I have also prepared a list of General Advent Songs that you may find helpful for the season.
Malachi 3:1-4
One will come to prepare a way; One who purifies will come.
The hope of a time of glory and righteousness for Israel
Zechariah’s prophecy for John the Baptist before his birth. The call to prophecy. John is born and lives in the wilderness. Waiting.
Philippians 1:3-11Malachi 3:1-4
One will come to prepare a way; One who purifies will come.
- GWA029 In ages past the mighty Lord by prophets spoke the word (Michael Mangan) This is a song with very many verses; choose at least verses 1, 17 and 18 this week. Set to the common tune KINGSFOLD. Some lyrics (not the Malachi verse!). New words to old tunes.
- MV011 / StS007 / GtG091 / GC(II)338 / G(3)405 Come, come Emmanuel / Advent gathering song (James Chepponis) The simple chant is quite lovely, and the cantor soars beautifully. It could be quite formal if you like. Can work as a chant without the cantor part; you could choose particular cantor verses for each week, or even make up your own, which is what we've done at Brunswick. At other times of year it can be used with the Cantor for confession. Slow sound sample. Sheet music sample.
- Online Resource / ACS901 / GWA098 Now the heavens start to whisper (Mary Louise Bringle) Excellent words of the whole of creation waiting for the rod of Jesse to spring forth, set to the Welsh tune SUO GÂN. Sound sample, sheet music sample and choral version for purchase. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / Tune In / NCYC'07: Forgive us now (Dave Brown) This is one of the best songs seeking forgiveness that I know. "As we forgive, may we be healed”. An excellent ballad about healing and forgiveness for a whole community. Free downloadable songbook and sound samples.
- TiS 712 / AoV2-021 / ATE 269 / The tide has turned songbook Create in me / us a clean heart O God (Digby Hannah) Good. A big favourite in our congregation. We're sang this every week of Lent this year. Lyrics and (slightly odd) sound sample.
- TiS 407 / AHB 320 / NCH292 / CH596 / UMH420 / VU382 / StJ / LBW488 / A&M236 / GA432 / HPP227 / GtG286 / PH316 / GC800 / GC(II)800 / CP649 / CP(E) 174 / W&R461 / Cha254 / Srce81 / URW167 / 82Hml-508 / Lau302 Breathe on me Breath of God (Edwin Hatch) An older style hymn. Good words seeking the spirits gifts of new life, purity and unity with Christ. If you sing this version, it can be sung to a lovely simple, and quite intuitive Celtic tune (ST COLUMBA). If you sing this version, it can also be sung to HAMPTON, TRENTHAM, or DURHAM. That was a little bit complicated, but hopefully you can work it out. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- AoV1-143 Light Of Christ, light flaming bright (Rufino Zaragoza) Simple chant. "Light of Christ, light flaming bright, burn in my heart holy fire"; you could easily make this plural if you wish. Lyrics and instrumental sound sample. Good for kids.
- Taizé / UMH207 / StS014 / GtG095 / GC336 / GC(II)330 / G(3)400 / W&R174 / Cha121 Prepare the way of the Lord (Jacques Berthier) A lovely simple round. Sheet music and clunky sound sample. Good for kids.
- VU010 Prepare the way of the Lord (Michael Burkhardt) A lovely simple round in 6:8. "Prepare the way of the Lord! X2 Make a straight path for him, make a straight path. Prepare the way of the Lord!" You can split into 6 groups for this one! What fun! Sample sheet music. Simple sound sample. Good for kids.
- AoV2-164 / GA475 / G(II)327 / GC467 / GC(II)477 / G(3)557 / StF413 Send down the fire of your justice (Marty Haugen) This one is usually sung near Pentecost, but I think it could work quite well with this reading too, particularly if your congregation already knows it. Don't play it too fast - there needs to be time to breathe! Lyrics and lead sheet. Sound sample.
- Recorded music The Trumpet Child (Over the Rhine) From the album The Trumpet Child. We used this song a fair bit in Advents past. For those who have not heard it, it's really worth a couple of listens. You can watch a video and read lyrics of the song here.
The hope of a time of glory and righteousness for Israel
- G(3)408 Like a Bird that spreads her wings (Dolores Dufner) I think this song could fit quite well; gathering all God's people together, and the anticipation of Advent. Lyrics and lead sheet.
