Exodus 33:12-23
Moses seeks assurance of God’s presence. God revealed, but only just!
God of justice, God is holy, worship at the mountain.
This Psalm has lots of concepts in it, so I've only chosen a couple of particularly pertinent songs; you may wish to include a Sanctus (that's fancy-talk for "Holy Holy").
I have called you, and I'm a bit scary sometimes
Sing a new song!
Whose image is on the coin? Whose image is on you?
Moses seeks assurance of God’s presence. God revealed, but only just!
- Tune In / Online Resource Like the sun upon my skin / God’s Mercy (Sheree Anderson / David Brown) A beautiful ballad about identifying God's mercy in the beauty of creation. Lyrics, sound sample and free downloadable songbook.
- NCH70 / UMH660 / VU389 / WoV719 / ELW526 / A&M445 / HPP486 / GtG409 / PH461 / GC741 / GC(II)737 / G(3)843 / CP(E) 301 / W&R1 / Cha280 / STB049 / StF025 God is here as we your people (Fred Pratt Green). Great lyrics, but not inclusive in all sources and set to a range of tunes. I like it sung to the familiar tune ABBOT'S LEIGH. Lyrics, sound sample and sheet music sample. New words to old tunes.
- Tune In / Online Resource Tune in (Natalie Sims) A simple kid’s song. “Tune in, tune in, there’s a message coming in.” Encourages kids to look and listen for signs of God’s love. Lyrics, sound sample and free downloadable songbook.
- TiS 132 / AHB 65 / NCH277 / CH651 / UMH64 / VU315 / LBW165 / ELW413 / A&M276 / HPP243 / GtG001 / PH138 / G(II)332 / GC475 / GC(II)483 / CP001 / CP(E) 202 / W&R136 / Cha004 / Srce243 / 82Hml-362 / Lau468 / StF011 / MP237 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty (Reginald Heber) Old other-worldly language, but a surprisingly inclusive (in most hymnals) classic, and a great rousing hymn tune. Different resources have slightly altered lyrics. A surprisingly non-inclusive sample can be found here. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 143 / AHB 80 / NCH1 / CH132 / UMH103 / VU264 / A&M676 / LBW526 / ELW834 / HPP37 / GtG012 / PH263 / GC507 / CP(E) 474 / W&R48 / Cha066 / ZSS4 / Srce296 / 82Hml-423 / Lau725 / StF055 / MP327Immortal invisible God only wise (Walter Chalmers Smith). An oldy-but-a-goody. "In light inaccessible hid from our eyes". Lyrics, tune sample. Words are mostly inclusive for God's gender, but for the last verse which our congregation usually sings as "Great Father of glory, pure Mother of light", except for the last time we sang it. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- VU304 / URW088 O God beyond all face and form (Herbert O'Driscoll) Good lyrics to a very familiar tune (ST PETERSBERG). Note that verse 3 uses the phrase "our race" which means the human race, but it sort of reads a bit odd, so you might want to just skip that one. Lyrics (downloads a PDF). New words to old tunes.
God of justice, God is holy, worship at the mountain.
This Psalm has lots of concepts in it, so I've only chosen a couple of particularly pertinent songs; you may wish to include a Sanctus (that's fancy-talk for "Holy Holy").
- TiS 753 / StS034 / ATFG558 / ELW525 / SP&P082 You are holy you are whole (Per Harling) A fun and joyous latin-rhythmed song; can also be sung with two parts at the same time. Lyrics and sheet music. Good for kids.
- GtG596 You are holy you are whole (Per Harling) An adaptation of the above song - the last few lines have been changed to say "Sing Hosanna in the highest, sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna to our God"; makes it much more like a Sanctus. Good for kids.
- TiS 58 Be exalted O God, above the heavens! Let your glory over all the earth be found (Jane Marshall) An excellent refrain to the Psalm for this week. The cantor line is not totally inclusive so will need some attention.
- TiS 723 / AoV2-092 / ATOK 381 / Iona (M&G, Common Ground) / CH769 / UMH65 / VU944, VU951 / StJ / GtG594 / ELW473 / SFFS 2007 / G(II)395 / GC563 / W&R737 / Cha111 / ZSS48 / Lau723 / StF779 Holy holy holy / Santo santo santo (Argentinian folk song) Better in Spanish. A nice quiet devotional song. If you are singing in Spanish, and would prefer not to sing the masculine "Santo eres Senor" some versions have "Santo eres Dios" or "Santo eres tu", which makes it more of a personal approach to God. Good for kids. Sheet music samples.
- Emergent Psalter O mighty God lover of justice (Isaac Everett) A catchy refrain, that got stuck in my head for days after I ran through it. Can be sung with the Psalm read over instrumentation. Sample sheet music (click on "downloads"). Good for kids.
