Songs, Hymns & Music for Reign of Christ A (November 26, 2023)

Reign of Christ / Christ the King suggestions (reading-based suggestions follow):
  • Online Resource / Resounding Voices Christ Sophia, Child of Wisdom (Ellen Clark-King) Excellent words with many images of Christ "showing us God's humble kingdom" and expressing what "kingdom values" really mean. Can be sung to your favourite 878787 tune; I think it's particularly powerful with PRAISE MY SOUL. New words for old tunes. Lyrics (scroll down). Free book download here.
  • Online Resource / URW093 Christ is the Truth the Way (Ruth Duck) Excellent words of the leadership of Christ, sung to the majestic tune DIADEMATA. This is just excellent for this Sunday! New words for old tunes. Sheet music sample and purchasing options.
  • NCH302 / VU212 Eternal Christ you rule (Dan Damon) Challenging words about how the rule of Christ is so vastly different from the rulership of popular earthly leaders. Simple hymnlike tune. Sheet music and lyrics.
  • TiS 728 Jesu christo reina reina ya! (Unknown, Argentina) A fun Latin American song. It's particularly fun if someone is brave enough to yell out a "call" at the start of each verse. Sound sample.
  • NCH575 / VU697 / GtG372 / PH386 / Cha683 O for a world where everyone respects (Miriam Therese Winter) A song with good words sung to a well known hymn tune (AZMON). The words are a prayer for a world of peace and the reign of Christ. Lyrics. New words for old tunes.
  • TiS 721 / Iona (LFB) / URW431 / Lau124 He became poor that we may be rich (John Bell) A simple chant. Timing is a little bit tricky, so you will need to take a little time to teach it initially. This has gorgeous parts if you have some singers. "He became poor, that we may be rich, loving the world and leaving his throne; King of all kings, and Lord of all Lords, flesh of our flesh and bone of our bone". Sound sample.
  • SiS409 / ATA 162 / A&M699 / SFFS 2075 / W&R338 / GGives2 / Srce401 / MP398 / VU167 King of kings and Lord of lords (Nomi Yah / Sophie Conty) This song, written by two 13 year old girls is sung to a Hasidic folk tune, this is a simple, well known round. VU also has words for Easter and Pentecost. Have fun with this. You could even do it like Petra :-). Good for kids.
  • G(II)249 / GC319 / GC(II)325 Close as tomorrow the sun shall appear / Walk in the Reign (Rory Cooney). I really like this one. “Close as tomorrow the sun shall appear. Freedom is coming and healing is near. And I shall be with you in laughter and pain to stand in the wind and walk in the reign”. Nice little lyrics twist there! The 4th verse mentions specific locations (Soweto, Gdansk, Tiannemen Square, The Bronx), which you could retain or change, as you feel appropriate. This sound sample gives it a bit of a gospel feel. Sheet music and lyrics.
  • ELW610 O Christ What Can It Mean for us (Delores Dufner) Excellent questioning lyrics. Sung to an older hymn tune, that's not familiar to me, but you could use these lyrics to a wide range of tunes if you like them. New words for old tunes. Lyrics and sheet music. 
  • TiS 185 Alleluia / We praise you God Creator Lord (John McIntyre) A chanted Alleluia based on Pachelbel's canon, coupled with some nice affirmations of faith from a 2nd part of the congregation, or cantor. This is quite lovely.
  • CH289 / GC(II)341 Lift up your heads eternal gates(Weissel / Bell) I like how this reworking of the old standard turns the violent battle kingly God image on its head and points to Christ instead. "God's catchless and majestic strength in all its height, depth, breadth, and length, now is revealed its power to prove, by Christ protesting "God is love!". The tune is a lovely old medieval-style tune, which should not be difficult. The chorus has been written in 4 parts which would be great if you can get some singers to sing the parts, or teach your congregation the chorus before the service starts. The parts for the chorus are very simple. Sound sample. Lyrics and lead sheet.
Ezekiel 34:11-16, 20-24 
God gathers the sheep and will feed them with justice, and then separates them out. David will be the shepherd. Note that songs generally don’t pick up the theme of getting separated…!
  • AoV1-071 / GA530 / GC(II)742 / G(3)837 / Lau462 Gather Your People (Bob Hurd) Excellent eucharistic theology. Sound sample. Lyric and sheet music sample.
