Songs and Hymns for Lent 1A (February 26 2023)

Some general Lent songs
  • VU108 / W&R250 Throughout These Lenten Days and Nights (James Gertmenian) It's hard to find a song that talks about Lenten practice that is not too dated. I think this song would work quite well. Can be sung to WINCHESTER NEW or TALLIS CANON. Lyrics and sheet music that's a newer lilting, and quite nice tuneNew words to old tunes.
  • TiS 684 Love will be our Lenten calling (Elizabeth Smith) Excellent words, and the set tune PICARDY is both beautiful and familiar. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • ATAR626 / VU113 To the desert Jesus came / Together through the valley (Linnea Good) A good contemporary hymn, with a quite classically beautiful tune, for the start of Lent. A song about going together through the wilderness of Lent to Easter.
  • VU109 /  82Hml-145 Now quit your care and anxious fear (Percy Dearmer) A lovely joyful tune for Lent. Good, realistic, although slightly old-fashioned words. "Arise, arise, arise and make a paradise!" This could be sung through the whole Lenten season. Lyric video.
  • Since Lent is often a time of living more simply, you may wish to sing: Online Resource / VU353 / MfL150 / HPP391 / GC(II)657 / G(3)748 / Cha568 82Hml-554 Tis the gift to be simple (Joseph Brackett) Excellent words to a very familiar tune. You might even want to consider some Shaker dance steps to go with the song. Free sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody. Lyrics and tune and history.
Genesis 2:15-17; 3:1-7
Adam and Eve give in to temptation to eat the apple
  • Online Resource / Tune In / ATAR612 God is walking in the garden (Dave Brown) A gentle song that starts in the Garden of Eden and ends with Easter. "We heard you walking, We hid because we're afraid". A great song for the start of Lent. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • CH171 / A&M568 /  SP253 Take up the song and sing the praise of God (Rae Whitney) Simple, upbeat tune, and great words about creation, our choice and responsibility. Nice time signature; some versions are not inclusive. Older style lyrics.
  • Online Resource / Tune In / ATAR663 Save us in the time of trial (Shawn Whelan) A song with a reflective almost-Taize-like chorus. We have sung this a couple of different ways, it's quite flexible. I will suggest this quite a bit during Lent, so this might be a good time to teach it. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • TiS 668 / AoVK-34 / ATFG587 / NCH569 / CH243 / VU307 / R254 / ELW739 / AA143 / A&M553 / GtG713 / G(3)805 / W&R38 / Cha693 / URW189 / StF729 Touch the earth lightly (Shirley Murray) Sings of the redemption of creation and our complicity in its destruction. Sources vary in their set tunes. TiS has a good tune (TENDERNESS) with a nice minor key change to the relative minor for the second verse. Can also be sung to BUNESSAN, if you need a familiar tune. Youtube video with all lyrics. New words to old tunes (if you want).
  • FFS62 The Lord God walked in Paradise (Colin Gibson) This tune is quite tricky, but the words for verse 1 are very appropriate for this reading, which it weaves into remembering Moses and the bush and Christ calling the fishermen to join him.  Sheet music and lyrics.
  • CH244 / FFS75 Where are the voices for the earth? (Shirley Murray) Very very nice. Haunting tune. While the harmonies are complex, I don't think this is hard to sing. Lyrics.
  • NCH568 / PH283 God marked a line and told the sea (Thomas Troeger) Sung to the familiar hymn tune KEDRON, this hymn is a song about limits and how to define freedom. "God set one limit in the glade where tempting, fruited branches swayed". Would be great to initiate a discussion. Lyrics.
  • Online Resource People of the earth come tremble (Hannah Brown) Excellent words about the complex glory of creation, the damage we have done, our responsibility to care for it, and the joy we find in its beauty. Can be sung to the known tune PLEADING SAVIOUR or to a new tune by Benjamin Brody. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • NCH559 / PH266 / W&R36 Thank You God for Water Soil and Air (Brian Wren) Good words asking God's forgiveness for the way we have damaged the planet we have been entrusted with, and a plea to help us renew the face of the earth by caring for creation. A prayer of confession. Can't tell you much about the tune, because I don't have these hymnals and can't find it on the internet anywhere. Lyrics.
  • VU248 / StJ / WoV799 / ELW861 / CP307 When long before time / The Singer and the song (Peter Davison) Easy tune. Nice imagery of God the Singer and Song Incarnate. Lyrics.
  • TiS 159 / AHB 94 / CH226 / VU300 / R252 / ELW734 / CP261 / CP(E) 271 / StF122 / Lau733 God whose farm is all creation (John Arlott) Simple words of caring for the crops and harvest as well as well as all creation. Lyrics.
Psalm 32
Honest confession forgiven by God. Identity.
You could sing a Kyrie (lots listed here). Some of them are good for kids.
  • Online Resource / Tune In / NCYC '07 Forgive us now (Dave Brown). “As we forgive may we be healed, as we reach out….” An excellent ballad. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • Online Resource / Tune In Making things new (Sheree Anderson) A groovy one. Great for kids, and lots of fun. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • Online Resource / BUC Song Project Broken (Elaine Loukes) This song seeking God's open arms at the end of a dry journey fits this reading well. Sheet music, lyrics and sound sample.
