Songs, Hymns & Music for Proper 10A / Pentecost 15A (July 16th, 2023)

Genesis 25:19-34
The story of Jacob and Esau; a tale of greed and envy
  • TiS 683 / WoV735 / ELW603 / W&R416 / StF649 God when human bonds are broken (Fred Kaan) These words pick up an unusual theme, and fit really well with this reading. There are a couple of possible tunes, none of which are immediately familiar, but they are not difficult either. Lyrics.
  • Online Resource / Tune In Cover us with love (Elaine Loukes) This song may not be easy for congregations to sing, but it is great to listen to. “Be our vision Lord, in a world that’s filled with greed”. We have not sung this in a while... Lyrics, sound sample, and free downloadable songbook 
  • NCH443 / HPP43 / UMH115 / Cha069 How like a gentle spirit deep within (Eric Lincoln) Sung to the well known tune SURSUM CORDA. Note verses like the final one “Through all our fretful claims of sex and race the universal love of God shines through, for God is love transcending style and place and all the idle options we pursue”. Hmmm… imagine if Jacob and Esau had learned this when they were growing up! A version of the lyrics by the band "Something like Silas" here. If you try the verses without the "so let my heart rejoice" bit, that's a bit like the NCH version.New words to old tunes
  • FFS20 Forgive forgive us Holy God (Shirley Murray) Very easy tune for a congregation to sing (and there are 5 verses to learn it in!). The words focus on our desensitisation to violence and our greed, so a nice fit for this week's reading. The final verse has a focus on communion, but still makes sense if you are not celebrating the Eucharist this week. Lyrics and sheet music.
  • FFS19 For the hurt I create (John Murray) Beautiful tunes (there are two) and words. Tune (ii) is most simple, so use that if you will sing it as a congregation, but tune (i) is also worth using if you have some good musicians who can sing it for your congregation. If using tune (ii) you may like to suggest to your congregation that they simply join in on the "forgive me, Lord, forgive" line, but make sure you teach it to them first, because the third one is different to the other three. "For the hurt that I create.... for the evil I condone... for works of peace I do not do... for hope and help that I refuse... forgive me Lord, forgive"
  • Online Resource / Tune In / NCYC '07 Forgive us now (Dave Brown) This is one of the best songs seeking forgiveness that I know. Lyrics, sound sample, and free downloadable songbook. "Forgive us now, O mother love for all the idols we have built, For all the time we’ve worshipped there in company of dark despair. Forgive us mother of all hope”.
Psalm 119:105-112
God’s word guides us. It's good to know and love it.
  • NCH703 (Elaine Kirkland) A very good arrangement of Psalm 119. The refrain is “Teach me, O God, the way of your statutes” and can be sung in 4 parts. Note that there are three sections. The section for this week’s reading is on p703.
  • STB046 Your Word Will Be A Lamp (Malaysia) (Unknown) This song is in English and set to a Tamil melody, so will need to be taught. It's a little tricky.
  • Taize / TiS 747 / ATE 214 / Iona (M&G) / GtG842 / PfAS027A / URW393 The Lord is my light, my light and salvation (Communauté de Taizé)A simple and very popular Taizé chant. Note that this is really easy on recorder if you have a kid in your congregation who is learning it. Good for kids. Youtube.
  • TiS 129 / AHB 56 / AoV1-029 / ATA 131 / NCH547 / CH555 / UMH378 / VU266 / LBW448 / ELW779 / A&M587 / GA437 / HPP334 / GtG649 / PH280 / G(II)434 / GC612 / GC(II)586 / G(3)645 / CP352 / CP(E) 375 / W&R422 / Cha546 / ZSS202 / Srce25 / Lau846 / StF440 / MP031 Amazing grace how sweet the sound (John Newton) I once was lost... I think you all know this one. Nice youtube of some Sacred Harp singing, and a story. I love the recording of Dr G Yunipingu singing this in Yolngu; so sad that he is no longer singing on this earth. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • TiS 430 / AHB 337 / Cha324 / StF164 Your words to me are life and health (G Currie Martin) I really like this old hymn. It’s a bit old fashioned, but it still works, I think. Lyrics. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • WoV658 / ELW506 / URW078The word of God is source and seed (Delores Dufner) "The Word of God is source and seed; It comes to die and sprout and grow. So make your dark earth welcome warm; Root deep the grain God bent to sow." Lyrics (downloads a pdf).