- Online Resource This is the moment here is the place (Hannah
Brown / Benjamin Brody) A good song of welcome which talks about the
mystery of worship; sung to a lovely new tune in 6/8. There are enough
verses for the congregation to pick it up the first time. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options.
- Cha751 To God all people give thanks (Jack Fox) Joyful Latin-rhythmed sung response and responsively read Psalm. I think it would be fun to do a responsive Psalm with a sung response.
- Iona (Love From Below) / CP424 Sing praise to God on mountain tops (John Bell / Graham Maule) A song of praise to God for the beauty of creation to a traditional English tune (THE VICAR OF BRAY). Sheet music sample. New words to old tunes.
- MV 60 / Cha026 / STB112 God, we give you heartfelt praise / Chú goán kámsia oló Lí (Timothy Tan) A lively round from Taiwan. “God we give you heartfelt praise, mercy and love you show us daily, blessed always be your name”. While based on Taiwanese harmonic modes, it is not too hard for Western singers to pick up. Would work well to receive the offering. Good for kids.
- TiS 132 / AHB 65 / NCH277 / CH651 / UMH64 / VU315 / LBW165 / ELW413 / A&M276 / HPP243 / GtG001 / PH138 / G(II)332 / GC475 / GC(II)483 / CP001 / CP(E) 202 / W&R136 / Cha004 / Srce243 / 82Hml-362 / Lau468 / StF011 / MP237 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty (Walter Chalmers Smith) Old other-worldly language, but a surprisingly inclusive (in most hymnals) classic, and a great rousing hymn tune. Different resources have slightly altered lyrics. A surprisingly non-inclusive sample can be found here. Oldy-but-a-goody.
I have called you, and I'm a bit scary sometimes
- NCH604 / MV167 Hush hush somebody's calling my name (Traditional African-American) I really like this song. I'm not sure how it would work as a congregational song, though, since I've never been in a congregation that has sung it. I know some musicians who would love to sing it though - especially that deep "Hush" bit. Youtube version from a Ry Cooder album.
- MV161 I have called you by your name
(Daniel Damon) This is a great song for confirmations, ordinations,
commissionings, but also ordinary Sundays. Easy, natural tune and good
words about having courage to follow where God leads. Lyrics and sheet music.
- AoV1-114 / HPP376 / G(II)430 / GC608 / GC(II)596 / G(3)683 / W&R430 / Lau964 You shall cross the barren desert / Be not afraid (Bob Dufford) Beautiful words based on Isaiah 43, but would also work well for this passage. Well known (at least, the chorus). Verses may be tricky. Lyrics.
Sing a new song!
- Recorded Music New Song (Audrey Assad) A lovely song about needing to find a new song to sing, and still praising God as well. Catchy. Youtube.
- BUC Song Project Sing, Sing with me (Julia Potter) A fun song for kids about being part of God's family. Good for kids.
- Tune In / Online Resource We will sing a new song to the world (Dave Brown) An energetic song about the gospel. Lyrics, sound sample and free downloadable songbook.
- PfAS096C Let the heavens rejoice (Tim TenClay) A joyous Psalm refrain. Would work well on its own as an acclamation or call to worship as well.
- PfAS096G Sing to the Lord no threadbare song
(Carl P Daw) Just lovely words and a joyful 6/8 tune. "Sing to the Lord no
threadbare song, no time-worn, toothless hymn!". I really quite like
this one. Lyrics and sample sheet music.
- NCH009 / StJ / ELW791 / SFFS 2001 / CP523 We Sing to You O God (Gracia Grindal) Good hymny hymn with inclusive lyrics of praise. A good opening hymn. Nice descant part also; can also be sung to DARWALL'S 148th as it is set in URW29 where it is New words to old tunes. Lyrics.
- PfAS096F Sing to the Lord a new song (Scott Soper) Good simple and inclusive words to the familiar tune ES IST EIN ROS ENTRSPRUNGEN. Fairly plain, but good. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 54 O praise the Lord all you nations (Christopher Willcock) Cantored version of the Psalm.
- TiS 704 / AoV2-090 / NCH760 / Iona (M&G) / CH824 / VU431 / WoV786 / ELW846 / SFFS 2067 / GtG598 / G(II)369 / GC536 / W&R741 / ZSS56 / URW398 / StF770 Amen We Praise Your Name O God / Siakudumisa (South African) A simple and popular Amen. Not wild about the GIA hymnals English version. Sheet music sample. A choral version, which is very nice, but not very gutsy.
- TiS 166 / AHB 102 / GA398 / StB035 Sing a new song sing a new song (James McAuley) Excellent inclusive words from an Australian poet. The last verse annoys me a bit, but the rest is excellent. Lyrics.
- MV 180 Sing, Sing Out! Sing a new song (Jim Hannah)
An excellent two-part round. It’s worth teaching it to your
congregation so they can sing it with confidence and break into two
parts. Alternately, you could have a small group sing it in canon with
the rest of the congregation. Lyrics.
