Acts 4:5-12
Christ the cornerstone, through which healing and salvation come
You could sing just about any hymn to this passage!
The Lord is my shepherd
The importance of love and generous living.
Christ as the good shepherd who gathers the flock
In addition to those suggested for Psalm 23 above, you could also sing:
Christ the cornerstone, through which healing and salvation come
You could sing just about any hymn to this passage!
- NCH387 / GtG361 / PH443 / GC(II)646 / RS782 / CP524 / Lau829 O Christ the great foundation (Timothy Ting Fang Lew) Excellent words of salvation and justice from Timothy Tingfang Lew, sung to the tune of "The church's one foundation" (AURELIA) which is in all standard hymnals. There is a second possible tune (ABREU), which is more challenging. Note that the lyrics in the NCH are slightly different, and more inclusive. Lyrics (downloads an order of service). Video (AURELIA) with lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- ATE 213 I go to the rock (Dottie Rambo) This just has the chorus, which is pretty old-school, but I think it still works OK. There are verses, but it's better without them. Good for kids. Lyrics. Dottie Rambo herself singing it!
- G(3)767 Called by Christ (Ruth Duck) A lovely song with a joyous chorus that feels like a good one to build community; it's probably most appropriate for a confirmation, but can also be sung to celebrate the whole gathered community. "Built on the bedrock". Lyrics and lead sheet. Sound sample.
- TiS 669 / GGives2 If your world's caving in around you / Well Jesus is the rock (Mandy Treagus) Fun song for kids. Good for kids Lyrics, melody line and chords. Lyrics (downloads a word doc).
The Lord is my shepherd
- Online Resource You are my shepherd (Bernadette
Farrell) Gosh, this is lovely. A peaceful refrain with an optional
cantor line. Thanks to the Anonymous reader who suggested this by
commenting. Sound sample and sheet music for purchase.
- TiS 10 / AHB 16 / AoV1-144 / NCH479 / Iona (Common Ground) / CH14/16 / UMH136 / VU747/8 / StS099 / LBW451 / ELW778 / GA473 / HPP55 / GtG801 / PH170 / CP519 / CP(E) 594 / W&R86 / Cha078 / Srce662 / Lau806 / StF480 / MP660 The Lord's my Shepherd I'll not want / God is my shepherd (Scottish Psalter) It's not inclusive, but I think it's more than a sentimental favourite. NCH, VU and Chalice all have an inclusive language version. Traditional lyrics and sound sample. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- MV126 Are you a shepherd? (Ruth Duck) Good and joyous. Lots of images of God: shepherd, teacher, mother, father. We sung this once last year, and it would be good to do it again. A catchy chorus, but it does need to be taught. Lyric video. Good for kids.
- ELW438 / HPP52 / GtG803 / PH172 / Cha080 / PfAS023A / 82Hml-664 My Shepherd Will Supply My Need / My Shepherd You Supply My Need (Isaac Watts) I quite like this version of the 23rd Psalm, although hymnals vary widely in how inclusive their lyrics are; I prefer the Chalice version. The tune (RESIGNATION) is from Southern Harmony. Chalice also has a nice responsive reading (Cha081) that fits with this version. Lyrics & sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- Cha734 (I) / URW244 My shepherd you supply my need and holy is your name (Isaac Watts) Responsive psalm with sung refrain to the tune of the first line of BROTHER JAMES' AIR. Lyrics to the old hymn on which this is based. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- Online Resource / Tune In Like the sun upon my skin / God’s Mercy (Sheree Anderson) A beautiful ballad about identifying God's mercy in the beauty of creation. Free downloadable songbook, sound samples and lyrics.
NCYC'07 Lead me on (Paul Gioia) A pretty cool gospel rock song. Sound sample.
- Online Resource / Tune In / ATAR596 He comes with his arms open wide / The God that I know (Sheree Anderson) A ballad drawing on God’s strength and comfort; not easy if unfamiliar. Free downloadable songbook, sound samples and lyrics.
- PfAS023I My shepherd is the Lord / El Señor es mi pastor (Ricardo Villarreal) I like this tune, and the paraphrase is good. It's
particularly good for Spanish-speaking (or bilingual) congregations;
it's fine in English too. Could also use the verses with a cantor. Sheet music.