  • AHB 341 A lamp for our feet has been given (Granton Douglas Hay) Solid words and a great old Welsh tune. I wouldn’t be desperate to sing this one, but if all you have is the AHB, it’s worth it. 
  • Linnea Good / MV008 And on this path (Linnea Good) An energetic gospel style song. Here's a youtube video. We sing it much slower than this and as a gospel style song with big chords and a groovy bass part. I thought I'd never say that we sing something slower than anyone!
  • ATE246 / UMH601 / HPP256 / GtG458 / W&R664 / Cha326 / Cha759 / VU840 Thy word is a lamp unto my feet / Your word is a lamp unto my feet (Michael W Smith) Cha326 has this arranged as a simple chorus, and Cha759 and VU840 both use a line from the chorus as a sung response, and responsively read passage. Neither version has the verses, but really, the chorus is probably all you need. Video & longish introduction from Amy Grant, lacking her 80s hair.
  • MV108 I know your word (Simei Monteiro) A simple Brazilian rhythm and a catchy tune. Great for kids, and a good song for adults too. “I know your word, your word is a lamp to my feet O God. I know your word is a lamp, O God, to light my path forever”. Lyrics (downloads a pdf)Good for kids.
  • TiS 398 / AHB 310 / AoV1-118 / NCH289 / CH489 / UMH475 / VU367 / GA375 / A&M238 / LBW508 / ELW804 / GtG282 / PH313 / GC465 / GC(II)471 / G(3)556 / RS617 / CP645 / CP(E) 175 / W&R330 / Cha582 / Srce100 / Lau303 / StF372 / MP089 Come down O Love divine (William Williams) Old fashioned, but still inclusive and very well known. Words and sheet music. Hymnals vary a lot in the lyrics with respect to thees and thys and words like "vesture". Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • TiS 428 / AHB 340 / A&M658 / CP(E) 460 / 82Hml-628 / StF501 Help us O Lord to learn (William Watkins Reid) Great challenging words about being committed to learning the faith. Boring tune though. I would sing it to ST THOMAS (TiS 271 / AHB 198) Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • SP&P037 Open our hearts (Joe Rowley) A simple song, with suggested parts for rhythm instruments (djembe, clave, shaker); would be a good processional, or could be used for the entry of scriptures. Good for kids.
  • Iona (CAYP) / ATFG585 /  PfAS119K Send out your light Lord, send your truth (Iona) Very simple and quite lovely Psalm refrain or chant.
  • Iona (We walk his way) We walk his way / Ewe Thina (South African) A joyful, simple song. Sound sample (YouTube). Good for kids.
Alternative Hebrew Scripture: Isaiah 55:10-13
The cycle of nature, and of our words; hand-clapping trees
  • TiS 755 / ATA 196 / CH804 / VU884 / SFFS 2278 / A&M484 / HPP219 / GTG080 / CP662 / W&R710 / SP82 / Srcs830 / URW449 / Lau878 / STF487 / MP796 You shall go out with joy / The trees of the field (Stuart Dauerman) This is a good hand clappy foot stomping song. Fun. Lyrics. Good for kids. Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • Inclusive Hymns for Liberating Christians Celebrate a new day dawning (Jann Aldredge-Clanton) Great new hymn words, sung to ODE TO JOY. "Clapping trees and laughing rivers join our call to liberty". Lyrics New words to old tunes.
  • SP&P052 For you shall go out and be led forth with peace (Gellar) A good alternative to the happy clappy version. It contains much more of the reading as well. 
  • TiS 663 / NCH108 / CH241 / VU680 / GtG077 / PH337 / W&R532 Isaiah the prophet has written (Joy Patterson) Excellent words of Isaiah's vision for the future; I prefer to sing this to the tune JUDAS AND MARY (this is not the set tune in TiS). Lyrics (note: a different tune).
  • URW450 For you shall go out with joy (Don Saliers) A fun song for group singing; this, and the last line, will need to be taught to four groups in your congregation, who each repeat their simple line over and over. Particularly good for less formal services or to involve all ages; it could be taught during the children's talk, along with a conversation about what it might mean. No projections or pewsheets needed! 
  • Tune In / Online Resource The desert will spring to life / Making things new (Sheree Anderson). A catchy pop song. Great for kids, and excellent imagery. Lyrics, sound sample, and free downloadable songbook. Good for kids.
  • VU870 / CP419 / W&R25 / URW069 Let all creation bless the Lord (Carl P Daw) A very majestic hymn (the to tune MIT FREUDEN ZART). A good opening hymn. Lyrics and sheet music.New words to old tunes.
