2 Samuel 5:1-5, 9-10
David got more powerful and God was with him.
God is steadfast and eternal and victorious.
God sends Ezekiel
Have mercy on us. We’re tired of people looking down at us.
You might like to sing a Kyrie.
A near death experience of a friend.... When we are weak, God is strong.
Jesus goes home and is largely ignored. He sends the disciples out
David got more powerful and God was with him.
- AoV1-137 / ATOK 403 / GA306 / G(II)286 God Of Abraham lead us (Bernadette Farrell) This one is great. Just don't try to sing all 17 verses! Choose what you like… I love this energetic call and response with the response "Lead us to your kingdom". You can sing with a cantor and response, or you could split your congregation in the middle doing half and half, or you could just have people singing all the way through. Lyrics (and a slow sound sample). Sound sample (listen to the whole thing and see how they build it up). Good for kids.
- Online Resource / GWA080 / MV045 / SP&P051 Hamba nathi (Zulu / Xhosa) There are a lot of translations of this South African song. I like "Come with me for the journey is long", even though the original language simply means "Go with us our Saviour"! Sound sample. Sheet music. Here's how it was sung for the soundtrack of Invictus. Here's another good version, with some great harmonies.
- NCYC'07 Lead me on (Paul Gioia) A pretty cool gospel rock song; the chorus can be a bit confusing - will need to be taught. Sound sample. Good for kids & teenagers.
- MV048 I can feel you near me God / Jump for joy (Pat Mayberry) Good song for smaller kids about God being with us. I reckon you could get the kids to Jump in the chorus. Maybe it's a bit too happy clappy for some? Lyrics. Good for smaller kids.
God is steadfast and eternal and victorious.
- TiS 626 / AHB 557 / CH500 / GA423 / Lau869 / StF449 / MP440 Lord of creation to you be all praise! (Jack Winslow) A wonderful traditional, and quite inclusive, hymn to the familiar tune SLANE. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- NCH Psalter We ponder your steadfast love O God (Martie McMane) A lovely simple refrain and a cantor part which may be read or sung.>
- Online Resource Stronghold (Richard Bruxvoort Colligan) A good reflective refrain and simple verses. This is available free for the next 7 days. Sound sample, lyrics, downloads.
- Songs for Liturgy 05 Holy God holy and mighty (Georgian) Not for the congregation, but if you have a small group of singers, or a choir, this would be beautiful. The Republic of Georgia has beautiful liturgical music, this version comes from a book published by the church of St Gregory of Nyssa in San Francisco. For more Georgian Trisagion's search for "Tsmindao Gmerto". You might find something beautiful like this.
- NCH747 / Iona (M&G) / ELW160 / GP1_1 / LUYH631 / URW406 Holy holy holy God / Agios o Theos (Orthodox traditional) A simple version of the Trisagion. Ideal if you can use all the parts. Midi file.
- NCH748 / STB122 Holy God holy mighty (Francisco Feliciano) Another good Trisagion for the congregation to sing.
- TiS 569 / AHB 478 / NCH18/19 / CH167 / UMH127 / VU651 / LBW343 / ELW618 / StF465 / A&M652 / HPP432 / GtG065 / PH281 / CP565 / CP(E) 455 / W&R501 / Cha622 / 82Hml690 / StF465 / Lau960 / LUYH043 / MP201 Guide me O thou great Jehovah / Redeemer (William Williams) A rousing hymn of God’s presence and strength and making it to the other side. "Bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore." Lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 458 / AHB 388 / NCH095 / CH220 / UMH690 / VU437 / Songs for Liturgy / LBW274 / ELW569 / GA539 / A&M24 / GtG677 / PH546 / CP029 / CP(E) 22 / 82Hml-024 / Lau679 / StF147 / LUYH387 / MP641 The day you gave us God is ended (John Ellerton) A lovely older hymn. Suitable only for evening services. Old school lyrics & sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- Emergent Psalter Tell the next generation that this is our God (Isaac Everett) A good chant with a psalm read over improvised chords. Sheet music (click on the downloads tab).
- PfAS048B In the midst of your temple O God (Gregg DeMey) A simple 3/4 refrain to a chanted or read version of the Psalm.
- Taizé / CH801 / MV170 / StJ / GtG205 / WoV665 / ELW642 / SFFS 2179 / GC408 / GC(II)430 / G(3)500 / CP553 / W&R399 / Cha523 / URW394 / StF783 / Lau244b Live in charity / Ubi Caritas (Taizé / Jacques Berthier) Usually sung in Latin, but can also be sung just as beautifully as "Live in charity and steadfast love, live in charity; God will dwell with you." Sheet music and sound samples for practice. Good for kids.