Zechariah’s prophecy for John the Baptist before his birth. The call to prophecy. John is born and lives in the wilderness. Waiting.
- TiS 265 / AHB 193 / AoV1-174 / NCH116 / CH273 / UMH211 / VU001 / LBW034 / ELW283 / GA285 / HPP92 / GtG088 / PH009 / GC317 / GC(II)323 / G(3)395 / CP089 / CP(E) 32 / W&R154 / Cha119 / 82Hml-056 / Lau112 / StF280 / MP493 O come O come Emmanuel (Psalerolium Cantionum Catholicarum) A very well known ancient Advent song. The lyrical reference to Israel is confusing and this year (2024) in particular will require some exposition for your congregation. Traditional English translation and sheet music. Many have written alternate versions (one by Sue Wickham and one by John Henson), set to the same tune, but with more modern lyrics and ideas. You may prefer to sing these lyrics (also quoted in the comments below) by Avery Arden which seek God's intervention to liberate Palestine. Oldy-but-a-goody and New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / Protest of Praise Advent begins in the darkness of night (David Bjorlin / Benjamin Brody) A haunting tune and beautiful words of Advent beginning in a place of darkness. Sheet music preview, sound sample, and purchasing options.
- Online Resource / Tune In Longing for you (Elaine Loukes) A simple chant of longing for God; "Call to us lead us on". Free downloadable songbook and sound samples.
- PfAS1014 In the tender compassion of our God (Mark Mummert) Using the refrain on its own would work best; verses could be cantored, or read.
- AoV2-089 / Taizé / MV086 / SFFS 2156 Give peace to every heart / Da Pacem Cordium (Jacques Berthier) A good, simple Taizé chant. Sound samples, sheet music (not cantor lines though)
- ATFG 514 Emmanuel Carol / God of light we are waiting for you (Gael Berberick) This is a lovely simple Advent song, and easy to pick up I think. Sample sheet music.
- Iona (M&G) / CH359 / MV033 / ZSS54 / StJ / GtG127 / ELW253 / GA293 / SFFS 2085 / G(II)276 / GC370 / GC(II)364 / G(3)429 / CP368 / W&R402 He came down that we may have love / Jesus came bringing us hope (Traditional Cameroon) The translation in "More Voices" (Jesus came bringing...) seems particularly appropriate for Advent. A lovely simple song - you can make up words and have a lot of fun with this if you also use some drums. Lyrics and sound samples. Good for kids.
- NCH110 / G(II)561 / GC775 / GC(II)5 / G(3)103 / Lau008 Now bless the God of Israel who comes in love and power (Ruth Duck) Good words of salvation based directly on this passage. Sung to the familiar tune FOREST GREEN. Sound sample. Sheet music and lyrics.New words to old tunes
- TiS 284 / VU901 / ELW552 / W&R158 / GtG109 / Cha135 / URW012 / Lau008 Blessed be the God of Israel / O Bless the God of Israel (Michael Perry) Good words of Christ as the fulfiller of the prophets who will set God's people free From fear and darkness. Be aware that some versions (like TiS) use exclusively masculine language for God. URW and Chalice are inclusive. Set to the simple tune MERLE'S TUNE. New words to old tunes You could also use Cha137 which uses just the first line refrain of the above, with a responsive reading. Lyrics and sheet music.
- PH601 / WoV725 / PfAS1032 / URW010 Blest be the God of Israel (Song of Zechariah) (Carl Daw) A simple and inclusive paraphrase to the well-known hymn tune KINGSFOLD (TiS 262). Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes
- TiS 279 / AHB 212 / SFFS 2091 / HPP158 / GC487 / GC(II)494 / CP632 / Lau107 The King of glory comes the nation rejoices (Willard Jabusch) Fun and energetic song to a traditional Israeli folk melody. A good processional. Lyrics and chords. Oh, and of course, Stephen Colbert's dance moves. Good for kids.
- ACS903 / AoV1-061 / ATOK 355 / GtG359 / SFFS 2194 / G(II)521 / GC723 / GC(II)707 / G(3)814 / ZSS110 / SgTJ1035 Freedom is coming (South African) Excellent and lots of fun, especially if you have a keen African-style drummer in your congregation. It's really worth teaching the parts to your congregation before the service. It can get a bit confusing for the congregation otherwise. A range of sound samples (Youtube). History of the song. Sheet music samples. Good for kids.
