Songs, Hymns & Music for Proper 18A / Ordinary 23A / Pentecost +15 (September 10, 2023)

Looking for Season of Creation Resources? There are some suggestions on this page if you are following the 2023 theme of "Let Justice and Peace Flow" I have highlighted songs that are particularly appropriate within the lectionary with a globe of the earth 🌏. You may also like to see the suggestions for the Amos 5:24 reading (on this page - scroll partway down). If you are using the earlier version of Season of Creation, or are looking for additional Creation-themed songs, click here for Land Sunday (Season of Creation 2A)
Exodus 12:1-14
The explanation of the Passover. Sacrifice of the Lamb. 

  • The best suggestion I have is to intentionally use an Agnus Dei in your service this week in particular. There is an extensive list here .
  • Online Resource Remember God your promises (David Bjorlin) Sometimes we just need God to be God, and to look after all the suffering in the world. Excellent words to an old tune from Thomas Tallis which is unlikely to be familiar, but it very beautiful. Lyrics, sheet music sample, and purchasing options. Sound sample of tune (different words). New words to old tunes.
Psalm 149
Praise God. Stuff about vengeance.
  • Online Resource / Tune In Now's the time and now's the day / We will sing a new song to the world (Dave Brown) An energetic song about the gospel, about singing all the new tunes and rhythms that God provides and creating a new earth. A good sending-out song. Sound sample, lyrics and free downloadable songbook. 
  • TiS 95 We Praise you, O Lord / Sing a new song to the Lord (Christopher Willcock) A good cantor-led psalm, with a joyous response.
  • MV 180 Sing, Sing Out! (Sing a new song) (Jim Hannah) An excellent two-part round. It’s worth teaching it to your congregation so they can sing it with confidence and break into two parts. Alternately, you could have a small group sing it in canon with the rest of the congregation. Lyrics. Good for kids.
  • URW368 Give praise to the Lord and sing a new song (1912 Psalter) A very simple Psalm refrain, set with a responsive reading.
Alternative Hebrew Scripture: Ezekiel 33:7-11
Turn back to God!
  • AoV1-030 / GA213 / G(II)282 / GC386 / GC(II)405 / G(3)484 / Lau842 Come back to me / Hosea (Gregory Norbet) Quite beautiful song of return to God. Nice sung sound sample. Lead sheet.
  • ATOK 331 Turn to me with all your heart (John Ylvisaker) I like this one, unfortunately I can't find lyrics or sound samples online.
  • GA304 / G(II)283 / GC389 / GC(II)410 / G(3)478 / Lau193 Return to God with all your heart (Marty Haugen)  "Return to God with all your heart, the source of grace and mercy" Verses may need a cantor. Lead sheet. Sound sample.
  • Traditional / Cha579 It's Me It's Me O Lord / Standing in the Need of Prayer (African American) Can be sung either as a personal song "Not my brother, not my sister but it's me O Lord", or could be a communal song "It's my brother AND my sister AND it's me O Lord". Laid back instrumental sound sample (youtube).
Alternative Psalm Psalm 119:33-40
Give us life in God's way; teach us your ways; keep us on the path
  • Online Resource / BUC Song Project Grant us a wise and discerning heart (Shawn Whelan) A simple chant-like song. Great for churches who are facing difficult decisions, and it's really good to sing before a Church Council meeting too! Free sheet music and sound sample.
  • Iona (We walk his way) / G(3)517 / StF775 We walk his way / Ewe Thina (South African) A joyful, simple South African song. Sound sample.
  • Iona (WWHW) / MV223 We will go with God / Sizohamba naye (Traditional Swaziland) A simple Zulu song from Swaziland. Good for the end of the service. Video with pronunciation and parts. Note that MV has a different set of English words; neither are a direct translation. Sound sample of a more traditional version. Good for kids.
  • NCH Psalter 119 (Elaine Kirkland) This is a very good arrangement of Psalm 119. The refrain is “Teach me, O God, the way of your statutes” and can be sung in 4 parts. Note that there are three sections. This week's reading is on p701.
  • Recorded Music Flourishing (Psalm 119) (Sandra McCracken) This is a lovely gentle reworking of this Psalm which might be good for listening to during a service.  I'm enjoying listening to it now, anyway... Lyrics and download options.
  • Online Resource / GWA080 / MV045 / SP&P051 Hamba nathi (Zulu / Xhosa) There are a lot of translations of this South African song. I like "Come with me for the journey is long", even though the original language simply means "Go with us our Saviour"! Sound sample. Sheet music. Here's how it was sung for the soundtrack of Invictus; you wouldn't do all these variations with a congregation though! Good for kids.
  • Linnea Good / MV008 And on this path (Linnea Good) An energetic gospel style song. Here's a youtube video. We sing it much slower than this and as a gospel style song with big chords and a groovy bass part. I thought I'd never say that we sing something slower than anyone! Good for kids.
