Songs, Hymns & Music for Reign of Christ B / Christ the King B (November 24 2024)

Reign of Christ / Christ the King suggestions 
(reading-based suggestions follow)
  • Online Resource / Resounding Voices Christ Sophia, Child of Wisdom (Ellen Clark-King) Excellent words with many images of Christ "showing us God's humble kingdom" and expressing what "kingdom values" really mean. Can be sung to your favourite 878787 tune; I think it's particularly powerful with PRAISE MY SOUL. New words for old tunes. Lyrics (scroll down). Free book download here.
  • Online Resource / URW093 Christ is the Truth the Way (Ruth Duck) Excellent words of the leadership of Christ, sung to the majestic tune DIADEMATA. This is just excellent for this Sunday! New words for old tunes. Sheet music sample and purchasing options.
  • NCH302 / VU212 Eternal Christ you rule (Dan Damon) Challenging words about how the rule of Christ is so vastly different from the rulership of popular earthly leaders. Simple hymnlike tune. Sheet music (PDF). Lyric video.
  • TiS 728 Jesu christo reina reina ya! (Unknown, Argentina) A fun Latin American song. It's particularly fun if someone is brave enough to yell out a "call" at the start of each verse. Sound sample.
  • NCH575 / VU697 / GtG372 / PH386 / Cha683 O for a world where everyone respects (Miriam Therese Winter) A song with good words sung to a well known hymn tune (AZMON). The words are a prayer for a world of peace and the reign of Christ. Lyrics. New words for old tunes.
  • TiS 721 / Iona (LFB) / URW431 / Lau124 He became poor that we may be rich (John Bell) A simple chant. Timing is a little bit tricky, so you will need to take a little time to teach it initially. This has gorgeous parts if you have some singers. "He became poor, that we may be rich, loving the world and leaving his throne; King of all kings, and Lord of all Lords, flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone". Sound sample.
  • SiS409 / ATA 162 / A&M699 / SFFS 2075 / W&R338 / GGives2 / Srce401 / MP398 / VU167 King of kings and Lord of lords (Nomi Yah / Sophie Conty) This song, written by two 13 year old girls is sung to a Hasidic folk tune, this is a simple, well known round. VU also has words for Easter and Pentecost. Have fun with this. You could even do it like Petra :-). Good for kids.
  • G(II)249 / GC319 / GC(II)325 Close as tomorrow the sun shall appear / Walk in the Reign (Rory Cooney). I really like this one. “Close as tomorrow the sun shall appear. Freedom is coming and healing is near. And I shall be with you in laughter and pain to stand in the wind and walk in the reign”. Nice little lyrics twist there! The 4th verse mentions specific locations (Soweto, Gdansk, Tiannemen Square, The Bronx), which you could retain or change, as you feel appropriate. This sound sample gives it a bit of a gospel feel. Sheet music and lyrics.
  • ELW610 O Christ What Can It Mean for us (Delores Dufner) Excellent questioning lyrics. Sung to an older hymn tune, that's not familiar to me, but you could use these lyrics to a wide range of tunes if you like them. New words for old tunes. Lyrics and sheet music. 
  • TiS 185 Alleluia / We praise you God Creator Lord (John McIntyre) A chanted Alleluia based on Pachelbel's canon, coupled with some nice affirmations of faith from a 2nd part of the congregation, or cantor. This is quite lovely.
  • CH289 / GC(II)341 Lift up your heads eternal gates (Weissel / Bell) I like how this reworking of the old standard turns the violent battle kingly God image on its head and points to Christ instead. "God's catchless and majestic strength in all its height, depth, breadth, and length, now is revealed its power to prove, by Christ protesting "God is love!". The tune is a lovely old medieval-style tune, which should not be difficult. The chorus has been written in 4 parts which would be great if you can get some singers to sing the parts, or teach your congregation the chorus before the service starts. The parts for the chorus are very simple. Sound sample. Lyrics and lead sheet.
2 Samuel 23:1-7
The just ruler is like morning sunshine; God's everlasting covenant and the destruction of the godless.  See also suggestions for Revelation reading below. 
  • MV028 / StJ / FFS25 / GC(II)507 / G(3)587 / STB255 God of the Bible / Fresh as the morning (Shirley Murray) Good words. I particularly like the tune by Alonso (MV and Gather hymnals), as the chorus is really joyous. I think this song would be a really good "fit" for our congregation. Good for kids (Alonso tune). Lyrics, sheet music sample. Sound sample.
