690 / CH259 / A&M557 / StS115 / SP237 / Srce54 / StF693 / MP806 Beauty for brokenness hope for despair / God of the Poor (Graham Kendrick) Themes of healing from personal and universal suffering and an emotive chorus. “Refuge from cruel wars, havens from fear, cities for sanctuary, freedoms to share, peace to the killing-fields, scorched earth to green; Christ for the bitterness, his cross for the pain”. It's a bit schmaltzy but very satisfying! Lyrics, sound samples, and sheet music purchasing options.
Mark 7:24-37
The Syrophoenician woman, healing the deaf man in secret. Christ's mission extends to the Gentiles. Messianic secret. A lot of the songs listed above will also work for this reading.
  • Online Resource / CH348 / StS001 / LBW196 / ELW843 / A&M762 / G(3)625 / CP397 / W&R93 / SP304 / URW090 Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness (Rusty Edwards) Good words of Christ's ministry to all. Can be sung to the familiar tune NETTLETON, or the less familiar and very lovely tune JOEL. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource She came to Jesus from outside the fold (Carolyn Winfrey-Gillette) Great words about this woman of faith. Sung to the familiar tune SLANE (the tune most commonly used for "Be thou my vision"). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • Iona (Love From Below / common ground) / CH718 / VU613 / A&M522 / GtG797 / G(II)401 / GC575 / GC(II)558 / G(3)657 / CP292 / CP(E) 348 / W&R628 / SP140 / URW146 / Lau433 We Cannot Measure How You Heal (John Bell) Really very excellent words to a very familiar celtic air. Easy to sing; be careful not to get too fast; it's tempting but the words need a slower tune. Sheet music sample. Sound sample.
  • TiS 638 / NCH175 / CH717 / A&M518 / GtG793 / PH380 / UMH265 / LBW380 / ELW675 / PH380 / CP291 / CP(E) 346 / W&R638 / Cha503 / Lau430 / StF653 O Christ the healer we have come (Fred Pratt Green) Beautiful words and simple to sing. Good for intercessions. I like the tune INVERCARRY best. Lyrics and sheet music (of an alternative tune)
  • Iona (Heaven Shall Not Wait) When our Lord walked the earth (John Bell) Familiar and easy tune, excellent words. Chorus is “Power to speak and heal, grace to know what’s real, wisdom, insight and faith, grace and understanding”. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • Seeds of Faith Jesus’ hands are Healing Hands (Trish and Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan). A simple and fun kid’s song.”Jesus hands are healing hands, full of love and grace”. Lyrics, sound sample. Good for kids.
  • CH198 / MV001 / HPP550 / A&M365 / GtG301 / GC753 / GC(II)741 / G(3)850 / SP176 / URW058/ Lau458 / StF409 Let Us Build a House / All are welcome (Marty Haugen) This song has wonderful lyrics of hope for what a Christian community can be like, and a chorus that joyfully says “All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place”. Sheet music sample. Sound sample.
  • TiS 210 / AHB 141 / NCH42 / CH352 / UMH57 / VU326 / LBW42 / ELW295 / A&M742 / HPP74 / GtG610 / PH466 / CP306 / CP(E) 534 / W&R96 / Cha005 / Srce506 / 82Hml-493 / StF364 / MP496 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Charles Wesley) A classic. I particularly love NATIVITY for these words, and it's such a fun tune. Be careful with the words "ye dumb". Voices United has "Hear him you deaf, you voiceless ones, your tongues again employ" which is more respectful. We totally rocked this at church camp last year!Lyrics, sheet music.Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • HiOS025 Ephphatha be opened my soul (Colin Gibson) Excellent words for this reading, asking for openness and the ability to hear, see and speak of God's recreation of the world. Fairly straightforward tune.
  • SP&P092 Empty jar clear and clean (Manley) A simple song, seeking the openness to receive God's spirit, like water rushing through.   
What ideas do you have? If you have some suggestions for any of the above readings, please join the conversation and post them in the comments below. I'd love to know what you're singing (or would like to sing...)  


Dean Spalding said...

Hi Natalie,
Also to go with the James 2:1-17 reading, Kendrick's "Beauty for Brokenness".
I shall try and put my "I delight to do your will" up somewhere easy to link to!
Kindest regards,

Dean Spalding

Anonymous said...

Love in our Hearts by Rod Boucher is from God Gives Songs for Kids Book 3

Unknown said...

There’s a Spirit in the Air (Brian Wren) is also in the NCH, 294. Thanks so much for your site!