  • Cha739 Be glad in God and rejoice (Gary Smith) Responsive psalm with joyous sung refrain.
  • MV095 How deep the peace (Lynn Bauman / Linea Good) Simple song. Would work particularly well as words of assurance after the prayers of confession.
  • G(II)42 / GC44 I Turn to You in time of trouble (Rory Cooney) A quite nice inclusive cantor and response. Lyrics and sheet music. Sound sample.
  • TiS 417 / AoV2-133 / ATW 448 / VU387 / StJ / WoV683 / ELW397 / AA94 / HPP237 / GtG293 / PH323 / CP657 / W&R135 / Cha244 / URW203 / StB220 Loving Spirit, Loving Spirit (Shirley Murray). There are about a zillion tunes set for this. I prefer FELICITY (by Colin Gibson TiS 417), but also like RESTORATION and OMNI DIE. Free sheet music and lyricsNew words to old tunes.
  • Emergent Psalter Show me which way to go (Isaac Everett) Simple refrain. Sheet music (refrain only).
  • Online Resource Blessed are all those whose sins are forgiven (Douglas Gay) A setting of the Psalm set to the familiar tune WAS LEBET WAS SCHWEBET. Thanks to Doug for sharing this with us all. Lyrics. New words to old tunes 
  • StS066 / PfAS032C While I keep silence (David Wright) A very mournful song based on this Psalm. Best for a meditative service; this will not suit all congregations, but there is something quite compelling about it, and maybe particularly good for Lent. Sound sample (Spotify).
  • TiS 754 / SFFS 2055 / HPP457 / Cha554 / PfAS032B / Srce2-686 / MP793 You are my hiding-place (Michael Ledner) Very mushy, but somehow very satisfying and soothing. Particularly mushy sound sample and lyrics. Good for kids.
  • SoG 790 / ATW 463 / Iona (T1AU) / ELW721 / SFFS 2219 / A&M835 / GtG750 / GC(II)451 / G(3)528 / W&R296 / URW436 Goodness is stronger than evil (Desmond Tutu / John Bell) Words from Archbishop Desmond Tutu. "Victory is ours, victory is ours, through him who loves us". Some congregations change the last line to "Compassion is ours, compassion is ours...". It depends on the context in which you sing it, I suppose. Lyrics and a range of sound samples. Good for kids. There is also a very moving choral version of these words and more from Desmond Tutu, arranged by Tom Keesecker. Available here (sound sample there too).
Romans 5:12-19
Complex; free grace through Christ seems to be the main message.
  • TiS 129 / AHB 56 / AoV1-029 / ATA 131 / NCH547 / CH555 / UMH378 / VU266 / LBW448 / ELW779 / A&M587 / GA437 / HPP334 / GtG649 / PH280 / G(II)434 / GC612 / GC(II)586 / G(3)645 / CP352 / CP(E) 375 / W&R422 / Cha546 / ZSS202 / Srce25 / Lau846 / StF440 / MP031 Amazing grace how sweet the sound (John Newton) I once was lost... I think you all know this one. Nice youtube of some Sacred Harp singing, and a story. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • Online Resource / Tune In A grain of wheat (Sheree Anderson) Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it won't form roots and grow. A boppy song with deeply meaningful lyrics. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • TiS 211 / AHB 139 / NCH546 / CH490 / UMH479 / VU669 / HPP380 / GtG440 / PH303 / CP533 / CP(E) 96 / W&R439 / Cha542 / Srce383 / 82Hml-699 / StF335 / MP372 Jesus lover of my soul (Charles Wesley) A classic with much beauty. I prefer singing it to ABERYSTWYTH. Not all versions are great; VU has good lyrics. Lyrics & sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody. 
  • Online Resource / Tune in We are the dream that's longing / Jesus is waiting (Dave Brown) An honest catchy rock song about our hesitation to follow and Jesus not only waiting, but continuing to work and change the world. A good sending-out song. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • Online Resource / Tune In In the shape of a cross (Dave Brown) A cry to God for help and a call for God to enter our world. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
Matthew 4:1-11 
Christ’s temptations in the wilderness: satisfy hunger for food and power. Do not put God to the test, Man does not live by bread alone
  • Online Resource / Tune In / ATAR663 Save us in the time of trial (Shawn Whelan) A song with a reflective chant-like chorus. We have sung this a cuople of different ways, it's quite flexible. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • Here in this place We know ourselves beloved (Helen Wiltshire) These words emphasize that we are loved by God even when called into the wilderness; I think this would be a pretty good fit for BUC this Lent. This book is no longer online, but if you have a copy, it would be great to use it. 
  • CH338 / VU115 / StS036 / SFFS 2105 / STF237 / LUYH115 Jesus tempted in the desert (Herman Stuempfle) Excellent story-telling hymn, sung to the familiar tune EBENEZER. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes,
  • MV118 Me alone (Jamaican traditional) A very simple repetitive call-and-response song. Could work well as a reflective song. This is from the Caribbean Conference of Churches. Could work as a prayer response too. Choral arrangement.
