Songs, Hymns, Music for Proper 11B / Pentecost 8 / Ordinary 16B (21 July 2024)

2 Samuel 7:1-14a
David’s house and God’s house
See also the suggestions for Psalm 89 (just below)
  • CH198 / MV001 / HPP550 / A&M365 / GtG301 / GC753 / GC(II)741 / G(3)850 / SP176 / URW058/ Lau458 / StF409 Let Us Build a House / All are welcome (Marty Haugen) This song has wonderful lyrics of hope for what a Christian community can be like, and a chorus that joyfully says “All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place”. Sheet music sample. Sound sample.
  • Brunswick Song Project Take this space (Dave Brown / Matthew Lees / Julie McKinnon) This song was written for the opening of our updated church space and it would be good to sing it again this week. Sound sample.
  • ATW 487 Make your home in me (Fay White). The chorus is simple, but the verses are somewhat tricky (maybe get a soloist to sing the verses). “If you fly to the point of the day’s sunrise or westward across the sea, if you travel to the uttermost ends of the earth, there I will be; Make your home in me as I make my home in you. I am everywhere that you can be. Make your home in me”. Sound sample (a solo version which makes it sound trickier...). Lyrics.
  • SongSelect In my father's house(Paul Somerville) A great song of unity, with an inspiring, and very singable chorus. Lyrics and sound sample (if you have a license). Good for older kids & teenagers.
  • Here in this place Here's a new day (Helen Wiltshire) Great words about the sacred space that we meet in, and our connections to each other. This book, published by Pilgrim Uniting Church in Adelaide is no longer available online, but if you have it, now would be a good time to find it. Lyrics (downloads a PPT). 
  • Online Resource In ruins where we sit and weep (David Bjorlin / Sally Ann Morris) Beautiful words about our brokenness, and God's grace, sung to a solemn and beautiful tune. Probably better for a soloist than a congregation. Sheet music and lyrics sample, and purchasing options. Sound sample.
Psalm 89:20-37   
God’s steadfastness and promise to David
  • Online Resource Forever I will sing the goodness of the Lord (ValLimar Jansen / Frank Jansen) A powerful and catchy gospel refrain, and verses which could be sung by a cantor, or you could use a reader. Sound and sheet music samples and purchasing options.
  • Online Resource I will sing of your love, love, love (Christopher Grundy) This is just so joyfully happy, and very catchy. "I will sing of your steadfast love for as long as I live". Lyrics and lyric video. Links to sheet music. Good for kids
  • TiS 46 / AoV2-96 / GA518 My peace be upon you for ever / I will sing forever of your love, O Lord (Christopher Willcock) A very nice paraphrase of the psalm. The refrain is very simple and inclusive and can be used for either a read or cantor-sung Psalm. “My peace be upon you forever, my love be within your heart, my Spirit will keep you safe all your days”. This is also in New Song in an Ancient Land Vol 1 (in the Liturgy Library at BUC). Lyrics and sound sample
  • Online Resource / CH018 / GtG715 The earth belongs to God alone (Adam Tice) Good words and a nice lilting tune. Care for creation, in the context of farming, which is often missed in the worship of city-dwellers! Sample sheet music and purchasing options. Sound sample.
  • ATE 216 / Iona (SBL) / CH126 / StJ / ELW555 / PH472 / G(II)365 / GC527 / RS 671 / CP417 / W&R15 / StF042 O sing to the Lord / Cantai ao Senhor / Cantad al Señor (Traditional Brazilian) A good, fun and simple song that is easy to learn in Portuguese or Spanish too; note that not all versions are inclusive. Some versions have multiple verses. Sheet music samplesGood for kids
  • AoV1-080 / ATA 150 / GtG276 / G(II)384 / GC538 / GC(II)544 / G(3)607 / URW296 / Lau697 Sing a New Song Unto the Lord (Dan Schutte) Good, joyous words and a simple joyous tune. It is not inclusive in all sources. Lead sheet and lyrics. Sound sample.
  • Emergent Psalter Blessed be God forever Amen and amen (Isaac Everett) An excellent simple refrain. Sheet music (refrain only - click on the "download" tab).
  • PfAS089B Forever I will sing (Marty Haugen) Simple Psalm refrain. Sound sample
  • MV147 God help us to treasure (John Oldham) Lovely words asking God to help us to just pay attention and remember how wonderful life is. Simple tune. Lyrics (scroll down).
  • TiS 666 / AoV2-113 / AoVK-126 / ATOK 409 / NCH526 / Iona (Common Ground, Freedom is Coming) / CH516 / VU646/647 / WoV650 / ELW866 / A&M483 / SFFS 2235 / HPP153 / GtG853 / G(II)357 / GC513 / GC(II)516 / G(3)594 / Cha442 / SP235 / Srce737 / StF483 / MP954 We are marching in the light of God / Siyahamba / Caminando (South African) A very popular chorus, with possible alternate verses, depending on your source. Sometimes people get anxious about the word "marching", but remember that this song comes from apartheid-era South Africa, where people were protesting so that they could vote in their own country. And the marching is toi-toing, much less militaristic than what you may imagine. Very cool Youtube choral version. Good for kids.