- Taizé / GC(II)533 Sing to God with joyful hearts / Singt dem Herrn (Jacques Berthier) A joyful round. Works well in English and German, and probably other languages too. Sound samples, sheet music and lyrics here.
- CH207 Grant now your blessing upon this offering (Rolando Tinio) Simple short song from the Philippines for receipt of the offering that alludes to this Psalm. Sung to a familiar tune (HALAD, also used for "Our God in Heaven grant to your children"). Sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- ATE 216 / Iona (SBL) / CH126 / StJ / ELW555 / PH472 / G(II)365 / GC527 / RS 671 / CP417 / W&R15 / StF042 O sing to the Lord / Cantai ao Senhor / Cantad al Señor (Traditional Brazilian) A good, fun and simple song that is easy to learn in Portuguese or Spanish too; note that not all versions are inclusive. Sheet music samples. Good for kids!
- AoV1-130 / SFFS 2223 / HPP495 / GtG300 / G(II)533 / GC735 / GC(II)728 / G(3)835 / W&R595 / Cha494 We are one in the Spirit / They’ll know we are Christians by our love (Peter Scholtes) A classic 60's song of unity and being an example to others. It's still pretty groovy, I reckon. Older version are really masculine. We often syncopate it a bit at Brunswick. Note that the 3-6 Sunday School class learned this song this term, so would be good to use. Lyrics and pretty silly sound sample. Good for kids.
- AoVK-40 / NCH524 / UMH585 / ELW677 / A&M808 / HPP466 / G(II)358 / GC514 / GC(II)514 / G(3)591 This little light of mine (Traditional) The AoVK version has excellent verses that actually make the chorus make sense, but will need to be practiced. Check them out if you have a copy. In the meantime, watch Bruce Springsteen sing it here. It's amazing... Good for kids. Oldy-but-a-goody.
Whose image is on the coin? Whose image is on you?
- TiS 686 / ATE 292 Lord Jesus we belong to you / Because we bear your name (Robin Mann). A straightforward and practical song asking God to help us to follow Christ well, with a refrain of "because we bear your name". Lyrics.
- TiS 671 / AoV2-121 Made in God's Likeness (Patricia Lewis / Alister Spence) "Called to create a new world for the Lord". Excellent images of rainforest birds praising God. This is one of my very favourite songs. It is not difficult if you have a good musician at the helm. If it is new to your congregation, they will be able to join in on the verses by the time you get to the 3rd one. The change in tone with the verse really lifts this song. Lyrics and sound sample.
- Online Resource / ATOK 383 / AoV2-057 May we see Christ's loving face / Icon of grace (Trisha Watts and Monica O’Brien) A beautiful chant. This would be excellent this week, as it picks up both the theme of bearing Christ’s likeness, and the idea that we cannot see God’s face except in the face of Christ; it also works extremely well with a simple slow drum beat (DUM ta-ka DUM ta-ka). Sound sample, sheet music samples and purchasing options. Good for kids.
- NCH585 / CH254 / Cha681 / AA106 / GtG759 / PH385 O God we bear the imprint of your face. (Shirley Erena Murray) Excellent words about the human family, and a plea for an end to racism and divisions. I'm not wild about the tune in the NCH (ROSEBERRY); others are better. Lyrics
- Iona (LFB) / CP424 Sing praise to God on mountain tops (John Bell) A song of praise to God for the beauty of creation to a traditional English tune (THE VICAR OF BRAY). Words are simple and good for older kids who can read. Note particularly in the final verse “God’s image in each child of earth shall never pale or perish. So treat with love each human soul and thus God’s goodness cherish”. Lyrics (on page 24 of this very interesting church newsletter). New words to old tunes.
- SP&P118 Imago Dei (Jill Kirsten Warner) This energetic song has a simple groovy chorus about being made in God's image, and good verses about what that might mean. Good for kids.
- Online Resource Baited, the question rose (Carl P Daw) Excellent words set to the standard hymn tune DIADEMATA. Thanks to Jennie Gordon for this suggestion. Lyrics.
- Online Resource Imago Dei
(Richard Bruxvoort Colligan) A simple chorus with simple verses. Very catchy! Lyrics, sound sample, lyric video, and purchasing options.
Hi Natalie,
thanks again for your wonder-filled resource. I've just found 'Singing the New Testament' published by the Calvin Institute of Christian Worship. It's got some great new words to old tunes and they have a goodie for this week - 'Baited the question rose' to DIADEMATA ,
blessings, Jennie
Hi, and thank you for all you do. O God, We Bear the Imprint of Your Face is actually #681 in the Chalice Hymnal. You had it listed as #254 (Breathe On Me, Breath of God). I truly appreciate your work!
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