  • Taize / GC(II)533 Sing to God with joyful hearts / Singt dem Herrn (Jacques Berthier) A joyful round. Works well in English and German, and probably other languages too. Sound samples, sheet music and lyrics Good for kids.
  • PH274 O God of Earth and Space (Jane Parker Huber) Terrific words to a well known Jewish hymn tune (LEONI). "Wherever freedom reigns, where sin is overthrown, Where justice fused with mercy rules, there you are known. Give us the courage clear, to make the earth a home, For all to live in harmony, in Christ’s shalom." Highly recommended. Lyrics (scroll down).New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 174 / UMH194 / A&M544 / CP(E)259 / 82Hml-585 / StF012 Morning glory starlit sky (William Hubert Vanstone) Quite formal words, but very very beautiful song of God's boundless love "Drained is love in making full, bound in setting others free, poor in making many rich, weak in giving power to be". The tune is not difficult, but will need to be taught to a congregation if not familiar. The lyrics could also be read as a poem, and challenges the image of Christ as monarch, but also affirms God's reign. Lyrics.
  • NCH36 / PH219 To God compose a song of joy (Ruth Duck) “The God of Justice comes to save; let earth make melody; For God will judge with righteousness and rule with equity” Beautiful words. I prefer this sung to the tune in NCH – the standard hymn tune RICHMOND (TiS 425). Lyrics New words to old tunes.
  • ATE 216 / Iona (SBL) / CH126 / StJ / ELW555 / PH472 / G(II)365 / GC527 / RS 671 / CP417 / W&R15 O sing to the Lord / Cantai ao Senhor / Cantad al Señor (Traditional Brazilian) A good, fun and simple song that is easy to learn in Portuguese or Spanish too. Youtube (keep an eye out for the innovative book-based güiro, and is she shaking a bag of pretzels?). Good for kids.
  • NCH021 God reigns o'er all the earth! (Jane Parker Huber) Excellent joyful words of God's dominion over all things, sung to the traditional and quite simple tune TERRA BEATA (This is my Father's world). Sheet music sample (PDF). New words to old tunes. 
  • TiS 547 / AHB 455 / AoV1-009 / NCH451 / CH465 / A&M595 / UMH451 / VU642 / WoV776 / ELW793 / HPP353 / GtG450 / PH339 / CP505 / CP(E) 386 / W&R502 / Cha595 / Srce70 / URW180 / 82Hml-488 / Lau970 / StF545 / MP051  Be thou my vision O Lord of my heart (8th century Irish, translated Eleanor Hull) Most recent hymnals are fairly inclusive for this. Note that the High King phrase has been changed in some hymnals because it is masculine, but the hymn is based on an ancient story of St. Patrick refusing to follow the rules set by High King Logaire, and choosing instead the "High King of Heaven". Lyrics, translations and gaelic sound sample
  • Online Resource / Tune In The Spirit of the Lord (Elaine Loukes) A beautiful and simple chant. Highly recommended. Free downloadable songbook, lyrics and sound samples.
Psalm 132:1-12 (13-18)
David's commitment to build a dwelling place for God 
  • CH198 / MV001 / HPP550 / A&M365 / GtG301 / GC753 / GC(II)741 / G(3)850 / SP176 / URW058/ Lau458 / StF409 Let Us Build a House / All are welcome (Marty Haugen) This song has wonderful lyrics of hope for what a Christian community can be like, and a chorus that joyfully says “All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place”. Sheet music sample. Sound sample. New words to old tunes.
  • Unknown Source I will not rest and shall not sleep (Linnea Good) Simple refrain.
  • NCH Psalter Let us go to God's dwelling place (Bob Hurd) A good inclusive cantor line and simple refrain.
  • Online Resource / W&R543 Come Build a Church (Ken Medema) Excellent words ("Come build a church of human frailty, come build a church of flesh and blood"). Not great for the congregation, but excellent for a choir or musicians. Sound sample and sheet music.
  • VU Psalter 132 Arise O God make this the place (Scottish Psalter) A simple old fashioned refrain to a responsively read Psalm.
Alternative Hebrew Scripture: Daniel 7:9-10, 13-14
Daniel's vision of the Ancient One shining white on the throne
