A new heaven and a new earth.
- Online Resource / GWA024 Your labour is not in vain (Wendell Kimbrough / Paul Zach / Isaac Wardell) A soothing song about how the work is worth it in the end. Not so much a congregational song, but would work well for a time of reflection, with the congregation joining in on the chorus "I am with you, for I have called you by name, your labour is not in vain". Sound sample and chords for guitar. Sheet music and a different sound sample.
- TiS 663 / NCH108 / CH241 / VU680 / GtG077 / PH337 / W&R532 Isaiah the prophet has written (Joy Patterson) Excellent words of Isaiah's vision for the future; I prefer to sing this to the tune JUDAS AND MARY (this is not the set tune in TiS). Lyrics (note: a different tune). New words to old(ish) tunes.
- UMH729 / VU682 / LBW161 / WoV762 / ELW627 / GtG373 / PH450 / CP573 / W&R539 / Cha711 / URW140 / 82Hml-597 O day of peace that dimly shines (Carl P Daw) A song of hoped-for peace. The tune in Chalice hymnal is really nice (CANDLER) or O WALY WALY which is used in URW. Other sources use JERUSALEM, which is a bit too militaristic for me. Lyrics and JERUSALEM sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / Tune In Making things new (Sheree Anderson). A groovy one. Great for kids, and lots of fun. Sound sample, lyrics and free downloadable songbook. Good for kids.
- AoV2-085 / Iona (T1AU) / MV115 / A&M328 / SP129 Behold behold I Make All Things New (John Bell) A nice hopeful upbeat short song. Highly recommended. Sound sample (scroll down) Good for kids.
- W&R27 God of Creation All-Powerful (Margaret Clarkson) Good solid words to a well known tune (SLANE). Sound sample and lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Online resource Behold I make all things new (Bruce Harding) A nice short song with a folky feel. Sound sample and free sheet music.
- AoV2-007 / AoVNG110 See I Make All Things New (Monica O'Brien / Trish Watts) I really love this song. “New, as night turns to morning, the spirit is calling I’m with you, I make all things new”. A nice sound sample.
- Tune In / Online Resource Kingdom Come (Matthew Lees) A song about how things are not what we expect in God’s kingdom. Lots of words and good images including "there's no blacklist or admission fee" Sound sample, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
- Cha658 / URW081 Restless Weaver (O I Cricket Harrison) Excellent words of our desire to help build God's new earth - caring for creation and desiring justice for all. Sung to the familiar tune HOLY MANNA. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 217 / AHB 148 / NCH43 / CH519 / UMH384 / VU333 / A&M721 / LBW315 / ELW631 / A&M721 / GA463 / HPP48 / GtG366 / PH376 / GC622 / GC(II)613 / G(3)641 / CP485/6 / CP(E) 516 / W&R358 / Cha517 / Srce457 / URW100 / 82Hml-657 / Lau801 / StF503 / MP449 Love divine all loves excelling (Charles Wesley) A beautiful classic song and most hymnals use a very inclusive version of this hymn, even the AHB. Lyrics and sheet music. You may also like to give Rend Collective Experiment's version a listen (hard for congregations to sing, but nice for listening). Oldy-but-a-goody.
God is steadfast and eternal and victorious.
- TiS 626 / AHB 557 / CH500 / GA423 / Lau869 / StF449 / MP440 Lord of creation to you be all praise! (Jack Winslow) A wonderful traditional, and quite inclusive, hymn to the familiar tune SLANE. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- NCH Psalter We ponder your steadfast love O God (Martie McMane) A lovely simple refrain and a cantor part which may be read or sung.
- Online Resource Stronghold (Richard Bruxvoort Colligan) A good reflective refrain and simple verses. This is available free for the next 7 days. Sound sample, lyrics, downloads.
- Songs for Liturgy 05 Holy God holy and mighty (Georgian) Not for the congregation, but if you have a small group of singers, or a choir, this would be beautiful. The Republic of Georgia has beautiful liturgical music, this version comes from a book published by the church of St Gregory of Nyssa in San Francisco. For more Georgian Trisagion's search for "Tsmindao Gmerto". You might find something beautiful like this.