  • Online Resource / Tune In: Shepherd of the night (Elaine Loukes) "Have you ever felt the velvet night wrap you in her warmth". A lovely song with a theme of God’s protection. This is tricky for a congregation, so you might want to ask the musicians to play this. Free Lyrics, sound sample and free downloadable songbook.
  •  TiS474 / AoV1-012 / ATAR595 / CH623 / SFFS 2236 / HPP553 / A&M363 / GtG401 / G(II)539 / GC839 / GC(II)743 / G(3)848  / CP465 / W&R649 / Cha284 / SP175 / URW054 / Lau475 Here in this place new light is streaming / Gather us in (Marty Haugen) Excellent words, very well known. “Nourish us well and teach us to fashion lives that are holy and hearts that are true”. Lyrics, sound samples, sheet music. 
  • AoV2-139 / GA525 / SP&P045 Gather us O God Body spirit soul and mind (Monica Brown) Very simple song. Would work well as a gathering chant "Gather us O God, Body, spirit, soul and mind. Gather us, O God, One in union now with you". Sound sample.
  • G(II)458 / GC654 / GC(II)628 / G(3)725 / Online Resource With a Shepherd's Care (James Chepponis) Very nice words with feminine and masculine images for God. Would be very straightforward to sing, but maybe better for a soloist for the first verse. Sound sample. Lyrics. Choral sheet music.
  • Online Resource / Tune In / ATAR596 He comes with his arms open wide / The God that I know (Sheree Anderson) A ballad drawing on God’s strength and comfort; not easy if unfamiliar. Free Lyrics, sound sample and free downloadable songbook.
  • MV007 Gather us in ground us in you (David Hann) A simple chant which would be great for a quieter invitation to worship. Sound sample. Good for kids.
  • MV126 Are you a shepherd? (Ruth Duck) Good and joyous. Lots of images of God: shepherd, teacher, mother, father. A catchy chorus. Lyrics. Good for kids.
  • Online Resource / AoV1-033 / WoV690 / ELW423 / SFFS 2058 / GtG473 / G(II)29 / GC31 / GC(II)23 / G(3)035 / PfAS023H / Lau951 Shepherd Me O God (Marty Haugen) A nice reworking of the 23rd Psalm. The verses are a little challenging, so I would use the chant on its own: “Shepherd me O God beyond my wants, beyond my fears, from death into life”. Sheet music sample, sound sample and purchasing options.
  • NCH306 / UMH589 / VU601 / LBW433 / ELW729 / GtG320 / PH421 / GC(II)665 / G(3)765 / CP584 / W&R623 / Cha475 / StF415 / Lau896 The church of Christ in every age (Fred Pratt Green) These lyrics are well-rounded and would be great to sing. A couple of possible tunes including WALY WALY and CHURCH TRIUMPHANT, WAREHAM. New words to old tunes. Lyrics.  
  • Online Resource God is like a foolish farmer (David Bjorlin) Many images of God as farmer, lover, ruler and shepherd, all of them "foolish", but all of them more loving and caring than our usual image of these types of people. Sung to the familiar tune RESTORATION. Lyrics and purchasing options
Psalm 100
  • GWA046 Let us come and worship our creator / Mari beribadah pada Allah / Somba Ma Jahowa (J A U Doloksaribu) This joyful Indonesian song, set to a Batak Toba (Northern Sumatra) folk song is a good opening for worship for any Sunday, but also picks up many of the themes in this reading. Sound sample. Another sound sample (slightly slower)
  • TiS 720 / AHB 295 / AoVK-85 / AoV2-046 / ATOK 319 / NCH236 / Iona (Many & Great, There is one among us) / CH345 / VU958 / StJ / A&M836 / SFFS 2026 / HPP571 / GtG591 / GC(II)261 / G(3)329 / W&R005 / Cha041 / ZSS76 / SP324 / PfAS150G / URW370 / Lau178 Halle halle hallelujah (Traditional Caribbean) A good Alleluia would work well for this passage, and I think this one is particularly excellent – simple, great for kids, good rhythm. Good for kids. Sound sample (with some extra verses! hymnals only have the chorus).