  • TiS 143 / AHB 80 / NCH1 / CH132 / UMH103 / VU264 / A&M676 / LBW526 / ELW834 / HPP37 / GtG012 / PH263 / GC507 / CP(E) 474 / W&R48 / Cha066 / ZSS4 / Srce296 / 82Hml-423 / Lau725 / StF055 / MP327 Immortal invisible God only wise (Walter Chalmers Smith). Words are mostly inclusive for God's gender, but for the last verse which our congregation usually sings as "Great Father of glory, pure Mother of light", except for the last time we sang it. Lyrics and history.
  • TiS 547 / AHB 455 / AoV1-009 / NCH451 / CH465 / A&M595 / UMH451 / VU642 / WoV776 / ELW793 / HPP353 / GtG450 / PH339 / CP505 / CP(E) 386 / W&R502 / Cha595 / Srce70 / URW180 / 82Hml-488 / Lau970 / StF545 / MP051  Be thou my vision O Lord of my heart (8th century Irish, translated Eleanor Hull) Most recent hymnals are fairly inclusive for this. Note that the High King phrase has been changed in some hymnals because it is masculine, but the hymn is based on an ancient story of St. Patrick refusing to follow the High King Logaire, and choosing instead the "High King of Heaven". Lyrics, translations and gaelic sound sample. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • TiS 621 / UMH435 / VU677 / LBW416 / ELW748 / GtG756 / PH289 / GC(II)717 / G(3)825 /  CP593 / W&R626 / Cha680 / 82Hml-607 O God of Every Nation (William Reid) Powerful words seeking God's redemption of the world. Can be sung to LLANGLOFFAN or PASSION CHORALE, both very familiar hymn tunes. Lyrics and sheet music. Go look at the lyrics just to bring a smile to your face. So much hope! New words to old tunes.
  • CH442 Blessing and Honour / Ancient Of Days (Gary Sadler / Jamie Harvill) Ah, look, this is not the style of song I usually suggest, but it's really appropriate for this reading, and you just might want to sing it. This video is also just fun (love the joy of the woman doing sign language, and the bass player, and the flute player, and the percussionist, and that choir, and that lady with the fake pearls, and the hairstyles....).
  • TiS 728 Jesuchristo Reina reina ya! A fun Latin American song. It's particularly fun if someone is brave enough to yell out a "call" at the start of each verse. Sound sample. Good for kids.
Psalm for the Daniel reading Psalm 93
God is king; majestic etc.
  • Emergent Psalter God is king robed in splendour (Isaac Everett) A nice simple refrain; it works in Hebrew too, and can be sung "God is king" and "God is queen", which is a bit more challenging, even though some of us have a Queen at the moment... Sheet music sample (refrain only)
  • NCH021 God reigns o'er all the earth! (Jane Parker Huber) Excellent joyful words of God's dominion over all things, sung to the traditional and quite simple tune TERRA BEATA. Sheet music sample (PDF). New words to old tunes.   
  • VU Psalter p813 God your rule with royal bearing (John Keble) I like the use of the first two lines of this older hymn as a Psalm refrain.
  • PfAS093B Ever since the world began (William Beckstrand) A simple refrain. A bit throne-ish, but it is the appropriate Sunday for that sort of thing. 
Revelation 1:4b-8 
John's vision of Christ coming on the clouds
I will suggest some of these songs again next week, so you may like to take this opportunity to introduce something new!
  • TiS 728 Jesuchristo Reina reina ya! A fun Latin American song. It's particularly fun if someone is brave enough to yell out a "call" at the start of each verse. Sound sample.
  • URW093 Christ is the Truth the Way (Ruth Duck) Excellent words of the leadership of Christ, sung to the majestic tune DIADEMATA. This is just excellent for this Sunday! Lyrics. New words to old tunes
  • CH289 / GC(II)341 Lift up your heads eternal gates(George Weissel / John Bell) I like how this reworking of the old standard turns the violent battle kingly God image on its head and points to Christ instead. "God's catchless and majestic strength in all it's height, depth, breadth, and length, now is revealed its power to prove, by Christ protesting "God is love!". The tune is a lovely old medieval-style tune, which should not be difficult. The chorus has been written in 4 parts which would be great if you can get some singers to sing the parts, or teach your congregation the chorus before the service starts. The parts for the chorus are very simple. Sound sample. Lyrics and lead sheet.
  • ATOK 318 / Iona (SBL) / CH762 / MV036 / WoV788 / SFFS 2033 / GtG585 / SP&P078 / URW403 / StF753 Glory to God / Gloria a dios (Peru) Good fun. Great for kids - call and response. SFFS has a good Trinitarian formula for it. Video (I normally do it more quickly, but I like his recording). Good for kids.