- NCH747 / Iona (M&G) / ELW160 / GP1_1 / LUYH631 / URW406 Holy holy holy God / Agios o Theos (Orthodox traditional) A simple version of the Trisagion. Ideal if you can use all the parts. Midi file.
- NCH748 / STB122 Holy God holy mighty (Francisco Feliciano) Another good Trisagion for the congregation to sing.
- TiS 569 / AHB 478 / NCH18/19 / CH167 / UMH127 / VU651 / LBW343 / ELW618 / StF465 / A&M652 / HPP432 / GtG065 / PH281 / CP565 / CP(E) 455 / W&R501 / Cha622 / 82Hml690 / StF465 / Lau960 / LUYH043 / MP201 Guide me O thou great Jehovah / Redeemer (William Williams) A rousing hymn of God’s presence and strength and making it to the other side. "Bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore." Lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 458 / AHB 388 / NCH095 / CH220 / UMH690 / VU437 / Songs for Liturgy / LBW274 / ELW569 / GA539 / A&M24 / GtG677 / PH546 / CP029 / CP(E) 22 / 82Hml-024 / Lau679 / StF147 / LUYH387 / MP641 The day you gave us God is ended (John Ellerton) A lovely older hymn. Suitable only for evening services. Old school lyrics & sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- Emergent Psalter Tell the next generation that this is our God (Isaac Everett) A good chant with a psalm read over improvised chords. Sheet music (click on the downloads tab).
- PfAS048B In the midst of your temple O God (Gregg DeMey) A simple 3/4 refrain to a chanted or read version of the Psalm.
- Taizé / CH801 / MV170 / StJ / GtG205 / WoV665 / ELW642 / SFFS 2179 / GC408 / GC(II)430 / G(3)500 / CP553 / W&R399 / Cha523 / URW394 / StF783 / Lau244b Live in charity / Ubi Caritas (Taizé / Jacques Berthier) Usually sung in Latin, but can also be sung just as beautifully as "Live in charity and steadfast love, live in charity; God will dwell with you." Sheet music and sound samples for practice. Good for kids.
- Taizé / A&M842 / G(3)697 / SP328 Nothing can ever come between us and the love of God (Taizé Community) A
newer Taizé chant “Nothing can ever come between us and the love of
God, the love of God, revealed to us in Christ Jesus”. It has a long
“Oh…..” in it for a cantor part, but I have sung it many times with just
a simple Oh and no cantor and it works fine. Sound samples and sheet music for practice.
- HiOS004 All Will Be Well (Bill Wallace) While based on the writings of Julian of Norwich, I think this song fits well with this reading. "All will be well, all things shall be well. This is the peace of deep blue dream"... Sample sheet music (downloads a pdf).
- Online Resource / StJ / HPP564 / GC(II)584 / G(3)693 All Will Be Well (Julian of Norwich / Steven Warner) You could use this just as a refrain, or it also has verses that can be sung if you would like to include them, most likely with a cantor. Sound sample, sheet music and purchasing options.
- Online Resource At the height of success / The Fall is a grace (David Bjorlin / Benjamin Brody) Challenging words about how falling and failing are part of spiritual growth. Not so much a congregational song, but would work well for a time of reflection. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. Sound sample.
- Tune In / Online Resource Spirit of the Father / Alive in me (Sheree Anderson) Catchy song about God’s spirit living in us. "Take hold of the hope that I give, trust in me, reach out for the love you can live, eternally”. Lyrics, sound sample and free downloadable sheet music.
- TiS 129 / AHB 56 / AoV1-029 / ATA 131 / NCH547 / CH555 / UMH378 / VU266 / LBW448 / ELW779 / A&M587 / GA437 / HPP334 / GtG649 / PH280 / G(II)434 / GC612 / GC(II)586 / G(3)645 / CP352 / CP(E) 375 / W&R422 / Cha546 / ZSS202 / Srce25 / Lau846 / StF440 / MP031 Amazing grace how sweet the sound (John Newton) I once was lost... I think you all know this one. Nice youtube of some Sacred Harp singing, and a story. I love the recording of Dr G Yunipingu singing this in Yolngu; so sad that he is no longer singing on this earth.Oldy-but-a-goody.