  • MV168 May peace be with you / Salamun Kullaheen (Traditional Lebanese) Simple chant in English and Arabic. I reckon this would be a good one for our congregation to learn.
  • Online Resource As rivers flow from a distant spring (David Bjorlin / William Beckstrand) Beautiful words using imagery of creation to inspire us to lives based in God's love that care for others, including the earth. Sound sample. Book available to purchase and download here
  • NCH401 / GtG308 / W&R388 O god in whom all life begins (Carl P Daw) Excellent words of living as a community of faith. Sung to a simple English melody. Lyrics & sheet music
Alternative Psalm for the Isaiah reading: Psalm 65:(1-8), 9-13
Deliverance, hope, God’s power over nature, rain and harvest
  • Online Resource / MV144 / SP&P073 Like a healing stream (Bruce Harding) Gentle folksy ballad with a lot of water imagery - healing stream, gentle rain, river strong and mighty sea. Would need to be introduced, but would catch on pretty quickly, I think. Free sheet music.
  • GWA008 Listen! There is a call to worship in the hidden sinews of our being (Carla Grosch-Miller) No music! This is a very beautiful poem which could be read and provided to your congregation. 
  • PfAS065C Your paths overflow with plenty (Ray Makeever) Ridiculously simple one line Psalm refrain, and the words are so nice! 
  • NCH766 / CH767 / Songs for Liturgy 88 / CP324 / GtG590 / PfAS148G Hallelujah hallelujah (Dumisami Maraire) A simple and joyful Alleluia in 3/4 in 3 parts. This one is particularly good if you can get all three parts going. It's pretty straight forward, and catchy. PfAS uses it as a Psalm refrain for Psalm 148, so you could do that, or sing any alleluia you like as a refrain for this Psalm. Good for kids  Sound sample 
  • TiS 119 / AHB 40 / NCH012 / UMH152 / VU231 / HPP39 / GtG032 /  PH288 / W&R31 / Cha064 / 82Hml-398 / Lau684 / StF107 / MP293 I sing the almighty power of God / We sing the mighty power of God (Isaac Watts) I really like this old hymn, especially sung to ELLACOMBE, but it can also be sung to FOREST GREEN. VU, NCH and Chalice have inclusive language, but other hymnals (like TiS and AHB, are not).  Lyrics and sheet music.  Oldy-but-a-goody.
  • STB166 Picture the rugged landscape (Lim / Park) This is beautiful and provides a Korean understanding of this passage; may need some explanation of the different perspective. Lyrics in English and Korean. Best sung by a soloist. 
  • TiS474 / AoV1-012 / ATAR595 / CH623 / SFFS 2236 / HPP553 / A&M363 / GtG401 / G(II)539 / GC839 / GC(II)743 / G(3)848  / CP465 / W&R649 / Cha284 / SP175 / URW054 / Lau475 Here in this place new light is streaming / Gather us in (Marty Haugen) Excellent words, very well known. “Nourish us well and teach us to fashion lives that are holy and hearts that are true”. Lyrics, sound samples, sheet music.
  • MV163 River running in you and me (Ian Macdonald / Gordon Light) Terrific words with lots of river imagery, a song of the spirit, and of challenge when times are hard. If this is not familiar, just get a soloist to sing it while the congregation joins in the last line "River run deep, river run free". The verses are not metrical, so it will take more time to sing them with confidence. Lead sheet and chords.
  • GWA043 / Recorded Music Come One Come All (Malcolm Gordon) A delightful song of welcome "Come one, come all to life that's whole; Come one, come all to love that's full". So glad this is now published in a hymnal, making it accessible. The chorus is lovely! Sound sample and purchase options.
  • TiS 690 / CH259 / A&M557 / StS115 / SP237 / Srce54 / StF693 / MP806 Beauty for brokenness hope for despair (Graham Kendrick) Themes of healing from personal and universal suffering and an emotive chorus. “Refuge from cruel wars, havens from fear, cities for sanctuary, freedoms to share, peace to the killing-fields, scorched earth to green; Christ for the bitterness, his cross for the pain”. It's a bit schmaltzy. Video.
  • TiS 647 / AoV2-012 / ATN 25 Comfort, comfort all my people (Robin Mann) Easy to sing, beautiful lyrics. Chorus is “Comfort, comfort all my people, with the comfort of my word. Speak ye tender to my people, all your sins are taken away”. Note that most sources only list 2 verses, but there are two additional (more challenging) verses you may wish to consider using written for the Christmas Bowl in 1988; thanks to Simon for alerting me to them. Lyrics (including additional verses), mp3 sample.