  • TiS 278 / AHB 213 O what a gift what a wonderful gift / Canticle of the Gift (Pat Uhl Howard) When I was a kid, I thought this song rocked. Like, I really thought it was as good as rock music, and cowboys. My mum must have been good on that reed organ at our church. Anyway, I still think it's pretty cool. Not sure how much congregations get into it these days. Youtube.
  • TiS 367 / AHB 287 / NCH242 / CH412 / UMH306 / VU159 / LBW135 / ELW366 / A&M217 / GtG236 / PH119 / GC446 / GC(II)459 / G(3)525 / CP212 / CP(E)159 / W&R290 / Cha221 / 82Hml-208 / Lau275 / MP670 The strife is o'er the battle done (Latin, translated Francis Pott) There are two possible tunes for this hymn. I prefer to sing it to the tune by James Minchin (THE STRIFE IS O’ER), which is found in the Australian Hymn Book, rather than the more traditional minstrellish VULPIUS (Oldy-but-a-goody). The newer tune is pretty groovy (I loved it as a kid!), and has lots and lots of alleluias. The words also vary a lot between hymnals. So, the best would be a combination of the TiS words and the AHB tune 287 (ii). Yeah, this was my other church rock favourite of 1979. 1960s sound sample!
  • TiS 380 / AHB 303 / NCH253 / CH419 / UMH308 / VU173 / LBW145 / ELW376 / A&M218 / HPP203 / GtG238 / PH122 / CP210 / CP(E)160 / W&R310 / Cha218 / Srce694 / Lau287 / StF313 / MP689Thine be the glory risen conquering Son (Edmond Budry) One of the few older hymns that doesn't require updating, and beautiful harmonies... A great classic hymn! Lyrics and history
  • Iona (M&G) / CH359 / MV033 / ZSS54 / StJ / GtG127 / ELW253 / GA293 / SFFS 2085 / G(II)276 / GC370 / GC(II)364 / G(3)429 / CP368 / W&R402 He came down that we may have love / Jesus came bringing us hope (Traditional Cameroon) The translation in "More Voices" (Jesus came bringing...) seems particularly appropriate for Advent and it could easily work as an Advent Candle lighting song. Just sing hope, love, peace or joy, depending on the week. Would be more exciting and energetic with some African drums, rather than a quiet reflective candle lighting song. Lyrics and sound samples. Good for kids.
  • TiS 773 /  ATW 431 / NCH756 / CH760 / UMH072 / VU37 / WoV640 / GtG583 / GA291 / G(II)199 / GC(II)253 / G(3)426 / W&R240 / Cha034 / URW380 / StF752 Glory to God / Gloria Gloria (Taize) The refrain is excellent - joyous, simple, a round. Everything. The verses are not great. Sheet music and sound samples. Good for kids.
  • TiS 217 / AHB 148 / NCH43 / CH519 / UMH384 / VU333 / A&M721 / LBW315 / ELW631 / A&M721 / GA463 / HPP48 / GtG366 / PH376 / GC622 / GC(II)613 / G(3)641 / CP485/6 / CP(E) 516 / W&R358 / Cha517 / Srce457 / URW100 / 82Hml-657 / Lau801 / StF503 / MP449 Love divine all loves excelling (Charles Wesley) Can't possibly sing this song too often! A beautiful classic song and most hymnals use a very inclusive version of this hymn. Lyrics and sheet music.You may also like to give Rend Collective Experiment's version a listen (hard to sing, but nice for listening). Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • TiS 279 / AHB 212 / SFFS 2091 / HPP158 / GC487 / GC(II)494 / CP632 / Lau107 The King of glory comes the nation rejoices (Willard Jabusch) Fun and energetic song to a traditional Israeli folk melody. A good processional. Lyrics and chords. Oh, and of course, Stephen Colbert's dance moves. Good for kids.
  • CH452 / AA57 Great ring of light (Colin Gibson) Beautiful words of Christ's sacrifice and the image of a clear beam of love and light. The tune is also simple and beautiful, albeit unfamiliar. Sheet music and lyrics.
  • MV106 I am the dream and you the dreamer (Curtis Tufts) A beautiful and simple song, based on images from Rilke's "The Book of Hours". I like it as a reminder that God still comes to us in dreams. It's nice because sometimes it seems like the "I" is the singer of the song, and sometimes the "I" is God. Sound sample.
  • TiS 224 / AHB 159 / TOSB004 / NCH304  / CH457 / UMH154/5 / VU334 / LBW328 / LBW329 /  ELW634 / A&M223 / HPP215 / PH142/3 / GtG263 / GC485 / GC(II)490 / G(3)570 / CP321/2 / CP(E)163 / W&R100/106 / Cha091 / Cha092 / Srce9 / 82Hml-450 / StF342 / Lau323 / MP013 All hail the power of Jesus' name (Edward Perronet) Maybe this would work. I love the tune DIADEM, but maybe the words are too obscure for people who haven't grown up in the church... Might need some words of introduction? I think if you're going to use this reading, then you may as well sing something like this one. Sound sample (YouTube). Lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • TiS 228 / AHB 163 / NCH301 / CH459 / UMH327 / VU211 / FrS003 / LBW170 / ELW855 / A&M227 / HPP58 / PH151 / GtG268 / GC486 / GC(II)489 / G(3)574 / CP378 / CP(E) 166 / W&R317 / Cha234 / Srce110 / 82Hml-494 / StF347 / Lau321 / LUYH223 / MP109 Crown him with many crowns (Matthew Bridges) "Ineffably sublime". Again, quite poetic older words - might need some introduction. Lyrics.