- CH716 / VU374 / FFS10 / SFFS 2128 / W&R477 / Cha575 Come and find the quiet centre (Shirley Murray) A good song for the beginning of worship. We usually sing it to BEACH SPRING (TiS 493). Lyrics and sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / AoV1-033 / WoV690 / ELW423 / SFFS 2058 / GtG473 / G(II)29 / GC31 / GC(II)23 / G(3)035 / PfAS023H / Lau951 Shepherd Me O God (Marty Haugen) A nice reworking of the 23rd Psalm. The verses are a little challenging, so I would use the chant on its own: “Shepherd me O God beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life”. Lyrics and sheet music sample. Sound sample and paid download options. Or you could use Cha734(ii) / PfAS023G which use only the chorus, as a Psalm refrain.
- ACS954 / CH355 / VU210 / HPP81 / GtG274 / GC(II)525 / G(3)628 / CP630 / W&R99 / URW098 You Lord Are Both Lamb and Shepherd (Sylvia Dunstan) Beautiful words. Can be sung to many tunes. I like it to PICARDY or WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Lyrics and sound samples. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource Surely Goodness and Mercy (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A gentle psalm refrain with a read psalm. Breathy sound sample, lyrics; sheet music available for purchase.
- W&R655 / URW202 Come Away from Rush and Hurry (Marva Dawn) Excellent words of resting in a sacred space to the familiar tune BEACH SPRING (TiS 493). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
TiS 011 / AHB 98 / UMH137 / GA025 / G(3)034 My shepherd is the Lord
(Joseph Gelineau) Of the two listed here, I prefer Response 1. A
good alternative if you would like to use a cantored Psalm. Sound sample.
- Online Resource Breathe in the morning air (Helen Wiltshire) Lovely words for a soloist to sing at the start of a morning service to welcome the congregation. Sung to LOVE UNKNOWN, or could be sung to DARWALL'S 148th. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- G(II)458 / GC654 / GC(II)628 / G(3)725 With a Shepherd's Care (James Chepponis) Very nice words with feminine and masculine images for God. Would be very straightforward to sing. Sound sample of a fairly formal version.
- URW444 Go in peace walk in love
(Trilby Jordan) A lovely blessing song that can be sung as a
round. Sound sample (go to the very end of the video - 1:01:27).
- Taizé / GtG814 / CP563 / PfAS062D In God alone my soul can find rest and peace / Mon ame se repose (Jacques Berthier) A beautiful healing chant from Taize. Words and music and sound samples for learning the parts Good for kids.
- Online Resource / Resounding Voices Our shepherd comes in loving care (Jane Aldridge-Clanton) Feminine imagery for Psalm 23, set to the familiar tune BROTHER JAMES' AIR. It's really nice. New words to old tunes. Free book download here.
- FFS39 It all depends on where I'm going (Colin Gibson) Good words of God's constant presence through all of life's travels, sung to a simple Celtic-style tune (TE HORO). Lyrics.
- Online Resource / Resounding Voices / VT044 We long to know her the maker of heaven (Jacque Jones) Rich feminine imagery of God as creator, wisdom and bringer of justice. Sung to a tune that may be familiar (STAR OF THE EAST). Free book download here. New words to old tunes.
- Recorded Music 23rd Psalm (Bobby McFerrin) A beautiful feminine rendering of the Psalm. From the album Medicine Man. Listen to it here on Youtube. If you'd like to sing it, it's also in the Unitarian Universalist book "Singing the Journey" and "Music for Liturgy" from St. Gregory of Nyssa.
- Online Resource All of my days (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A gentle song with the chorus "All of my days, God's mercy follows". Would be simple to have the congregation join in on the chorus. Breathy sound sample, lyrics; sheet music available for purchase.
- Online Resource Surely Goodness and Mercy (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A gentle psalm refrain with a read psalm. Breathy sound sample, lyrics; sheet music available for purchase.
- Online Resource I am the Good Shepherd I'll watch when you're weary (Leigh Newton) Not immediately easy for a congregation to sing, but it would be wonderful for them to listen to. Lyrics and Youtube.
The importance of love and generous living.
- GtB God is love and love is giving (Ross Langmead) A simple kids' song about God's love. A round. Good for kids. Sound sample.
- CH115 / MV089 / Iona (Love from Below) / A&M722 / SP292 Love is the touch of intangible joy (Alison Robertson) Great words and a simple tune. Each verse ends with the affirming phrase: "God is where love is, for love is of God". Lyrics (scroll). Lovely sound sample.
