1 Samuel 8:4-11, (12-15), 16-20, (11:14-15)
Adam and Eve afraid of God after eating the apple
The people want a king as ruler instead of God, even though kings are rotten; This wasn't easy to find songs for - the
Psalm below will also fit.
God is great, strengthens us, protects us, God regards the lowly
- Taizé / AoVNG125 / MV146 / GC(II)637 / G(3)740 / PfAS024D The Kingdom of God is justice and peace and joy in the holy spirit (Taize community) "Come, Lord and open in us the gates of your kingdom". A nice joyful Taize chant. Sheet music and sound samples of parts for practice. Good for kids.
- Online Resource / Tune In Kingdom Come (Matthew Lees) A song about what the kingdom might be like, with plentiful images from the parables. Downloadable song book and sound samples.
- NCYC'97 Insansa ku mwamba (Traditional Zambian) A good African song. Joy in God's Kingdom, Joy in God, Joy in Heaven. NCYC'97 has an extra vocal part which is really simple and effective. Good for kids.
- TiS 745 / AoV1-048 / ATN 34 / SiS96 / CH641 / UMH405 / VU356 / WoV783 / GA456 / HPP370 / PH333 / GtG175 / GC615 / GC(II)600 / CP458 / W&R349 / Cha354 / Srce593 / StF254 / 82Hml-711 / MP590 Seek ye first the kingdom of God (Karen Lafferty) A classic. Versions vary widely in the inclusiveness of their versions. A tip: GA, WoV and VU have all made this gender inclusive for God by simply replacing "his righteousness" with "God's righteousness". And "We do not live by bread alone". Words from Theresa of Avila. Thanks to James Douglas for this suggestion. Sound sample (masculine God version). Oldy-but-a-goody.
God is great, strengthens us, protects us, God regards the lowly
- NCH Psalter Great is the glory of God A very simple refrain for a chanted (or read) Psalm.
- Linnea Good I lifted my voice and spoke your name, your word of answer swiftly came a very simple congregational response to the Psalm being spoken. It would be great to do this. Need a confident reader who can preferably lead the singing, or an attentive musician to come in at the right spot. Good for kids.
- Emergent Psalter They shall sing of the ways of the Lord (Isaac Everett) Simple psalm refrain and Psalm spoken over music in between the refrains. Sheet music (antiphon only).
- GC(II)700 / G(3)799 Lord you lead through sea and desert / You are strong you are holy (Sylvia Dunstan) Simple version of this psalm with a strong chorus. I don't know if our congregation would like it though. Sheet music. Sound sample.
- Iona (SBL) / CH140 / MV181 / WoV727 / ELW554 / G(II)341 / GC495 / StB178 Lord Your Hands Have Formed This World / The Earth is the Lord's (Ramon Oliano) Good words of creation to a lovely, and not too difficult, Phillippino melody. Lyrics (first verse only)
- ATW 480 On the day I called (Bernadette Farrell) A simple and pretty lovely song. Sound sample.
- TiS 86 / Srce793 With my whole heart I will praise you O Lord (Arlo Duba) This refrain is fine. Verses should be read, perhaps while playing quiet chords underneath. Make sure to keep the chords quiet enough so they are not too distracting.
- NCH085 / SFFS 2082 / Cha623 / ZSS105 Woke Up This Morning (African-American Spiritual) A great Spiritual. If you don't have one of these sources, you can just make it up from this video. This could be a good Sunday to make use of those choir stalls... Good for kids. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- Recorded Music The Garden (Bobby McFerrin) This song is about the Garden, and the Fall, and I think the lyrics fit well for this reading; would be useful to project the words and some images for this? Video and lyrics.
- AA042 From the apple in the garden (Shirley Erena Murray) If you choose to focus on this reading, this hymn good be a good way to link the story of the Fall with the whole of Salvation History. Lyrics and sheet music.
- Tune In / Online Resource God is walking in the garden (Dave Brown) A gentle song, and the first verse refers to this reading. Downloadable song book, lyrics & sound samples. Good for older kids.
- AoV2-070 / ATW 496 / MV090 / StJ Don't be afraid (John Bell) Excellent. I love this song of reassurance. "Don't be afraid, my love is stronger. My love is stronger than your fear". This song can be used as a response to intercessions. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- FFS62 The Lord God walked in Paradise (Colin Gibson) This tune is quite tricky, but the words are very appropriate for this reading. Lyrics & sheet music.
- Protest and Praise / Online Resource Two trees rose from the garden ground (David Bjorlin / Benjamin Brody) A reflection on trees which starts with the choice of the tree of good and tree of evil, leads to the tree on which Jesus dies, and ends with the restoration of Eden. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options.
- Online Resource At the height of success / The Fall is a grace (David Bjorlin / Benjamin Brody) Challenging words about how falling and failing are part of spiritual growth. Not so much a congregational song, but would work well for a time of reflection. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. Sound sample.
