Acts 16:16-34
Paul and Silas imprisoned, freed and convert the jailor and family. The jailor ministers to them.
Pretty exciting and grand Psalm.
Coming soon, alpha and omega, bright morning star, come all who are thirsty;
you could sing just about anything....
Oneness of all believers and lots of Johanine mysticism of God in Christ and Christ in us.
Paul and Silas imprisoned, freed and convert the jailor and family. The jailor ministers to them.
- Traditional Paul and Silas bound in jail (Traditional) A great old song which could be a lot of fun; very simple to sing as it's quite repetitive. Good for kids and non-readers. 1935 recording of Josh White (youtube). Lyrics. Good for kids.
- ACS903 / AoV1-061 / ATOK 355 / GtG359 / SFFS 2194 / G(II)521 / GC723 / GC(II)707 / G(3)814 / ZSS110 / SgTJ1035 Freedom is coming (South African) Excellent and lots of fun, especially if you have a keen African-style drummer in your congregation. It's really worth teaching the parts to your congregation before the service. It can get a bit confusing for the congregation otherwise. A range of sound samples (Youtube). History of the song. Sheet music samples. Good for kids.
- Taizé / AoVNG125 / MV146 / GC(II)637 / G(3)740 / PfAS024D The Kingdom of God is justice and peace and joy in the holy spirit (Taizé) "Come, Lord and open in us the gates of your kingdom". A nice joyful Taizé chant. Sheet music and sound samples of parts for practice. Good for kids.
- SP&P108 Send your Spirit to set us free (Barbara Hamm) A groovy little song. This would be fun to use with kids while telling the story. It could also work as a round, sung unaccompanied. Lyrics and sheet music sample. Good for kids.
- NCH553 / UMH375 / VU612 / WoV737 / ELW614 / HPP379 / GtG792 / PH394 / G(II)460 / GC648 / GC(II)617 / G(3)640 / W&R631 / Cha501 / ZSS114 / SgTJ1045 / 82Hml-676 There is a balm in Gilead (African-American) "If you cannot preach like Peter, if you cannot pray like Paul". This song is not so meaningful for Australians, but I know it is for Americans. It's a good one for those who feel discouraged about anything magnificent happening in their life of faith. Choral arrangement sound sample.
- TiS 209 / AHB 138 / A&M588 / CH396 / UMH363 / HPP332 / CP(E) 376 / Srce31 / StF345 / MP033 And can it be that I should gain (Charles Wesley) Look, really I've mainly listed it because I like the "my chains fell off!" bit. It's not one of my favourites, and I don't like the idea of each of us pursuing Christ to death, but it's a classic and I know many of you will want to sing it because the tune (SAGINA) is awesome! Lyrics and sheet music samples. An oldy-but-really-not-so-goody.
- Tune In / Online Resource The Spirit of the Lord (Elaine Loukes) A beautiful and simple chant. "To open prison doors and set the captive free". Highly recommended. Sound sample, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
- Tune in / Online Resource We are the dream that's longing / Jesus is waiting (Dave Brown) An honest catchy rock song about our hesitation to follow and Jesus not only waiting, but continuing to work and change the world. "Come be our liberator, come and set us free". A good sending-out song. Sound sample, lyrics and free downloadable songbook.
- Cha277 Christians We Have Met to Worship (George Atkins) This is sung to the familiar tune HOLY MANNA; the words have been updated a little from the Sacred Harp version. "Is there here a trembling jailor?" Older style lyrics.
- NCH476 / CH565 /
VU716 / WoV781 / LBW294 / ELW596 / GA454 / SFFS 2212 / HPP395 /
G(II)427 / GC603 / GC(II)598 / G(3)685 / CP401 / W&R424 /
Cha619 / SP296 / URW170 My life flows on in endless song
(Robert Lowry) A wonderful hymn. Lots of great recordings of this are
available too. It's not so great if it is not familiar to your
congregation, but once known, it is worth hanging on to. Thanks to David Goss for this suggestion. Lyrics and story.
- ELW710 / CP575 Let streams of living justice (William Whitla) Awesome words of justice. Sung to the familiar tune THAXTED. Lyrics. It could probably work to a different (less pompous) tune too. New words to old tunes
- Online resource Help Us O God to create a new future (Andrew Pratt) This song reflects on the slavery of the past, and its continuance, with a call to work until all are "Fully alive". Free sheet music.
- STB270 O God highest God / Aw lalpa chungnung
(Thanga, India) This song from the Mizo people of India celebrates
release from slavery. Sheet music sample. Sound sample shwoing how it can be sung slowly or quickly.
Pretty exciting and grand Psalm.
- GWA012 Wind and wave and tumult of storm (Carla Grosch-Miller) No tune! This is a beautiful poem which could be read by one voice or many, or even responsively.
- Taizé / GC(II)533 Sing to God with joyful hearts / Singt dem Herrn (Jacques Berthier) A joyful round. Works well in English and German, and probably other languages too. Sound samples, sheet music and lyrics.
