Ruth 3:1-5; 4:13-17
Naomi gets Ruth and Boaz together. The perilous economic position of women? Some songs suggested for the Psalm or the Mark reading will also work.
Our work is in vain unless God is part of it. It's good to have kids. Especially sons, apparently. A whole quiver full, too.
Elijah and the poor widow. God provides if we listen to God’s messenger. Hospitality. The resuscitation of the widow's son (if you continue the reading).
God is great and cares for the widow, and brings justice etc.
Christ appears in the presence of God on our behalf. Once only.
The scribes exploit the widows. The poor widow puts in her few coins. She has given all she has.
Naomi gets Ruth and Boaz together. The perilous economic position of women? Some songs suggested for the Psalm or the Mark reading will also work.
- Taizé / TiS 739 / AoV2-041 / ATOK 404 / VU290 / GA269 / SFFS 2054 / GtG820 / G(II)451 / GC639 / GC(II)626 / G(3)733 / CP568 / W&R421 / URW388 / Lau947 / LUYH444/ VF088 Nothing Can Trouble / Nada te turbe (Theresa of Avila / Taizé) Excellent and quite well known Taizé chant. Spanish lyrics are not too hard for non-Spanish speakers. Sheet music, sound samples, lyrics and translations. Good for kids.
- WCC website Hear the message we now are proclaiming / El mensaje que hoy proclamamos (Eleazar Torreglosa) This jubilant Colombian song of liberty and new life for the poor would fit well with this reading. Good for kids. Free sheet music. Sound sample.
- Online Resource Bless the arms that comfort (Mary Louise Bringle) A song of thanks for those who have acted out their faith in caring for others (including Ruth), sung to the older tune CRANHAN. Sheet music sample, lyrics, and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
Our work is in vain unless God is part of it. It's good to have kids. Especially sons, apparently. A whole quiver full, too.
- Emergent Psalter Unless God builds a house (Isaac Everett) An excellent refrain for this Psalm. Just love the chords for it too... Sheet music (refrain only).
- Unknown Source True: Unless God Builds the House (Linnea Good) A very simple version of only the first verse. Available from Linnea's PsalmBody's Praying list.
- CH198 / MV001 / HPP550 / A&M365 / GtG301 / GC753 / GC(II)741 / G(3)850 / SP176 / URW058/ Lau458 / StF409 Let Us Build a House / All are welcome (Marty Haugen) This song has wonderful lyrics of hope for what a Christian community can be like, and a chorus that joyfully says “All are welcome, all are welcome, all are welcome in this place”. Sheet music sample. Sound sample. New words to old tunes
- ATAR675 / Iona (One is the Body) Keep me, Lord (John Bell) A new older style hymn. Good, thoughtful words. Straightforward tune; lovely harmonies if you have part-singers. Sound sample.
- Taizé / TiS 739 / AoV2-041 / ATOK 404 / VU290 / GA269 / SFFS 2054 / GtG820 / G(II)451 / GC639 / GC(II)626 / G(3)733 / CP568 / W&R421 / URW388 / Lau947 Nothing Can Trouble / Nada te turbe (Jacques Berthier) Excellent and quite well known Taizé chant. Spanish lyrics are not too hard for non-Spanish speakers. Sheet music, sound samples, lyrics and translations. Good for kids.
- PH238 Unless the Lord the House Shall Build (Freeman Lewis) A fairly formal paraphrase, inclusive, and doesn't say that only sons are a blessing! Lyrics and sound sample.
Elijah and the poor widow. God provides if we listen to God’s messenger. Hospitality. The resuscitation of the widow's son (if you continue the reading).
- UMH434 / VU702 / StJ / R249 / ELW725 / GtG762 / PH407 / W&R624 / Cha662 Cuando el Pobre / When a poor one / When the Poor Ones (Miguel Manzano / Jose Olivar) Wow… This song has a beautiful and interesting (but easy to sing) tune and really moving words ending with the phrase "God goes with us on the pathways of our lives" or "Then we know that God still goes that road with us" in each verse. I prefer the English translation in Church Hymnary (Bringle). Very highly recommended.The words to this are just wonderful liberation theology. Lyrics.
