Songs for Autumn / Fall

  • HiOS008 Autumn comes in all its fullness (Bill Wallace) Lovely hopeful words sung to a fairly standard sounding hymn tune, which will be pretty easy to sing. Lyrics.
  • ATN38 One by one you call us home / Like autumn leaves upon the ground (Robin Mann) Lovely words of comfort to a folk tune; includes imagery of Jesus washing our feet. Lyrics.
  • UMH086 Mountains are all aglow (Ok In Lim) Good lyrics of harvest. I am not sure about the tune, because I don't have this book. Lyrics.
  • BUC Song Project There's a single leaf left on my tree / Jesus Set Us Free (Dave Brown) A great new song from Dave; not yet published, but it could be sung at BUC.
Songs with a focus on all seasons
  • Unknown Source We'll weave a love / Song of Community (Carolyn McDade, Canada) A song of all seasons. It's a little bit tricky to learn, but once learned, you will not forget it "We'll weave a love that greens sure as spring, then deepens in summer to the fall autumn brings". Youtube with lyrics.
  • Not Online Resource Flow'ring in the summer / Faithful Seasons (Helen Wiltshire, Australia) Australian imagery for all the seasons, and how it's worth celebrating them! If you have a copy of this, it's worth digging out. Unfortunately, it's not available online anymore.
  • CH141 / A&M548 / SP250 / URW077 / StF114 Oh the life of the world is a joy and a treasure (Kathy Galloway, Scotland) Good inclusive words about God's presence in "the life of the world" (nature, seasons, childbirth, justice). The tune is a simple Celtic-style melody.  LyricsTune sample.
  • STB026 Seasons Come Seasons Go / Ella kaladollu (Bhajan, India) I think this song would not be too hard to learn, but it will need to be taught because the melody (THANDHEYU) will not be familiar. The words are really quite lovely, including the English translation. Sheet music sample.
  • VU632 / StS100 / WoV695 / ELW447 / SFFS 2076 / StF617 / LUYH794 O blessed Spring where word and sign (Susan Palo Cherwien, USA) Imagery of Christ the vine and the changes that the seasons bring, this song speaks of all four seasons. Hymnals vary in the tune selected. I like it best to O WALY WALY.  Lyrics.
Does your congregation have a favourite seasonal song? Add a comment below!

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