God sends Ezekiel
- GWA029 In ages past the mighty Lord by prophets spoke the word
(Michael Mangan) This is a song with very many verses; choose at least
verses 1 and 4 this week, and you can sing other verses when you want to
sing about other prophets. Set to the common tune KINGSFOLD. Some lyrics (vs 3 is the Ezekiel verse!). New words to old tunes.
- TiS 658 / AoV1-090 / ATE 296 / CH251 / UMH593 / VU509 / WoV752 / ELW574 / GA496 / A&M494 / HPP541 / GtG069 / PH525 / G(II)492 / GC(II)671 / G(3)777 / CP(E) 470 / W&R559 / Cha452 / Srce328 / Lau865 / StF663 / LUYH869 / MP857I the Lord of sea and sky / Here I am Lord (Dan Schutte) Song of God searching for us and our response. Very slow sound sample. Lyrics and sample sheet music.
- Online Resource / TiS 749 / AoV1-154 / AoVK-131 / ATE 305 / NCH360 / Iona (SBL, Freedom is coming) / CH800 / UMH497 / VU572 / WoV773 / ELW469 / ELW809 / GA493 / A&M481 / HPP340 / GtG746 / G(II)484 / GC677 / GC(II)674 / G(3)776 / W&R713 / Cha447 / SP234 / StF782 Send me Jesus / Thuma mina (South African) You all know this one, right? If you don't - it's great - simple, repetitive, and meaningful.Good for kids. Sound sample, sheet music sound sample and purchasing options. Youtube
- TiS 674 / Iona (Common Ground, Heaven Shall Not Wait) / A&M562 / CH253 / SP245 Inspired by love and anger (John Bell) Powerful lyrics, simple English folk tune. Lyrics. I love verse three “Don’t query our position! Don’t criticise our wealth! Don’t mention those exploited by politics and stealth!”.
- ATOK 412 / Iona (SBL, Common Ground) / CH250 / MV212 / A&M482 / GtG747 / SFFS 2184 / Lau855 / StF239 Sent by the Lord am I / Sent out in Jesus name / Enviado soy de Dios (Traditional Cuban) Great rhythm, good words and not too hard to sing (provided you sing it a little slowly the first time!) I prefer the MV translation "Sent out in Jesus' name". Good for kids. Lyrics.
Have mercy on us. We’re tired of people looking down at us.
You might like to sing a Kyrie.
- Linnea Good To you I lift up my eyes (Linnea Good) A simple response. Good for kids.
- Taizé / TiS 725 / ATE 275 / AoV2-167 / ATE 275 / StJ / GA538 / GtG678 / G(II)553 / GC763 / URW391 In our darkness there is no darkness in your sight / La tenebre (Jacques Berthier) Also translated as "Our darkness is never darkness". Sample music and lyrics.
- VF091 Heal me Lord (Carol E Petersen) A beautiful and gentle two part song for healing and mercy. You could use a cantor for Part 1, or separate the congregation into two parts. I think you could also easily make up your own verses to fit your congregation. Sound sample (partway through a church service video).
- TiS 674 / Iona (Common Ground, Heaven Shall Not Wait) / A&M562 / CH253 Inspired by love and anger (John Bell) Powerful lyrics, simple English folk tune. Lyric video. I love verse three “Don’t query our position! Don’t criticise our wealth! Don’t mention those exploited by politics and stealth!”. It’s easy for us to be judgemental on these things.
- Traditional / ATA 202 / GGives1 We're gonna move when the Spirit says move / I'm gonna sing when the spirit says sing (African American) Based on a traditional song. Some versions are "You gotta sing…." Many versions exist, you can even make up your own words. Lyrics and sheet music.
- Emergent Psalter The snare is broken (Isaac Everett) A simple refrain to a read Psalm with improvised music during the reading. Sample sheet music.
- Online Resource We lift our eyes to you (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A gentle song of moving on from the fear of terror and sorrow. It would be a beautiful meditation. Lyrics, sound sample and sheet music.
A near death experience of a friend.... When we are weak, God is strong.
- Tune in / Online Resource The God that I Know (Sheree Anderson) A beautiful ballad with female and male images of a loving, embracing God. “He comes with his arms open wide, a sheltering place I can hide”. If this is not familiar to your congregation it would be a good song for a soloist. Free downloadable songbook, lyrics and sound samples.
