Isaiah 6:1-8, (9-13)
God on the throne surrounded by the seraphim. Angels call God Holy. They bring release from sin; God asks who will go. The prophet is unworthy, but says “Send me”.
God on the throne surrounded by the seraphim. Angels call God Holy. They bring release from sin; God asks who will go. The prophet is unworthy, but says “Send me”.
You might also like to sing a Sanctus (Holy Holy): Here's a list!
God is great, strengthens us, protects us, God regards the lowly
Basic gospel summary.
The risk of going into the deep, as the disciples who followed Christ.
- Online Resource Holy is the refugee (Hannah Brown / Mark Miller, USA) Excellent words and joyful affirming chorus recognising the holiness in all, particularly people who are refugees, queer or people of colour. Lyrics, sheet music preview and purchasing options.
- GtG068 Heaven opened to Isaiah (Unknown, Rwanda) A very simple and joyful song from Rwanda. You could also just use the chorus on its own. Fairly ordinary, but helpful sound sample.
- Online Resource / TiS 182 / AoV2-010 / NCH11 / CH134 / VU268 / GtG760 / SFFS 2047 / HPP13 / CP395 Bring many names beautiful and good (Brian Wren, USA) This is a beautiful song, but it's very long (especially if sung too slowly). Try singing one verse unison, then one women, one men, then all together again, to keep people interested in what they are singing. Lyrics and sheet music.
- TiS 693 / AoV1-031 / GA212 Come as you are that's how I want you (Deidre Browne, Australia) Isaiah didn't feel particularly worthy either... This song is beautiful, gentle, simple, and very well known. Lyrics and sound sample. A good song to start the service.
- Taizé / MV075 / StS079 / SFFS 2118 / GtG284 / GC(II)479 / G(3)547 / SP99 / URW395 Holy Spirit Come to Us / Veni sancte spiritus tui amoris (Jacques Berthier, France) Gobsmackingly beautiful if you have a cantor, but it works well if you don't, too. Sheet music, translations, sound samples.
- Recorded Music Sweetest Mystery (Malcolm Gordon, New Zealand) "Holy holy holy Lord, is the God who raises us to this family of love". Sound sample and purchase options.
- Online Resource As rivers flow from a distant spring (David Bjorlin / William Beckstrand, USA) Beautiful words using imagery of creation to inspire us to lives based in God's love that care for others, including the earth. Sound sample. Book available to purchase and download here.
- AoV2-015 / Iona (M&G) / CH773 / MV189 / StJ / ELW529 / SFFS 2273 / GtG392 / G(II)502 / GC705 / SP&P044 / W&R659 / ZSS148 / StF027 Jesus we are here / Jesu Tawa Pano (Patrick Matsikenyiri, Zimbabwe) Simple and fun. Much better in the original Shona text (rhythmically speaking) but works OK in English. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- VU575 / SFFS 2153 / GtG700 / PH369 / SP&P139 / W&R574 / Cha614 I'm Gonna Live So God Can Use Me (Traditional, African American) Good simple tune and meaningful words. Easy to sing and play around with. Sound sample. Good for kids, non-readers and for people for whom English is a second language.
- Online Resource Filled with awe we come before you (David Bjorlin, USA) A song seeking forgiveness, and resetting our paths. Set to the familiar tune NETTLETON. Sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 658 / AoV1-090 / ATE 296 / CH251 / UMH593 / VU509 / WoV752 / ELW574 / GA496 / A&M494 / HPP541 / GtG069 / PH525 / G(II)492 / GC(II)671 / G(3)777 / CP(E) 470 / W&R559 / Cha452 / Srce328 / Lau865 / StF663 / MP857 I the Lord of sea and sky / Here I am Lord (Dan Schutte, USA) Song of God searching for us and our response. Very slow sound sample. Lyrics and sample sheet music.
- Online Resource Beautiful Spirit O comforter come (Adam Tice, USA) Excellent words seeking the Spirit to move us to action (and to "loosen our bodies"). Set to the familiar tune SLANE. Sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / W&R584 / Cha454 Come Celebrate the Call of God (Brian Wren, USA) Good words to a lilting folk tune. This song is written to recognise a commissioning or the gift of a particular person's call, but it can also be sung with "our" instead of "her" to make it a song for a whole congregation to recognise their own call. Lyrics and sheet music. There is also a really lovely contemporary tune by Benjamin Brody, with sound and sheet music sample here, and purchasing options.