- Seeds of Faith Always Enough (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A cool and bluesy song that tells the story. This is not a congregational song, but could be sung by your musicians, or if you are a musical Sunday school teacher, you could use this to tell the story. Lyrics and sound sample.
- Tune In / Online Resource You in all our worries / All will finish well (Dave Brown) “In this world where injustice reigns, you are in the midst of pain”. Excellent words of reassurance in a difficult world. Sound sample, lyrics and downloadable songbook.
- Tune In / Online Resource Community (Dave Brown) A song about being welcomed and part of a community. Sound sample, lyrics and downloadable songbook. "a glass of water shared with the thirsty". Good for kids.
- CH763 / MV193 God bless to us our bread (Traditional Argentinian) A lovely simple grace for meals and for communion. More Voices has Spanish and French lyrics as well as English. "God bless to us our bread, and give bread to all those who are hungry, and hunger for justice to those who are fed. God bless to us our bread". This would be very appropriate if you are celebrating communion this week. Good for kids. Sound sample.
- CH655 / URW082 For your generous providing (Leith Fisher) Lovely words to the well-known hymn tune HOLY MANNA. Particularly good if you celebrate communion this week. "Through the depths of joy and sorry, though the road be smooth or rough, fearless we can face tomorrow, for your grace will be enough". BUC people: I have a copy of this. Lyrics (downloads a pdf) . New words to old tunes.
God is great and cares for the widow, and brings justice etc.
- Cha766 Blessed are the poor and needy for God's justice surely is theirs Simple, very familiar sung response, and responsive reading.
- TiS 90 / AHB 44 / UMH60 / VU867 / GtG806 / PH253 / A&M673 / CP346 / CP(E) 473 / W&R79 / Cha20 / 82Hml-429 / StF079 / MP320 I'll praise my Maker while I've breath (Isaac Watts) A great classic hymn. Most sources are not inclusive; Voices United is! Lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- URW357 Praise to the One who sets prisoners free (Elise Eslinger) A great tune, and the response can be sung in three parts, or as a round. Can be sung with one or two cantors / readers or without the cantors. The refrain alone as a round could be good for kids.
- Online Resource Hear the message we now are proclaiming / El mensaje que hoy proclamamos (Eleazar Torregosa) This jubilant Colombian song of liberty and new life for the poor and suffering would fit well with this reading. Good for kids. Free sheet music. Sound sample.
- Psalm Project (2010) Hallelujah Hallelujah The god of Jacob (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A nice way to present this Psalm to the congregation; this would work during the offering for our congregation, or have the congregation (including the kids) sing the Hallelujah bits as a Psalm refrain. Note to BUC: I have this! Sound sample and lyrics.
- G(3)093 I will praise the Lord all my days (Michael Joncas) A lovely Psalm refrain, very straightforward. The verses could be sung or read. Sound sample.
- TiS 702 / NCH768 / SFFS 2014 / GC257 / GC(II)263 / G(3)331 / PfAS146B / Lau539 Alleluia 7 (Jacques Berthier) A very straightforward Alleluia that builds with energy. PfAS uses this as a refrain to a cantored (or read) version of Psalm 146. Sheet music and sound samples.
- WoV609 / GtG034 / SP&P055 / W&R735 / PfAS146B Hallelujah / Heleluyan (Muscogee / Charles Webb) Native American Hallelujah. It's simple and straightforward. PfAS146 uses it as a refrain to Psalm 146.It can also be used as a round (come in on each bar), and with a strong drum beat on 1 and 3. Sound recording.
- PfAS146B Hallelujah / Puji Tuhan (Christian Tamaela) A simple Bahasa Indonesian Alleluia set as a Psalm refrain for Psalm 146. It will need to be taught.
Christ appears in the presence of God on our behalf. Once only.
- TiS 217 / AHB 148 / NCH43 / CH519 / UMH384 / VU333 / A&M721 / LBW315 / ELW631 / A&M721 / GA463 / HPP48 / GtG366 / PH376 / GC622 / GC(II)613 / G(3)641 / CP485/6 / CP(E) 516 / W&R358 / Cha517 / Srce457 / URW100 / 82Hml-657 / Lau801 / StF503 / MP449 Love divine all loves excelling (Charles Wesley) Can't possibly sing this song too often! A beautiful classic song and most hymnals use a very inclusive version of this hymn, even the AHB! "Joy of heaven" *sigh*, so lovely! Lyrics and sheet music.You may also like to give Rend Collective Experiment's version a listen (hard to sing, but nice for listening). Oldy-but-a-goody.