  • VU242 / LBW557 / ELW881 / GtG037 / PH554 / GC567 / GC(II)551 / G(3)635 / CP403 / W&R22 / Cha717 / VF107 Let All Things Now Living (Katherine Davis) Lovely lyrics to the well known and quite jolly Welsh folk tune ASH GROVE. Not all sources are inclusive. Lyrics (older version). New words to old tunes 
  •  Taizé / TiS 731 /  SFFS 2017 / GtG155 / G(II)377 / GC557 / GC(II)535 / G(3)618 / W&R212 / PfAS100G Raise a song of gladness / Jubilate Servite (Jacques Berthier) Glorious, fun round. If your congregation balks at singing in Latin, it can be sung in English as "Raise a song of gladness, all the earth, Christ has come, bringing peace, joy to every heart, Alleluia Alleluia, Joy to every heart (x2)". Youtube.
  • AoVK-24 / Iona (T1AU) / CH756 Bless the Lord / My sisters (Kenyan) Simple and fun Kenyan call and response. "Bless the Lord there is no other God" Kids would really enjoy this, and with some African drumming, it would really be excellent. The tune is identical to Re a mo Leboga, so may be familiar to your congregation already. Sound sample of Re a mo lebogaGood for kids.
  • Online Resource / CP351 / URW300 Rejoice in God all earthly lands (Ruth Duck) Really good words for this Psalm, sung to the familiar tune OLD HUNDREDTH. Good to sing after or during the offering. Lyrics sample and purchasing optionsNew words to old tunes.
  • Taizé / ATA 107 / VU247 / GC555 / CP308 / W&R303 / Lau691 Jubilate Deo (Michael Praetorius) A simpler fun round from the community at Taize. Sound sample and practice parts
  • CH141 / A&M548 / SP250 / URW077 / StF114 Oh the life of the world is a joy and a treasure (Kathy Galloway) Good inclusive words about God's presence in "the life of the world" (nature, seasons, childbirth, justice). The tune is a simple Celtic-style melody. Sound sample.
  • AoVK-124 Shout to the Lord for joy all the earth (Nathaniel Ford) Fun three part song. Sound sampleGood for kids.
  • AoVK-147 / ATFG517 / VU821 Make a joyful noise all the earth (Linnea Good) Good solid words and a simple tune. Inclusive language throughout. Sound sample.
  • URW299 O many people of all lands (Natty Barranda) A good song supporting multicultural harmony at home, at work, and in church. Tune is a little tricky. Lyrics (downloads a PDF)
  • Online Resource This is the moment here is the place (Hannah Brown / Benjamin Brody) A good song of welcome which talks about the mystery of worship; sung to a lovely new tune in 6/8. There are enough verses for the congregation to pick it up the first time. Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing options.
  • AoVK-30 / ATW 419 / Iona (Common Ground, CAYP) / CH757 / MV002 / WoV717 / ELW819 / GtG388 / A&M361 / SFFS 2274 / HPP551 / GC(II)744 / G(3)849 / PfAS066B / SP&P022 / SP179 / StF022 Come all you people (Uyai mose) (Alexander Gondo) Joyful and pretty easy really for the congregation. If you have WoV or SP&P, they each have a nice Trinitarian version of this. Come and praise the "Most high" / "Saviour" / "Spirit". Awesome sound sample (much more energetic than what's in the hymnals!). Video. Good for kids.
  • PfAS100C Let every voice on earth resound (Michael Morgan) A better version of Old Hundred. It is set to a different tune, but I would sing it to Old Hundredth. Lyrics.
Alternative Psalm: Psalm 95:1-7a
  • GWA046 Let us come and worship our creator / Mari beribadah pada Allah / Somba Ma Jahowa (J A U Doloksaribu) This joyful Indonesian song, set to a Batak Toba (Northern Sumatra) folk song is a good opening for worship for any Sunday, but also picks up many of the themes in this reading. Sound sample. Another sound sample (slightly slower)
  • ATE 216 / Iona (SBL) / CH126 / StJ / ELW555 / PH472 / G(II)365 / GC527 / RS 671 / CP417 / W&R15 / StF042 O sing to the Lord / Cantai ao Senhor / Cantad al Señor (Brazilian) A good, fun and simple song that is easy to learn in Portuguese or Spanish too; note that not all versions are inclusive. Sheet music samplesGood for kids
  • MV092 / SP&P099 Like a Rock (Keri Wehlander / Linnea Good) A lovely simple song (with actions!) from Linnea Good. Youtube sound sample. Great for kids.
