Click on this text to go to more General Advent Song Suggestions!
Isaiah 35:1-10
The desert blooms, the weak are strong, the blind can see etc.
God is great and cares for the widow, and brings justice etc.
The magnificat! Yay! The magnificat!
Have patience; Any Advent song would work here, really.... (see the link at the top of the page)
Jesus is the one the prophets foretold; And yes, lots of other Advent songs will work with this reading too. See the General list at the top of this page!
Isaiah 35:1-10
The desert blooms, the weak are strong, the blind can see etc.
- Tune In / Online Resource Making things new (Sheree Anderson). A groovy one. Great for kids, and lots of fun. Sound sample, lyrics and songbook. Good for kids.
- UMH729 / VU682 / LBW161 / WoV762 / ELW627 / GtG373 / PH450 / CP573 / W&R539 / Cha711 / URW140 / 82Hml-597 O day of peace that dimly shines (Carl Daw) A song of hoped-for peace. The tune in Chalice hymnal is really nice (CANDLER) or O WALY WALY which is used in URW. Other sources use JERUSALEM, which is a bit too militaristic for me. Lyrics and JERUSALEM sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 663 / NCH108 / CH241 / VU680 / GtG077 / PH337 / W&R532 Isaiah the prophet has written (Joy Patterson) Excellent words of Isaiah's vision for the future; I prefer to sing this to the tune JUDAS AND MARY (this is not the set tune in TiS). Lyrics (note: a different tune). New words to old(ish) tunes.
- VU023 / CP104 Joy shall come even to the wilderness (Israeli traditional) Advent A traditional Israeli song. Excellent words and the tune is cool. Lyrics.
- AoV2-007 / AoVNG110 See I Make All Things New (Monica O'Brien, Trish Watts) I really love this song. “New, as night turns to morning, the spirit is calling I’m with you, I make all things new”. A nice sound sample.
- Online resource: Behold I make all things new (Bruce Harding) A nice short song with a folky feel. Sound sample, free sheet music.
- Online Resource The prophets caught a vision (David Bjorlin) A song about the vision of the prophets, and our call to have prophetic visions too. Set to the old Welsh tune LLANGLOFFAN. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- AoV2-085 / Iona (T1AU) / MV115 / A&M328 / SP129 Behold behold I Make All Things New (John Bell) A nice hopeful upbeat short song. Highly recommended. Sound sample (scroll down) Good for kids.
- G(II)249 / GC319 / GC(II)325 Close as tomorrow the sun shall appear / Walk in the Reign (Rory Cooney). I really like this one. “Close as tomorrow the sun shall appear. Freedom is coming and healing is near. And I shall be with you in laughter and pain to stand in the wind and walk in the reign”. Nice little lyrics twist there! The 4th verse mentions specific locations (Soweto, Gdansk, Tiannemen Square, The Bronx), which you could retain or change, as you feel appropriate. This sound sample gives it a bit of a gospel feel. Sheet music and lyrics.
- ATW 427 Heat haze shimmering on the horizon (Gerry Holmes) I quite like this. Very Australian. Might be best sung by your musicians if it is not yet known to your congregation.
- MV144 / SP&P073 Like a healing stream (Bruce Harding) Gentle folksy ballad with a lot of water imagery - healing stream, gentle rain, river strong and mighty sea. Would need to be introduced, but would catch on pretty quickly, I think. Sound sample and free sheet music sample.
