Songs, Hymns & Music for Epiphany 7A (February 23rd 2020)

Leviticus 19:1-2, 9-18
How to live a holy life: honesty, compassion, justice, love for neighbours
  • TiS 657 / CH263 / VU700 / A&M559 / AA50 / CP(E) 447 / Cha656 / SP242 God of freedom God of justice (Shirley Murray) Powerful lyrics. Can be sung to either TREDEGAR (new, but not too hard) or PICARDY (very familiar) or RHUDDLAN. Lyrics and sheet music sample. New words to old tunes. There is also a nice tune from Douglas Simper in his book if you'd like something quite new, but still hymn-like.
  • TiS 607 / AoV2-126 / ATN 95 / CH528 / VU684 / StJ / A&M725 / SFFS 2171 / HPP406 / GtG753 / G(II)524 / GC726 / GC(II)721 / G(3)828 / CP(E)519/ W&R587 / Srce 462 / Lau898 / StF707 / MP456 Make me a channel of your peace (Sebastian Temple). Lovely. Nice if you can just start a capella...  Youtube video of Sinead O'Connor singing it and lyricsOldy-but-a-goody.
  • AoV1-050 Act Justly (Monica O'Brien / Trish Watts) Simple chant-like chorus, and strong verses. I love this one. We have not sung this for quite some time at BUC
  • ATOK 390 Put on love every day, never hide your love away (Mary Lou Walker) A groovy song for kids! Good for kids.
  • TiS 629 / AHB 558 / AoV2-136 / ATA 197 / CH544 / VU600 / Lau888 / StF256 When I needed a neighbor were you there (Sydney Carter) A classic folk church song. Well known and fits well with this theme. "And the creed and the colour and the name won't matter"... Lyrics. Good for kids.
  • HiOS095 Love is your way (Shirley Murray) Great tune and good lyrics for a prayer of confession about losing our way and being accountable to each other. Easy energetic tune. 
  • Online Resource / ATFG561 / Tune In Community (Dave Brown) A song about being welcomed and part of a community. Sound sample, lyrics, and free downloadable songbook. Good for kids .
  • NCH590 / CH621 Spirit of Jesus, if I love my neighbour (Brian Wren) Challenging words of offering help from a position of privilege and seeking to be set free from the entrapment of possessions “If I am hugging safety or possessions, uncurl my spirit as your love prevails, to join my neighbours, work for liberation, and find my freedom at the mark of nails”. Could also be sung to the tune PERFECT LOVE if your congregation would have trouble with the newer tune. Sheet music and lyrics. New words to old tunes
Psalm 119:33-40
Give us life in God's way; teach us your ways; keep us on the path
  • BUC Song Project Grant us a wise and discerning heart (Shawn Whelan) A simple chant-like song. Great for churches who are facing difficult decisions, and it's really good to sing before a Church Council meeting too.
  • Iona (We walk his way) / G(3)517 / StF775 We walk his way / Ewe Thina (South African) A joyful, simple South African song. Sound sample.
  • Iona (WWHW) / MV223 We will go with God / Sizohamba naye (Traditional Swaziland) A simple Zulu song from Swaziland. Good for the end of the service. Video with pronunciation and parts. Note that MV has a different set of English words; neither are a direct translation. Sound sample of a more traditional version. Good for kids.
  • NCH Psalter 119 (Elaine Kirkland) is a very good arrangement of Psalm 119. The refrain is “Teach me, O God, the way of your statutes” and can be sung in 4 parts. Note that there are three sections. This week's reading is on p701.
  • Recorded Music Flourishing (Psalm 119) (Sandra McCracken) This is a lovely gentle reworking of this Psalm which might be good for listening to during a service.  I'm enjoying listening to it now, anyway... Sound sample and purchase options. Lyrics.
  • Online Resource / GWA080 / MV045 / SP&P051 Hamba nathi (Zulu / Xhosa) There are a lot of translations of this South African song. I like "Come with me for the journey is long", even though the original language simply means "Go with us our Saviour"! Sound sample. Sheet music. Here's how it was sung for the soundtrack of Invictus; you wouldn't do all these variations with a congregation though! Good for kids.
  • Linnea Good / MV008 And on this path (Linnea Good) An energetic gospel style song. Here's a youtube video. We sing it much slower than this and as a gospel style song with big chords and a groovy bass part. I thought I'd never say that we sing something slower than anyone! Good for kids.
  • URW143 The Grace of God is like a road (Michael Hudson) Really beautiful words sung to a very familiar Celtic hymn tune (THE GIFT OF LOVE, which is very similar to O WALY WALY). Highly recommended. I would even print these words for the congregation to take home with them and meditate with during the week. A good song to sing after the sermon. We sang this once, three years ago when we read this passage. Would be good to sing it again. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • ATN 84 / NCH490 / CH539 / UMH521 / LBW660 / WoV660 / ELW325 / HPP433 / GtG775/ PH363 / CP512 / W&R506 / Cha627 / ZSS69 / URW110 I want Jesus to walk with me I don't usually suggest Jesus songs for the Hebrew Scriptures, but this is such a beautiful song, and so meditative, I couldn't not suggest it. I especially like Eric Bibb's version. You could just play this, if you like. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • NCYC07 Labyrinth (Chalson / Winton) A beautiful song about walking with God through all times. "To the heart of all that's sacred and to the margins we will walk the path with you". Excellent words. Not easy for a congregation, but if you have good musicians, they can sing it as a prayer for the congregation.