- Online Resource / Tune in We are the dream that's longing / Jesus is waiting. (Dave Brown) An honest catchy rock song about our hesitation to follow and Jesus not only waiting, but continuing to work and change the world. A good sending-out song. Free downloadable songbook and sound samples.
- ACS904 / TiS 688 Come to be our hope O Jesus / Tú Jesús, nuestra esperanza (Jaci Marachin) This is a really fun Latin American song from the World Council of Churches Assembly in Canberra. It's not easy the first time, but once you've heard it, it's very catchy. The words are really excellent, despite a slightly clunky translation. It would be worth teaching to your congregation! We sang this a couple of times during Advent. Sound sample with a great guitar line. Here's another quite different version. Good for kids.
See suggestions for Malachi reading above, also.
- ATOK 390 / GGives1 Put on love every day, never hide your love away (Mary Lou Walker) A fun song for kids; very catchy and it makes everyone smile! Fits well with this reading about being overflowing with love. Lyrics (ppt) Good for kids.
- ATOK 320 / NCH351 / VU645 / StJ / WoV770 / ELW732 /SFFS 2051 / GtG488 / HPP516 / W&R680 / Cha075 I Was There to Hear Your Borning Cry (John Ylvisaker) A song of God’s presence in all stages of life. Very simple tune to sing. This always makes me think of Center Church on-the-Green in New Haven, CT. Lyrics, and a nice (slow) sound sample.
- TiS 217 / AHB 148 / NCH43 / CH519 / UMH384 / VU333 / A&M721 / LBW315 / ELW631 / A&M721 / GA463 / HPP48 / GtG366 / PH376 / GC622 / GC(II)613 / G(3)641 / CP485/6 / CP(E) 516 / W&R358 / Cha517 / Srce457 / URW100 / 82Hml-657 / Lau801 / StF503 / MP449 Love divine all loves excelling (Charles Wesley) Can't possibly sing this song too often! A beautiful classic song and most hymnals use a very inclusive version of this hymn, even the AHB! "Joy of heaven" *sigh*, so lovely! Lyrics and sheet music.You may also like to give Rend Collective Experiment's version a listen (hard to sing, but nice for listening). Oldy-but-a-goody.
- CH159 / A&M715 / CP(E) 81 / W&R70 / SP289 / Srce439 / Lau942 / StF470 / MP428 Lord for the years your love has kept and guided (Timothy Dudley-Smith) Very traditional, but good words. Some lack of inclusive language in some versions. Sung to a well-known hymn tune (O PERFECT LOVE). Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- NCH089 / 82Hml-009 Awake awake to love and work (Geoffrey Studdert-Kennedy) This song is one of my all time favourites. Easy to sing and wonderful words of getting up and getting going in doing what's needed with hearts full of love. I especially like the 3rd verse. Sung to the familiar tune MORNING SONG. Older-style lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
John the Baptist. I love the start of Luke's version of this story. It's like "Here's all these important men, but the word of God came to this ordinary guy out in the wilderness". This theme continues next week, so I will suggest the same tunes again - this gives you the opportunity to learn something new.
- Online Resource / GWA091 Centuries of waiting / The Angels Say (Margaret McLarty / Stephen Fischbacher / Suzanne Butler) A fun song, with lots of verses and a stirring chorus. You could just choose the one with Zechariah in it for this week. I would make the verses alternating between a cantor and chorus, just like this recording, as the first and third lines are a little tricky in meter. It doesn't have to sound like a kid's song as it does in the video. Lyric video and purchasing options. Good for kids.
- TiS 647 / AoV2-012 / ATN 25 Comfort, comfort all my people (Robin Mann) Easy to sing, beautiful lyrics. Chorus is “Comfort, comfort all my people, with the comfort of my word. Speak ye tender to my people, all your sins are taken away”. Note that most sources only list 2 verses, but there are two additional (more challenging) verses you may wish to consider using written for the Christmas Bowl in 1988; thanks to Simon for alerting me to them. Lyrics (including additional verses), mp3 sample.