- TiS 294 / NCH127 / UMH216 / VU008 / LBW058 / ELW272 / HPP133 / GtG129 / PH048 / GC368 / GC(II)373 / CP117 / W&R190 / Cha160 / 82Hml-081 Lo how a Rose e'er blooming / Behold a rose is growing (German 15th Century) I love this traditional Advent song; it's not so well-known in Australia. Cha126 is a responsive reading and sung response based on the same Advent hymn. History. Lyrics and sheet music. Here's Sufjan Stevens singing it. And Feist. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 210 / AHB 141 / NCH42 / CH352 / UMH57 / VU326 / LBW42 / ELW295 / A&M742 / HPP74 / GtG610 / PH466 / CP306 / CP(E) 534 / W&R96 / Cha005 / Srce506 / 82Hml-493 / StF364 / MP496 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Charles Wesley) A classic. I particularly love NATIVITY for these words, and it's such a fun tune. Be careful with the words "ye dumb". Voices United has "Hear him you deaf, you voiceless ones, your tongues again employ" which is more respectful. Lyrics and one possible tune. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- ATFG510 Sing a song of praise and glory / Advent News (Donald Schmidt) A fun and simple advent song - would be good any week of Advent, but fits particularly well this week.
- ATE 221 They were waiting (Robin Mann) I think this is a great pop song - "Now the time has come. God is in the world, we have seen his day dawning in the sky". Lyrics.
- ATA 205 What you hear in the dark (Dan Schutte) An older contemporary song. The 4th verse fits particularly well with this reading. I'm sure this doesn't have to sound as 1970s-folk-mass as this recording... Sound sample and lyrics.
- SP&P020 We are waiting for you (Christopher Grundy) A gentle song of waiting. Would be good for the musicians to sing for the congregation during a meditative part of the service, or to commence the service. Sound sample. Sheet music.
God is great and cares for the widow, and brings justice etc.
- Cha766 Blessed are the poor and needy for God's justice surely is theirs Simple, very familiar sung response, and responsive reading.
- TiS 90 / AHB 44 / UMH60 / VU867 / GtG806 / PH253 / A&M673 / CP346 / CP(E) 473 / W&R79 / Cha20 / 82Hml-429 / StF079 / MP320 I'll praise my Maker while I've breath (Isaac Watts) A great classic hymn. Most sources are not inclusive; Voices United is! Lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- URW357 Praise to the One who sets prisoners free (Elise Eslinger) A great tune, and the response can be sung in three parts, or as a round. Can be sung with one or two cantors / readers or without the cantors. The refrain alone as a round could be good for kids.
- Online Resource Hear the message we now are proclaiming / El mensaje que hoy proclamamos (Eleazar Torregosa) This jubilant Colombian song of liberty and new life for the poor and suffering would fit well with this reading. Good for kids. Free sheet music! Short sound sample.
- Psalm Project (2010) Hallelujah Hallelujah The god of Jacob (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A nice way to present this Psalm to the congregation; this would work during the offering for our congregation, or have the congregation (including the kids) sing the Hallelujah bits as a Psalm refrain. Note to BUC: I have this! Sound sample and lyrics.
- G(3)093 I will praise the Lord all my days (Michael Joncas) A lovely Psalm refrain, very straightforward. The verses could be sung or read. Sound sample.
- TiS 702 / NCH768 / SFFS 2014 / GC257 / GC(II)263 / G(3)331 / PfAS146B / Lau539 Alleluia 7 (Jacques Berthier) A very straightforward Alleluia that builds with energy. PfAS uses this as a refrain to a cantored (or read) version of Psalm 146. Sheet music and sound samples.
- WoV609 / GtG034 / SP&P055 / W&R735 / PfAS146B Hallelujah / Heleluyan (Muscogee / Charles Webb) Native American Hallelujah. I like it. It's simple and straightforward. It can also be used as a round (come in on each bar), and with a strong drum beat on 1 and 3. PfAS146 uses it as a refrain to Psalm 146. Sound recording.
- PfAS146B Hallelujah / Puji Tuhan (Christian Tamaela) A simple Bahasa Indonesian Alleluia set as a Psalm refrain for Psalm 146. It will need to be taught.
The magnificat! Yay! The magnificat!
- CH291 When out of poverty is born (Kathy Galloway) An excellent set of words for Advent that reflects on God's good news for the poor and the strength of Mary's faith. Set to the familiar tune KINGSFOLD. Lyrics (downloads PDF) New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource Advent begins in the darkness of night (David Bjorlin / Benjamin Brody) A haunting tune and beautiful words of Advent beginning in a place of darkness. Sheet music for purchase and download. Sound sample.
