Songs, Hymns & Music - Proper 14C / Ordinary 19C / Pentecost +9 (August 7th 2022)

Isaiah 1:1, 10-20
Making offerings and celebrating festivals without doing good and working for justice doesn't please God.
  • Tune In / Online Resource Peace In Our Time (Dave Brown) A groovy bossa nova song of peace and justice. Free downloadable sheet music, and sound sample.
  • TiS 473 / NCH314 / W&R615 / Cha655 / StF681 Community of Christ (Shirley Murray) Beautiful words to a traditional Hebrew synagogue melody (LEONI). Easy to sing. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes
  • AA085 Let justice roll down like a river (Colin Gibson) Excellent song, and very easy to sing. Lyrics and sheet music Good for kids.
  • TiS 663 / NCH108 / CH241 / VU680 / GtG077 / PH337 / W&R532 Isaiah the prophet has written (Joy Patterson) Excellent words of Isaiah's vision for the future; I prefer to sing this to the tune JUDAS AND MARY (New words to old tunes). Lyrics (note: a different tune).
  • AoV1-050 Act Justly (Monica O'Brien / Trish Watts) Simple chant-like chorus, and strong verses. I love this one. Lyrics and sound sample.
  • AoVNG1 / CH685 / FFS17 / GtG769 / G(3)812 / W&R617 For everyone born / A place at the table (Shirley Murray) Words of welcome and change to everyone regardless of sex, age, sexuality. There are three possible tunes. The Lori True tune is the most common. I like the Colin Gibson tune in FFS (and on the Hope Publishing website that follows). This song is good for a service when communion is celebrated, but it makes sense without communion, too. DO NOT SING ALL THE VERSES if you're looking at the Hope Publishing version. Choose the ones that work for your community. I recommend not using verse 4, which talks about both the abuser and the abused being welcome at the table, and places the onus on the abused for forgiveness; it is a verse that Shirley Murray decided later she would have liked to remove. There is also an optional verse: "For gay and for straight...." Lyrics & sheet music.
  • TiS 657 / CH263 / VU700 / A&M559 / AA50 / CP(E) 447 / Cha656 / SP242 God of freedom God of justice (Shirley Murray) Powerful lyrics. Can be sung to either TREDEGAR (new, but not too hard) or PICARDY (very familiar). Lyrics and sheet music sample. New words to old tunes. There is also a nice tune from Douglas Simper in his book if you'd like something quite new, but still hymn-like.
  • HPP28 / GtG023 / PH285 / W&R24 / URW083 God You Spin the Whirling Planets (Jane Parker Huber / AUSTRIAN HYMN) Excellent words to a very familiar tune (TiS 772). Really good for the final hymn or response to the sermon. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • ATOK 390 Put on love every day, never hide your love away (Mary Lu Walker) A groovy song that's good for kids! Lyrics (downloads a powerpoint)
Psalm 50:1-8, 22-23
God the creator; Those who practice thanksgiving and righteousness will be saved.
  • TiS 30 Be exalted O God above the earth (Jane Marshall) A simple and beautiful refrain, with an inclusive cantor line. If you have no cantor, it will work well with the Psalm read as verses between the refrains.
  • AoV1-003 / HPP258 / GA394 / G(II)342 / GC497 / GC(II)495 / G(3)576 / Lau693 / StF803 / MP648 The heavens are telling the glory of God / Canticle of the Sun (Marty Haugen) Energetic waltz of cosmic praise with great lyrics "Come dance in the forest, come play in the field, and sing, sing to the glory of the Lord". Sound sample. Lyrics and sheet music sample.
  • VU775 The mighty one God the Sovereign (Eleanor Daley) Good refrain and responsive reading
  • Emergent Psalter To the wicked God says (Isaac Everett) Powerful words in this refrain. Nice 3/4 rhythm. Sheet music
  • TiS 743 / AoVK-31 / CH170 / GGives1 Praise and thanksgiving let everyone bring (Edith Lovell Thomas) A simple round. Note that most versions have a masculine God; AoVK has inclusive language. Sample sheet music. Good for kids.
  • Iona (T1AU) Give thanks worship and praise (John Bell) A four part short song of thanks. Can be used as a processional. Sound sample.
  • Music by Heart 79 Out of Zion (Judith Dodge) A simple chant for congregational singing and improvisation. Sheet music sample.