  • Emergent Psalter The fields are clothed with grain (Isaac Everett) A good quality sung refrain. The author also suggests using this Psalm as a grace. Nice idea. Sheet music sample (Click on "Downloads" tab).
  • TiS 755 / ATA 196 / CH804 / VU884 / SFFS 2278 / A&M484 / HPP219 / GTG080 / CP662 / W&R710 / SP82 / Srcs830 / URW449 / Lau878 / STF487 / MP796  You shall go out with joy / The trees of the field (Steffi Karen Rubin / Stuart Dauerman) This is a good hand clappy foot stomping song. Fun. Lyric video. Good for kids.  
  • ORAiY Dumiyah (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A simple chant-like refrain to encourage quiet reflection. Sound sample.
  • TiS 100 / AHB 3 / NCH017 / CH147 / UMH62 / VU217 / LBW527 / ELW835 / A&M532 / GA395 / HPP261 / GtG020 / PH455 / GtG015 / GC534 / GC(II)523 / G(3)611 / CP(E) / 250 / W&R23 / Cha022 / 82Hml-400 / Lau694 / StF099 / MP007 All creatures of our God and King (Francis of Assisi) A good classic sing! Hymnals vary a LOT in their translations and verses included. Using only Alleluia Alleluia or "Sing your praises" as some hymnals do, eliminates the "Oh praise him" which makes it annoyingly male exclusive. NCH has "To you, O God, all creatures sing" and eliminates all kingly language. ELW has "All creatures worship God most high". Lyrics and sheet music. Oldy-but-a-goody.  
  • CH227 / PfAS065A The earth is yours O God (Michael Saward) A simple hymn paraphrase of this Psalm. To the tune ROSSLEIGH. LyricsNew words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource The River of God (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) A call and response song. Lyrics, sound sample.
Romans 8:1-11
Christ set us free; live by the Spirit.
  • Tune In / Online Resource Spirit of the Father, Spirit of our Mother / Alive in me (Sheree Anderson) Catchy boppy pop song about God's spirit within us and within the world. Music sample, sound sample and lyrics. Good for kids. Music sample, sound sample and free downloadable songbook.
  • Online Resource The gospel of my body (Amanda Udis-Kessler) This song affirms the holiness of our bodies, and how our nature as embodied beings drives our call to social justice. Sound sample. Sheet music
  • TiS 410 / AHB 323 / LBW523 / ELW582 / NCH59 / CP655 / 82Hml-511 Holy Spirit, ever dwelling (Timothy Rees) I like these words, but prefer to sing it to NETTLETON (TiS 392). Lyrics and sound sample. New words to old tunes
  • NCH057 / VU379 / WoV688 / LBW459 / ELW399 / SFFS 2121 / CP(E) 188 / Cha251 / URW079 / VF055 O Holy Spirit root of life (Jean Janzen) Good words from Hildegard of Bingen of "Holy Spirit","Eternal Vigour" and "Holy Wisdom". I like the phrase "encompass us with wings unfurled". Simple known tune (PUER NOBIS). Lyrics. New words to old tunes.
  • TiS 421 Where the Spirit is there's freedom (Per Harling) Fun and good. Can be sung with the congregation in two halves singing each part, which is not too hard once they have the hang of singing it in unison. Good for kids. Lyrics.
  • SFFS 2228 / Online Resource Sacred the Body (Ruth Duck) Excellent words - and it's not easy to find good songs for this passage. The tune is new, but very simple and beautiful. It will be picked up very quickly by most congregations. "Sacred the body God has created, temple of Spirit that dwells deep inside. Cherish each person; nurture relation. Treat flesh as holy, that love may abide." Tune and lyrics from Baylor University Christian Ethics Hymns Library (an excellent resource!).
  • NCH060 O Spirit of God (Johann Niedling) Good words of the many facets of the Spirit. The first verse is particularly appropriate for times when there seems to be more suffering in the world than usual. The tune (O HELIGER GEIST - TiS 401) is quite simple and familiar. This is a new translation of the hymn "O Spirit of Life, O Spirit of God".  New words to old tunes 
Matthew 13:1-9, 18-23
The sower and the seed in the soil.  
Many of these songs will be suggested again next week, so this is a good time to teach a new song.
  • Online Resource Seeds that good farmers sow (Adam Tice, USA / Wendell Glick, USA) This is wonderful! It will need to be taught, so would be good for a camp, or a setting where you can come back to it a few times and sing it as a round. There are so many ways to use this. Sound sample. Sheet music sample. Purchasing information.