  • AoVK-47 / HPP51 / A&M656 / W&R80 / Lau973 He's Got the Whole World in His Hands (Unknown) It’s possible to make this inclusive. I’ve seen “God’s got the whole world in safe hands”, which is a little clumsy. AoVK has "The whole world is in God's hands" which works really well, or you could sing "You've got the whole world in your hands"! Video of Mahalia Jackson singing it (but I don't think it's how a congregation should sing it!). Good for kids.Oldy-but-a-goody. 
  • Taizé / AoV2-109 / CH772 / GA429 / GtG654 / A&M334 / SFFS 2195 / G(II)396 / GC566 / GC(II)546 / G(3)639 / SP128 / URW381 / Lau944 / W&R448 / StF776 / MP865 In the Lord I'll Be Ever Thankful / El Senyor (Jacques Berthier) A joyful and bouncy short song. Works well in English, German and Spanish at least. Good for kids. Sheet music, translations into many other languages, sound samples.
  • PfAS095E / Lau52a O that today you would listen (Susan Sayers) A nice Psalm response.
  • Iona (SBL) / CH140 / MV181 / WoV727 / ELW554 / G(II)341 / GC495 / StB178 Lord Your Hands Have Formed This World / The Earth is the Lord's (Ramon and Sario Oliano) Good words of creation to a lovely, and not too difficult, Phillippino melody. Lyrics (first verse only)
  • Emergent Psalter Come let us sing (Isaac Everett) Very simple refrain. Sheet music (refrain only).
  • Online Resource / NCH036 / PH219 To God compose a song of joy (Ruth Duck) Beautiful words of praise to the standard hymn tune RICHMOND.  Sheet music sample, lyrics and purchasing optionsNew words to old tunes
  • Taizé / MV009 O Come and let us sing to God our hope (Taize Community) Joyful gathering chant. Sound samples, sheet music.
  • AoVK-123 / NCH3 / Iona (M&G) / UMH148 / VU308 / WoV794 / ELW837 / GtG021 / PH271 / G(II)338 / GC499 / G(3)911 / CP407 / W&R26 / Cha58 / URW232 / 82Hml-385 Many and Great O God are your works / Wakantanka Taku Nitawa (Joseph Renville) Good words. Simple tune. Sounds great accompanied by a good Native American-style drum beat, which is a great way to get people involved in music-making. Lyrics here.
  • Cha747 Come into God's presence with a joyful song (Larry Sivis) Joyful sung response, and responsively read passage.
  • TiS 119 / AHB 40 / NCH012 / UMH152 / VU231 / HPP39 / GtG032 /  PH288 / W&R31 / Cha064 / 82Hml-398 / Lau684 / StF107 / MP293 I sing the almighty power of God / We sing the mighty power of God (Isaac Watts) I really like this old hymn, especially sung to ELLACOMBE, but it can also be sung to FOREST GREEN. VU, NCH and Chalice have inclusive language, but other hymnals (like TiS and AHB, are not).  Lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
Ephesians 1:15-23
Prayer for wisdom; Christ the king; See also suggestions at the top of the page.
  • TiS 182 / AoV2-010 / NCH11 / CH134 / VU268 / GtG760 / SFFS 2047 / HPP13 / CP395 / VF106 Bring many names beautiful and good (Brian Wren) This is a beautiful song, but it's very long (especially if sung too slowly). Try singing one verse unison, then one women, one men, then all together again, to keep people interested in what they are singing. Lyrics and sample sheet music.
  • NCH510 Grant us wisdom to perceive you (Rae E Whitney) A hymn with great words seeking wisdom in perception, faithfulness in prayer, diligence in action, courage in evangelism. Sung to an old German carol tune which is not too hard. Could also be sung to other tunes if you like. Lyric video.
  • NCH553 / UMH375 / VU612 / WoV737 / ELW614 / HPP379 / GtG792 / PH394 / G(II)460 / GC648 / GC(II)617 / G(3)640 / W&R631 / Cha501 / ZSS114 / SgTJ1045 / 82Hml-676 There is a balm in Gilead (Traditional African-American) This beautiful song is most suitable for congregations in the USA. While not steeped in layers of meaning for non-Americans, it is worth singing wherever you live. Lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • Online Resource / ACS954 / CH355 / VU210 / HPP81 / GtG274 / GC(II)525 / G(3)628 / CP630 / W&R99 / URW098 You Lord Are Both Lamb and Shepherd (Sylvia Dunstan) Beautiful words. Can be sung to many tunes. I like it to PICARDY or WESTMINSTER ABBEY. Sound sample, lyrics and sheet music sample and purchasing optionsNew words for old tunes.