  • / AoV2-109 / CH772 / GA429 / GtG654 / A&M334 / SFFS 2195 / G(II)396 / GC566 / GC(II)546 / G(3)639 / SP128 / URW381 / Lau944 / W&R448 / StF776 / MP865 In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful / El Senyor (Jacques Berthier) A joyful and bouncy short song. Works well in English, German and Spanish at least. Good for kids. Sheet music, translations into many other languages, sound samples.
  • NCH565 / LBW408 / ELW678 / GtG716 / PH422 / CP601 / W&R572 / Cha606 / URW091 God whose giving knows no ending (Rusty Edwards) Excellent more formal words of thanks for God's many good gifts to us. Can be sung to a range of tunes including BEACH SPRING, HYFRYDOL, AUSTRIAN HYMN, RUSTINGTON. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes
  • TiS 458 / AHB 388 / NCH095 / CH220 / UMH690 / VU437 / Songs for Liturgy / LBW274 / ELW569 / GA539 / A&M24 / GtG677 / PH546 / CP029 / CP(E) 22 / 82Hml-024 / Lau679 / StF147 / MP641 The day you gave us God is ended (John Ellerton) A lovely older hymn. Suitable only for evening services. Old school lyrics & sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody
Alternative Hebrew Scripture: Genesis 15:1-6 
God makes a covenant with the childless Abram; God’s faithfulness
  • Protest and Praise / Online Resource When God first promised Abram (David Bjorlin ) A hymn reflecting on how God comes to us in darkness (features Abram, Jacob, Moses and Rahab). Sung to the traditional tune CHRISTUS, DER IST MEIN LEBEN. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes
  • SiS414 / ATA 153 / GtG059 / Srce686 / PfAS105B The steadfast love of the Lord never ceases (Edith McNeill) Can be a mushy favourite, and the language is not inclusive in older versions; PfAS uses “God’s mercy never comes to an end”. PfAS uses it as a sung response to a Psalm. Older style lyrics & chords. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • Iona (LFB) / G(II)503 / GC701 / RS818 / StF464 God It Was who said to Abraham (John Bell) Easy tune. Good story words. Note that God is masculine; I think this has been addressed  in more recent editions of Love From Below. Lyrics and sheet music. Slow sound sample.
  • GtG042 / PH251 Your Faithfulness O Lord Is Sure (Joy Patterson) Very simple paraphrase of this Psalm, sung to the familiar traditional tune WINCHESTER NEW. This is a paraphrase of Psalm 145 that fits very well for this passage. New words to old tunes. Sheet music sample.
  • NCYC09 Stories of faith calling us to explore / Stories of Hope (Rob Hanks / Phil Newton) Not easy, but the words are great. Best to get someone to sing it - perhaps during the offering?
  • AoV1-137 / ATOK 403 / GA306 / G(II)286 God Of Abraham lead us (Bernadette Farrell) This one is great. Just don't try to sing all 17 verses! Choose what you like… I love this energetic call and response with the response "Lead us to your kingdom". You can sing with a cantor and response, or you could split your congregation in the middle doing half and half, or you could just have people singing all the way through. Lyrics (and a slow sound sample). Sound sample (listen to the whole thing and see how they build it up).  Good for kids.
  • Unknown source Nothing is impossible with God (Unknown) I found this ridiculously happy song, and I think you only need to change one word to make it one I would like. I think our kids would just really love this..... Anyone know where it's from? Youtube of some ridiculously happy and wholesome kids singing it. Good for kids
Psalm for the Genesis Reading: Psalm 33:12-22 
Better to trust in God than an earthly king
  • AoVK-18 Clap your hands our God is good! (Brown) Good for kids. 
  • CH141 / A&M548 / SP250 / URW077 Oh the life of the world is a joy and a treasure (Kathy Galloway) Good inclusive words about God's presence in "the life of the world" (nature, seasons, childbirth, justice). The tune is a simple Celtic-style melody. Lyrics.
  • AoVNG1 / CH685 / FFS17 / GtG769 / G(3)812 / W&R617 For everyone born / A place at the table (Shirley Murray) Words of welcome and change to everyone regardless of sex, age, sexuality. There are three possible tunes. The Lori True tune is the most common. I like the Colin Gibson tune in FFS (and on the Hope Publishing website that follows). Use whatever you have! This song is good for a service when communion is celebrated, but it makes sense without communion, too. There is also an optional verse: "For gay and for straight..." Lyrics & sheet music.