  • Online Resource / GWA034 Sun soil and seeds (Chris Shelton) Beautiful words and a soothing tune that will be quite straightforward to sing. Lyrics and purchasing options.  
  • Online Resource The seeds of grace are scattered far (Hannah Brown, USA) Good new words which asks open-ended questions about the destiny of these seeds and how we might nourish them. A good source for reflection. Sung to a traditional tune, but it is not familiar to me. Lyrics, sheet music sample and purchasing options. New words to old tunes.
  • Online Resource God is like a foolish farmer (David Bjorlin, USA) Many images of God as farmer, lover, ruler and shepherd, all of them "foolish", but all of them more loving and caring than our usual image of these types of people. Sung to the familiar tune RESTORATION. Lyrics and purchasing options
  • Online Resource / Full of the Spirit As I walked along carrying my seeds / Seed of Love (Heather Price, Australia) This is a little bit country! A good story-telling song, with a very catchy chorus about allowing ourselves to be good soil too. Sound sample and music for purchase. Good for kids. 
  • Seeds of Faith The seed song (Richard Bruxvoort-Colligan) Supremely silly and fun. A good song to sing for the kid’s talk, and get them involved in the actions. Lyrics and sound sample here. Good for (smaller) kids.
  • Tune In / Online Resource A grain of wheat (Sheree Anderson) Unless a grain of wheat falls to the ground and dies, it won't form roots and grow. A boppy song with deeply meaningful lyrics. Lyrics, sound sample, and free downloadable songbook.
  • WoV658 / ELW506 / URW078The word of God is source and seed (Delores Dufner) "The Word of God is source and seed; It comes to die and sprout and grow. So make your dark earth welcome warm; Root deep the grain God bent to sow." Lyrics (downloads a pdf).
  • AoVK-156 A sower, a sower, a sower went sowing This is fun. More of a storytelling song than one for joining in.
  • VU584 Through the heart of every city (Sylvia Dunstan) Challenging words about caring for all God's people, particularly in the city. Tune is quite straightforward.
  • ELW736 / SFFS 2060 / GtG005 God the sculptor of the mountains (John Thornburg) A song full of excellent imagery, including "God, the sower of the seed" and "God the reaper of the harvest". Tune will need to be taught, but won’t take long to learn. Good for congregations in times of transition. Lyrics, sound sample, and sheet music.
  • Online Resource As I walked along / Seed of love (Heather Price) A friendly and hopeful song - it's a little bit country. Good for kids. Video with lyrics. Music book and other downloads
  • MV174 Soil of God (Holy Ground) (Jim Hannah) The tune is quite simple and the words are good “Soil of God, you and I, stand ready to bear seeds of faith nourished by God’s tender care”. 
  • Online Resource Leaven us with holy yeast (Hannah Brown / Ben Brody) Great new words with plentiful bread images, and a beautiful tune. The chorus works well on its own, or you can use it with verses (the tune is the same for both). Sheet music sample and purchasing options
  • Online Resource God's promise of peace like a seed in the soil (Adam Tice) Excellent words of growing what is good, caring for creation, and bringing peace to the world. Sung to the familiar tune ST DENIO. Sheet music sample and purchasing options.
  • StS116 I saw a tree by the riverside / The Tree Song (Ken Medema) A great kid’s song about roots growing down to the water, and leaves growing up to the sunshine, and bearing fruit, and all that great stuff. Good for kids. Lyrics.
  • TiS 182 / AoV2-010 / NCH11 / CH134 / VU268 / GtG760 / SFFS 2047 / HPP13 / CP395 / Cha010 Bring many names beautiful and good (Brian Wren) This is a beautiful song, but it's very long (especially if sung too slowly). Try singing one verse unison, then one women, one men, then all together again, to keep people interested in what they are singing. Lyrics and sheet music
  • GtG171 A sower came from ancient hills (Herman Steumpfle) Excellent words to a lovely tune. Sound sample.
  • AoV2-004 / NCH181 / GA478 / CP502 / G(II)468 / GC658 / GC(II)640 / G(3)734 / Lau854 You are a salt for the earth O People / Bring forth the kingdom (Marty Haugen) Joyful song. "Bring forth the reign of justice, bring forth the reign of peace...". Sheet music. Sound sample.
  • WoV713 / ELW512 Lord let my heart be good soil (Handt Hanson) A simple and quite lovely short song with hope of being a fertile place for love and peace to grow.  