- FFS011 Come teach us Spirit of our God (Shirley Murray) Excellent words and a good tune. Lyrics and sheet music sample.
- TIS 624 / W&R453 / StF492 Christ be my leader by night as by day (John Bell) Excellent words of following Christ in times of struggle to a traditional Scottish melody. Lyrics.
- Online Resource Can anything anywhere hinder God's love? (David Bjorlin / Benjamin Brody) I think this would be good for school groups perhaps. I like how it provides an opportunity for a soloist and a response at the end of each verse. Lyrics, sheet music and sound samples, and purchasing options. Good for kids.
- Tune In / Online Resource Father of earth, Mother of sea (Dave Brown) A latinesque song about the Spirit being with those who are victims, prisoners and the sick, as well as present in our prayers. Note particularly the phrase “Spirit who prays with us while war goes on… pray with us Lord”. Lyrics, sound sample and free downloadable sheet music.
- Online Resource / ATOK 383 / AoV2-057 May we see Christ's loving face / Icon of grace (Trish Watts / Monica O'Brien) A beautiful and very simple chant. This gets stuck in my head from time to time! Sound sample and purchasing options.
- SoG 790 / ATW 463 / Iona (T1AU) / ELW721 / SFFS 2219 / A&M835 / GtG750 / GC(II)451 / G(3)528 / W&R296 / URW436 Goodness is stronger than evil (Desmond Tutu / John Bell) Words from Archbishop Desmond Tutu. "Victory is ours, victory is ours, through him who loves us". Some congregations change the last line to "Compassion is ours, compassion is ours...". It depends on the context in which you sing it, I suppose. Sound sample. Good for kids. There is also a very moving choral version of these words and more from Desmond Tutu, arranged by Tom Keesecker. Available here (sound sample there too).
- Online Resource An echo of the voice of God (Adam Tice / Sally Ann Morris) A beautiful meditative song with a hummed chorus. Beautiful. Sheet music, lyrics and purchasing options (GIA has multiple versions of this song).
- VU619 / WoV738 / ELW612 / SFFS 2213 / GtG795 / G(II)642 / GC882 / GC(II)854 / G(3)960 / RS 958 / CP612 / W&R630 / Cha506 / URW161 / Lau427 Healer of Our Every Ill (Marty Haugen) Good straightforward words of healing and simple tune. "Give us strength to love each other, every sister, every brother". Can get overly mushy. Lyrics and sheet music sample. Sound sample.
- TiS 419 / NCH270 / CH592 / A&M252 / UMH544 / VU205 / WoV685 / ELW403 / HPP222 / GtG285 / PH314 / CP635 / CP(E) 185 / W&R327 / SP92 / 82Hml-513 / StF389Like the murmur of the dove's song (Carl Daw) Excellent words and a simple tune about Christian unity. Each verse ends with "Come holy spirit, come". Lyrics and sheet music samples.
- Worldmaking.net / SP&P081 / CP086 More Than We Can Ask (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A great chant for use during intercessions. Very simple and genuine. Sample and lyrics here.
- Worldmaking.net O Tender God have mercy (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A nice chant which would be great for the prayer of confession. Lyrics and sound sample.
- Online Resource / AoV1-139 O God Nothing Can Take Us from your love (Christopher Walker) Good refrain. Good verses. Cantor and congregational response. Sound sample, sheet music sample, and purchasing options.
- TiS 380 / AHB 303 / NCH253 / CH419 / UMH308 / VU173 / LBW145 / ELW376 / A&M218 / HPP203 / GtG238 / PH122 / CP210 / CP(E)160 / W&R310 / Cha218 / Srce694 / Lau287 / StF313 / MP689 Thine be the glory risen conquering Son (Edmond Budry) One of the few older hymns that doesn't require updating, and beautiful harmonies... A great classic hymn! Lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- Iona (T1AU) Nothing in height or in depth (John Bell / Graham Maule) Thanks to Alison for this suggestion. A simple refrain.