  • Iona / CH788 / MV104 / GtG659 Know that God is Good / Mungu ni mwema (Traditional Congo) This traditional African refrain is just lots of fun and very simple to sing. Good for kids and adults! Sheet music sample. Sound sample. Sound sample in Kenyan languages.
  • GA031 / G(II)43 / GC45 / GC(II)32 / G(3)044 Let Your Mercy Be on Us (Marty Haugen) Three possible responses to this cantor-lead reading of the Psalm. Quite simple. Sound sample.
  • AoVK-58 We wait in hope for the Lord (Nathaniel Ford) Simple a cappella round; also good for kids "We wait in hope for the Lord, God is our help and our shield. And so our hearts rejoice, for we trust in God's holy name". I think this could work as a refrain for this Psalm. Good for kids.
  • TiS 47 / AHB 46 / AoV1-175 / NCH25 / CH161 / UMH117 / VU806 / LBW504 / ELW806 / GA459 / A&M746 / HPP1 / GtG687 / PH210 / GC614 / GC(II)588 / G(3)688 / CP528 / CP(E) 537 / W&R84 / Cha067 /  Srce2-441 / URW200 / 82Hml-680 / PfAS090B / Lau955 / StF132 / MP498 O God our help in ages past (Isaac Watts) A good solid very well known hymn! The surprising thing about this one is that the language is inclusive for God in most sources. Not all sources are inclusive for humanity, so check. Lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • GtG040 God's word is upright / La palabra del Senor (Juan Luis Garcia) This song with a Spanish chorus (or English) is quite fun once you get to know the tune. Would be best with guitar if you have one. Chords and Spanish lyrics.
  • ATE 216 / Iona (SBL) / CH126 / StJ / ELW555 / PH472 / G(II)365 / GC527 / RS 671 / CP417 / W&R15 / StF190 / MP035 O sing to the Lord / Cantai ao Senhor / Cantad al Señor (Traditional Brazilian) A good, fun and simple song that is easy to learn in Portuguese or Spanish too. Sound sample. Good for kids!
Hebrews 11:1-3, 8-16
The faith of Abraham; Heavenly home.
  • Online Resource / AoVK-28 / ATOK 376 Faith hope and love (Trish Watts) "Freedom for all, this is what we long for!" This is so easy, and so cool. If you have some groovy musicians, this can even be a very funky rock song. Very easy, and great for kids and non-readers. This remains my son's favourite church song. Sound sample, sheet music sample, purchasing options. Good for kids
  • TiS 569 / AHB 478 / NCH18/19 / CH167 / UMH127 / VU651 / LBW343 / ELW618 / StF465 / A&M652 / HPP432 / GtG065 / PH281 / CP565 / CP(E) 455 / W&R501 / Cha622 / 82Hml690 / StF465 / Lau960 / MP201 Guide me O thou great Jehovah / Redeemer (William Williams) A rousing hymn of God’s presence and strength and making it to the other side. "Bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore." Sound sample and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • AoV1-137 / ATOK 403 / GA306 / G(II)286 God Of Abraham lead us (Bernadette Farrell) I love this energetic call and response with the response "Lead us to your kingdom". Don't try to sing all 17 verses! Choose what you like... You can sing with a cantor and response, or you could split your congregation in the middle doing half and half, or you could just have people singing all the way through. Lyrics (downloads a pdf). Good for kids.   
  • NCH598 / UMH724 / FrS077 / W&R519 On Jordan's Stormy Bank I Stand / On River Jordan's Bank I stand (Samuel Stennet) Even though I don't pine for the life hereafter, there's something about this old song that has meaning for me. Translations vary: NCH is most inclusive. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • Online Resource / Resounding Voices / VT044 We long to know her the maker of heaven (Jacque Jones) Rich feminine imagery of God as creator, wisdom and bringer of justice. Sung to a tune that may be familiar (STAR OF THE EAST). Free book download here. New words to old tunes.
  • NCYC09 Stories of faith calling us to explore / Stories of Hope (Rob Hanks / Phil Newton) Not easy, but the words are great. Best to get someone to sing it - perhaps during the offering?
Luke 12:32-40 
Be ready! Sell your stuff, give alms, have your lamps lit!