- TiS 674 / Iona (Common Ground, Heaven Shall Not Wait) / A&M562 / CH253 / SP245 Inspired by love and anger (John Bell, Scotland) Powerful lyrics, simple English folk tune. Lyrics (search for "inspired"). I love verse three “Don’t query our position! Don’t criticise our wealth! Don’t mention those exploited by politics and stealth!”. It’s easy for us to be judgemental on these things.
- PH135 / G(II)333 / GC476 / W&R139 God Is One Unique and Holy (Brian Wren, USA) Good words focussed on God's unity although many-faceted. Inclusive and great imagery. The tune is quite simple. Lyrics, sheet music sample and tune sample.
- TiS 132 / AHB 65 / NCH277 / CH651 / UMH64 / VU315 / LBW165 / ELW413 / A&M276 / HPP243 / GtG001 / PH138 / G(II)332 / GC475 / GC(II)483 / CP001 / CP(E) 202 / W&R136 / Cha004 / Srce243 / 82Hml-362 / Lau468 / StF011 / MP237 Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord God Almighty (Reginald Heber, England) Old other-worldly language, but a surprisingly inclusive (in most hymnals) classic, and a great rousing hymn tune. Different resources have slightly altered lyrics. A surprisingly non-inclusive sample can be found here.Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 180 / UMH105 / W&R58 / Cha013 God of many names (Brian Wren, USA) If this is new it will need to be taught to your congregation as the tune is not intuitive, but it is worth knowing. The chorus is particularly appealing to kids. Lyrics and sheet music.
- Taizé / CH801 / MV170 / StJ / GtG205 / WoV665 / ELW642 / SFFS 2179 / GC408 / GC(II)430 / G(3)500 / CP553 / W&R399 / Cha523 / URW394 / StF783 / Lau244b Live in charity / Ubi Caritas (Taizé / Jacques Berthier, France) Usually sung in Latin, but can also be sung just as beautifully as "Live in charity and steadfast love, live in charity; God will dwell with you." Sheet music and sound samples for practice. Good for kids.
- ATOK 412 / Iona (SBL, Common Ground) / CH250 / MV212 / A&M482 / GtG747 / SFFS 2184 / Lau855 / StF239 Sent by the Lord am I / Sent out in Jesus name / Enviado soy de Dios (Folk song, Cuba) Great rhythm, good words and not too hard to sing (provided you sing it a little slowly the first time!) I prefer the MV translation "Sent out in Jesus' name". Good for kids. Lyrics.
- GtG596 You are holy you are whole (Per Harling, Sweden) An adaptation of the above song - the last few lines have been changed to say "Sing Hosanna in the highest, sing Hosanna, sing Hosanna to our God"; makes it much more like a Sanctus. Lyrics. Good for kids.
God is great, strengthens us, protects us, God regards the lowly
- NCH Psalter Great is the glory of God A very simple refrain for a chanted (or read) Psalm.
- Linnea Good I lifted my voice and spoke your name, your word of answer swiftly came (Linnea Good, Canada) a very simple congregational response to the Psalm being spoken. It would be great to do this. Need a confident reader who can preferably lead the singing, or an attentive musician to come in at the right spot. Good for kids.
- Emergent Psalter They shall sing of the ways of the Lord (Isaac Everett) Simple psalm refrain and Psalm spoken over music in between the refrains. Sheet music (antiphon only).
- GC(II)700 / G(3)799 Lord you lead through sea and desert / You are strong you are holy (Sylvia Dunstan) Simple version of this psalm with a strong chorus. I don't know if our congregation would like it though. Sheet music. Sound sample.
- Iona (SBL) / CH140 / MV181 / WoV727 / ELW554 / G(II)341 / GC495 / StB178 Lord Your Hands Have Formed This World / The Earth is the Lord's (Ramon Oliano) Good words of creation to a lovely, and not too difficult, Phillippino melody. Lyrics (first verse only)
- ATW 480 On the day I called (Bernadette Farrell) A simple and pretty lovely song. Sound sample.
- TiS 86 / Srce793 With my whole heart I will praise you O Lord (Arlo Duba) This refrain is fine. Verses should be read, perhaps while playing quiet chords underneath. Make sure to keep the chords quiet enough so they are not too distracting.
- NCH085 / SFFS 2082 / Cha623 / ZSS105 Woke Up This Morning (African-American Spiritual) A great Spiritual. If you don't have one of these sources, you can just make it up from this video. This could be a good Sunday to make use of those choir stalls... Good for kids. Oldy-but-a-goody.
Basic gospel summary.
- Iona (Love From Below) / CH434 / CP232 Jesus is risen from the grave (John Bell / Graham Maule, Scotland) Good, simple rhythm and tune. You can even make up some verses if you like. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- Music by heart 43 Dying you destroyed our death (Marilyn Haskel, USA) A very simple round of Christ's death and resurrection.