- ATAR656 Heavy our hearts (Trish Watts / Gabrielle Lord) A lovely soothing chant naming our heaviness and seeking God's shelter and healing.
- TiS 699 / AHB 571 / ATN 65 / WoV664 / GA318 / Srce35 / Lau920 / StF242 / MP001 A new commandment I give unto you (Unknown) Note that older sources do not have inclusive words, but more recent publications use "others" rather than "all men" to make it inclusive for all people. Video. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 657 / CH263 / VU700 / A&M559 / AA50 / CP(E) 447 / Cha656 / SP242 God of freedom God of justice (Shirley Murray) Powerful lyrics. Can be sung to either TREDEGAR (new, but not too hard) or PICARDY (very familiar) or RHUDDLAN. Lyrics and sheet music sample. New words to old tunes. There is also a nice tune from Douglas Simper in his book if you'd like something quite new, but still hymn-like.
- Taizé / MV075 / StS079 / SFFS 2118 / GtG284 / GC(II)479 / G(3)547 / SP99 / URW395 Holy Spirit Come to Us / Veni sancte spiritus / Tui amoris (Jacques Berthier) Best if you have a cantor, but works well if you don't, too. Sheet music, translations, sound samples.
- MV094 Love knocks and waits (Daniel Damon) Lovely words and a simple lilting melody. Sheet music and lyrics.
- TiS 630 / AHB 554 The law of Christ alone can make us free (James McAuley) Lyrics are not gender inclusive for God. The tune may be tricky if not familiar, so you may need to introduce the melody to your congregation. Lyrics.
- UMH592 / HPP548 / W&R555 / Cha470 When the Church of Jesus shuts its outer door (Fred Pratt Green) Sung to tune KING'S WESTON, this hymn has strong words of reproach and mission. Could work as a confession, sending out, or offering song. Lyrics.
Christ as the good shepherd who gathers the flock
In addition to those suggested for Psalm 23 above, you could also sing:
- MV126 Are you a shepherd? (Ruth Duck) Good and joyous. Lots of images of God: shepherd, teacher, mother, father. A catchy chorus. Lyric video. Good for kids.
- Online Resource Christ is the shepherd strong (Brian Wren) Clear challenging words, set to a fairly simple tune. Verses focus on 4 images of Christ: Shepherd, Nurse, peaceful Prince and teacher. Lyrics and sheet music.
- TiS 420 Holy Spirit go before us (Elizabeth Smith) Great words of evangelism and justice to a simple lilting melody. If you think your congregation can't cope with a new tune this week, it can be sung to AUSTRIA (TiS 93). Sound sample. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 239 / AHB 185 / ATE 236 / NCH048 / StF252 / Lau746 / MP384 Jesus the Christ said "I am the bread" / Jesus the Lord said "I am the bread" (Unknown author / Urdu melody) This song set to a traditional Urdu melody is quite well known; translations vary a lot. I really like the translation in NCH. “The one good shepherd of the sheep am I”. Sound sample. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS474 / AoV1-012 / ATAR595 / CH623 / SFFS 2236 / HPP553 / A&M363 / GtG401 / G(II)539 / GC839 / GC(II)743 / G(3)848 / CP465 / W&R649 / Cha284 / SP175 / URW054 / Lau475 Here in this place new light is streaming / Gather us in (Marty Haugen). Excellent words, very well known. “Nourish us well and teach us to fashion lives that are holy and hearts that are true”. Lyrics, sound samples, sheet music.
Our choir intends to sing the Stuart Townsend version of Psalm 23 - YT link
A version we intend to learn as a congregation.
It's almost impossible for us to avoid singing Bobby McFerrin's version of Psalm 23, which honours his mother's shepherding/nurturing influence in his life. Our community has been holding it in our hearts and voices for about 25 years. Very simple to lift. And then chant.
"Savior, Like a Shepherd, Lead Us" "He Leadeth Me, O Blessed Thought"
For Psalm 23 - I want to do and meet him there in TIS #659
"Love is the touch of intangible joy" isn't in "Love From Below" (not my version anyway). I found it in "One Is The Body" (also published by Wild Goose Publications). I also found a lovely performance of it:
From Noodle Thrower: Don't forget the Scripture index at the back of TIS: 10, 233, 239, 659, 145, 588 - lots of oldies but goodies in there that are especially good for small congregations and with the theme woven into the second or third verses or the chorus.
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