  • PfAS089D Forever we will sing (Michael Morgan / Martin Tel)  Very straightforward paraphrase. Formal old tune (GENEVAN 89). Lyrics (scroll down)New words to old tunes
  • NCH29 / Iona (SBL) / GC538 / G(II)385 Let heaven your wonders proclaim (John Bell) This simple folk tune style tune has good, inclusive words. NCH and Iona books have a lovely arrangement for the verses, but it can also be sung in unison; especially nice with guitar if you have a guitarist in your congregation. Sound sample.
Alternative Hebrew Scripture: Jeremiah 23:1-6 
Bringing together the remnants of the flock; Looking forward to a world that is just
  • TiS474 / AoV1-012 / ATE 295 / CH623 / SFFS 2236 / HPP553 / A&M363 / GtG401 / G(II)539 / GC839 / GC(II)743 / G(3)848  / CP465 / W&R649 / Cha284 / SP175 / URW054 / Lau475 / LUYH529 Here in this place new light is streaming / Gather us in (Marty Haugen). Excellent words, very well known. “Nourish us well and teach us to fashion lives that are holy and hearts that are true”. Lyrics and lead sheet.
  • AoV2-139 / GA525 / SP&P045 Gather us O God Body spirit soul and mind (Monica Brown) Very simple song. Would work well as a gathering chant. "Gather us O God, Body, spirit, soul and mind. Gather us, O God, One in union now with you". Lyrics and sound sample
  • Online Resource / MV007 Gather us in ground us in you (David Hann) A simple chant which would be great for a quieter invitation to worship. Also works in French. English lyrics. Sheet music (for part singing). Good for kids
  • AoV1-071 / GA530 / GC(II)742 / G(3)837 / Lau462 Gather Your People (Bob Hurd) Excellent eucharistic theology; it's very Lordy. Sound sample. Lyric and sheet music sample.
Psalm for the Jeremiah reading Psalm 23
The Lord is my shepherd. Again.
  • Online Resource You are my shepherd (Bernadette Farrell) Gosh, this is lovely. A peaceful refrain with an optional cantor line. Thanks to the Anonymous reader who suggested this by commenting. Sound sample and sheet music for purchase.
  • TiS 10 / AHB 16 / AoV1-144 / NCH479 / Iona (Common Ground) / CH14/16 / UMH136 / VU747/8 / StS099 / LBW451 / ELW778 / GA473 / HPP55 / GtG801 / PH170 / CP519 / CP(E) 594 / W&R86 / Cha078 / Srce662 / Lau806 / StF480 / MP660 The Lord's my Shepherd I'll not want / God is my shepherd (Scottish Psalter) It's not inclusive, but I think it's more than a sentimental favourite. NCH, VU and Chalice all have an inclusive language version. Traditional lyrics and sound sample. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • MV126 Are you a shepherd? (Ruth Duck) Good and joyous. Lots of images of God: shepherd, teacher, mother, father. We sung this once last year, and it would be good to do it again. A catchy chorus, but it does need to be taught. Lyric video. Good for kids.
  • ELW438 / HPP52 / GtG803 / PH172 / Cha080 / PfAS023A / 82Hml-664 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need / My Shepherd You Supply My Need (Isaac Watts) I quite like this version of the 23rd Psalm, although hymnals vary widely in how inclusive their lyrics are; I prefer the Chalice version. The tune (RESIGNATION) is from Southern Harmony. Chalice also has a nice responsive reading (Cha081) that fits with this version. Lyrics & sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • Cha734 (I) / URW244 My shepherd you supply my need and holy is your name (Isaac Watts) Responsive psalm with sung refrain to the tune of the first line of BROTHER JAMES' AIR. Lyrics to the old hymn on which this is based.  Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • Online Resource / Tune In Like the sun upon my skin / God’s Mercy (Sheree Anderson) A beautiful ballad about identifying God's mercy in the beauty of creation. Free downloadable songbook, sound samples and lyrics.
  • NCYC'07 Lead me on (Paul Gioia) A pretty cool gospel rock song. Sound sample.
  • Online Resource / Tune In / ATAR596 He comes with his arms open wide / The God that I know (Sheree Anderson) A ballad drawing on God’s strength and comfort; not easy if unfamiliar. Free downloadable songbook, sound samples and lyrics.
  • PfAS023I My shepherd is the Lord / El Señor es mi pastor (Ricardo Villarreal) I like this tune, and the paraphrase is good. It's particularly good for Spanish-speaking (or bilingual) congregations; it's fine in English too. Could also use the verses with a cantor. Sheet music.
  • CH716 / VU374 / FFS10 / SFFS 2128 / W&R477 / Cha575 Come and find the quiet centre (Shirley Murray) A good song for the beginning of worship. We usually sing it to BEACH SPRING (TiS 493). Lyrics and sound sample. New words to old tunes. 