What will you be singing? Please share your ideas below!


Unknown said...

About the song suggestion for July 16, VU584 ("In the heart of every city", text by Dunstan) - you will find that the link takes you to a new (very singable) song tune that is different than the much older tune printed in Voices United (VU). Same words though. Sylvia Dunstan was a United Church of Canada minister who tragically died from cancer in the 1993 and as far as I know, hadn't specified a musical setting for her words.

Anonymous said...

One that I find fits well with the sowing of seed parable is TiS693 - Come as you are that's how I want you.
I liken it to sowing seed everywhere, no thought (judgement) of where it fallin the hope that at least some of it will grow.

Alan Copithorne said...

Another hymn in the NCH is # 318, "Almighty God, Your Word is Cast." The hymn notes tell us that the author was an Anglican priest who grew up on a farm. His words were based on the Parable of the Sower. The tune is familiar: St. Flavian.

Nicole said...

Along the lines of Gods Word being sown, Add in "God has Spoken by his prophets" TIS 158

Unknown said...

small correction You shall go out with joy / The trees of the field in CP is actually #662

Tessa S said...

I may use Seed, Scattered and Sown by Dan Feiten in reference to the Matthew 13 Gospel reading.

The Rev. Dr. Daniel Rodriguez Schlorff said...

Thanks for these great suggestions. Unfortunately, few of the above hymns are included in my hymnal, but I found that Wonderful Words of Life is a fitting sermon response hymn for the Parable of the Sower.