  • NCH387 / GtG361 / PH443 / GC(II)646 / RS782 / CP524 / Lau829 O Christ the great foundation (Timothy Ting Fang Lew) Excellent words of salvation and justice, sung to the tune of "The church's one foundation" (AURELIA). Lyrics and sound sample. There is a second possible tune (ABREU), which is more challenging. Note that the lyrics in the NCH are slightly different, and more inclusive. New words for old tunes.
  • Taizé / AoVNG125 / MV146 / GC(II)637 / G(3)740 / PfAS024D The Kingdom of God is justice and peace and joy in the holy spirit (Taize community) "Come, Lord and open in us the gates of your kingdom". A nice joyful Taize chant. Sheet music and sound samples of parts for practice. Good for kids.
  • TiS 164 / AHB 105 / CH358 The great love of God (Daniel Thambyrajah Niles) A simple creed song from the Christian Conference of Asia. The tune is really beautiful. Lyrics.
  • TiS 653 / NCH417 / CH526 / UMH383 / GC(II)453 / G(3)522 / W&R355 / Cha518 This is a day of new beginnings (Brian Wren) "This is a day of new beginnings, time to remember and move on, time to believe what love is bringing, laying to rest the pain that's gone." Excellent words of reconciliation. There are two possible tunes. I prefer the more simple hymn-like tune by Carlton Young which is in most resources (including TiS). There is an optional final verse that can be used for Communion. Lyrics.
Matthew 25:31-46
Jesus on the throne separating the sheep from the goats.
  • Online Resource / GWA059 Listen for God who speaks within our hearts (Andrew Brown / Jo Beesley) A lovely song, with 5 short verses, each telling of different ways that God speaks to us, including in the "lost, unwanted, dispossessed". The congregation can join in as it feels more familiar. Lyrics and sheet music for download. Sound sample
  • Online Resource Build a longer table (David Bjorlin / French Carol) Excellent words about making space and making welcome for refugees; sung to the familiar tune NOEL NOUVELET. Or you could use a new tune! Sound sample, lyrics and sheet music preview and purchasing options. New words to old tunes. Here is the version with the new tune! Sound sample of the new tune.
  • Online Resource / MV114 Behold the face of Christ (Bernadette Farrell) A gentle, chant-like refrain with read scripture verses over instrumental backing. This could be very powerful. Highly recommended. Sound sample, sheet music samples, and purchasing options.
  • TiS 697 All the sleepy should have a place to sleep (Rusty Edwards) Great chorus "Make love happen by God's grace and by God's power. Let God move you on this day and in this hour. New creations will then blossom like a flower for together we can be the hands of God". Lyrics (downloads a PDF).
  • MV064 / HiOS010 / StF420 Because you came (Shirley Murray) Powerful words of confession and forgiveness, sung to a lovely tune that will need to be taught, but will not be hard to teach. It has 5 verses, so maybe invite the congregation to join in as they hear it. Lyrics.
  • MV177 This is my body naked before you (Dan Damon)  Excellent words about Christ's body being both the broken people, and we who can help the broken. The tune is not easy. Maybe best sung by a soloist at first. Lyrics and sheet music sample.
  • ATW 487 Make your home in me (Fay White) A simple beautiful invitation. Written by a Melbourne songwriter and teacher. “If you fly to the point of the day’s sunrise or westward across the sea, if you travel to the uttermost ends of the earth, there I will be; Make your home in me as I make my home in you. I am everywhere that you can be. Make your home in me”. This is quite different to the Vineyard / Josh Young version you can find all over the internet. I can't find a sample of this one, unfortunately. Sound sample.
  • ATFG582 / NCYC'97 Like a candle burning wildly (Craig Mitchell) "We are called to live the passion". Good song. Particularly nice on guitar. Note that the NCYC version has good notes on how to play it on guitar. Lyrics.
  • CH195 / StS053 / AA061 Here to the house of God we come (Shirley Murray) Good honest and challenging words and a simple, but unusual tune. Lyrics and sheet music sample.