  • Online Resource / AoV1-033 / WoV690 / ELW423 / SFFS 2058 / GtG473 / G(II)29 / GC31 / GC(II)23 / G(3)035 / PfAS023H / Lau951 Shepherd Me O God (Marty Haugen) A nice reworking of the 23rd Psalm. The verses are a little challenging, so I would use the chant on its own: “Shepherd me O God beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life”. Lyrics and sheet music sample. Sound sample and paid download options. Or you could use Cha734(ii) / PfAS023G which use only the chorus, as a Psalm refrain.
  • ACS954 / CH355 / VU210 / HPP81 / GtG274 / GC(II)525 / G(3)628 / CP630 / W&R99 / URW098 You Lord Are Both Lamb and Shepherd (Sylvia Dunstan) Beautiful words. Can be sung to many tunes. I like it to PICARDY or WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Lyrics and sound samples. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource Surely Goodness and Mercy (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A gentle psalm refrain with a read psalm. Breathy sound sample, lyrics; sheet music available for purchase.
  • W&R655 / URW202 Come Away from Rush and Hurry (Marva Dawn) Excellent words of resting in a sacred space to the familiar tune BEACH SPRING (TiS 493). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 011 / AHB 98 / UMH137 / GA025 / G(3)034 My shepherd is the Lord (Joseph Gelineau) Of the two listed here, I prefer Response 1. A good alternative if you would like to use a cantored Psalm. Sound sample.
  • Online Resource Breathe in the morning air (Helen Wiltshire) Lovely words for a soloist to sing at the start of a morning service to welcome the congregation. Sung to LOVE UNKNOWN, or could be sung to DARWALL'S 148th. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • G(II)458 / GC654 / GC(II)628 / G(3)725 With a Shepherd's Care (James Chepponis) Very nice words with feminine and masculine images for God. Would be very straightforward to sing. Sound sample of a fairly formal version.
  • URW444 Go in peace walk in love (Trilby Jordan) A lovely blessing song that can be sung as a round. Sound sample (go to the very end of the video - 1:01:27).
  • Taizé / GtG814 / CP563 / PfAS062D In God alone my soul can find rest and peace / Mon ame se repose (Jacques Berthier) A beautiful healing chant from Taize. Words and music and sound samples for learning the parts Good for kids.
  • Online Resource / Resounding Voices Our shepherd comes in loving care (Jane Aldridge-Clanton) Feminine imagery for Psalm 23, set to the familiar tune BROTHER JAMES' AIR. It's really nice. New words to old tunes. Free book download here.
  • FFS39 It all depends on where I'm going (Colin Gibson) Good words of God's constant presence through all of life's travels, sung to a simple Celtic-style tune (TE HORO). Lyrics.
  • Online Resource / Resounding Voices / VT044 We long to know her the maker of heaven (Jacque Jones) Rich feminine imagery of God as creator, wisdom and bringer of justice. Sung to a tune that may be familiar (STAR OF THE EAST). Free book download here. New words to old tunes.
  • Recorded Music 23rd Psalm (Bobby McFerrin) A beautiful feminine rendering of the Psalm. From the album Medicine Man. Listen to it here on Youtube. If you'd like to sing it, it's also in the Unitarian Universalist book "Singing the Journey" and "Music for Liturgy" from St. Gregory of Nyssa.
  • Online Resource All of my days (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A gentle song with the chorus "All of my days, God's mercy follows". Would be simple to have the congregation join in on the chorus. Breathy sound sample, lyrics; sheet music available for purchase.
  • Online Resource Surely Goodness and Mercy (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A gentle psalm refrain with a read psalm. Breathy sound sample, lyrics; sheet music available for purchase.
  • Online Resource I am the Good Shepherd I'll watch when you're weary (Leigh Newton) Not immediately easy for a congregation to sing, but it would be wonderful for them to listen to. Lyrics and Youtube.  
Ephesians 2:11-22 
Christ is our peace and unites us to one another. No more division, all are welcome
  • Online Resource / Tune In Peace In Our Time (Dave Brown, Australia) A groovy bossa nova song of peace and action for peace. Free downloadable song book and sound samples.
  • URW196 / StF652 Lord we come to ask your healing (Jean Holloway) Good words to speak peace in times of division, verse 3 also speaks about unity in communion. Sung to the familiar tune AR HYD Y NOS. Video with lyrics and lovely scenery. New words to old tunes
  • VU359 / AA059 / W&R454 / STB205 / Online Resource He came singing love (Colin Gibson, New Zealand) A lovely image and reasonably straightforward song. Might need to be taught. Lyrics.
  • MV169 When hands reach out beyond divides (Keri Wehlander / Linnea Good, Canada) Can be sung to a range of tunes. "When fear no longer guides our steps and days of war are done, God's dream for all shall live anew; our hearts will heal as one". Lyrics (scroll down).