- Online Resource Darkness is a gift of God (David Bjorlin / Swee Hong Lim) God was also seen in the darkness in this Psalm. This song, set to a simple and beautiful tune would be great to sing. Lyrics and sheet music sample, and purchasing options.
- TiS 179 / NCH273 / VU312 / StJ / GA739 / URW073 Praise with Joy the World's Creator (John Bell and Graham Maule) One of my favourite hymns - strongly Trinitarian lyrics and excellent imagery; note that newer books (e.g. URW) have slightly different lyrics. Lyrics. New words to old tunes
- PfAS097A God reigns earth rejoices (Michael Morgan) Excellent inclusive words with a joyful start and great imagery. To the tune NOEL NOUVELET, so very singable. Sample sheet music. New words to old tunes
- Cha749 God of all to thee we raise this our hymn of grateful praise (Folliott Pierpont) Familiar sung response based on "For the beauty of the earth", and responsively read Psalm.
- NCH6 / UMH126 / LBW542 / ELW281 / GtG645 / PH483 / URW070 Sing praise to God who reigns above / Sing praise to God our highest good (Johann Schütz / Translator: Madeleine Forell Marshall) Many versions of this old and easy to sing hymn are not inclusive, but a few are, like PH and NCH. Lyrics.
- UMH729 / VU682 / WoV762 / ELW711 / PH450 / CP573 / W&R539 / Cha711 / URW140 / 82Hml-597 / Lau900 O day of peace that dimly shines (Carl P Daw) A song of hoped-for peace. The tune in Chalice hymnal is really nice (CANDLER), as is the tune listed in URW (THE GIFT OF LOVE). Other sources use JERUSALEM, which is a bit too militaristic for me. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes
Coming soon, alpha and omega, bright morning star, come all who are thirsty;
you could sing just about anything....
- Traditional Bright morning star’s a risin’ (Traditional) Easy old American folk song. Lyrics (multiple versions). Gillian Welch singing it on youtube. I usually like it a lot faster, but this is beautiful. Thanks to Ched Myers for teaching this to me about 20 years ago!
- ATFG542 / CH480 Word of the Father / Come Lord Come (John Bell) A simple call and response with more verses than you need,
adapt them for each week. Sound sample.
STB026 Seasons Come Seasons Go / Ella kaladollu (Unknown) I think this song from India would not be too hard to learn, but it will need to be taught because the melody (THANDHEYU) will not be familiar. The words are really quite lovely, including the English translation. Sheet music sample.
- AoV1-061 / ATOK 355 / GtG359 / SFFS 2194 / G(II)521 / GC723 / GC(II)707 / G(3)814 / ZSS110 / SgTJ1035 Freedom is coming (South African) Excellent and lots of fun, especially if you have a keen African-style drummer in your congregation. It's really worth teaching the parts to your congregation before the service. It can get a bit confusing for the congregation otherwise. Sample sheet music. Good for kids.
- AoV1-039 / GA277 / G(II)257 / Lau081 Come To Set Us Free come to make us your own (Bernadette Farrell) I like this one. Good words of hope. Will need to be taught, but it's worth it. Lyrics and sound sample.
- NCH576 / CH706 / UMH428 / VU678 / A&M635 / GtG346 / GA513 / GC719 / GC(II)712 / G(3)803 / CP576 / CP(E) 427 / W&R621 / Cha668 / Lau886 / StF696 For the healing of the nations (Fred Kaan) Excellent words seeking peaceful coexistence of the nations. Can be sung to a range of tunes including the very familiar WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Lyrics and sheet music (different tune).New words to old tunes.
- TiS 780 May light come into your eyes (Mandy Treagus) A simple benediction or blessing for someone leaving, or being baptised.
- TiS 569 / AHB 478 / NCH18/19 / CH167 / UMH127 / VU651 / LBW343 / ELW618 / StF465 / A&M652 / HPP432 / GtG065 / PH281 / CP565 / CP(E) 455 / W&R501 / Cha622 / 82Hml690 / StF465 / Lau960 / MP201 Guide me O thou great Jehovah / Redeemer (William Williams) A rousing hymn of God’s presence and strength and making it to the other side. "Bread of heaven, feed me now and evermore." Lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 217 / AHB 148 / NCH43 / CH519 / UMH384 / VU333 / A&M721 / LBW315 / ELW631 / A&M721 / GA463 / HPP48 / GtG366 / PH376 / GC622 / GC(II)613 / G(3)641 / CP485/6 / CP(E) 516 / W&R358 / Cha517 / Srce457 / URW100 / 82Hml-657 / Lau801 / StF503 / MP449 Love divine all loves excelling (Charles Wesley) A beautiful classic song and most hymnals use a very inclusive version of this hymn, even the AHB. Lyrics and sheet music.You may also like to give Rend Collective Experiment's version a listen (hard for congregations to sing, but nice for listening). Oldy-but-a-goody.