  • NCH332 / VU457 / ELW522 / SFFS 2268 / HPP528 / GC(II)738 / G(3)839 / CP061 / W&R695 As We Gather at Your Table (Carl P Daw)Beautiful, honest, encouraging words. Could be sung to HOLY MANNA, BEACH SPRING or NETTLETON, all very popular hymn tunes (did I mention that two of them are Sacred Harp tunes?), particularly good if you are celebrating communion this week. Lyrics. New words for old tunes.
  • Online Resource / Tune In Our God who weeps (Kate Scull) Very simple folk-like tune and challenging and hopeful lyrics. Free Lyrics, sound sample and free downloadable songbook
  • NCYC'07 Behold the son of man / Face of the humbled poor (Paul Gioia) Beautiful reflective song of seeing God's face in the poor "When did we see you a broken man?…. The saviour's face in the humble poor". It confuses me that sometimes it's "humbled poor" rather than "humble poor". Lyrics.
  • TiS 778 / UMH666 / Cha436 Shalom to you (SOMOS DEL SEÑOR) (Elise Eslinger) Sung to a familiar tune to Spanish-speaking congregations. Sound sample
  • MV194 Bread of life feed my soul (Stephen Spencer) A simple communion prayer for healing and guidance. Lyric video.
  • FFS60 Stranger standing at my door (Shirley Murray) Amazing words, but a tricky tune. Would be good if you have a good soloist in your congregation who would sing this and the congregation listen to the very meaningful words. Last verse is "I am fearful of your claim, yet I cannot turn away. Stranger with a foreign name, are you angel here to stay? You are messenger and guest, you the Christ I can't ignore, you my own compassion's test, stranger standing at my door; you the Christ I can't ignore." Lyrics and sheet music.
  • AoV1-056 / CH217 / GA541 / G(II)551 / GC761 / GC(II)750 / G(3)859 / URW201 / Lau881 God of Day and God of Darkness (Marty Haugen) This song is specific for evening services, but lovely words and set to a familiar tune (BEACH SPRING). I often think this is only good for an evening service, but the image of darkness and night doesn't have to be taken literally. And the call to rest at the end of the last verse would be good for those who take the celebration of Sabbath as a call to rest. Lyrics. New words for old tunes.
  • Online Resource / VU592 / GtG186 / StF695 Come now you blessed (Ruth Duck) Good words, based on Matthew 25:34-39, sung to a lovely 6/8 tune. It will need to be taught, or at least played through, the first time. Sheet music sample and purchasing options.
  • ATW 499 / The tide has turned songbook It was me when you came that extra mile (Digby Hannah) Simple tune and good simple words. Good for older kids.  
  • Online Resource / Resounding Voices Open my eyes to meet your gaze (Miriam Endersby / Kirstina Arakelyan) May we recognise Christ when we see the suffering stranger. Excellent words, set to a new tune which will need to be taught, but is pretty cool. Video. Free book download here.
  • TiS 689 / ATE 286 / GtB Lord hear my praying, listen to me / Sorrowing song (Robin Mann) Powerful words of lamentation to a simple tune. Words are straightforward about asking difficult questions of God. Lyrics.  
  • ATFG561 / Online Resource / Tune In: Part of a fam'ly interconnected / Community (Dave Brown) A song about being welcomed and how to work together as part of a community. "Part of a family interconnected, this is community; Welcoming strangers, visiting neighbours, this gives us dignity". Very singable song about building community. A big favourite at Brunswick Uniting. Free Lyrics, sound sample and free downloadable songbook.
  • TiS 629 / AHB 558 / AoV2-136 / ATA 197 / CH544 / VU600 / A&M575 / Lau888 When I needed a neighbor were you there (Sydney Carter) A classic folk church song. Well known and fits well with this theme. "And the creed and the colour and the name won't matter"... Lyrics. Good for kids. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • NCH104 We hail you God's anointed (James Montgomery) Joyous song of Christ enthroned and bringing justice and love. Oldy but a goody.  
  • Recorded Music When I was hungry (Ger Wolfe) This is a really good song that might be good to play for your congregation. If you have good musicians, they may wish to do a cover. Youtube (live version). Spotify (studio version)
 What ideas do you have? Please share them in a comment below...
Updated on the last day of the 2nd Coronavirus lockdown in Melbourne. 


Unknown said...

For Psalm 100: "make a joyful noise" by Linnea Good, VU p.830.


The link to "Like a Candle" is broken (October 2023).

Would like to source sheet music for this.