  • TiS 778 / UMH666 / Cha436 Shalom to you (Elise Eslinger) A simple song of peace to a traditional Spanish melody (SOMOS DEL SEÑOR). Lyrics. Sound sample.
  • CH198 / MV001 / HPP550 / A&M365 / GtG301 / GC753 / GC(II)741 / G(3)850 / SP176 / URW058/ Lau458 / StF409 Let Us Build a House / All are welcome (Marty Haugen, USA) This song has wonderful lyrics of hope for what a Christian community can be like, and a chorus that joyfully says “All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place”. Sheet music sample. Sound sample.
  • STB262 Christ Is Our Peace (Shirley Murray, New Zealand) Beautiful words of peace - this melody by I-to Loh is hauntingly beautiful; it will need to be taught. Keep the instrumentation simple. Lyrics.
  • NCH054 / VU397 / WoV750 / LBW88 / ELW322 / PH471 / CP396 O praise the gracious power (Thomas Troeger) Good words of the world's salvation and the way the cross breaks down all that divides us. Sung to a tune that will need to be taught. Lyrics. Sound sample and lyric video.
  • TiS 672 / GA554 Lord of earth and all creation (Honor Mary Thwaites / Michael Rayner Thwaites) A call for renewal of creation and all God's created people in Australia; it can be a little nationalistic, so check the lyrics. Two possible tunes. The newer tune is good, but if your congregation can't do a new tune this week, it can also be sung to WESTMINSTER ABBEY which is very well known. Sound sample. New words to old tunes (if you want).  
  • Online Resource Build a longer table (David Bjorlin, USA / French Carol) Excellent words about making space and making welcome for refugees; sung to the familiar tune NOEL NOUVELET. Or you could use a new tune! Sound sample, lyrics and sheet music preview and purchasing options. New words to old tunes. Here is the version with the new tune! Sound sample of the new tune.
  • Online Resource / GWA082 Here and now we're bound together (Ally Barrett, England) Good solid words about working together through all the changes and differences we hold. Most appropriate for the end of the service. It is sung to a familiar tune (HYFRYDOL). Lyrics, sound sample, and sheet music for purchase. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 129 / AHB 56 / AoV1-029 / ATA 131 / NCH547 / CH555 / UMH378 / VU266 / LBW448 / ELW779 / A&M587 / GA437 / HPP334 / GtG649 / PH280 / G(II)434 / GC612 / GC(II)586 / G(3)645 / CP352 / CP(E) 375 / W&R422 / Cha546 / ZSS202 / Srce25 / Lau846 / StF440 / MP031 Amazing grace how sweet the sound (John Newton) I once was lost... I think you all know this one. Nice youtube of some Sacred Harp singing, and a story. I love the recording of G Yunipingu singing this in Yolngu. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • NCH332 / VU457 / ELW522 / SFFS 2268 / HPP528 / GC(II)738 / G(3)839 / CP061 / W&R695 As We Gather at Your Table (Carl Daw) Could be sung to HOLY MANNA, BEACH SPRING or NETTLETON, all very popular hymn tunes (did I mention that two of them are Sacred Harp tunes?), particularly good if you are celebrating communion this week. Lyrics and sheet musicNew words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource O Spirit send doubt (David Bjorlin / Sally Ann Morris) A contemporary and thoughtful melody and lyrics that celebrate how faith grows through doubt and questions. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options.  
  • Iona (Sent By The Lord) / CH275 / VU34 / ELW247 / A&M029 / SFFS 2232 / GtG103 /  CP588 / W&R157 / SP10 / URW415 / LUYH905 Come now O Prince of peace / O-So-So (Geon-yong Lee) A lovely simple and gentle song, inclusive for God and people. One of very few songs from Asia in Western hymnals. Sound sample.
  • AoV1-106 / UMH376 / WoV774 / ELW753 / GtG752 / G(II)528 / GC730 / GC(II)724 / G(3)822 / CP562 /  Cha297 / URW443 / 82Hml-712 / Lau904 Dona Nobis Pacem (Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart?) This is very well known, and would fit well with this reading. Sound sample, sheet music, lyrics and historyGood for kids.
  • Taizé / TiS 713 / Cha296 Dona nobis pacem domine / cordium (Jacques Berthier) There is a specific cantor line for Psalm 85 to go with this prayer of peace. Sound samples and sheet music for the refrain
  • Iona (M&G) / ATAR609 / CH359 / MV033 / GtG137 / ZSS54 / StJ / ELW253 / GA293 / SFFS 2085 / G(II)276 / GC370 / GC(II)364 / G(3)429 / CP368 / W&R402 He came down that we may have love / Jesus came bringing us hope (Traditional Cameroon) A lovely simple song - you can make up words and have a lot of fun with this if you also use some drums. Lyrics. Video with lyrics. Good for kids.