  • GC(II)647 / G(3)749 / Lau949 Where Your Treasure Is (Marty Haugen) This song is based on this passage, and nearby verses. Quite easy to sing, particularly if the congregation only joins in on the chorus. Lyrics and partial sheet music. Sound sample.
  • GWA092 / MV019 / StS002 Maranatha Maranatha Come Lord Jesus Come (Louise Skibsted) A very simple chant. You might also like to repeat a chant that you used in Advent if you can remember back that far. Always waiting....  Sound sample.
  • MV175 May we but wait (Will Petricko) A simple refrain which would work well as a response for prayers of Intercession.
  • AoV2-003 / ATOK 313 / CH543 / StJ / GA404 / A&M042 / ELW715 / GtG314 / GC(II)512 / G(3)590 / SP13 / URW114 / Lau883 / StF706 Longing for light we wait in darkness / Christ, be our light (Bernadette Farrell) One of my favourites, especially if someone can sing or play the descant line in the later verses. Sound sample and lyrics. Good for kids
  • TiS 280 When he comes back, our lamps will be burning to welcome him when he comes back (Malcolm Stewart) I really like this song, and wish for excuses to sing it more often. The words fit with the story of this reading (including being about a master returning, so it is not gender-inclusive in any sense of the word) and the tune has a simple lilting joy to it. Lyrics.
  • Unknown source Alleluia, the great storm is over (Bob Franke) lift up your wings and fly! I especially love the image of the infant sleeping while the mother sang until the bridegroom returned. The chorus is really catchy and very easy to sing. If not familiar, you can use a cantor or soloist for the verses and invite the congregation to join in the chorus. We tend to sing this more like a gospel anthem. Lyrics. Video with poor image but good sound
  • Taizé / AoV2-088 / ATOK 395 / CH793 / VU950 / ELW348 / GA325 / A&M172 / SFFS 2198 / GtG204 / W&R286 / SP61 / Lau249 / StF780 Stay with me / Bleibet hier (Jacques Berthier) A very well known chant. Sheet music and sound samples.
  • Online Resource / GWA118 Stay with me the night has come (David Bjorlin, USA) A beautiful simple chant, set to an old Welsh tune. This is very lovely, and will be easily picked up. Sound sample, sheet music sample and purchasing options
  • Traditional Keep your lamp trimmed and burning (Traditional) Bob Franke has an excellent post on this song here including a great recording of Willie Johnson playing and singing this old song. There's also a great version of "Keep your lamp trimmed and burning" by Jim Fisher and the White Pointers on Tim Winton's "Dirt Music" album. (Thanks Ann Scull!) 
  • Online resource Where your treasure is (David MacGregor) A very singable song about having hope and doing good with God in your heart. Youtube. Sheet music and lyrics
  • AoVK-40 / NCH524 / UMH585 / ELW677 / A&M808 / HPP466 / G(II)358 / GC514 / GC(II)514 / G(3)591 This little light of mine (Traditional) The AoVK version has excellent verses that actually make the chorus make sense, but will need to be practiced. Check them out if you have a copy. In the meantime, watch Bruce Springsteen sing it here. It's amazing... I also very much like Ladysmith Black Mambazo's version. Good for kids.
What will you be singing in response to these readings? Let me know if you find something I've missed, by adding a comment below.
Originally written in Osaka, Japan, updated in Fitzroy, Melbourne, and then in Odense, Denmark. 


Judy Redman said...

Linnea Good's "There is your heart" might also work with the Luke reading. The music is available in "The Good Book".

Ken Wells said...

How about the blues: Mama may have and Papa may have, but God Bless the Child that's Got their own.... Billie Holiday (ex:

JPB said...

"O sing to the Lord / Cantai ao Senhor / Cantad al Señor" should be StF42 and not 190

Unknown said...

Keep Your Lamps Trim and Burning is No. 369 in the NCH

maryellenvicar said...

"All my hope on God is founded" fits with the Luke reading, I think.

mr said...

Give me Oil in my lamp, keep me burning. I like the Songs for a gospel people version - "Sing Hosanna to the servant King"

Unknown said...

Jeff Lowery's song "Let Your Light Shine" is an easy to sing chorus that highlights the theme and includes a chorus of "This Little Light" in the middle. Its covered under CCLI and can be listened to here as well as found on streaming services