  • Online Resource / MV091 Cradle me in your arms (Bruce Harding) A simple assuring chant in times of suffering. Sound samples and free sheet music. 
  • NCH104 We hail you God's anointed (James Montgomery) Joyous song of Christ enthroned and bringing justice and love. An updated version of "Hail to the Lord's Anointed". Lyric video (with lots of Jesus paintings). Oldy but a goody
John 18:33-37
Jesus answers Pilates tricky questions about being King of the Jews
  • TiS 721 / Iona (LFB) / URW431 / StF344 / Lau124 He became poor that we may be rich (Iona) A simple chant. Timing is a little bit tricky, so you will need to take a little time to teach it initially. This has gorgeous parts if you have some singers. Lyrics and sound sample (a bit different to the Iona version, but I quite like it!)A more standard four part version.
  • CH537 / AA147 / A&M572 / SP256 / StF717 We do not hope to ease our minds (Marnie Barrell) Excellent words of standing with the crucified Christ against injustice. A number of different tunes are offered. I do not have a copy of Alleluia Aotearoa which has two possible tunes. MARY MORISON is the tune in Church Hymnary 4, and it is very straightforward. Sound sample.
  • Taizé / AoVNG125 / MV146 / GC(II)637 / G(3)740 / PfAS024D The Kingdom of God is justice and peace and joy in the holy spirit (Taize Community) "Come, Lord and open in us the gates of your kingdom". A nice joyful Taizé chant. Sheet music and sound samples of parts for practice. Good for kids.
  • TiS 547 / AHB 455 / AoV1-009 / NCH451 / CH465 / A&M595 / UMH451 / VU642 / WoV776 / ELW793 / HPP353 / GtG450 / PH339 / CP505 / CP(E) 386 / W&R502 / Cha595 / Srce70 / URW180 / 82Hml-488 / Lau970 / StF545 / MP051  Be thou my vision O Lord of my heart (8th century Irish, translated Eleanor Hull) Most recent hymnals are fairly inclusive for this. Note that the High King phrase has been changed in some hymnals because it is masculine, but the hymn is based on an ancient story of St. Patrick refusing to follow the High King Logaire, and choosing instead the "High King of Heaven". Lyrics, translations and gaelic sound sampleOldy-but-a-goody.
  • Online Resource / Tune In Kingdom Come (Matthew Lees) A song about how things are not what we expect in God’s kingdom. Lots of words and good images. Good for kids. Sound sample, lyrics and downloadable songbook.
  • GC(II)638 / G(3)739 / URW128 Come now the feast is spread (Marty Haugen) If you are celebrating communion, this would work well today. Cantor and refrain. Maybe a bit long, but you don't need to sing all the verses. This is quite energetic and fun; it feels to me like someone should be dancing around the church, calling everyone in to communion, and the congregation should just dance right back at them as they come to the table. Sheet music sample. Good for kids.
What ideas do you have? If you have some suggestions for any of the above readings, please join the conversation and share them as a comment below. I'd love to know what you're singing (or would like to sing...) 


Alison Sampson said...

"Crown him with many crowns / the Lamb upon the throne" (TiS 228). This old hymn includes imagery from Revelation, and names key ways in which Jesus as King is quite different to any other king - appropriate for Christ the King Sunday, I think.

Unknown said...

"Lo, he comes with clouds descending" (Cry Hosanna 130) fits really well with this text and our congregation likes it. The music gets the triumphant tone pretty right, I think.

Unknown said...

"Lo, he comes with clouds descending" (Cry Hosanna 130) fits really well with the Revelation text and our congregation likes it. The music gets the triumphant tone pretty right, I think.

Neil Chappell said...

What wonderful comments you make about The Canticle of the Gift! O what a gift. I remember singing this as a child and having pretty much the same thoughts. Brilliant. Thanks for stirring up that memory!