  • CH656 / VU477 / PH507 / CP060 / A&M448 / GtG515 / CP(E) 305 / W&R706 / Cha420 / SP217 / URW120 / StF588 I come with joy a child of God (Wren) A good and jubilant communion hymn. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • AoV1-129 / CH665 / UMH620 / VU467 / ELW701 / HPP525 / A&M461 / GtG530 / G(II)599 / GC830 / GC(II)813 / CP073 / W&R689 / Cha393 / Lau832 One bread, one body (John Foley) A classic. Don't play it too slow or it takes forever!! Particularly appropriate if you are celebrating communion. Lyrics and sound samples.
Mark 6:30-34, 53-56
Jesus and the disciples go away and come back again. The cycle of work and rest.
  • FFS028 God rest us (Michael Leunig) I would love it if we could all teach this beautiful song to our congregations, so that they can call on it when they are tired. "God rest us. Rest that part of us which is tired. Awaken that part of us which is asleep. God awaken us, and awake within us. Amen". Perfect. Slow. Lyrics.
  • AoV2-049 My Soul Is At Rest (Trish Watts) This is just completely beautiful. It is also on Trish's album "Invokation". Lyrics and sound sample.
  • AoV1-085 / GtG474 / Lau453 / PfAS131E Like a child rests in its mother's arms (Christopher Walker) A very beautiful and simple refrain; works well on its own. Note that GtG and PfAS have removed the beautiful rest in the 2nd bar of the song, which is one of the things I love about it! I'm quietly outraged... Sound sample and sheet music for (paid) download (including the "restful rest")
  • TiS 33 / VU779 Rest in God alone (Robert Batastini) A lovely simple and inclusive refrain that could be used on its own for this reading since it's actually a Psalm setting. Sound sample (go to 8:09 to find it in the service)
  • Taizé / GtG814 / CP563 / PfAS062D In God alone my soul can find rest and peace / Mon ame se repose (Jacques Berthier) A beautiful healing chant from Taize. Words and music and sound samples for learning the partsGood for kids.
  • TiS 737 / Iona (Common Ground, HSNW, T1AU) / A&M516 / SP142 / URW427 / Lau437Lord Jesus Christ lover of all (John Bell) A beautiful and simple chant. Note that some versions (T1AU at least) have a beautiful 4 part harmony arrangement with excellent moving parts in the lower registers. Would work well during intercessions or during times of movement in the service. Sound sample
  • Online Resource For the good of our being / we rest (David Bjorlin / Sally Ann Morris) An excellent, restful song that takes the call to rest seriously - for ourselves and for our planet. Sound sample. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options.   
  • Online Resource Some days / Sabbath Song (Marion St / Gabi Cadenhead) This is great at connecting restful practice with protest and how it's challenging. Recorded music. Sheet music.
  • Online Resource Let there be rest (Hannah Brown / Benjamin Brody / Adam Tice) This song, which focuses on sabbath as a time of rest is very beautiful and I think would be great if you choose to focus on the practice of resting. Sheet music sample and purchasing options.   
  • VU305 Into the unshaped silence (S Curtis Tufts) Lovely words of a new day, a day of rest, and care for the earth. You could choose just one verse and sing it as a round. Lyrics.
  • FFS37 In the quiet of the day (Shirley Murray) A simple tune, and beautiful words about moving into a time of worship, and the peace that time apart gives us. Lyrics.
  • StF150 This is the day of rest to use as God intended (John Bell) A hymn with excellent words about the Sabbath, as gift from God, feast of Christ, and time for the Spirit to bring change. The tune is new and will need to be taught, but should be picked up fairly quickly. Sound sample (tune only).
  • AoV1-056 / CH217 / GA541 / G(II)551 / GC761 / GC(II)750 / G(3)859 / URW201 / Lau881 God of Day and God of Darkness (Marty Haugen) This song is specific for evening services, but lovely words and set to a familiar tune (BEACH SPRING). I often think this is only good for an evening service, but the image of darkness and night doesn't have to be taken literally, and the call to rest at the end of the last verse would be good for those who take the celebration of Sabbath as a call to rest. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • W&R655 / URW202 Come Away from Rush and Hurry (Marva Dawn) Excellent words of resting in a sacred space to the familiar tune BEACH SPRING (TiS 493). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • CH716 / VU374 / FFS10 / SFFS 2128 / W&R477 / Cha575 Come and find the quiet centre (Shirley Murray) A good song for the beginning of worship. We usually sing it to BEACH SPRING (TiS 493). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • Recorded music Labouring and resting (Karine Polwart and Pippa Murphy) The reading made me think of this song, which I love, about how geese fly, taking turns to lead (labouring) and to move behind (resting). I think this says a lot about how we should live as a community. "Stepping up, falling back, labouring, and resting". Sound sample.
That's enough from me. What will you be singing? I'd love to hear your ideas too. Please add a comment below!