  • ACS922 / MV065 / GtG783 / STF240 When we are tested and wrestle alone (Ruth Duck) Excellent words paralleling our struggles with those of Christ in the wilderness. The set tune WHEN WE ARE TESTED is not difficult, but it can also be sung to SLANE (TiS 547) if you need a familiar tune. First verse is "When we are tested and wrestle alone, famished for bread when the world offers stone, nourish us God, by your word and your way, food that sustains us by night and by day". New words to old tunes. Lyrics and sheet music sample.
  • Online Resource / ATW 498 / Iona (T1AU) / MV 196 / SP&P182 / URW438 We will take what you offer (John Bell) An excellent simple short song that works well either as an upbeat chorus or as a reflective chant. Sheet music sample and purchasing options.
  • ATAR626 / VU113 To the desert Jesus came / Together through the valley (Linnea Good) A good contemporary hymn, with a quite classically beautiful tune, for the start of Lent. A song about going together through the wilderness of Lent to Easter. Lyric video.
  • SP&P097 The spirit led Jesus to the wilderness (Scheffler) A good catchy verse and chorus song for kids. The story of Jesus going into the wilderness. You might need to have a conversation about what it means to be tempted by the devil with the kids before singing this. We don't often talk about "The Devil". Good for kids,
  • Online Resource My wandering heart knows barren land (Hannah Brown) A song of comfort in times of difficulty, reflecting on the understanding that God has. I think this would be quite straightforward to sing. Sheet music sample, lyrics, and purchasing options
  • TaizĂ© / GtG814 / CP563 / PfAS062D In God alone my soul can find rest and peace / Mon ame se repose (Jacques Berthier) A beautiful healing chant from Taize. Words and music and sound samples for learning the parts. Good for kids.
  • ACS923 As your spirit in the desert (Susan Palo Cherwien) A really good new hymn with the invitation to "cross into the wilderness" and "cross out of the wilderness" as the final line for each verse. Sound sample
  • Online Resource / Protest of Praise When our lives are ruled by fear (David Bjorlin) Strong words challenging us to move forward in faith; some of the words face quite specific challenges for congregations; sung to the familiar tune ABERYSTWYTH. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing optionsNew words to old tunes.   
  • Online Resource O Lord you were sent (Carolyn Winfrey Gillette) Excellent words considering Christ's call to the wilderness and what temptation may mean for us today. Set to the familiar tune FOUNDATION. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.   
  • Online resource Out in the Wilderness (Jay Beech) A groovy song that I think kids will like; I like the first and 3rd verses, and not so much of the rest. Good for kids. Sound sample. Sheet music for purchase. 
  • Online Resource God bless our "No" (Hannah Brown) Challenging words about how sometimes the best way to follow is to stand up and say "No". Can be sung to KINGSFOLD, or to a newer tune. Sheet music sample, lyrics, and purchasing optionsNew words to old tunes.    
  • Online Resource / Tune In: You in all our worries / All will finish well (Dave Brown) “In this world where injustice reigns, you are in the midst of pain”. Excellent words of reassurance in a difficult world. Reference recording, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
  • Online resourceJesus in the Desert (Daniel Damon) A simple hymn-like song. Lyrics & sheet music.
  • Cha455 You Have Called Me (David Edwards) A simple song, about being called from silence or the wilderness to serve. "Here I am, send me, here I am"
  • Online Resource Open unto me light for my darkness (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) Good for a more contemplative service. Sample .
  • Online Resource O Christ, Lamb of God (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A more modern Agnus Dei, with Christ sharing our weakness. Lyrics and sound sample.
  • SP&P065 As the grain was scattered on the hills (Arthur Clyde) A beautiful and simple melody with words from the Didache. This would be very beautiful before or during the distribution of communion, particularly when the congregation has been on a difficult journey. "On hillsides you feed us, through deserts you lead us, now at this table all are one in Christ. We have new life". Lyrics (downloads a PDF)
What will you be singing? Add a comment, especially if it's something I haven't thought of! 


Anonymous said...

A couple on my shortlist are
- Forty days and forty nights (TIS 591)
- Come as you are, thats how I want you (TIS 693)
David Swain

Anonymous said...

Got to agree with "Come as you are", but then it's virtually suitable for every occassion.

Anonymous said...

I heard "Fall Slow Tears" by Ruth Elaine Schram - worth learning, I think.

Beth Simmons said...

A good resource I like to use when I don't have a particular hymnal and/or don't know a tune is Has an exhaustive list of hymns, where they are found, a little history about the author, copyright info, and usually a recording or midi for those who can't read music. It's so helpful!

Alison Sampson said...

Be thou my vision - an oldy but a goody, 'riches I heed not' etc. can work well as a response to the Matthew reading.

Adrian said...

I went with the same as David Swain this week.

Forty days and forty nights. It always fits into lent somewhere.