- MV134 There was a child in Galilee / Dreaming Mary (Janet Gadeski) This is a thoughtful, imaginative song of Mary, which would be best sung by a soloist, with the words made available for the congregation to ponder. Lyrics (scroll down past the videos, but make sure you watch the "Parody of a Modern Worship Service" video on the way down)
- A&M185 / GC(II)362 / G(3)434 / SP069 Dark is the night / Sing Alleluia (Francis Patrick O'Brien) Excellent and simple Christmas song which reflects the magnificat and the happiness of Jesus’ parents. I especially like the last verse “Hope for the poor, release for the captive, Love for the outcast, light for weary eyes; Word that brings life, embracing humanity, Jesus, companion be born into our lives”. It would be particularly good for a Christmas eve service. The chorus would also work very nicely on its own. Lead sheet and lyrics. Sound sample.
- W&R172 For Ages Women Hoped and Prayed (Jane Parker Huber) This is one of those "Coming, but already here songs" of Advent, and could be sung at other times of year, too. Thought-provoking words about what it may have been like for Mary to bear Christ. Lyrics. Set to VOX DILECTI, but could be sung to other tunes. It fits New Britain (the tune for Amazing Grace) quite nicely. New words to old tunes.
- GA250 / StF060 My soul rejoices / Canticle of Mary (Owen Alstott) A simple, formal hymnlike Magnificat. Lyrics and pretty slow sound sample.
- Online Resource / TiS 172 / NCH119 / UMH198 / VU899 / GtG099 / PfAS1042 / Cha130 My soul gives glory to my God (John Mueller) Simple and beautiful words to a simple and beautiful tune. Inclusive lyrics. Lyrics (plus lyrics to lots of other magnificats). Scroll down and look for "ecumenical". I recommend the newer translation by Mary Louise Bringle, which can be seen, heard, and purchased here.
- Online resource Magnificat (Bruce Harding) A fun magnificat, using the Latin phrase “Magnificat
amina mea deum”. I think our musicians would like this one! Sound sample. Free sheet music.
- HiOS101 My heart is leaping (Marion Kitchingman) Good words, and a joyful tune.
- Taizé / Iona (T1AU) / StS012 / GA545 / GC(II)522 / G(3)630 / PfAS1018 Magnificat “Magnificat amina mea dominum” (Jacques Berthier) To be honest, I think it’s kind of funny to sing “Magnificat” as a lyric, but maybe that's just me. There are also alternative English lyrics (Sing out my soul), which are good if your congregation thinks singing in Latin is quirky. A catchy and happy Taize chant. Sheet music, sound samples, and English translation.
- CH141 / A&M548 / SP250 / URW077 / StF114 Oh the life of the world is a joy and a treasure (Kathy Galloway) This is not a Magnificat, but holds some similar concepts! Good inclusive words about God's presence in "the life of the world" (nature, seasons, childbirth, justice). The tune is a simple Celtic-style melody. Lyrics.
- VU323 Maker of the sun and moon and mother of the earth (Peter Sharrocks) Wonderful inclusive words, and a beautiful tune, that for me sounds a lot like "Lord Jesus Christ, Lover of All" so melodically ties Advent in with Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. You may like to sing it this Sunday and leave the last verse until Christmas day. Highly recommended. Lyrics
- Online Resource Christmas come close (Shirley Murray) Excellent words, sung to a simple hymnlike tune with some really beautiful images about difficult things and the hope that Christmas brings. A sad song, but with plenty of hope. Sheet music and lyrics.
- ATAR639 / GC(II)782 / Lau338 My Soul Proclaims your Greatness O God (from Holden Evening Prayer) (Marty Haugen) Nice, simple to sing. Sheet music sample (you'll need to scroll through). Lyrics (where it says "Magnificat".