- AoV2-070 / ATW 496 / MV090 / StJ Don't be afraid (John Bell) Excellent. I love this song of reassurance. "Don't be afraid, my love is stronger, my love is stronger than your fear". This song can be used as a response to intercessions. Sound sample. Good for kids<./li>
- CH655 / URW082 For your generous providing (Leith Fisher) Lovely words to the well-known hymn tune HOLY MANNA or HYFRYDOL Particularly good if you celebrate communion this week. "Through the depths of joy and sorry, though the road be smooth or rough, fearless we can face tomorrow, for your grace will be enough". BUC people: I have a copy of this. Video with sound sample and lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 626 / AHB 557 / CH500 / GA423 / Lau869 / StF449 / MP440 Lord of creation to you be all praise! (Jack Winslow) A wonderful traditional, and quite inclusive, hymn to the familiar tune SLANE. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Iona (M&G) / CH524 Jesus Christ our living Lord
(John Bell) This is a new one to me. Quite simple, and encouraging
words of service and simplicity. I think this would be a good one to
learn and remember again and again. Sound sample.
- SP&P107 Great is your faithfulness O God of Jacob / Your grace is enough (Matt Maher) This very popular Christian rock song is pretty good. Note that the lyrics on most of the recordings are not the same as in SP&P. I quite like the changes he made for SP&P. The chorus is a bit repetitive, but "Your grace is enough" bears repeating really. Youtube.
- TiS 129 / AHB 56 / AoV1-029 / ATA 131 / NCH547 / CH555 / UMH378 / VU266 / LBW448 / ELW779 / A&M587 / GA437 / HPP334 / GtG649 / PH280 / G(II)434 / GC612 / GC(II)586 / G(3)645 / CP352 / CP(E) 375 / W&R422 / Cha546 / ZSS202 / Srce25 / Lau846 / StF440 / MP031 Amazing grace how sweet the sound (John Newton) I once was lost... I think you all know this one. Nice youtube of some Sacred Harp singing, and a story. I love the recording of G Yunipingu singing this in Yolngu; so sad that he is no longer singing on this earth. Oldy-but-a-goody.
Jesus goes home and is largely ignored. He sends the disciples out
- CH683 / VU420 / A&M491 / GC(II)469 / G(3)546 / GtG295 / CP598 / W&R553 / SP156 / URW132 / Lau426 / StF402 Go to the world Go into all the earth (Sylvia Dunstan) Great words of sending out. Can be sung to a couple of different tunes. SINE NOMINE is the easiest and best known. Sound sample. Sheet music sample. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 626 / AHB 557 / CH500 / GA423 / Lau869 / StF449 / MP440 Lord of creation to you be all praise! (Jack Winslow) A wonderful traditional, and quite inclusive, hymn to the familiar tune SLANE. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / TiS 749 / AoV1-154 / AoVK-131 / ATE 305 / NCH360 / Iona (SBL, Freedom is coming) / CH800 / UMH497 / VU572 / WoV773 / ELW469 / ELW809 / GA493 / A&M481 / HPP340 / GtG746 / G(II)484 / GC677 / GC(II)674 / G(3)776 / W&R713 / Cha447 / SP234 / StF782 Send me Jesus / Thuma mina (South African) You all know this one, right? If you don't - it's great - simple, repetitive, and meaningful. Good for kids. Sound sample, sheet music sound sample and purchasing options. Youtube
- ATOK 412 / Iona (SBL, Common Ground) / CH250 / MV212 / A&M482 / GtG747 / SFFS 2184 / Lau855 / StF239 Sent by the Lord am I / Sent out in Jesus name / Enviado soy de Dios (Traditional Cuban) Great rhythm, good words and not too hard to sing (provided you sing it a little slowly the first time!) I prefer the MV translation "Sent out in Jesus' name". Good for kids. Lyrics.
- TiS 674 / Iona (Common Ground, Heaven Shall Not Wait) / A&M562 / CH253 / SP245 Inspired by love and anger (John Bell) Powerful lyrics, simple English folk tune. Lyrics. I love verse three “Don’t query our position! Don’t criticise our wealth! Don’t mention those exploited by politics and stealth!”.
- CH350 / UMH263 / VU358 / StS044 When Jesus the healer passed through Galilee (Peter Smith) A simple song with many verses (you don't have to sing all of them!), and a simple "Heal us, heal us today" refrain. This would be good for kids or those who can't read, as they'll be able to join in easily. Verse 5 is particularly appropriate "The twelve were commissioned and sent out in twos, Heal us, heal us today, to make the sick whole and to spread the good news, Heal us, Lord Jesus". Lyrics and sheet music. Good for kids.
- G(3)759 God Sends Us Forth (Tony Alonso) A folksy 6/8 minor key song of sending out. Sheet music sample and sound sample.
- Online Resource / GtG162 O carpenter why leave the bench
(Richard Leach) Good words questioning why someone would leave a practical
vocation to follow God's call. Good question, eh? Tune is an old
American tune, not familiar but very singable. Good on you William
Billings for writing so many good tunes. Sound sample and sheet music (with purchase).
- Iona (Common Ground) / URW177 Til all the jails are empty
(Carl P Daw) A song about the work that we need to do in the world, and a
prayer that the seed we sow will grow. Lyrics and sheet music.
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