  • NCYC09 Understanding through you Lord (Heather Price) A prayer for peace seeking understanding of suffering, and that our leaders gain understanding. Nicely written tune, very catchy once you've got it. I don't think it would be difficult for a younger congregation, but they may need to hear it first. Sound sample.
  • GtG064 I long for your commandments (Jean Janzen)  Good words that pick up many of the themes of Psalm 119. You may like to introduce it this week, and sing it again in the weeks to come as we keep reading the Psalm. The tune is very old and quite lovely.
  • TiS 430 / AHB 337 / Cha324 / StF164 Your words to me are life and health (G Currie Martin) I really like this old hymn. It’s a bit old fashioned, but it still works, I think. Lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
1 Corinthians 3:10-11, 16-23
Christ the foundation; we God's temple; Foolishness of God;
  • NCH387 / GtG361 / PH443 / GC(II)646 / RS782 / CP524 / Lau829 O Christ the great foundation (Timothy Ting Fan Lew) Excellent words of salvation and justice from Timothy Tingfang Lew, sung to the tune of "The church's one foundation" (AURELIA). LyricsNew words to old tunes.
  • W&R543 Come Build a Church (Ken Medema) Excellent words ("Come build a church of human frailty, come build a church of flesh and blood"). Not great for congregational singing, but excellent for a choir or musicians. Lyrics. Sound sample and sheet music.
  • Online resource Make me your temple (Bruce Harding) A lovely simple Taize style chant, or prayer response. Highly recommended. Free sheet music and sound sample.
  • TiS 669 / GGives2 Well Jesus is the rock (Dyson) Fun song for kids. You know, I would just sing the chorus on this one. Good for kids Lyrics, melody line and chords.
  • FFS27 God of unexplored tomorrows (Jones) The tune will need to be taught, but is quite lovely (CROMWELL). Imagery of "God of rock and flowing river", "strong foundation" "cleansing, quenching water".
Matthew 5:38-48
More crazy Jesus foolishness - love your enemies, give to everyone who begs from you.
I especially like the Lego Bible version of this reading.
  • Online Resource We resist / Prayer Chant (Mark Miller) A very powerful chant. Get the congregation singing the main part, and layer the other parts on top. Thanks Alan Gasser for this suggestion. Video.
  • Online Resource Holy is the refugee (Hannah Brown / Mark Miller) Excellent words and joyful affirming chorus recognising the holiness in all, particularly those you may not expect: people who are refugees, queer or people of colour. Lyrics, sheet music preview and purchasing options.
  • Tune In / Online Resource Come and see a place you can go to / Kingdom Come (Matthew Lees) A song about how things are not what we expect in God’s kingdom. Lots of words and good images including "there's no blacklist or admission fee". We've not sung this for a while. Sound sample, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • NCH590 / CH621 Spirit of Jesus, if I love my neighbour (Brian Wren) Challenging words of offering help from a position of privilege and seeking to be set free from the entrapment of possessions “If I am hugging safety or possessions, uncurl my spirit as your love prevails, to join my neighbours, work for liberation, and find my freedom at the mark of nails”. Could also be sung to the tune PERFECT LOVE if your congregation would have trouble with the newer tune. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 650 / ATA 191 / CH694 / A&M604 / NCH539 / VU595 / ELW659 / AA08 / SFFS 2222 / HPP442 / GtG727 / G(II)476 / GC683 / GC(II)661 / G(3)751 / CP500 / CP(E) 393 / W&R391 / Cha490 / SP263 / URW117 / StF611 / Lau924 Brother, sister, let me serve you / Won't you let me be your servant? (Gillard) I think you all know this one. Lyrics. NCH has a nice turn on the lyrics with "Won't you let me be your servant?" as the first line. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • ATW 499 / The tide has turned songbook It was me when you came that extra mile (Digby Hannah) Simple tune and good simple words. Good for older kids.
  • SgTJ1029 / MV094 Love knocks and waits (Daniel Damon) Lovely words of assurance and a simple lilting melody.
  • Online Resource If Jesus is come (Adam Tice / Sally Ann Morris) A powerful song with a driving melody, about how the world must be changed by us if we really believe that Jesus has come. Sound and sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options.
  • TiS 607 / AoV2-126 / ATN 95 / CH528 / VU684 / StJ / A&M725 / SFFS 2171 / HPP406 / GtG753 / G(II)524 / GC726 / GC(II)721 / G(3)828 / CP(E)519/ W&R587 / Srce 462 / Lau898 / StF707 / MP456 Make me a channel of your peace (Sebastian Temple). Lovely. Nice if you can just start a capella...  Youtube video of Sinead O'Connor singing it and lyricsOldy-but-a-goody.
  • ATFG543 All the world suffers injustice (Ninnes) I like this one, but don't have the book, so I can't tell you why.
  • STB251 Why why why why O Lord why? (Soundararajan) I love how this Thamil song asks to many questions about why the world is so messed up sometimes. It's all good except the last verse which is a bit odd, but maybe it fits with how people feel sometimes, I guess. Tune will need to be taught, as it's a non-Western melody.
  • Unusual source It really is a worry / Right side up A good kid's song about how God's world is not upside down, but right side up.We have this in the folders at church. It's also in a book called "Praise God Together" and in "Kidsource 2". Good for kids.
Got some great ideas too? Please add a comment below so others can hear about them. 