- Online Resource The lowly will be lifted up (Carolyn Winfrey-Gillette) The magnificat imagery with a call to continue the work of Christ with the openness of Mary. Sung to a familiar tune. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource God make us agents of joyful rebellion (David Bjorlin / Benjamin Brody) Joy as a tool of rebellion, and our role as modern-day prophets. Set to a new tune, which is lovely to sing. Sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource A word went out to Mary (Hannah Brown) Beautiful new poetry, with floral imagery, set to the tune ES IST EIN ROS' ENTSPRUNGEN. Sheet music sample and lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- MV120 / StS124 / R245 / ELW723 / HPP88 / GtG100 / G(II)376 / GC556 / GC(II)527 / G(3)622 / PfAS075B / URW018 My soul cries out with a joyful shout (Canticle of the Turning) (Rory Cooney) This is my favourite Magnificat! No, really!! "Could the world be about to turn?" It's sung to a folk tune (STAR OF THE COUNTY DOWN). Lyrics & Sheet music samples. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / GWA094 My soul sings in gratitude (Joy Cowley) No tune! This is a poem, which would be lovely to have read (preferably by a young woman) to your congregation. Poem.
- Online Resource Come join in Mary's prophet song
(Adam Tice) Powerful words, appropriate for almost-Christmas. Sung to the familiar
tune KINGSFOLD. Sheet music sample, lyrics, and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- ACS907 Filled with hope and gratitude
(Paul Damico-Carper) Good new words, sung to a simple tune (that sounds
a bit like Loch Lomond). I like that the first and last verse
specifically reference breastfeeding. Lyrics. Sound sample (with a bit of dancing).
Have patience; Any Advent song would work here, really.... (see the link at the top of the page)
- NCH121 / UMH210 / VU005 / WoV629 / ELW266 / W&R163 / Cha139 All earth is waiting / All earth is hopeful / Toda la tierra espera al Salvador (Alberto Taule) Fun Catalonian tune, good words, although the English translations vary between sources. Could be good for kids. A nice recording from Chile in Spanish. Slow and majestic organ sample and English lyrics.
- SFFS 2211 Faith Is Patience in the Night (Mary Nelson Keithahn) Good simple words and a good simple tune with a good simple refrain "Spirit God, give us faith". Lyrics.
- Online Resource I am waiting / Waiting for the Dawn (Malcolm Gordon) New and beautiful tune and a new use of some quite old lyrics. I think this is really lovely. Sound sample available here. It gets pretty U2ish by the end.
- Tune In / Online Resource Longing for you (Elaine Loukes) A simple chant of longing for God; "Call to us lead us on". Sound sample, lyrics and songbook.
- ATFG 514 Emmanuel Carol / God of light we are waiting for you (Gael Berberick) This is a lovely simple song, and easy to pick up I think. Sound sample.
Jesus is the one the prophets foretold; And yes, lots of other Advent songs will work with this reading too. See the General list at the top of this page!
- NCH107 / LBW633 / ELW242 / GtG107 / GC346 / GC(II)351 / G(3)423 / W&R160 / Cha138 / Lau157 Awake Awake and greet the new morn (Marty Haugen) Joyful Advent song, looking forward to justice and healing of all. Sheet music and lyric samples.
- Online Resource If Jesus is come (Adam
Tice / Sally Ann Morris) A powerful song with a driving melody, about
how the world must be changed by us if we really believe that Jesus has
come. Sound and sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options.
- TiS 647 / AoV2-012 / ATN 25 Comfort, comfort all my people (Robin Mann) Easy to sing, beautiful lyrics. Chorus is “Comfort, comfort all my people, with the comfort of my word. Speak ye tender to my people, all your sins are taken away”. Note that most sources only list 2 verses, but there are two additional (more challenging) verses you may wish to consider using written for the Christmas Bowl in 1988; thanks to Simon for alerting me to them. Lyrics (including additional verses), mp3 sample.