Out of the depths I cry to you O Lord
- Iona (Sent By the Lord) / MV066 Senzenina? / What have we done? (South African) This beautiful chant from South Africa asks the question that we often ask when things go wrong beyond belief. It's important to know what the song means when singing it. If you have some part-singers in your congregation, this would be particular good. It's good to let people ask this question. It is also on the soundtrack for "The Power of One" so you could also play the recorded music if appropriate. Free sheet music.
- Recorded Music Out of the depths (Sinéad O'Connor) A sensitive and heart-felt version of this Psalm. From the album Theology. Youtube video. Lyrics.
- TiS 683 / WoV735 / ELW603 / W&R416 / StF649 God when human bonds are broken (Fred Kaan) These words pick up an unusual theme, and fit really well with this reading. There are a couple of possible tunes, none of which are immediately familiar, but they are not difficult either. Lyrics.
- SFFS 2136 / NCH554 / GA227 / VU611 / G(II)636 / GC877 / Cha510 Out of the Depths O God we call to you (Ruth Duck) A simple and honest hymn, which sings this Psalm from the perspective of a community trying to work out its faith together. Excellent words and the tune is quite straightforward. Lyrics and video.
- Taizé / CH276 / VU22 / GtG090 / ELW262 / GA283 / A&M053 / G(II)256 / GC332 / GC(II)340 / G(3)406 / CP094 / W&R166 / PfAS037B / SP28 / URW396 / Lau088 Wait for the Lord (Jacques Berthier) Wait for the Lord whose day is near, wait for the lord, keep watch, take heart. A lovely simple Taize chant. Sheet music, translations and sound samples.
- PfAS130E In deep despair I cry to you (Joy Patterson) Good words of hope, sung to the familiar and lovely tune MORNING SONG. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / AoVK-58 We wait in hope for the Lord (Nathaniel Ford) Simple a cappella round "We wait in hope for the Lord, God is our help and our shield. And so our hearts rejoice, for we trust in God's holy name". Sound and sheet music sample, and purchasing options. Good for kids.
- PfAS103B Out of the depths (Kathleen Harmon) A nice refrain. "Out of the depths I cry to you O Lord".
- G(3)143 With the Lord there is Mercy (Michael Guimont) A simple refrain to a cantor- or reader-lead reading. Sound sample.
- Cha762 From the depths I cry to you God listen hear my voice (Goodrich) Simple sung response, and responsive reading.
- Protest and Praise / Online Resource In our deepest grief / We wait for you (David Bjorlin / Randall Sensmeier) A beautiful song of waiting, even in sorrow and fear; not so easy to sing - I would use a soloist. Songbook for purchase. Sound sample (I prefer it to be a little more tentative than this).
Online resource Out of the Depths (Bruce Harding)
A simple four part arrangement which would be nice if you have a choir
or quartet that could sing this. Sound sample and sheet music.
- Online Resource / NCH472 / UMH474 / VU670 / R297 / ELW875 / HPP434 / GtG834 / PH404 / G(II)637 / GC874 / GC(II)847 / G(3)955 / CP509 / W&R500 / Cha628 / LUYH465 Precious Lord take my hand (Thomas Dorsey) A classic gospel song. Free sheet music. Lyrics. Sound sample. Story.
TiS 667 / G(II)415 / GC591 How shall I sing to God
(Brian Wren) The words are excellent, but neither the tune in TiS or Gather
hymnals is straightforward because of the difficult meter; this might be
a good song for your musicians to present to start teaching the
congregation so they can remember it in more difficult times. Lyrics and sheet music for the TiS version.
- PfAS130G For you my God I wait (Adam Tice) A good reflective song, needs to be played quite slowly and meditatively I think. Sound sample.
- Online Resource Out of the depths (Thomas Keesecker) Although arranged for choir, this song is simple and repetitive enough to be used as a meditative song for congregational worship. Sound sample, PDF sample, and purchasing options.
- GA077 / GC128 Out of the depths / I place all my trust in you O God (Gelineau) The original response from Gelineau. Very simple. Words to the response are "I place all my trust in you O God, all my hope is in your saving word".
- G(II)113 / GC127 / GC(II)71 / G(3)87 Out of the Depths / With the Lord There Is Mercy (Gelineau / Haugen) This response is also quite simple, but a slightly different emphasis. "With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption". Not all versions are inclusive Sound sample and sheet music.
- TiS 81 Out of the depths / With the Lord there is Mercy (Gelineau / Carroll) Simple response is "With the Lord there is mercy and fullness of redemption". We have used this once at Brunswick Uniting and it went quite well. Sound sample.
Value in non-earthly things; having trouble finding songs for this...
- Online Resource Come watch for the green that shows after a fire (Hannah Brown) Beautiful words about renewal, set to the familiar tune COLUMCILLE. Sheet music sample and lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- GC(II)647 / G(3)749 / Lau949 Where Your Treasure Is (Marty Haugen) This song is based on this passage, and nearby verses. Quite easy to sing, particularly if the congregation only joins in on the chorus. Lyrics and partial sheet music. Sound sample.