- Online Resource / CH348 / StS001 / LBW196 / ELW843 / A&M762 / G(3)625 / CP397 / W&R93 / SP304 / URW090 Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness (Rusty Edwards, USA) Good words of Christ's ministry to all. Can be sung to the familiar tune NETTLETON, or the less familiar and very lovely tune JOEL. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / NCH231 / VU178 / AA007 / PH105 / GtG249 / W&R292 Because you live O Christ (Shirley Murray, New Zealand) Excellent words to the well known Easter tune VRUECHTEN. AA has it set to CRAWSHAW which is less familiar. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 380 / AHB 303 / NCH253 / CH419 / UMH308 / VU173 / LBW145 / ELW376 / A&M218 / HPP203 / GtG238 / PH122 / CP210 / CP(E)160 / W&R310 / Cha218 / Srce694 / Lau287 Thine be the glory risen conquering Son (Edmond Budry, Switzerland) One of the few older hymns that doesn't require updating, and beautiful harmonies... A great classic hymn! Lyrics and tune. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 367 / AHB 287 / NCH242 / CH412 / UMH306 / VU159 / LBW135 / ELW366 / A&M217 / GtG236 / PH119 / GC446 / GC(II)459 / G(3)525 / CP212 / CP(E)159 / W&R290 / Cha221 / 82Hml-208 / Lau275 The strife is o'er the battle done (Francis Pott) There are two possible tunes for this hymn. I prefer to sing it to the tune by James Minchin (THE STRIFE IS O’ER), which is found in the Australian Hymn Book, rather than the more traditional minstrellish VULPIUS. The newer tune is pretty groovy (I loved it as a kid!), and has lots and lots of alleluias. The words also vary a lot between hymnals. So, the best would be a combination of the TiS words and the AHB tune 287 (ii). Yeah, this was my other church rock favourite of 1979. Representative lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 387 / CH416 / UMH318 / VU158 / PH108 / LBW363 / ELW389 / A&M199 / GtG246 / PH108 / CP(E) 140 / W&R312 / 82Hml-182 / Lau272 Christ is alive Let Christians sing (Brian Wren, USA) Excellent words of Christ's saving, and still relevant grace. A couple of tunes are offered in different hymn books. I prefer TRURO. Lyrics, sound sample and sheet music.
The risk of going into the deep, as the disciples who followed Christ.
- Online Resource I come to you (Hannah Brown) Thoughtful and repetitive words about leaving all to follow. Sung to the traditional American folk tune WAYFARING STRANGER, which may be familiar. Sheet music sample, lyrics, and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
- Tune In / Online Resource Hail the fisherfolk (Dave Brown) A bluesy litany of the saints, including the fishermen of yesterday and the fisherfolk of today. This song celebrates the many people who have followed God’s call through the ages. Lyrics, sound sample and free songbook.
- FFS62 The Lord God walked in Paradise (Colin Gibson) This tune is quite tricky, but the words for verse 3 are very appropriate for this reading, which it weaves into remembering Adam and Eve in the garden and Moses with the burning bush. Lyrics and sheet music.
- CH340 When Jesus saw the fishermen (Edith Agnew) Simple words about the calling of the fishermen, set to a traditional carol tune (THE SEVEN JOYS OF MARY). Sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- ATOK 413 / Iona (HSNW) / CH533 / VU567 / StS039 / A&M510 / ELW798 / GA502 / SFFS 2130 / HPP317 / GtG726 / G(II)510 / GC700 / GC(II)687 / G(3)790 / CP430 / CP(E) 622 / W&R350 / URW060 / Lau877 / StF673 Will you come and follow me / The Summons (Iona) A classic. Don't sing it too slowly or it really drags and takes forever! Sound sample and lyrics.
- NCH504 / StJ / HPP545 / GtG170 / GC(II)679 You Walk along Our Shoreline (Sylvia Dunstan) Good words to a very familiar hymn tune (AURELIA). Sheet music sample (search for "you walk") New words to old tunes.
- Tune in / Online Resource We are the dream that's longing / Jesus is waiting (Dave Brown) An honest catchy rock song about our hesitation to follow and Jesus not only waiting, but continuing to work and change the world. A good sending-out song. Lyrics, sound sample and free songbook.
- Online Resource / NCYC ’93 / ATFG586 We will love / We will walk with you at the edges (Graeme Gardiner) This is a good little rock number “We will walk with you at the edges, we will die with you at the cross roads, we will risk with you taking chances, we will love”. Or something like that. Jesus broke rules, and that's OK sometimes. Free sheet music and sound samples. Good for kids.