- NCH101 / CH274 / VU883 / LBW29 / ELW256 / HPP84 / PHS003 / GtG087 / GC326 / GC(II)331 / G(3)413 / CP100 / W&R155 / Cha122 / 82Hml-067 / Lau097 Comfort Comfort O My People (Johann Olearius) A more traditional setting of this passage. I don’t know why this is not popular in Australia. The tune PSALM 42 (Genevan Psalter) also sometimes known as GENEVA is not the GENEVA in TiS. Of course, NCH has the most inclusive lyrics, but the others are mostly okay too. Lyrics. Sound sample. Sheet music for the tune. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 180 / UMH105 / W&R58 / Cha013 God of many names (Brian Wren) If this is new it will need to be taught to your congregation as the tune is not intuitive, but it is worth knowing. The chorus is particularly appealing to kids. Lyrics
- VU028 / LBW556 / CP111 / 82Hml-070 Herald sound the note of gladness (Moir Waters) Good words to an adapted old hymn tune (NEW MALDEN). Some versions start with a verse about a note of judgement, others don't; it seems a bit of a downer to start with that verse! Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Recorded music The Trumpet Child (Over the Rhine) We used this song a fair bit some years ago. For those who have not heard it, it's really worth a couple of listens. You can watch a video and read lyrics here.
- TiS 210 / AHB 141 / NCH42 / CH352 / UMH57 / VU326 / LBW42 / ELW295 / A&M742 / HPP74 / GtG610 / PH466 / CP306 / CP(E) 534 / W&R96 / Cha005 / Srce506 / 82Hml-493 / StF364 / MP496 O for a thousand tongues to sing (Charles Wesley) A classic. I particularly love NATIVITY for these words, and it's such a fun tune. Be careful with the words "ye dumb". Voices United has "Hear him you deaf, you voiceless ones, your tongues again employ" which is more respectful. Lyrics and one possible tune. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 270 / AHB 199 / NCH115 / CH334 / VU20 / LBW548 / ELW842 / A&M046 / GtG096 / PH010 / G(II)260 / GC321 / 322 / GC(II)344 / G(3)418 / CP103 / CP(E) 34 / W&R156 / 82Hml-076 / Lau094 / StF182 / MP538 On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (Charles Coffin) If you would like inclusive lyrics, have a look at the New Century Hymnal’s version. If you’d like a groovy tune, check out AHB 199(ii) / GC322 – ST JOHN BAPTIST by Gary Lewis Miles and Betty Pulkingham. This is an excellent, fun tune. You can even combine the words of NCH115 with AHB199(ii) for the best of both worlds. But WINCHESTER NEW is also very good, and easy to sing if you don’t have a congregation full of people who grew up in the 60s and 70s. Lyrics and tune sample (Winchester New). Oldy-but-a-goody.
- Taizé / UMH207 / VU10 / StS014 / GtG095 / GC336 / GC(II)330 / G(3)400 / W&R174 / Cha121 Prepare the way of the Lord (Jacques Berthier) A lovely simple round. Sheet music and clunky sound sample. Good for kids.
- Seeds of Faith Prepare the Way For Love (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A good song for kids. I think it would be fun to make up additional verses for this one so it could carry through the whole of Advent. Sound sample and lyrics. BUC people, I have this book. Good for kids.
- VU010 Prepare the way of the Lord (Michael Burkhardt) A lovely simple round in 6:8. "Prepare the way of the Lord! X2 Make a straight path for him, make a straight path. Prepare the way of the Lord!" You can split into 6 groups for this one! What fun!
Quick Correction:
Oh, For a Thousand Tongues to Sing is LBW559 / ELW886. Thank you, as always.
thank you so much
I think we'll sing "And Holy is your name" David Haas. The magnificat and hannah's song of praise.
A quick correction: "Halleluia/Heleluyan" is not in GTG034. It is however in HPSS/PH #595
I keep finding music that is new to me and i love it…then i realize it’s David Haas. Trying to find alternatives…very daunting task!
Anonymous, I hope you're able to find many alternatives here. I do not list songs by that author any more.
Magnificat by my dear friend Jason Locke:
For the Gospel reading and John's question: "Are you the one?", see this hymn. It can be sung to many tunes:
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