  • URW143 The Grace of God is like a road (Michael Hudson) Really beautiful words sung to a very familiar Celtic hymn tune (THE GIFT OF LOVE, which is very similar to O WALY WALY). Highly recommended. I would even print these words for the congregation to take home with them and meditate with during the week. A good song to sing after the sermon. We sang this once, three years ago when we read this passage. Would be good to sing it again. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • ATN 84 / NCH490 / CH539 / UMH521 / LBW660 / WoV660 / ELW325 / HPP433 / GtG775/ PH363 / CP512 / W&R506 / Cha627 / ZSS69 / URW110 I want Jesus to walk with me (African-American) I don't usually suggest Jesus songs for the Hebrew Scriptures, but this is such a beautiful song, and so meditative, I couldn't not suggest it. I especially like Eric Bibb's version. You could just play this, if you like. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • NCYC07 Labyrinth (Paul Chalson / Andrew Winton) A beautiful song about walking with God through all times. "To the heart of all that's sacred and to the margins we will walk the path with you". Excellent words. Not easy for a congregation, but if you have good musicians, they can sing it as a prayer for the congregation.
  • NCYC09 Understanding through you Lord (Heather Price) A prayer for peace seeking understanding of suffering, and that our leaders gain understanding. Nicely written tune, very catchy once you've got it. I don't think it would be difficult for a younger congregation, but they may need to hear it first. Sound sample. 
  • GtG064 I long for your commandments (Jean Janzen) Good words that pick up many of the themes of Psalm 119. You may like to introduce it this week, and sing it again in the weeks to come as we keep reading the Psalm. The tune is very old and quite lovely. Sheet music
  • TiS 430 / AHB 337 / Cha324 / StF164 Your words to me are life and health (G Currie Martin) I really like this old hymn. It’s a bit old fashioned, but it still works, I think. Lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
    Romans 13:8-14
    Love your neighbour. Live honourably
    • 🌏 Online Resource / ATFG561 / Tune In Community (Dave Brown) A song about being welcomed and part of a community. Sound sample, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.  Good for kids. "Part of a family interconnected, this is community; Welcoming strangers, visiting neighbours, this gives us dignity". Also, for Season of Creation "Care for the earth and sea - we need to keep them free". 
    • 🌏 Online Resource For all beings without speech (Julie Perrin / Shawn Whelan) Let's not forget that God speaks through beings that do not use words. The creatures of earth are also our neighbour. Lyrics, sound samples (including one with lots of bird and other nature sounds), and sheet music.
    • TiS 468 / NCH309 / PH436 We are your people Spirit of grace (Brian Wren) I really like the lyrics to this one. The tune is a bit funny and the hymn is quite long - needs something to stop people plodding through it; maybe split the singing into male/female or different sides of the congregation. Sheet music and lyrics.
    • TiS 629 / AHB 558 / AoV2-136 / ATA 197 / CH544 / VU600 / Lau888 / StF256 When I needed a neighbor were you there (Sydney Carter) A classic folk church song. Lyrics. Good for kids. Oldy-but-a-goody.
    • TiS 630 / AHB 554 The law of Christ alone can make us free (James McAuley) …and love is the fulfilling of the law. A good song with excellent words from an Australian poet. Not entirely inclusive. The tune may be tricky if not familiar, so you may need to introduce the melody to your congregation. Sound sample. Lyrics (with a few typos).
    • TiS 650 / ATA 191 / CH694 / A&M604 / NCH539 / VU595 / ELW659 / AA08 / SFFS 2222 / HPP442 / GtG727 / G(II)476 / GC683 / GC(II)661 / G(3)751 / CP500 / CP(E) 393 / W&R391 / Cha490 / SP263 / URW117 / StF611 / Lau924 Brother, sister, let me serve you / Won't you let me be your servant? (Richard Gillard) I think you all know this one. Lyrics. NCH has a nice turn on the lyrics with "Won't you let me be your servant?" as the first line.  Oldy-but-a-goody..
    • NCH590 / CH621 Spirit of Jesus, if I love my neighbour (Brian Wren) Challenging words of offering help from a position of privilege and seeking to be set free from the entrapment of possessions “If I am hugging safety or possessions, uncurl my spirit as your love prevails, to join my neighbours, work for liberation, and find my freedom at the mark of nails”. Could also be sung to the tune PERFECT LOVE if your congregation would have trouble with the newer tune. Lyrics & sheet musicNew words to old tunes.
    • NCH541 They asked “Who’s my neigbor and whom should I love?” (Jan Wesson) Great words, and a simple folkish tune that’s a bit like Sydney Carter’s hymn tunes. Challenging words that pick up the good Samaritan reading, but also very appropriate for this week’s reading. Sheet music and lyrics.
    • Online Resource / ATW 498 / Iona (T1AU) / MV 196 / SP&P182 / URW438 We will take what you offer (John Bell) An excellent simple short song that works well either as an upbeat chorus or as a reflective chant. "We will take what you offer. We will live by your word. We will love one another. And be fed by you Lord". Sheet music sample and purchasing options. Good for kids.