- Gospelling to the BeatOne man was Peter he lived by the sea (Llewellyn) A simple kid's song "stop what you're doing and follow me!" Good for kids.
- ATOK 348 / Iona (HSNW) / G(II)496 / GC692 / GC(II)697 / StF462 Come with me / Sing hey for the carpenter (John Bell, Scotland) Excellent. I love this one. Very joyous, and a big favourite in our congregation. Lyrics. Good for kids.
- TiS 589 / AHB 505 / NCH171 / CH509 / UMH398 / VU562 / LBW494 / ELW696 / A&M324 / HPP314 / GtG720 / CP432 / CP(E) 233 / W&R345 / Cha337 / 82Hml-550 / StF250 / LUYH121 / MP359 / VF128 / VF129 Jesus calls us; o'er the tumult (Cecil Frances Alexander) Great words. TiS sets it to ST CATHERINE, but I prefer it to other tunes (like STUTTGART or RESTORATION); you might like to try them if this is not familiar to your congregation. Lyrics and sheet music samples. Fun fact: Cecil Frances Alexander was a woman. Cecil! I know! New words to old tunes.
- TiS 242 / AHB 183 / AoV1-018 / ATN 27 / CH404 / UMH261 / VU352 / A&M667 / HPP163 / GtG157 / PH302 / G(II)481 / GC708 / GC(II)689 / G(3)796 / CP(E) 468 / W&R118 / Lau765 / StF247 I danced in the morning / Lord of the Dance (Sydney Carter) Lyrics. “I danced to the fishermen, to James and John….”.You all know this one, right? Good for kids. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- SFFS 2101 / G(II)301 / GC688 / GC(II)693 / G(3)798 Two Fishermen (Suzanne Toolan) A nice medieval / minstrelly sounding tune and good words. This would be fun. Lead sheet. Sound sample.
What happened to the old song, "I Will Make You Fishers of Men." After all, men did most of the fishing in Jesus' time. Moreover, Jesus lived in a patriarchal society. Why the need for being "PC"? I like the song. The kids like the song. My Sunday School Class loves the song, My female Sunday School teachers and youth leaders don't seem to have a PC problem with this beautiful song. "Pastor Darryl"
Jesus saw them fishing by Ken Caneda MV 113. A really fun tune and good scriptural words.
Hi Pastor Darryl, I don't really know the song "I will make you fishers of men". I don't think it's really relevant that men did most of the fishing, because in that song Jesus is not talking about who is fishing, but who will be "caught". Kind of boring if only men get caught, don't you think?
I think that singing songs that include all people is important for our churches to model how Jesus welcomed all people into his community. It's not a matter of being "PC", it's a matter of encouraging all people to know that they are welcome to be part of God's mission.
No-one is stopping you and your community from singing that song. The point of this website is to provide songs that are more inclusive and sometimes harder to find.
Bring Many Names is also in Common Praise, #395, set to the tune Waterdown by Patrick Wedd, who I believe is Canadian.
It is also in Voices United, #268, set to Westchase by Carlton R. Young.
Thinking that 'The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases' would be a good one for the Psalm
From the Nets of Our Labor (GTG #751) Such a wonderful hymn!
Thanks again Natalie, I always find something new., and remember something I've forgotten ...
Not sure if this is ok - but I've changed some of the words of Sylvia Dunstan's excellent song for this week - "You walk along our shoreline" to make it a little more inclusive - and as I can't ask her permission, thought I'd offer it anyway...
You walk along our shoreline
where land meets unknown sea.
We hear your voice of longing,
“Now, come and follow me,
and if you still will follow
through storm and wave and shoal,
then I will make you fishers,
but of the human soul.”
You call us, Christ, to gather
the people of the earth.
We fish without exclusion
for everyone has worth.
We spread your net of gospel
across the water’s face,
our boat a common shelter
for all caught by your grace.
We cast our net, O Jesus,
we cry the kin-dom’s name,
we work for love and justice
we learn to hope through pain.
you call us, Christ, to gather
your siblings, every one,
to let your Spirit heal us
so that all may be one.
How about "Jesus, You Have Come to the Lakeshore" Voices United 563?
Thanks Craig - that is indeed a beautiful song, and I did have it listed on this page. I removed his works from my blog, after thoughtful discussion with a reader who made me aware that listing his works were not supportive of the victims of abuse, given that allegations of child sexual abuse by the author were under investigation and were credible enough that the publisher of his works (OCP) removed his publications. I note that OCP have recently decided to make his work available again now, since those claims have not been substantiated. I am working out whether to list his works again. Thanks for prompting me to look into what has happened with his case.
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