Rod Horsfield said...

Focusing on the Ephesians reading we'll be sharing the peace and then singing TiS 445 (Jesus where e'r your people meet)to begin. As a dismissal song we are going to gather people around the table and sing one another out with TiS 778 (Shalom to you).
Really appreciate your site Nat

Unknown said...

Natalie, love your site - I used it a lot when I was at the WCC. You need to find 'Until all are fed' by Tommy Brown and Bryan McFarland. It's fantastic. If you don't have it I can send you a copy. Fits the gospel reading perfectly.

Anonymous said...

Scripture in Song actually has Psalm 89 in song form. It's number 307 in the blue/second volume. Any idea how this goes?

Pam said...

"Come and Find the Quiet Centre" Voices United 374 - words: Shirley Erena Murray, tune: BEACH SPRING is a lovely companion piece to Mark's Gospel passage.

Ken Wells said...

a 9 snuck in...Cha78 The Lord's my Shepherd I'll not want Thank you for your resource and updates

Lectionary Singer (Natalie Sims) said...

Thanks Ken! Fixed it!

marilyn said...

We're all about a dwelling place and the foundations here this week. We're singing "Dwelling Place" by John Foley.

JenniferBH said...

Natalie, your site has been a very important and helpful resource for me since I discovered it (wish I had sooner). Thank you so much for putting it together. Tomorrow we'll be singing some from this site, and also - from the NCH - 321 – “Break Now the Bread of Life” (Mark 6) and 247 – “My Shepherd Is the Living God” (Psalm 23)