- TiS 279 / AHB 212 / SFFS 2091 / HPP158 / GC487 / GC(II)494 / G(3)572 / CP632 / Lau107 The King of glory comes the nation rejoices (Willard Jabusch) Fun and energetic song to a traditional Israeli folk melody. A good processional. Lyrics (scroll down). Good for kids.
The scribes exploit the widows. The poor widow puts in her few coins. She has given all she has.
- Online Resource / GWA035 A rich young man came to ask of Christ / Simple living (Keith Getty / Kristyn Getty / Stuart Townend) This is a lovely melody and good story-telling words. Not easy to sing, so perhaps invite the congregation to join in on the third verse. Lyrics, sound sample and purchasing options. Longer sound sample.
- MV127 I saw the rich ones (Pat Mayberry) This is simple to sing and a great song for kids “The men in the vineyards were grumbling one day, I knew they weren’t happy with what they’d been paid… But with God the world is turned upside down. The poor are embraced and the lost they are found. Let’s work for a world where all people are free. Where it’s good to feel good about God loving you and me”. Lyrics. Good for kids.
- GtB / On the Road God is love and love is giving (Ross Langmead) A simple kids' song about God's love. A round. Sound sample. Good for kids.
- Online Resource / NCH562 / AA127 / Cha381 Take my gifts and let me love you (Shirley Murray) Good words about giving God ourselves, our goods, our money. Can be sung either to the set tune by Colin Gibson (TALAVERA TERRACE) which is quite straightforward, or the more well known tune HOLY MANNA. Lyrics and sheet music. New words to old tunes.
- ATOK 414 / Iona (LFB, Common Ground) / CH501 / GA485 / A&M788 / G(II)480 / GC673 / GC(II)655 / SP311 / StF513 / Lau850 Take this moment, sign and space (John Bell) A fairly well known favourite. Simple melody and beautiful words. Lyrics (includes a very skinny picture of Jesus).
- TiS 599 / AHB 520 / NCH448 / CH502 / UMH399 / VU506 / LBW406 / ELW685 / A&M787 / HPP349 / GtG697 / PH391 / CP435 / CP(E) 581 / W&R466 / Cha609 / Srce633 / 82Hml-707 / Lau874 / StF566 / MP624 Take my life and let it be (Frances Havergal) An oldy but a (mostly) goody; depending on the context - perhaps it is overly submissive. Lyrics and tune sample. Oldy-but-a-goody.
- AoV2-065 Returning Our Gifts to the giver of life (Phil Porter / Elaine Kirkland) Good as an offering song. Sound sample.
- StF243 A rich young man came seeking (Marjorie Dobson) Challenging words about sharing rather than being greedy and a lovely simple 3/4 tune. Specifically references the rich young ruler, the widow's mite, and the loaves and fishes. Youtube in four parts.
- ATAR632 Share your gift (Busch) A good song for the offering, particularly on Sundays when the theme of being part of the body of Christ, or sharing gifts or talents is being explored. Words are simple enough to make sense to kids. Good for kids.
- Online Resource Jesus sat and watched the crowd (Carolyn Winfrey Gillette) Good story-telling lyrics to the familiar tune HENDON. Thanks to Jay C Treat for this suggestion. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- NCH565 / LBW408 / ELW678 / GtG716 / PH422 / CP601 / W&R572 / Cha606 / URW091 God whose giving knows no ending (Robert Edwards) Excellent more formal words of thanks for God's many good gifts to us. Can be sung to a range of tunes including BEACH SPRING, HYFRYDOL, AUSTRIAN HYMN, RUSTINGTON. Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
- Online Resource / TiS 774 / W&R684 For the life that you have given (Carl Daw) A nice short song for the receipt of the offering. Lyrics & sheet music. Instrumental lyric video. New words to old tunes.
1 comment:
Carolyn Winfrey Gillette's hymn, "Jesus Sat and Watched the Crowd" retells the story of the Gospel reading.
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