The call to evangelism
- CH683 / VU420 / A&M491 / GC(II)469 / G(3)546 / GtG295 / CP598 / W&R553 / SP156 / URW132 / Lau426 / StF402 Go to the world Go into all the earth (Sylvia Dunstan) Great words of sending out. Can be sung to a couple of different tunes. SINE NOMINE is the easiest and best known. Sound sample. Sheet music sample. New words to old tunes.
- G(3)759 God Sends Us Forth (Tony Alonso) A folksy 6/8 minor key song of sending out. Sheet music sample .
- Online Resource / TiS 749 / AoV1-154 / AoVK-131 / ATE 305 / NCH360 / Iona (SBL, Freedom is coming) / CH800 / UMH497 / VU572 / WoV773 / ELW809 / GA493 / A&M481 / HPP340 / GtG746 / G(II)484 / GC677 / GC(II)674 / G(3)776 / W&R713 / Cha447 / SP234 / StF782 Send me Jesus / Thuma mina (South African) You all know this one, right? If you don't - it's great - simple, repetitive, and meaningful. Good for kids. Sound sample, sheet music sample, and purchasing options. Youtube.
- FFS63 These hills where the hawk flies lonely (Colin Gibson) This is a really beautiful song that would work well for all the Seasons of Creation Sundays. Lyrics & sample sheet music.
- ATOK 412 / Iona (SBL, Common Ground) / CH250 / MV212 / A&M482 / GtG747 / SFFS 2184 / Lau855 / StF239 Sent by the Lord am I / Sent out in Jesus name / Enviado soy de Dios (José Aguiar, Nicaragua) Great rhythm, good words and not too hard to sing (provided you sing it a little slowly the first time!) I prefer the MV translation "Sent out in Jesus' name". Good for kids. Lyrics.
- UMH584 / VU512 / StJ / WoV756 / ELW579 / GA313 / A&M499 / HPP542 / GtG298 / PH429 / GC456 / GC(II)466 / G(3)544 / CP433 / W&R592 / Cha459 / SP162 / 82Hml-528 / Lau870 Lord You Give the Great Commission (Jeffrey Rowthorn) Good traditional hymn of evangelism. Lyrics and sound sample. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- NCH154 / UMH251 / VU43 / LBW070 / ELW290 / HPP110 / PH029 / GtG136 / GC359 / GC(II)363 / G(3)428 / W&R218 / Cha167 / ZSS59 / 82Hml-099 / Lau164 Go tell it on the mountain (Traditional) This song would work very well for Mountain Sunday, but I would just sing the first verse (not all the Christmassy ones!). You might even want to make up your own verses to fit with the themes of your service. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- Church copies Flower of the forest (John McRae) I am not sure of the source of this, but we have it in our folders at church; it has themes of creation and specifically mentions mountains, forests, and oceans.
- PH287 God Folds the Mountains Out of Rock (Thomas Troeger) Pretty amazing words of humanity's creative responsibility.
- Iona (LFB) / CP424 Sing praise to God on mountain tops (John Bell) Lovely words to traditional tune THE VICAR OF BRAY. Mountains are only mentioned in the first line, but it's a good creation-centred hymn. Lyrics.
- MV152 You who watch the highest heavens (Norm Habel) A song calling us to stop looking for achievements, and impressive manmade or heavenly beauty, but to come back to earth and find God in the Earth. Lyrics (downloads a book).
- FFS63 These hills where the hawk flies lonely (Colin Gibson) This is a really beautiful song that would work well for all the Seasons of Creation Sundays. Lyrics & sample sheet music. For this Sunday the phrase "Mountains where the snows meet heaven" is a particularly nice part.
- Singing the Journey (Douglas Simper) God is in the waters (Bruce Prewer / Douglas Simper) Words about God's presence in creation, in each of us, and on the cross; would work for many services during Season of Creation. Book available here.
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