Unknown said...

First of all, thank you so much for your blog. I love finding new things and getting directed to resources I have.

I was wondering if you could check the link for, It really is a worry / Right side up, from your post for 2/19. I get an error message when I try to access the Lyrics link.

Not Found

The requested URL /newpdf/O of S 31 Oct 10.pdf was not found on this server.

Lectionary Singer (Natalie Sims) said...

Thanks for letting me know. Unfortunately these lyrics don't seem to be listed anywhere on the internet these days... I have removed the link, but unfortunately can't provide a site that has them in place of the old one.

Pat Farra said...

I attempted to listen to the youtube video of Make Me a Channel of your Peace, but it is unavailable.
Thanks for you efforts in giving us music choices , Natalie.

Lectionary Singer (Natalie Sims) said...

Thanks Pat! I've updated the link.

Len Makin said...

"It really is a worry / Right side up" is also in Covenant Songs(1982) which we used some years back (still have a stack + music edition)

Shelly Manley-Tannis said...

Hi there, I am a United Church of Canada minister in Manitoba, Canada. I really appreciate your work and look for ideas almost every week! Thank you!

A couple of other ideas for the Corinthians passage might be
'Lord, Prepare Me To be a Sanctuary' (MORE VOICES #18) and
'Let Us Build A House' (MORE VOICES #1)