- GWA092 / MV019 / StS002 Maranatha Maranatha Come Lord Jesus Come (Louise Skibsted) A very simple chant. You might also like to repeat a
chant that you used in Advent if you can remember back that far. Lyrics. Sound sample.
- GA406 / G(II)356 / GC511 The Light of Christ surrounds us (Marty Haugen) Could be quite nice. Strong words, needs a cantor. Sound sample. Sheet music and lyrics.
- Online Resource / AoV1-053 / AoVK-82 / GA256 Receive The Light of Christ (Erica Marshall) Simple round "Receive the light of Christ, May (it) shine within our hears, May the Christ Light fill us with joy and peace". Sound sample and purchasing options. Good for kids.
Oneness of all believers and lots of Johanine mysticism of God in Christ and Christ in us.
- BUC Song Project Sing, Sing with me (Julia Potter) A fun song for kids about being part of God's family.
- Online resource Whole and holy, called in Christ (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) Great lyrics and very simple tune. Lyrics and sound sample
- NCH58 / CH618 / AA125 Spirit of love you move within creation (Shirley Murray) Familiar tune (PERFECT LOVE). Good words; "come work with us and weave us into one". Lyrics. New words to old tunes
- Online Resource In my father's house (Paul Somerville) A great new song of unity, with an inspiring, and very singable chorus. Sound sample.
- AoV1-130 / SFFS 2223 / HPP495 / GtG300 / G(II)533 / GC735 / GC(II)728 / G(3)835 / W&R595 / Cha494 We are one in the Spirit / They’ll know we are Christians by our love (Peter Scholtes) A classic 60's song of unity and being an example to others. It's still pretty groovy, I reckon. Older version are really masculine. We often syncopate it a bit at Brunswick. Lyrics and pretty silly sound sample. Good for kids.
- CH252 / VU578 / GA481 / SFFS 2237 / G(II)471 / GC663 / GC(II)643 / G(3)744 / W&R551 / Lau828 As a Fire Is Meant for Burning (Ruth Duck) Excellent lyrics of unity across all nations set to the familiar tune BEACH SPRING. Lyrics. New words to old tunes
- TiS 548 / VU629 / A&M014 / PH340 / CP(E) 415 / W&R418 / SP3 / 82Hml-465 Eternal light shine in my heart (Alcuin / paraphrased Christopher Idle) I really love this beautiful inclusive and ancient prayer. It is not familiar, but would be beautiful sung by a soloist until your congregation grows to know it. Lyrics.
- TiS 411 / AHB 328 / NCH266 / UMH537 / VU194 / A&M633 / CP658 / CP(E) 425 / W&R331 Filled with the Spirit's power (John Peacey) Excellent inclusive words to a very well known hymn tune. I prefer it sung to WOODLANDS.Lyrics and hymn tune samples. New words to old tunes
- TiS 179 / NCH273 / VU312 / StJ / GA739 / URW073 Praise with Joy the World's Creator (John Bell and Graham Maule) One of my favourite hymns - strongly Trinitarian lyrics and excellent imagery; note that newer books (e.g. URW) have slightly different lyrics. Older lyrics (scroll down or search).New words to old tunes
- ATW 462 When I consider God's design (Hand in hand) (Norm Habel / Robin Mann) Good words of all creation celebrating together. Tune is good, too, but will need to be introduced, perhaps by asking your musicians to sing the first verse and inviting the congregation to join in. The verse about "Black and white" could probably be updated a bit to reflect a greater diversity of cultures. Lyrics.
- STB045 We Believe Maranatha (Francisco Feliciano) This is a good spoken creed with sung responses. The response is a simple two part fugue with a simple sung (almost) drone for the bass. The creed is one developed by the Asian Institute for Liturgy and Music. The refrain could be used for any creed, really. Lyrics for the responses.
URW134 God wills a full life for us all
(Paul Gregory) A communion hymn. Great words sung to the familiar tune AZMON; The first 3
verses could be sung before communion, and the last two afterwards. New words to old tunes.
"Thanks be to God for faith renewed and unity restored. We go, one
world, one family, to live Gods' loving word". Lyrics and sheet music (downloads a PDF order of service).
- Recorded Music One
(U2) For some reason, we listened to the Johnny Cash version of this a while back, and thought that it could be interpreted as a song
about the unity of the church (even though it's about the reunification
of Germany). "One life with each other; Sisters, Brothers. One life but
we're not the same,
We get to carry each other, carry each other. One". Youtube.
- NCH047 O Christ Jesus sent From heaven (James Crawford) Formal words about church unity; rich imagery. Sung to a standard hymn tune.
Don't forget the TIS Scripture index, which leads us to the church unity classic by Australian Churches of Christ minister Clifford George Taylor 1915-94, TIS 462 Now we come, our heavenly Father, one in glad community...from Noodle Thrower
Thank you, Natalie, for you regular inspiration. - It occurs to me that a song to go with the Acts 16 reading could be "How can I keep from singing" (My life flows on in endless song) - picking up not only on Paul & Silas singing in their prison but also on some of the wider themes here.
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