- Taizé / TiS
739 / AoV2-041 / ATOK 404 / VU290 / GA269 / SFFS 2054 / GtG820 / G(II)451 /
GC639 / GC(II)626 / G(3)733 / CP568 / W&R421 / URW388 / Lau947 / LUYH444/ VF088 Nothing Can Trouble / Nada te turbe (Theresa
of Avila / Taizé) Excellent and quite well known Taizé chant. Spanish
lyrics are not too hard for non-Spanish speakers. Sheet music, sound samples, lyrics and translations. Good for kids.
- NCH34 / Iona (SL) / CH138 / SgTJ1065 Nourished by the rainfall the earth can come alive / Flowers of every colour now raise their heads in pride / As the rain is falling / Alabanza (Pablo Fernandez-Badillo) Complex words, but a simple repetitive tune. Inclusive, earthy. Great for a temperate Springtime, or a rainy, greening Winter. There are quite a few different English translations of this Puerto Rican song. I particularly like the version in Church Hymnary / Hymns of Glory Songs of Praise. midi sample.
- NCH590 / CH621 Spirit of Jesus, if I love my neighbour (Brian Wren) Challenging
words of offering help from a position of privilege and seeking to be
set free from the entrapment of possessions “If I am hugging safety or
possessions, uncurl my spirit as your love prevails, to join my
neighbours, work for liberation, and find my freedom at the mark of
nails”. Could also be sung to the tune PERFECT LOVE if your congregation
would have trouble with the newer tune. Lyrics and sheet music.
- AoV1-132 / ELW524 / GA479 / GtG404 / G(II)541 / GC748 / GC(II)736 / Cha289 What Is This Place where are we meeting? (Hubertus Oosterhuijs) Words about communion; sharing bread and wine with each other, and being bread and wine for each other. Lyrics & sound sample.
They think Jesus has gone crazy; he rejects his family, but embraces his new community.
- MV178 / AA158 / SFFS 2225 / SP&P215 / W&R602 / Cha486 / ZSS91 Who Is My Mother Who Is My Brother (Shirley Murray) Lyrics are really solid and inspiring. Sources vary widely with the tunes they provide. MV is a swung tune, which will need to be taught, but here are three others from Hope publishing (and the lyrics). I quite like the last one (Schrader). There is also a really great tune from Douglas Simper in his book "Singing the Journey".
- Online Resource / ATFG561 / Tune In: Part of a fam'ly interconnected / Community (Dave Brown) A song about being welcomed and how to work together as part of a community. "Part of a family interconnected, this is community; Welcoming strangers, visiting neighbours, this gives us dignity". Very singable song about building community. Works well for kids as well. A big favourite at Brunswick Uniting. Good for kids. Downloadable song book, lyrics & sound samples.
- Unusual Resource / Online Resource We are the people that God has called (Elizabeth Smith) Excellent words of what it means to be a family. Lyrics (downloads a pdf). New words to old tunes.
- Worldmaking.net Brother Jesus right beside me (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) This is a great rock song, good for little kids and older kids too. We haven't sung this for a couple of years, and it would be good to do it again. Lyrics and a very silly sound sample that does no justice to the song at all. Good for kids.
- TiS 650 / ATA 191 / CH694 / A&M604 / NCH539 / VU595 / ELW659 / AA08 / SFFS 2222 / HPP442 / GtG727 / G(II)476 / GC683 / GC(II)661 / G(3)751 / CP500 / CP(E) 393 / W&R391 / Cha490 / SP263 / URW117 / Lau924 Brother, sister, let me serve you / Won't you let me be your servant? (Richard Gillard) I think you all know this one. Lyrics. NCH has a nice turn on the lyrics with "Won't you let me be your servant?" as the first line.
That's it from me. If you have any suggestions of your own to make, please add a comment below.
Updated on a sunny balcony in Loutraki, Greece in 2024.
For 2 Corinthians 4:13-5:1
"What is This Place Where We Are Meeting" words: Huub Oosterhuis, tr. David Smith, music KOMT NU MET ZANG (apparently an old Dutch Anabaptist hymn)
Evangelical Lutheran Worship # 524
Glory to God: the Presbyterian Hymnal #404
Gather Comprehensive #748
Sound sample and lyrics (and a critical comment) at http://www.sixmaddens.org/?p=1520
Hi Natalie,
For the gospel reading you could use Elizabeth Smith's 'We are the people that God has called'. Number 51 in Songs for a Hopeful Church. ...and God is our father and mother and friend, and Jesus our brother, whose love can't end, and the Spirit has countless blessings to send - this household, the church, means love.
Hi Natalie,
For the Samuel reading, TiS 745 - Seek ye first the Kingdom of God kinda fits.
"Who is my mother, who is my brother" - from my limited musical ability - seems to be able to go with the tune to "Morning has broken" too
we'll sing :True faith needs no defence" MV 136 thinking of Corinthians
we'll sing :True faith needs no defence" MV 136 thinking of Corinthians
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