- Online resource Down by the Jordan (Carolyn Winfrey-Gillette). Good inclusive words to the familiar tune LOBE DEN HERREN. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- TiS 270 / AHB 199 / NCH115 / CH334 / VU20 / LBW548 / ELW842 / A&M046 / GtG096 / PH010 / G(II)260 / GC321 / 322 / GC(II)344 / G(3)418 / CP103 / CP(E) 34 / W&R156 / 82Hml-076 / Lau094 / StF182 / MP538 On Jordan's bank the Baptist's cry (Charles Coffin) If you would like inclusive lyrics, have a look at the New Century Hymnal’s version. If you’d like a groovy tune, check out AHB 199(ii) / GC322 – ST JOHN BAPTIST by Gary Lewis Miles and Betty Pulkingham. This is an excellent, fun tune. You can even combine the words of NCH115 with AHB199(ii) for the best of both worlds. But WINCHESTER NEW is also very good, and easy to sing if you don’t have a congregation full of people who grew up in the 60s and 70s. Lyrics and sheet music.Oldy-but-a-goody.
- Online Resource / AoVK-50 / ATW 430 Come let us praise our God / A voice is heard (Trisha Watts) Excellent and energetic. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- Seeds of Faith Prepare the Way For Love (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A good song for kids. Sound sample and lyrics. BUC people, I have this book. Good for kids.
- StS008 / SFFS 2089 / GtG163 / PH409 / StF189 Wild and Lone the Prophet's Voice (Carl Daw) Excellent, challenging words. I prefer this sung to ABERYSTWYTH which is well known and easily accessible. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / Tune In Dare to Dream (Elaine Loukes) A great song about having a vision for the future, being lead by the light of Bethlehem’s star. Free downloadable songbook and sound samples.
- Online Resource Prepare the way with quietness (David Bjorlin) Excellent words that pick up on Advent as a time of preparation. Sung to the well known tune LAND OF REST. Lyrics. Song book for purchase. New words to old tunes..
- Taizé / UMH207 / VU10 / StS014 / GtG095 / GC336 / GC(II)330 / G(3)400 / W&R174 / Cha121 Prepare the way of the Lord (Jacques Berthier) A lovely simple round. Sheet music and clunky sound sample. Good for kids.
- Online Resource: Prepare the way of the Lord (Jeff Lowery) An upbeat song, good for kids and teenagers, I think. The verses are kind of wordy, but they're good words. Free sheet music. Sound sample. The verses follow the traditional advent themes of peace, hope, joy and love, so you could also sing it every Sunday of Advent. Good for kids.
- VU010 Prepare the way of the Lord (Michael Burkhardt) A lovely simple round in 6:8. "Prepare the way of the Lord! X2 Make a straight path for him, make a straight path. Prepare the way of the Lord!" You can split into 6 groups for this one! What fun! Sample sheet music. Simple sound sample. Good for kids.
- Online Resource Prepare the way of the Lord (Tom Council) A nice setting for a choir. Free sheet music.
- Recorded Music: Prepare ye the way of the Lord - Godspell (Stephen Schwarz) This is still a great call to worship for this Sunday. You know, the movie is really dated, but the scenes seem kind of fresh again, at least, for this song, except maybe for that nurse's uniform. Get that gospel choir going if you have the sheet music. Track it down! Youtube.
- Recorded Music: Prepare ye the way of the Lord (Michael W Smith) Love the Aussie accent in the readings for the Intro to this. The song is just a chorus really. Maybe I just like those jangly U2-esque guitars. "Come on, church". Cracks me up. But it's kind of inspiring. Youtube.
- TiS 288 / Iona Not the powerful not the privileged (John Bell) Note that the lyrics are masculine for God in one instance in the 4th verse. The lyrics are great though, so perhaps balance this song with some feminine imagery elsewhere in the service! The tune is not difficult. Lyrics (scroll down).
Hi Natalie,
Hi from the frozen Canadian prairies! I know it is not particularly inclusive but I still love the rousing old hymn "There's a Voice in the Wilderness Crying" to the tune Ascension. My congregation would not forgive me if we did not sing it for Advent 2. Common Praise #106
Dad never enjoyed my heavy metal rendition of Comfort Comfort, he just couldn't see the genius and beauty in my arrangement.
Ditto, from another Canadian (NW Ontario
Hmmm Darren, maybe you should record that heavy metal version and put it online... but maybe your Dad was right about that one...
Hi there, I just noticed that you have Prepare the Way of the Lord in VU #10 listed as a Taize piece by Berthier as well as the correct listing of Michael Burkhardt. I know there are lots by this name! so the one in Voices United is based in a Israeli tune by Micheal Burkhardt, not the Taize one you first mention. and thank you thank for all your work!! ( a Canadian who uses VU and MV a LOT!)
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