    • ATOK 390 Put on love every day, never hide your love away (Mary Lu Walker) A groovy song. Sound sample. Good for kids.
    • TiS 640 / AHB 561 / ATE 310 / NCH498 / UMH432 / VU593 / WoV765 / ELW708 / HPP446 / GtG203 / PH367 / G(II)296 / GC409 / GC(II)429 / G(3)505 / CP504 / W&R273 / Cha600 / URW116 / 82Hml-602 / Lau241 / StF249 Jesu Jesu fill us with your love / Kneels at the feet of his friends (Tom Colvin & people of Ghana) Lyrics. Good for kids Oldy-but-a-goody.
    • 🌏 ATA 184 Spring follows winter (love is the law) (Robin Mann) Lovely words to a familiar traditional English (?) melody. Perfect for Southern Hemispherites - it's the 2nd Sunday of Spring! There is a Father in the last verse, but is inclusive other than that. Lyrics (downloads a pdf).
    • Online Resource Grace beyond our brightest dreaming (Adam Tice) Excellent words. I love the phrase "Share the grace of vibrant living". Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options.
    • TiS 416 Great God your Spirit like the wind (Alan Gaunt) Excellent words asking for God to shake us out of our complacency and give us compassion. I really wish it was set to a different tune - it is set to JERUSALEM and this seems to suck all the power out of the lyrics for me. It is also quite lovely sung to YE BANKS AND BRAES. Thanks to HotDigitalDog (whoever you are) for that suggestion! Lyrics (scroll down). New words to old tunes.
    • 🌏 NCH089 / 82Hml-009 Awake awake to love and work (Geoffrey Studdert-Kennedy) Easy to sing and wonderful words of getting up and getting going in doing what's needed. I especially like the 3rd verse. Sung to the familiar tune MORNING SONG. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
    Matthew 18:15-20
    Instructions for resolving conflict. God’s presence where there are few gathered together.
    • TiS 477 / Iona (LFB, Common Ground) / CH510 / StJ / GA529 / A&M450 / CP059 / SP218 / URW056 / StF028 Jesus calls us here to meet him as through word and song and prayer (Graham Maule) Good words and a rollicking or gentle Celtic tune (depending on how you play it!). Don't get too gentle though, or it is very hard to sing. Notice that there should not need to be a breath after EVERY line! Lyrics and sheet music (downloads a PDF) 4th verse (not in TiS, but in Iona sources) leads to communion. “Jesus calls us to confess him Word of life and Lord of all, sharer of our flesh and frailness saving all who fail or fall”.
    • Online Resource Het bot ba to ba'a ba kotba / Where two or three are gathered (Bayiga Bayiga) This simple song from Cameroon would be lovely to sing. Free sheet music. Good for kids.
    • 🌏 Online Resource God is found in teeming jungles (David Bjorlin) A hymn about God being present in all things, including things that do not feel good at the time. Set to the familiar tune PLEADING SAVIOUR. Sheet music sample and options for purchase. New words to old tunes.   
    • NCH70 / UMH660 / VU389 / WoV719 / ELW526 / A&M445 / HPP486 / GtG409 / PH461 / GC741 / GC(II)737 / G(3)843 / CP(E) 301 / W&R1 / Cha280 / STB049 / StF025 God is here as we your people (Fred Pratt Green). Great lyrics, but not inclusive in all sources and set to a range of tunes. I like it sung to the familiar tune ABBOT'S LEIGH. Lyrics, sound sample and sheet music sample.New words to old tunes.
    • ELW341 / SFFS 2187 / G(II)549 / GC759 / GC(II)752 / G(3)857 / W&R627 / Cha471 / Lau675 Now it is evening / At evening (Fred Pratt Green) A song of justice and caring for others who are lonely, hungry in the city. The set tune is really good and simple, but it can also be sung to BUNESSAN. Mostly makes sense for evening services only, but maybe it could work in the morning…? Lead sheet. Sound sample.
    • Online Resource / Like a Healing Stream / MV014 / SP&P042 Where two or three are gathered (Bruce Harding) A simple round. I really like this, and it would be great for a smaller congregation to start worship. Good for kids“Where two are three are gathered in my name, I am there, I am there”. Sound sample and free sheet music.
    • STB070 Jesus come dwell within our yearning hearts / Jishu esho amar antore (Samar Das) This song from Bangladesh has lyrics in Bengali and English. I think it would work well to sing the chorus and the repeated sections in Bengali if you can, and the rest in English, or sing part in English and part in Bengali. Sheet music sample.
    What will you be singing? Please add your ideas in a comment below!


    HotDigitalDog said...

    Hi Natalie,

    Just wondered if you'd come across the pairing of "Great God your Spirit like the wind" with the Scottish folk tune YE BANKS AND BRAES - I think it has the right lyrical quality for the words.

    Ken Wells said...

    Now it is evening / At evening I am simply subbing "Now we are leaving" for the first line since our services in Sioux City IA are 10:30AM Central ending 1130 or so...

    Anonymous said...

    Where Charity and Love Prevail (ELW 359/ GG 316/ UMH 549) Tunes: ST. PETER; TWENTY-FOURTH; CHRISTIAN LOVE (Benoit).